In fact, until now, the women are still in an unreal sense of illusory.

But just now one phone call after another, those who used to be high and high, one by one, the appearance of asking for warmth, and the appearance of offering treasures, all told them.

Standing in front of him is the protagonist who once made the whole network chase stars madly.

It is also a genius who is bound to become a superstar in the future!

Although Lu Xiu has not even touched the game so far, everyone seems to be convinced of this.

Therefore, they used to be able to laugh with each other and get along like friends, but now they are a little cramped and uneasy.

After all, they are all newcomers to LPL, when have they been exposed to geniuses of this level?

“That… Yes… Can you sign my name? ”

Just when the atmosphere was so awkward that it was about to suffocate.

Xiao Yu, who had been in a psychedelic state before, finally spoke weakly.

Pretty face was a little feverish, and he didn’t dare to look down at Lu Xiu.

“Signature? Mine? Lu Xiu was surprised.

“Nope… Can’t you? ”

“No, it’s just that I’m not a star…”

“You are!” Xiao Yu raised his head and looked at Lu Xiu very seriously.

Although Yu Shuang and the others did not speak, they also thought so.

Lu Xiu seemed to sense something, and immediately nodded and smiled: “It can be… It’s no problem to sign a hundred of them. ”

“Really, really?” Xiao Yu was surprised, and everyone was also a little moved.


Lu Xiu’s smile froze, these people wouldn’t really let him sign a hundred, right?

“Hurry up and sign while you are not on fire, it will be worth money in the future~”

Yu Shuang saw Lu Xiu’s attitude of wanting to get closer to everyone, and he was relieved, but also a little inexplicable, and gave him a blank look.

“You think we’re all you? Super genius, as long as you play professionally, you can make a name for yourself, fame and fortune. ”

“What do you say, aren’t you my sister? I’m on fire, and so will you. ”

Lu Xiu made a rare joke.


As soon as he said this, the women finally lost the restraint they had when they first got the news.

Because they can all see that Lu Xiu is still the previous Lu Xiu… Well, their friends… Oh no, brother!

“Oops… Today was really exciting… No, you have to treat you to dinner! Rita stroked Wei Wei’an’s chest.

“Yes, we must have a treat, give us a crush!” Luo Xin nodded.

“No problem, no problem… Uh…”

As Lu Xiu was talking, another private mobile phone rang, and very few people knew this number.

He took it out and looked at it, slightly startled.

“I’ll go downstairs and someone will look for me.”



“I agreed!”

“Go fast, go fast!”

Lu Xiu shook his head and smiled as he walked into the bedroom.

As soon as he left, the young ladies who seemed calm just now suddenly exploded.

“Whew… My mom, I’m stunned. Xiao Yu let out a long breath.

“That said… Lu Xiu is really good…” Luo Xin’s eyes sparkled.

Rita gossiped, “Who called you just now?” EDG on my side has found it all! Guess how much you’re asking? 100W! My God! ”

“100W? Hehe, RNG opened 150W, and it is guaranteed to start, but it requires a transfer assist…”

“Why are you all asking such high prices? The price of WE and LGD on my side is relatively low, but this is a giant…”

The women chattered and discussed, and every time they said the name of a wealthy team, they couldn’t help but be surprised.


This is almost the biggest club with the most fans and influence in the LPL division today.

In the past, these clubs existed only in legend, but now, they are within reach.

“The deer are really going to take off,” Rita sighed.

Then he looked at Yu Shuang, who had not spoken: “Frost, which club do you think Lu’er will choose?” ”

Yu Shuang shook his head: “Don’t think blindly, Lu Xiu has his own plans.” ”

It’s not just an intention.

From the moment Lu Xiu nodded to her, she vaguely understood something.

She pays more attention to Lu Xiu than others, and also knows that Lu Xiu is actually treated very well when she is on IG, but she doesn’t deal with manager Su Xiaoluo.

I didn’t renew my contract.

She still remembers this sentence.

As soon as he thought about it, Yu Shuang couldn’t help but sigh.

Is this really a contestant under eighteen? The means are too ruthless!

After this turmoil, Su Xiaoluo definitely has no good fruit to eat, and if it is serious, he will even be ruined!


“I plan to change Su Xiaoluo and all the management.”

Downstairs, Principal Wang, who had lost his temper in the club before, stood in the gatehouse and said to Lu Xiu.

“Headmaster… Why did you come in person…” Lu Xiu was surprised, even a little surprised.

“Don’t say that.”

Principal Wang waved his hand and said, “I heard the child say, Su Xiaoluo bought the manuscript to hack you, so this time I will directly expel him!” ”

Lu Xiu looked at Principal Wang and did not speak.

I was surprised.

Because he had been in IG for so many years, he knew that Su Xiaoluo, who was criticized by the outside world, was actually an old man who followed Principal Wang.

He guessed that the best result was to demote Su Xiaoluo, but he didn’t expect that Principal Wang would kick Su Xiaoluo out of the club directly for him.

And leaving IG with the reputation of “letting the boss spend money to find his own players” is really discredited.

“Alas, Lu Xiu, I am actually responsible for this matter, and I have been left alone by digging you into the club… Blame me. ”

At this time, Principal Wang also sighed, and said seriously: “But not this time, we are all old acquaintances, let’s not talk about other false, I inquired about the quotation given to you outside, the highest 150W…”

“So… 300W! 300W a year, you can start at any time, debut directly play LPL, how about? ”

“3 million?”

Lu Xiu was stunned.

It’s not too little money, it’s too much!

You know, the annual salary of ordinary youth training is now about 100,000, and he was treated like this before.

And now, 300W a year … Directly increased thirty times!

At the end of the day, he’s just a newcomer who hasn’t played before, and hasn’t even played a game.

The professional league is not an ordinary rank, and the LPL division has long passed the stage of superstitious passers-by.

It can be said that once Lu Xiu’s performance in the arena is as crotch as other passers-by Wang, then Principal Wang is absolutely bloody.

“Think less?”

Principal Wang thought that Lu Xiu felt less.

“It’s not… Actually, Headmaster, a year after me, or even two years … You probably don’t even want to play…”

Lu Xiu pondered for a moment and said the system rules reasonably: “So, it’s not that I don’t want to renew the contract, it’s that I’m afraid that you will continue to waste money on me, after all… There has already been a lesson. ”

“Not playing in a year or two?!”

Hearing this, Principal Wang was really stunned.

The major teams of the outside LPL have been competing for the road show in order to make the road show play.

Even Principal Wang had this idea.

After all, a genius newcomer who bought at a high price, does not play the game and eat ashes?

But Lu Xiu’s words show that he does not plan to play professionally in a year or two.

If this is passed on, it is estimated that all the clubs competing for the road show will be turned off in an instant, and there will even be a situation where they don’t answer.

Principal Wang was silent.

Lu Xiu did not urge him, let alone accident.

Because that’s what he really thinks and why he’s not reaching out to other clubs.

No club that wants to make money will spend sky-high prices to raise a newcomer who can’t play for a while.

IG… Nor will it.

Although Principal Wang had raised him for three years before, at that time he received a basic salary, which together was less than one-tenth of the current year.

“You really think so?”

After a long silence, Principal Wang raised his head, looked at Lu Xiu, and made a final confirmation.

“Hmm… Probably, think so now, not sure later. Lu Xiu nodded.

“Well, in that case…”

Principal Wang took a deep breath, took out the contract from his bag, and handed it to Lu Xiu.

“Headmaster, you are…” Lu Xiu was stunned.

“Sign it, 300W a year, how about I raise you for another three years?!”

Principal Wang looked at him aggressively: “Other clubs don’t dare to do this, I dare!” A year or two? I sign you for three years! Anyway you have to give me a game at IG! ”

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