Hey, I can’t think of it (

“This kitten can really sleep…” Yan Fei twitched the corner of her mouth as she looked at the cat who was not being honest when she was sleeping.

“Don’t say that~ Does this mean that Xiaobai really likes you?” Hu Tao had a snack in her mouth, which was stuffed to the brim, and her speech became a little slurred.

“The name is so perfunctory… and you eat all the food first before talking, okay?” Yan Fei’s eyes twitched subconsciously. In a sense, she is not very good at dealing with girls like Hu Tao. child.

Hu Tao has always had a weird personality. You never know what the other party will do in the next moment.

Maybe the chat with you was considered speculative one second, and the next second she took out the flyer of the Hall of Rebirth, trying to get you to buy coffins and other things like the new promotional activities of the Hall of Resurrection…

For example, there is a buy one get one free event. It is very cost-effective to simply die once and send two people away directly.

Even Hu Tao wants to give Grandma Ping a coupon… Really, why does everyone in their family think this way every time they see Grandma Ping…

some smokeHelpless, he looked at Hu Tao, who was lying on the table doing nothing, then at Xiang Ling, who was chatting with Grandma Ping, and finally focused on Mu Jin, who was still awake.

She could clearly feel the cat in her arms, its paws twitching slightly, as if it wanted to run away.

It seems that this dream is not very wonderful…


After opening her eyes, Mu Jin found that she had not returned to Mond, and now she was still that poor, weak and helpless kitten.

It’s just that Mu Jin found that the person holding her has been replaced by Hu Tao, and even the place where she sleeps is no longer Yu Jing Terrace.


Mu Jin got out of Hu Tao’s embrace, looking at everything around her, unexpectedly made her feel novel.

Ever since she turned into a cat, she hasn’t seen the scenery of Liyue from such a high place.

She stretched out her claws and climbed up on Hu Tao’s arm. Mu Jin relied on her size advantage to successfully stand on Hu Tao’s shoulder.

“Oh, you’re awake? You little guy, I never thought it would last this long.”

Hu Tao could clearly feel the weight on her shoulders, coupled with the occasional fuzzy feeling on her cheeks, it made her feel a little itchy.

Mu Jin didn’t respond, but silently rubbed Hu Tao’s cheek to express her response.

“I’ve always liked the scenery here. Shhh, don’t tell Xiangling. This is one of my secret bases. If you let Xiangling know, you’ll be talking about me again.”

Mu Jin looked around, and this is indeed the place where walnuts can be found.

Whose poor child’s roof is this… Hall Master Hu, is it really okay for you to just stand on it so openly?

Although Hibiscus really wanted to complain, she was just a kitten now, the kind of kitten who only meowed to show off her cuteness in order to get snacks.

Also, I can’t speak, even if I express Xiangling with my eyes, I won’t know what I’m talking about…

Even though she spent so long with Hu Tao in Liyue before, Mu Jin still couldn’t keep up with Hu Tao’s overly detached thinking.

“Oh, really, I forgot that you are a kitten.”

It was only then that Hu Tao realized that the one standing on her shoulder was a kitten, and she didn’t have the ability to talk to herself.

“I always think of you as that bad guy Hibiscus…”

Hu Tao looked at the port where Hibiscus went to Daozuma, and said these words with some complaints: “Hmph, when she comes back this time, my hall master will give her a good meal… save this guy Running around..”

Although she said so, Mu Jin could still clearly see the lonely expression on Hu Tao’s face.

Sorry, I’m guilty.

Seeing Hu Tao like this made Mu Jin feel an inexplicable sense of guilt.

It’s not that she doesn’t want to go back to Liyue, but that she has no way to come back now… Mond’s mission has not been completed yet, and Liyue still has a very dangerous Ningguang here.

It’s really not that Mu Jin doesn’t want to come back, she can’t protect herself now, if she returns to Liyue, she doesn’t want her little sister to get involved because of her mess.

Mu Jin never knew that her little sister actually had other thoughts about her.


All she can do now is rub walnut’s cheek to comfort her heart.

“Really, I didn’t expect to be comforted by you.” Hu Tao stretched out her hand and rubbed Mu Jin’s little head, with a helpless tone.

“Really, now is not the time for negative emotions, let’s go, my hall master will take that guy Zhongli to him~ I have to show off our new employee to him~”

Hu Tao’s mood suddenly became brighter, and without saying a word, she found a shortcut and jumped off the roof.

Fortunately, before that, Hu Tao reached out and hugged the cat standing on his shoulder.

Ah, so flat.

This is Mu Jin’s only thought now. After all, she was held in the arms of Xiangling, Ke Qing, Yan Fei and others before, and she felt such a flat treatment all of a sudden. Mu Jin was not used to it in turn. After all, the three Personally, compared with walnuts, the development is very good.

Why is Hu Tao so flat as a young girl?

Forget it, forget it, don’t think about your little sister so much, anyway, Hu Tao is still in a period where she can develop…

But having said that, I always feel that Xiaoshi should get along well with Hutao… After all, it is a character whose brain circuit cannot be used by ordinary people to think at all.

(even very flat)

When she started to think wildly, she inexplicably felt a bit of displeasure with Walnut, holding Hibiscus by the back of her neck, and put her on her shoulders again.

Tsk tsk tsk… This kind of inexplicable discomfort, who is thinking about something bad? don’t let her get caught…

Hu Tao had no idea that the culprit for thinking about some bad things was the kitten on her shoulder.

The very leisurely Mu Jin was lying on Hu Tao’s shoulder at this time, seeing the envious expressions of the people around her, Mu Jin’s expression became even more lazy.

You must know that I can’t find such a well-behaved cat anywhere else~

“Hey! Hey! Isn’t that Zhongli!”

One person and one cat walked around the night market, and finally came out after eating and drinking.

Then somewhereIn the teahouse listening to the opera, I saw Zhongli drinking tea leisurely, Hu Tao entered this teahouse with an excited face, and sat next to Zhongli without being polite at all.

Already full, Hibiscus was too lazy to move, so he simply lay on Hu Tao’s shoulder and rested with his eyes closed.

“Why does Master Hu have the time to come here?”

Zhong Li’s pale golden eyes looked at the girl sitting on the side, and watched her pour the tea very familiarly, without tasting the taste, and just drank it directly.

“Damn, I accidentally ate something too spicy just now… Kekeke, I’m glad I saw you here.” Hu Tao cleared his throat, and the blush from the heat on his cheeks eased: “I I have something to say to you today, it’s very important.”

“Huh? What’s the matter?” As a guest of the Past Life Hall, Zhongli actually had trouble dealing with his own Hall Master Hu, especially her…weird thoughts.

Zhongli, who can make him live for such a long time, can’t cope with those weird ideas. Hu Tao should be the first person who can do it.

“Look quickly! This is the new employee of Xiangshengtang!”

Without saying a word, Hu Tao took off the hibiscus hanging around his neck, and hugged the dazed kitten in his arms, with a very happy smile on his face.

She gestured to Zhongli with her eyes, and looked into her arms.


Zhong Li lowered his head slightly, and his eyes met the white cat in Hu Tao’s arms very directly. The most outrageous thing was that Mu Jin actually saw a hint of confusion in his eyes.

“Master Hu…is this?”

No matter how you say it, Zhong Li can be regarded as a person who has experienced big storms, but he seems to have never seen this kind of situation.

Hall Master Hu actually wanted a cat to join the Hall of Resurrection. Thinking about it carefully, it seemed that she could indeed do it.

But Zhong Li didn’t seem to want to just accept the reality, so he took the initiative to ask.

“Huh? Obviously, this is a new employee of our Xiangsheng Hall. Come on, Xiaobai, say hello to Zhongli.”

“Meow~” Hibiscus meowed very cooperatively, waved her paw along the way, then pretended nothing happened, and licked her paw.

“This really…suits you.” Zhongli shook his head helplessly, and after taking a sip of his tea, he seemed to accept the reality quickly: “But as long as the hall master likes it.”

Forget it, he’s just a guest of the Pastoral Hall. Since Hall Master Hu did this, there must be her deep meaning.

As Hu Tao thought, her guest Qing did not show any expression on her face. In the end, she could only curl her lips. She thought she could still see the surprised look on the other person’s face, but it turned out to be so bland, and it was meaningless to tease her.

Mu Jin looked at Zhongli who was silently drinking tea. At this time, the other party was immersed in the world of storytelling, and then raised her head to look at the idle and boring Hu Tao. After seeing the other party yawned, she couldn’t bear it either. I yawned.

“It’s so boring.”

The expression on Zhongli’s face was also so boring.

Hu Tao’s fingers were teasing the cat in her arms, but in the end it was because the cat bit her finger lightly in displeasure that this man stopped wanting to rua her stomach.

No matter how you say it, Hibiscus will be shy when her stomach is touched!

It felt like someone had taken off all the clothes on his body and touched them with his hands. It was really embarrassing.

“Really, you actually bit me~ Forget it, my lord has a lot, so I don’t care so much with you~”

Looking at the bite marks left on his fingers, Hu Tao just flicked the hibiscus and his brain collapsed.

Accompanied by the last paragraph, this storytelling story ended so simply and neatly, leaving a suspense incidentally.

When the two of them returned to the Hall of Resurrection, the little girl Yiguan took out the bill that had been prepared a long time ago and handed it to Hu Tao.

Zhong Li didn’t look guilty at all, and even looked at the bill in his hand with Hu Tao in an open and aboveboard manner.

“In a sense, I’m not too surprised that Zhongli will continue to send bills at the Pastoral Hall after you buy things in other areas.”

Zhong Li chuckled a few times. After watching Hu Tao put the bill aside, she was about to say something when she stopped.

“I know you forgot to bring Mora. It’s a very good reason. Don’t use it next time.”

“That’s it, the main hall has gone to rest, and tomorrow I have to continue to promote the activities of the Hall of Rebirth!”

Hu Tao didn’t give Zhongli a chance to continue talking, and returned to her room with the cat in her arms.

“That’s the end of the day… Haah, I’m so tired.”

After putting the hibiscus on the ground, Hu Tao stretched her waist. She obviously hadn’t done anything today, but she was surprisingly tired.

Seeing that Mu Jin took small steps and jumped onto Hu Tao’s bed with great dexterity, she exchanged a glance with the person behind her.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but Hu Tao felt that she saw an inexplicably cute emotion in the cat’s eyes.

It’s very similar to when someone was staying with her before. Whenever she finished washing, the first thing she would see was the white hair ball curled up in her bed, blinking her eyes.

After regaining consciousness, all Hu Tao saw was the little furry guy curled up in the bed.


I didn’t expect that guy like Mujin to think of it to such an extent, he doesn’t look like himself at all.

After walnut stretched again, he took off the hat that was on his head and put it on the table.

The next thing is not for the little cat to see.

At least when Mu Jin saw that Hu Tao started to take off her clothes and was about to rest, her head was already under the bed.

Act as if you didn’t see anything.

After a while, Mu Jin felt that Hu Tao lifted the quilt, stretched out her hand, and hugged her in her arms.

Sure enough, there are people/cats warming the bed, so it’s comfortable~

You must know that Mu Jin bought a house to live in, and Hu Tao couldn’t get used to sleeping on the bed by herself for a while.

I don’t know why, but Hu Tao always feels that Hibiscus seems to be getting farther and farther away from her… She is obviously by her side, but it just makes her lack a sense of… security?

Hu Tao doesn’t know how to describe this feeling, but she is also a young girl in her prime.

As for certain things… She is actually quite yearning for it.

It’s just that wood meets wood, is it really okay?

Thinking about some messy things in her mind, Hu Tao finally felt drowsy, rubbed her eyes, and held Hibiscus in her arms who was still asleep.

“Tomorrow…Xiaobai, you will be the lucky cat of Xiangshengtang…hehe…a lot of achievements…”

After Mu Jin heard the other party finish saying this with satisfaction, she finally fell asleep in a drowsy state.

Feeling the soft hibiscus of someone’s body, it is rare to thank the deceiving system from the bottom of my heart. Although I didn’t have this treatment at all when I was still a person (?), being a cat is really happy.

The system looked at the punishment that the main system would give to the host, and one couldn’t help laughing out loud, hoping that the host would still be so happy soon.


Mu Jin, who opened her eyes again, looked at Inazuma City, who was most familiar with her, and was silent for a while.

Is it too late to change the system now?

Mu Jin could only scold her cheating system from the bottom of her heart, what method did this guy use to send himself to Dao’s wife who managed to escape before! ? ! ?

Is it really a day trip to the moon? !

The system snickered. Seeing the host so deflated, he was so happy.

Mu Jin could only stand up again, looked around, and realized that she seemed to be lying next to the dumpling milk vendor just now.

Although she didn’t know why she appeared here, Mu Jin’s sixth sense already wanted her to use her fastest speed to leave here immediately.

“Master General, is it still the same today?”

Hearing the voice of the vendor’s owner, Mu Jin really didn’t even dare to turn her head, and was about to run away.

But unfortunately, Hibiscus was still one step too late after all.

She could only feel the back of her neck being picked up, and she didn’t dare to move. Mu Jin didn’t really want to feel it a second time.

Looking at her eyes that were much darker than before, Mu Jin really wanted to get the system out and beat her up.


Picture: “Grass”, location: “Images/1663493443-100278806-109363981.jpg”


Ask for tickets and stickers every day! !

Come more, come more!

Autumn Pear Paste!

It has already been agreed that there will be three shifts today, so it will be three shifts. I keep my word.

But I’m so tired of offering rewards… I want to catch fish, woo woo woo

Successfully escaped! :

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