Chapter 0071 – Monster! Scare the audience! Unheard of line!!

“Interrupted!! Miacle!! This wave actually kicked the prince’s EQ off!! ”

“What the hell is this hand speed?! This wave he is kicking in the air! ”

The doll opened its mouth wide, completely dumbfounded by Qinggangying’s operation show.

Kicking in the air requires not only anticipation, but also reaction and hand speed.

This operation cannot be said to be unachievable, but how fast is Prince Nima’s EQ? How fast does Kandi, who is the top player in the LPL, react?

This wave of green steel shadow directly kicked out in the middle of the prince EQ, and the visual effect was simply so beautiful that people’s scalps were numb!

“But this wave of show is useless, Jace is about to come down, and the prince’s current state is not dangerous… Belch! ”

Michael’s voice suddenly paused, pointing to the big screen and exclaiming: “No, it’s not right! ”

“Troop line!! The prince is stunned in IG’s pile! ”

“Just a wave of artillery soldiers came!!”

“I’m super! What the hell! ”


Kang Di originally didn’t care that he was kicked by Qinggang Ying, at most he was surprised that the operation on the other side was very showy.

But when his blood line began to descend unscientifically and wildly, 13 he suddenly woke up.

He didn’t pay attention to EQ before, but now he noticed that he was unknowingly seduced into the pile of soldiers by the opposite blue steel shadow.

Qinggang Shadow Vertigo is not for a simple show.

Instead, let his EQ land on the spot, and directly stand in place in IG’s pile

A wave of artillery vehicles that had just arrived, plus the troops that had been hoarded before, and Qinggang Ying was crazy AQA output next to him.

The prince was originally only half-blooded, and at this moment, his state was descending wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye!

In the early stage, especially at the second or third level, the damage of the troop line is no worse than that of the hero!

Otherwise, Brother Leg would not have been shown alive because he was killed by Lu Xiu.

“The prince won’t die just like that, right?!”

The doll’s eyes widened and her heart pounded.

“Jace came down… But…… Qinggang Shadow is level three!! Hideshin has been upgraded! ”

“It’s over, the prince may really be gone!!”

In the game, Lu Xiu, who is madly exporting the prince with his own soldiers, flashes white light.

It’s three levels up!

Instead of going to the point W, continue to point Q.

Level 2 Q!

At this time, Qinggang Ying’s short-term burst damage was increased to the extreme.

“Are you down? I’m going to die! ”

Seeing this, Kandi was completely panicked.

There is no way not to panic, because his current state is very crippled, and he is only close to death.

“It’s down!”

The same anxious leg brother finally landed.



Condi hands off the keyboard.

Lu Xiu’s second stage Q directly crited, plus the artillery and vehicle soldiers for the last time, and took the prince’s head.

“IGMiracle killed WECondi!”


Double kill!

“The prince is gone!! Qinggang Shadow got the head! Miracle, the game just started, got a double kill! ”

“I’m dripping obediently! What did Qinggang Ying do in this wave! ”

Seeing the end of the shock, the doll directly snorted: “He first showed the death of Jess under the condition of his own great disadvantage, and then slaughtered the prince in front of the resurrection of Jace!” ”

“Alone! From beginning to end, he was alone! ”

“It’s not… Isn’t he a disadvantage? It’s only been a few minutes? Why can he play like that?! How dare you play like this…”


“There is also the third level of the card, this wave of Qinggang shadow deliberately seduced the prince, EQ into his own soldiers, and then added the card level three to complete this wonderful counter-kill.”

Rita smiled brightly, but her tone trembled a little.

“It’s too exaggerated, Miracle’s operation is really strong, it’s hard to imagine that he hasn’t played for two years…”

Michael shook his head as well, feeling his heart beat faster than ever.

“If that’s the case… WE really need to be careful now! ”

“Qinggang Shadow has two heads in hand at the beginning, this is different from what everyone thinks, Jace should pay attention to the line!”

Because of the favorable line conditions of the hero Jess in the early stage.

Everyone now just thinks that Jace needs attention, not disadvantage.

Even Brother Leg thinks so.

But when Lu Xiu really went online again and faced 1V1 face to face, he found that things were far from that simple.

Jace is a hand leader in the early stage, and it is not too disadvantageous to be ahead.

But everyone overlooked one point – Lu Xiu’s understanding of the military line.

In the past, Lu Xiu gave the impression that the operation was very sharp, and other aspects were not understood.

He played so few games!

Even if someone wants to watch his video, they can only watch some previous matching videos, so what can be seen?

In fact, Lu Xiu’s understanding of the military line is no less than that of operation.

The advantage of Jace is that he can always consume from a long distance while the Qinggang shadow is replenishing some soldiers who are deep in the position.

But Lu Xiu can get stuck in a safe position as much as possible every time the soldiers on the opposite line.

And those soldiers who can’t theoretically get stuck and are in dangerous positions, Lu Xiu will also use Q’s passive shield just right to resist Jace’s consumption and harassment.

In this way, Lu Xiu was almost injury-free, and was not consumed by Jess!

On the contrary, it was Jace.

Hand length does not mean invincible, there are always some small soldiers, which cannot be made up by hand length without injury.

At this time, the leg brother can only bite the bullet and go deeper, and then every time he will be seized by Qinggangying and kick two feet fiercely!

Now Qinggang Shadow, but two heads in hand, equipment experience both lead from time to time such a kick, Jace can be described as painful.

One wave and two waves also 413 is nothing.

But what if this alignment situation continues like this?

Not only was the advantage of Captain Jess basically nullified in front of Lu Xiu, but the identities of the two were even completely reversed.

Now it is Jace five times replenished, and both times will be consumed by Qinggang Shadow.

Under the trade-off, inexplicably, the state of the leg brother is more than half.

“I’m super! This person on the other side is hanging up, right?! ”

Once again, he was kicked by Qinggang Shadow, triggering a critical attack, and Jace’s blood line was already broken.

Brother Leg finally settled in Bengbu.

He was a little frightened.

Because of the way this person on the other side is matching… He has never heard of it, he has never seen it! Everyone knows the theory, and it will be said.

But the problem is that it can’t be done!

If nothing else, just a little

In the Qinggang Shadow Card’s troop line, there are only two minions in each wave who need to go deep into the position to replenish, which just fits perfectly with his own Q skill CD.

Cool down, just when it is time to replenish troops, when Q cools down, there are no small soldiers who need to go deep into replenishment, they are all safe in position…

Note that it’s not a wave, it’s every wave! You know, the line of troops moves!

That’s alive! Who can do it?!

At least among the professional players that Brother Leg knows, no one can do it so flawlessly and seamlessly!


This adjective almost subconsciously appeared in Brother Leg’s heart…

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