But they were not given any time to react.

Jace, who used Jian Ji to complete the displacement and dodging skills, had already stopped and pressed out his flash.


Jace slid down diagonally and flashed to the grass of the upper road.

It is also the middle aisle of the road that imps chases the child at this moment.

Facing the half-air that seems to be empty at the moment, wave your E skill and hammer hard!


It’s like a movie shot rehearsed countless times.

A W in mid-air, a lost cannon, was hammered heavily on the braincase.

The braincase shattered, crashed halfway!

Jace Hammer Form E skill, interrupt small cannon air W!!


Instantly, everyone was stunned!

“What happened?! How did the cannon get hammered down … Why is the Prince EQ empty?! ”

The doll asked with a blank look.

He didn’t react.

Everyone didn’t react either.

This is actually happening too quickly.

Lu Xiu’s hand speed is fast, and the changes on the field are faster.

From Jace Q Sword Ji, to Flash, to E Cannon.

In less than a second, displacement twice in a row, Jace turned into a white hurricane, and appeared in the river like an instant from the desperate situation of death.

When everyone reacts and looks again.

The prince’s EQ was empty, and the small cannon that originally W came to collect people’s heads was hammered to the ground.

A sword Ji who wanted to return to the road to make up for a knife was in a daze.

“Oh my God!!”

Finally, Miller came to his senses and said in disbelief

“What do I see?! Jess! Q Flash E!! Two pre-judgments, transfer flowers through the shadow! Dodged the prince EQ, and interrupted the chase of the small cannon W! ”

“What the hell is this hand speed!? What kind of immortal reaction again?! ”

“Not only did he live himself, but he also successfully saved the barrel that was undoubtedly dead!!”

Miller grabbed his hair in disbelief:

“Miracle!! This wave actually turned the situation around in the case of certain death! What an exaggeration, is this still a human ?! ”


“I’m super! What happened?! ”


“People are stupid, what kind of monster is this?!”

“This works?!”

The audience seats in the audience also erupted into a uproar.

“Kenji is going to die!!”

At this time, the doll’s even more shocked voice sounded.

Pull the crowd back from shock to reality.

Seeing that on the field, after hammering the small cannon out diagonally, Jace turned his head and changed the form of the cannon, aiming directly at Jian Ji, who was still in a daze at the moment.

A QE cannon blasted out.

With a bang, the azure blue cannonball bloomed, the damage of Jess who was leading the economy broke out, and the state of the small half-blooded sword Ji instantly returned to the big cripple!

“Not good!”

In a state of confusion, Marin finally came to her senses and immediately realized that something was wrong.

I just wanted to run, but I found a fatal problem.

That’s where he is now, too awkward.

Originally, this wave of Jian Ji wanted to go on the road to collect the head of Jayce, and his current location is at the junction of the river and the upper route.

Above is the prince, below is Jace.

In other words, he hasn’t gone to the line yet, and it’s just within Jace’s limit output, and the prince can’t support it for a while!

It’s too late to escape, it’s not good to flash, what can I do?

Lu Xiu didn’t give him time to think, Jace blasted out, and with the blessing of W, continued to hit three times.


bang bang….

Three small shells, the last direct critical hit, Jian Ji’s blood line was emptied in an instant.


“IGMiracle killed LGDMarin!”

Jian Ji is dead, single kill!

“Kenji! Killed by Jace!! Counter-kill! ”

“OMG!” The doll gasped.

“No, it’s not just Kenji, but also Xiao Cannon!? Cask E is coming! ”

The next moment, the child who had been chased with the hammer before, after being rescued by Jace, immediately turned back without hesitation and went straight to the old enemy.

IMP had just landed, and was about to take a position, when the barrel was already on top of a beer belly.


The cannon was stunned on the spot.

At the same time, Lu Xiu had already turned around and gathered fire with Kid against the small cannon.

The cannon is in better shape than Jace and the barrel, but the problem is that he is too crisp!

In front of a warrior like Jace who has developed well in the early stage, that amount of blood is like paper paste.

Not to mention, there’s a barrel and damage.

It was seen under the fire of the two.

The state of the cannon began to descend wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye!

“The head is given to you, the pin show, you eat!” You eat! ”

When the child saw the two-level reversal of the scene, he immediately took it as a happy filial piety.

Lu Xiu did not speak, but after the end of the small cannon’s vertigo state, he changed the hammer form and hammered down the two hammers.

Bang bang.

The cannon state was emptied and fell to the ground.

“IGMiracle killed LGDImp!”



Double kill, big kill!

“Little cannon!! The cannon is gone! ”

“Double kill! This wave of Miracle was in a desperate situation, but got a double kill! ”

A series of prompts sounded.

All the audience, commentator, were completely stunned.

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