“So what’s next?” Some hesitated.

Match now that there is an outrageous robot, will they continue to fight?

“A robot, looking at the record, is to match the robot, what kind of stinky fish and rotten shrimp are matched, don’t I need to say more?”

“That’s it, I’m afraid of a hair, this time Lao Tzu is going to be serious, fight him well!”

“It doesn’t matter, I’ll shoot.”

After the kings understood the details of Lu Xiu, they didn’t pay so much attention.

At the end of the day, it’s just a piece of data code that doesn’t affect them anything.

Everyone did not know what kind of nightmare countless masters of the national service would encounter in the next few days.


The next two days were still calm for Lu Xiu.

But for the many passers-by kings in the national service, it is a real nightmare.

It’s really that his style of play is so outrageous.

Bloody, violent, and humiliating.

Every time is an extreme operation, every time it is a bloody counter-kill, giving the opponent the feeling like… Only one step away, only one step away from killing him, but this last step is like a heavenly graben!

That’s all, what makes everyone unbearable the most is Lu Xiu’s attitude of not treating them as people at all!

Have you ever seen the operation of thinking that you are too dish, deliberately resisting the tower, and then counter-killing?

Have you ever seen demons who think you have died too many times without economy, deliberately raised pigs, and then slaughtered you again?

Not to mention what not to buy equipment, dancing in front of the tower, and even dancing across the spring and other frenzied, and bizarre outrageous operations.

For two consecutive days, Lu Xiu gave people the feeling of slaughtering chicken dogs, killing indiscriminately in the national service.

But everyone still can’t help him!

“Why do you want to abuse me like this, brother Quan!”

“Don’t be like this, I’m hot in my fragrant pills!”

“He… Is it deliberately letting the troop line let me upgrade? ”

“I’m dead! Ah! ”


“…… Who do you look down on? ”

“Woo hoo… I don’t want to play anymore! Whining… It’s too much of a bully! ”

Dong Yueyue, the queen of the national service, may be because of her relatively young age and glass heart, after being humiliated by the robot for five consecutive games, she didn’t hold a mussel and cried!

Beat a king cute girl to tears alive!!

This video exploded on Tieba and B station, and instantly detonated inside and outside the national service!

People who didn’t pay attention to these things before also knew everything.

And then everyone exploded too!

“That’s too much!”

“A little girl, is it easy to start a live broadcast!”

“Be a person!!”

“Eh… The opposite side is not a real person, don’t be angry with the robot, he is code, no feelings! ”

“That can’t be like that!”

“Are you the devil?!”

The army of licking dogs was dispatched, and on the other side, Ah Shui and other real big hands were also unbelievable.

Of course, they can’t believe that the robot has not lost a single game so far!

“This robot is still winning?!”

“No, it used to be able to win streaks, but now the ranking is closed, the matching is full of masters, no matter how strong it is, it won’t lose a game, right?”

“The main thing is that LOL is a game of five people, how can he win if his teammates can’t do it?”

As everyone knows.

LOL is a game for five people!

Focus, five people!

Even if it is a robot, it is just a person.

This dooms the robot to never win all the time.

Moreover, in the past, the robot played matching players, and the exaggerated data was barely acceptable.

But now?

All the masters of the national service gathered to match, so many geniuses, they couldn’t stop the robot, and they couldn’t even win a battle?

You know, today’s national service is not the time for S12.

The end of S5 and the beginning of S6 are the era of national service masters and geniuses.

Take a look at the top ten players who are now in the national service to know.

Dopa, Spicy Fragrant Pot, Xi Ye, Ning Wang, A Shui, Xiaoming, ruo, TheShy, Call Me Guanren, Beethoven…

Just by looking at these IDs, you can see how outrageous today’s national uniform is.

The most second is also the future LPL first-line player.

A certain dog once said – after S6, the national service ranking has no gold content.

This statement is actually true.

Now, it’s time for the national service to have the highest gold content!

“Many people didn’t pay attention to him before, if everyone goes together, they will definitely win!”

King Ning knew something, just like him, except for the first day when he encountered the robot, he was a little surprised, and he didn’t pay attention to this so-called official man-machine in the next few days.

“Yes, the best group of people don’t know at all, once ranked down, many of them didn’t even play the game.”

Bob also nodded.


Ah Shui’s eyes lit up, and he calculated his heart.

“Can’t let him continue to win, although many big hands have not played the game, but according to the robot to win like this, the first district will be slaughtered!”

“One man fights one city, I don’t know if you can stand it, anyway, I can’t stand this humiliation.”

“A genius in a division, the strongest 200 people in the country, can’t beat a robot?! Make people laugh! ”

Who knows, before Ah Shui could speak, King Ning’s temper exploded.

His words are actually exactly what everyone has in mind.

In the past, it was just that, there were not many masters in matching, and no matter how the robot killed, it didn’t matter to them.

But now it’s different, the country’s top experts are gathered here, how can a broken code be arrogant?

Moreover, it is true that robots can no longer be killed.

An entire division can’t beat a robot, this face, they can’t afford to lose it!

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