“Check… Found it! Found it!! ”


Since learning the news of the robot, the person in charge, who has been anxious and nervously waiting for the results, stood up immediately.

“How?! Is it open and hanging!? ”

“People!! He’s human!! ”

The assistant’s face turned the color of pig liver, and his brain was in a state of vertigo until now.

Trembling: “Ling… Leader, robots are really people!! He is human! Person! Kind!! ”

“I know! I asked you if he was hanging on?! ”

The leader was angry and wanted to kick the assistant, and his chest rose and fell.

“Didn’t… The director of the testing department personally checked, and there were no illegal plug-in operations…”

The assistant looked stunned, and said so, but his brain thinking was still stuck on the results of his previous verification.

Robots, it’s people!!

That sounds strange.

But the assistant knows that once this news is released, it will be no less than dropping a Y bullet for the esports circle!

“No offending plugins, not open hang…?!”

The leader’s brain buzzed, completely stunned.

“This… How is this possible?! ”

“yes, how is this possible…” muttered the assistant.

But the meaning of the words of the two is completely different.

The assistant is unbelievable, the robot is a real human.

And the leadership….

He was completely shocked by Lu Xiu’s strength.

All heroes in five positions are proficient, 10,000 games are close to 100% win rate, with one to hundred, slaughtering the entire national service genius, hundreds of thousands of apprentices in the outside world….

This kind of person actually really exists?!

Not open hang?! Without any technology?!

How can the strength of human beings be so strong?!

As one of the high-level executives of LOL, the person in charge asked himself that he had seen too many geniuses and understood the various mechanics of the game of LOL.

But on this day, he actually began to doubt himself.

Don’t… Was my previous perception wrong?

“Leadership… What’s next? Do you want to make an announcement? ”

The assistant’s words pulled the leader back to reality.

Make an announcement?

Shaking his head, the leader slowed down: “Let me ask you, have there been any complaints such as robots recently?” ”

“Yes, and no less…”

The assistant nodded quickly.

Robots have been hot lately and have a high reputation, but if they like it, they hate it.

The topic of official robots disrupting the balance of the game has not stopped since the appearance of robots, and now, it has developed to a climax.

“Then… Make an announcement and tell everyone the truth. ”

“Really… Do you really want to send it?! The assistant’s eyes widened in shock.

Robots have been really hot lately, and… There are more than 100,000 apprentices and grandchildren… Although there are really not many, once people really know the truth of the robot, it is impossible to ensure that there will be any accidents!

Let’s just say that those geniuses and extreme belief robots, people who tell him little secrets, will they make radical moves?


The leader gritted his teeth: “Paper can’t wrap the fire, long pain is better than short pain!” ”

“And… Remember to add that the robot is not open! Be sure to add this one! ”

After the leader finished speaking, he let out a long sigh of relief.

After the extreme shock just now, now I think that the robot is not open, isn’t it a good thing for him?

Though… This good thing comes a little weird and outrageous.

“Didn’t open the hanging… If this is true, then the talent of this person … How scary it must be. ”


“Robots are human?!”


Rita brushed the news that had spread, and her eyes widened in surprise.

“It’s impossible, how can a robot be a human, isn’t this already a stone hammer?” Xiao Yu next to him said while touching up his makeup.

“It’s not… A live broadcast clip has spread, and the robot talks to a person in the clip! ”

Rita didn’t believe it either, but the previous OB anchor did encounter a “supernatural event” where robots spoke.

“I’ll take a look.”

Yu Shuang came over and glanced at it, also a little confused.

After a long while, he hesitated, “Could it be… Is it an automatic Q&A officially set? Just like a QQ robot, you talk to him, and he will reply to you according to the set program? ”

“It’s possible!”

The women nodded.

This is the most logical explanation at the moment.

As for the fact that robots are humans, let alone them, basically no one believes them.

Even Yu Shuang and these “vases” know that the things that the robot has done, and the various performances since its appearance, how can it be a real player?

Who has the strength to this extent?

“Even this anchor tried to talk to the robot later, and the robot ignored him…”

“There should be that one to set up a reply procedure, right?”

“It should be…”


“Impossible, absolutely impossible!”

Ah Shui live broadcast room.

Broadcasting the video clip of the OB anchor on station B, Ah Shui glanced at the barrage, very determined, and even waved his hand a little paranoidly: “Robots can’t be humans!” ”

“There won’t be such a strong person, if there really is, I will eat this computer on the spot!”


“These 18 cards can you second me?!”

“Indeed, if it’s true, I’ll eat it on the spot!”

Xiaoming and the others who were connected to Ah Shui also laughed.

The air is filled with a pleasant atmosphere.


“Look, the official announcement has been made!!”

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