“Jace! Jess!! OMG!! This cannon??? ”

“LGD everyone is dying?!”


If Jace slammed Jian Ji’s shot alone before, everyone was just shocked.

At this moment, seeing Jace looking back at the moon, he directly blasted the four LGD people with healthy blood into a big cripple.

That’s the real shock!

All know that you Jace hurt high… But your high law is also too outrageous, right?!

One shot down, LGD team pregnant!

Is this still hairy?!

“Withdraw! Withdraw!! ”

The LGD crowd on the field was like experiencing the two heavens of ice and fire in an instant.

One second he was so excited to hit the big dragon, and the next second he was bombarded by Jess stupidly.

After reacting, the voice of the team fell into chaos.

The cries of “withdraw, withdraw” and “whether to fight in the end or not” rose one after another.

At this moment, Rookie, who had retreated before, returned at some point.

Outside the edge of the LGD crowd, a QE second company swept over.

Boom, boom!

Because everyone in LGD was in a state of confusion at the scene, they didn’t notice for a while, and three of the four were actually swept by Sindra’s dark magic ball!

Be dizzy on the spot!

“Rookie!! It’s back! This wave of IG is going to fight back?! ”

“Two people fight four?! What kind of team battle is this?! ”

Everyone in the outside world looked stupid.

But Miller reacted immediately: “You can hit!” Jess is heading this way! Cindra just needs to drag people down! ”

“Wait for this Jace! As soon as Jess arrives, LGD’s nightmare arrives! ”

“LGD knows this too, they want to run!!”

“Leave Cindra alone, run! Run! ”


The LGD team has also reacted, not looking at Rookie’s Sindra, and after the vertigo, she wants to run to the middle.

Seeing this, Rookie was extremely decisive and directly flashed past to pour a big move towards the most brittle wind girl in the crowd.

In an instant, Sindra’s explosive damage hit, originally the most brittle, the most brutal wind girl who was bombarded by Jace, did not even see Jace’s face, and the world evaporated in an instant!

He’s dead!

“IGRookie killed LGDPYL!”

“Aya Hirano is dead! Rookie flashed past to stay people, big move in seconds! ”

“The rest of LGD still wants to run, they know, this Bosindra is not important, the important thing is Jace!”


The doll paused, and her voice was excited: “Jace is here!!” ”

“Miracle is in!!”

The words fell.

The road show that has been accelerating towards this side on the field has finally arrived.

He came around from the direction of F6, just in front of the LGD crowd fleeing.

As soon as the two sides met, Jace didn’t say a word at all, and the hammer form Q skill went up and hammered on the prince in the front.

Two hammers go down, and the E skill turns up.


The prince didn’t even live for two seconds in front of Jace, and his state was emptied in an instant and he fell to the ground.

“IGMiracle killed LGDXiaoxi!”



Meet the second kill, double kill, and run away!

“Run cannons! Leave me alone! ”

“It’s over, I’m gone!” Clockwork looked at the second prince’s Jess sticking to himself, and instantly closed himself.

Subconsciously run in the other direction, trying to buy some time for his teammates to escape.

But although Jace’s wave of skills has been used, his flat A damage is also ridiculously high!

Only a few hammers go down, and the clockwork blood line is in jeopardy!


Clockwork was scared to hand over his flash.

Lu Xiu took a few steps forward, the R skill changed the cannon form, and hit Clockwork AA twice from a distance.


The clockwork blood line empties and falls to the ground.

“IGMiracle killed LGDWe1less!”



Three kills, dominate the game!

“Clockwork is also down!! Like a demon seed descending from the sky, it is really a god on earth! This Bojess is like no one in the team battle, he is chasing the LGD team with one person!! ”

“How to fight this! Referee, how to fight this person when he hangs up?! ”

The doll’s excited voice trembled: “There is still a small cannon left!!” How to say?! Can you run away? ”

Can you run away?!

The only imp in the LGD team who is still alive, looks at Jess, who is rushing towards him like a nightmare, and his hair is frightened and his scalp is numb.

W, who was originally aiming ahead, actually shook.

It doesn’t matter if you shake like this, the small cannon immediately jumped in place-

Scared by this Jess W missed!

“Good brother.”

Lu Xiu sighed, Jace chased after him, and with the blessing of W, he clicked three times at the small cannon.


bang bang….

The cannon fell to the ground.

“IGMiracle killed LGDImp!”




Four kills, group destruction, no one can stop it!

“Four kills!! Four kills of Jace!! Four-kill Miracle!! ”

The majestic prompt sounded, and the whole person of the doll instantly jumped: “2V4!! Even for Jace, it’s a complete five!! In this case, Miracle got four kills! The regiment destroyed the opponent! ”

“Oh my God… It’s terrible! This wave of Jess, it’s too scary! ”


The audience in the audience has also completely rioted, screams and shouts converged into a wave, sweeping every corner of the scene.

It was also the first time so many viewers were cheering for IG!

Everyone knows that after this wave, the game is over.

Such a fat Jess, in the medium term, is already unbeatable, LGD has no chance again.


The rest of the time became Jace’s solo show.

In the end, the game was frozen in the early 24 minutes.

IG, bulldozed LGD’s crystal base.

The battle for fame of MiracleVSMarin has also come to an end.

After this battle, Miracle’s ID will be famous all over the world!

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