What bad thoughts can a kitten have?

“..Is this letter asking you, Little Keli, to go to the Golden Apple Islands and look for that Great Demon King?”

Mu Jin read the letter several times back and forth, and double-checked.

“It seems so… Sister Aponia, what should Keli do? I want to go to Brother Abbe, but he’s not here…”

Ke Li’s face was full of grievances, and she protected the Duduke doll in her arms like a treasure: “Ke Li doesn’t want the big devil to snatch Duduke away!”

Thinking of the plot where she could witness many scenes of Abbe, Mu Jin forced herself to hold back her smile, and coughed a few times pretending to be serious.

“However, Xiao Keli, if you want to travel far away, do you still need someone’s consent?”

If it’s Mondene, it’s okay, Hibiscus can use Aponia’s character card to take her outside to play, but the Golden Apple Islands…

Hibiscus seemed to have seen a yellow signal from Keli’s little head. After blinking, the yellow signal disappeared in an instant.

I’m afraid that a certain yellow hair and her emergency food will come to the Knights in a short while.

“Ke Li has to go to Captain Qin before she can ask for leave…”

Keli immediately thought of a certain stern captain Qin, thought for a while, and rushed into Mu Jin’s arms.

Rubbed her broad chest with her little head.

“Sister Aponia, Sister Aponia, help Keli, please, please~”

“You, this is the only time you can think of me to help you, right?”

Mu Jin was a little helpless, but she was actually ready to talk to Qin about this matter, but she was not in a hurry. Anyway, she had to wait for Ying and Paimon to come here before the plot could be triggered.

“Hey, Keli knows that Sister Alponia is the best~”

Keli had a happy smile on her face, and it seemed that the matter that had been entangled for a long time was finally resolved.

Ke Li, who was completely relaxed, soon fell asleep in Mu Jin’s arms.

She was still holding Duduke’s doll tightly in her hands.

No wonder I refused to sleep when I took a nap recently, and I had to look around nervously, desperatelyHold this little doll..

It turned out that he was frightened into this appearance..

She reached out and took off the hat on Keli’s head, put it aside, and then took off the little boots and socks for the little guy.

After gently putting the sleeping Keli on the bed, Mu Jin breathed a sigh of relief, moved her body a little, stretched her waist, then gently opened the door and walked out.

I’m going to take this letter to tell Qin about this matter.

Although she knew that Ying would persuade Qin, Mu Jin still wanted Keli to know that she had at least tried her best.

As a result, as soon as she went out, she saw Ying, the honorary knight who hurriedly opened the door of the knight order, and her emergency food, and walked in.

Ying immediately met those plain eyes, and the sixth sense in her heart made the alarm bell in her mind ring quickly.

“Who are you?”

This person is very dangerous…you have to keep your distance. By the way, have you heard her voice before? A little familiar?

Ying subconsciously took a few steps back, looking warily at the woman who was beaten out of the confinement room not far away.

This feeling is exactly the same as the feeling of being watched by someone that day.

This person… Who is it?

Hibiscus, who sensed the voice of the other party, really had to sigh Ying’s vigilance, it is really strong, well, after all, after wandering in three countries for so long, if you are not vigilant, you will be deceived by others, even the emergency food. up.

“Well… I’m just a passing nun who came to take care of little Keli. If you don’t believe me, you can ask Miss Qin.”

Although I originally came here for Qin… I originally took care of Keli just for reward, but that child is so cute, how could I have the heart to refuse all her requests?

That’s why Hibiscus’ main goal now is to take care of the lovely Keli, while Qin, who often works overtime in the office… has become a friendly person who occasionally talks.

Even if Mu Jin wanted to gain favor and complete the mission, since the head’s office was not a place she could enter and exit casually, this method could only be postponed.

But fortunately, Lisa, who had been working for several days, would forcefully drag Qin out to rest, and she would be pushed on a chair by the other party to enjoy afternoon tea in the spare time in the afternoon.

Just like yesterday.

Cough cough cough, think too much, think too much…

Really, when thinking about what happened yesterday, Mu Jin would subconsciously think of the fact that someone was pressed on her lap and slapped her butt, and as a result, she didn’t even dare to sit on a chair today.

She is the nun who takes care of Keli? But which nun dresses so astringently?

Ying’s disbelieving eyes lingered back and forth on Mu Jin’s body, and she didn’t seem to believe much.

Unexpectedly, what Ying would notice was the nun’s costume she was wearing.

Well…Actually, Hibiscus also thinks that the nun’s clothes she is wearing are not very serious…or normally speaking, the clothes are very serious.

But Aponiya’s figure is really… so good that it explodes, so she turned into this appearance. It’s really not because of the dirty clothes on her body!

Having such a good figure is not what I want to have..

Although I really want to explain it to Ying like this, I always feel that I can’t explain it clearly now.

So, let’s treat it as if nothing happened.

“Just right, I have something to do with Miss Qin, come with me?”

The gentle expression on Mu Jin’s face was really irresistible. If it wasn’t for Ying’s sixth sense to make her more vigilant, she might have been fooled by the harmless appearance of the other party.

“Huh? Keli said she was going to the Golden Apple Islands… What is this place?”

After reading the letter in her hand, Qin rubbed the space between her brows. The smell from the letter reminded her of someone.

“I don’t know, but because of this letter, Keli seems very unhappy recently. If I can find this place, I’d like to accompany this child.”

Qin set her sights on Ying and Paimon who were standing not far from the nun lady. After exchanging pleasantries, she asked the well-informed two people if they knew this place.

While listening to the conversation between the two, Ying did know that the other party was indeed a nun who took care of Keli… and felt sorry for the mistake she had just made.

But let’s apologize to the lady later, now Ying is a little curious about where the so-called Golden Apple Islands are.

An archipelago growing many apples? It shouldn’t be this kind of place, right?

“Golden Apple Islands…Couldn’t it be a place where golden apples grow! Traveler! I want to go to this place too!” Ying looked helplessly at the one who wanted to join in

And Jyn thought that if Aponia hadn’t come with the letter, she would really have thought it was a random letter written by Keli for a long trip.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that Keli can’t write such a complete letter… It’s impossible for the handwriting to be so perfect, so I can only throw this idea to the back of my mind.

Who on earth could quietly put the letter on Keli’s window sill? Even asked a child to go to this so-called Golden Apple Islands to defeat this big devil…

Could it be that someone had nothing to do to play tricks on Keli?Qin frowned slightly: “In short, I know about this matter, but let’s wait for Keli to talk about it in more detail.”

Although she felt that what Keli had learned about the incident seemed a little difficult, she could only try her best to understand it.

“So, Knight of Honor, what happened when you returned to the Knights this time?” Qin put her eyes on Ying, and her gray-purple eyes looked at a large pile of search cards that the other party took out from nowhere. People notice.

“Hey hey… I just went back to Mond to find a friend, that… can I post it on the bulletin board?” She had a smile on her face, and the missing person notice in her hand made Mujin read more Two eyes.

Hmm… The painting is not bad, it seems that I have put a lot of effort into painting… It’s just that I never expected Ying to be quite persistent with me?

After muttering a few words in her heart, Mu Jin casually found a reason and left. Anyway, she had already told Qin about this matter, and the next step was to wait for Keli’s child to explain it clearly to Qin.

After that, just wait honestly for the plot to start.

Hibiscus immediately thought of what would happen to Yula who stayed in Mond after she went to the Golden Apple Islands to get mixed up…

Although the other party said to give her time to think about it, if she went to the Golden Apple Islands and she was not at home, would Yula think she had run away?

If the opponent’s extreme emotions rise because of this oolong… that’s not acceptable.

Mu Jin rubbed her chin, and after she walked out of the knight group, she came under the statue of the wind god as usual, only to see Barbara surrounded by children.

And when she saw Mu Jin’s existence, her eyes were as if she saw a rescuer.

“Miss Alponia!”

In the next second, Mu Jin saw the group of children turn their heads in unison, and those bright eyes looked at her.

“Sister Alponia! We want to hear stories!”

“No! Sister Alponia wants to play with us!”

Hearing the children’s noisy voices, even she, who was used to it, couldn’t stand it… Was this the treatment that Barbara enjoyed just now?

After seeing another person being surrounded, Barbara, who was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief, relaxed.

Sure enough, every time she went out, she would underestimate the children’s enthusiasm for her, but at least it was better than being surrounded by fanatical fans.

Seeing Mu Jin’s dazed and even helpless expression, Barbara planned to buy the nun something to drink later, so as to express her apology.


Barbara blushed slightly, holding a cup of crimson liquid in her hand, which seemed a little hard to swallow.

After Hibiscus and Barbara coaxed the children, she came to the Cattail Bar at the latter’s invitation.

With Diona’s expression of “If you dare to order wine and drink, I’ll kill you”, both of them ordered their favorite drinks one after another.

Although I know that Barbara likes spicy drinks very much, but…

Mu Jin looked at Barbara, whose cheeks were slightly flushed, and began to wonder how spicy the drink would be.

“Miss Alponia, would you like to have a taste?”

As if she felt the suspicious gaze of the people beside her, Barbara’s eyes lit up all of a sudden, as if she was madly recommending hobbies to her friends.

“No…I’m not very thirsty yet.”

Hibiscus shook her head. She really didn’t dare to try the drink recommended by Barbara, so she honestly took a sip of the fruit juice specially prepared by Diona in her hand.

There is also a little kitten lying in her arms. It is still an orange cat. Although it does not look very fat, the flesh on her body seems to be solid, and she eats delicious food to grow her body. of meat.

Stretching out the other free hand to touch the fur on the kitten’s body, Mu Jin subconsciously thought of Yae Kamito’s appearance as a little fox.

I really don’t know how that guy maintains it so well… The fur on his body is also very comfortable to the touch.

It’s a pity that I have overturned my car in Daozu, and I won’t be able to go back for a while.

Forget it, I still don’t want to think about those things anymore. Thinking so much makes my head hurt.

The most important thing for me now is to deal with Mond’s mission, and then think about what to do next.

“Yo, I didn’t expect you to be here, little idol. It’s really rare.”

A familiar voice appeared not far from the two of them. Rosalia, who walked out of the shadows, greeted Barbara without hesitation.

And it was only then that Barbara remembered what she was here to do today.

“Miss Rosalia! Come back with me to pray! You are the only one left now!” Barbara drank the drink in her hand in one breath, and then showed an apologetic smile to Hibiscus: “Sorry, Miss Alponia, I have something to do.”

She nodded, expressing her understanding.

It’s pretty good to see this person’s helpless face. Who told you to threaten me last time.

Hibiscus’ gaze stayed on Rosalia’s face for a while, and she always felt that the other party didn’t seem so haggard anymore.

“That kind of troublesome thing, it’s nothing without me.”

“Okay, okay, don’t drag me, I can go… Haah… I’m so sleepy…” Rosalia looked meaningfully at a certain nun who was stroking the cat.

Ever since I tentatively talked to her that dayAfter using it, the quality of my sleep has become better.

Hmm… Could it be her fault?

Mu Jin pretended not to hear anything.


I thought I would be able to spend the second day in peace…but the reality will never allow Mu Jin to spend it so ideally.

“Meow meow…meow!”

system! Give me an explanation! Otherwise, I will sue you! ! ! How the **** did I become a kitten! ! ?

As long as Mu Jin lowered her head a little, she could clearly see her pure white hair and the familiar Liyuegang. The whole cat stomped its feet angrily and cursed.

‘Ahahaha… I forgot the host you owed points before, if you don’t pay back part of it by the time… the main system will issue a small penalty. ‘

‘You, don’t worry! If you perform well during the penalty period, the system will lift the penalty for you! ‘

The system did forget about debt points because of the host’s affairs, but it didn’t expect the punishment to come so quickly… It was as if someone was pushing things to become more serious.

‘It’s not a problem… The problem is Mond, what should I do with Yula? ! ’ Hibiscus meowed impatiently, but the cat’s tail, which symbolized her mood, kept wagging violently.

At this time, Yula was holding a freshly prepared breakfast in her hand, looking at the empty and messy room, her bright eyes gradually dimmed.


Picture: “Grass”, location: “Images/1663231379-100278806-109350864.jpg”


Ask for tickets and stickers every day!

Come more!

Today, it is agreed that the third watch will be the third watch!

Let me take a break and continue coding! ! ! More time stickers! Autumn pear paste! Otherwise there is no motivation!

Successfully escaped! :

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