Chapter 0080 – Hot Whole Network, Five Years of Dormancy, One Dynasty Dragon!!

Weibo hot search list.

#IGVSWE# topped the hot search.

In second place, it is #Miracle Qinggang Shadow#, 100W+ popularity.

After that, in the top thirty of the former hot searches, what #Xiye cried ##WE lost##Condi robbed the dragon# and other hot search terms are numerous.

From this point, it can be seen how hot LPL is developing now, and how outrageously hot S7 is.

During the S5 and S6 periods, players in the LPL division rarely stepped into the hot search list

For example, Lu Xiu, when he was the most popular, but after he was the tenth in the ranks, he never had a chance to be on the hot search again.

It can only be active in a small area of Tieba.

Now, after a game, it directly dominates the first and second places on Weibo’s hot search list, which is just an internal qualification battle for the LPL, which is not even the main match of the S Game.

It can be imagined that changing today’s game to the S7 main race, on the operations played by Lu Xiu… How explosive the heat will be.

In fact, today’s decisive battle between WE and IG has detonated the entire network and even the world.

After all, it’s a battle for the LPL’s No. 3 seed.

Even foreign teams take the time to look at their opponents in the world tournament in advance.

Obviously, the result of today’s game exceeded the expectations of almost 90% of people.

WE lost.

IG upset and beat WE!

This news is extremely sensational for many people who know the strength of the LPL team.

Among them, the others in the winner IG do not talk about it.

Lu Xiu, which is extremely unfamiliar to most people, and even a little abrupt, has received most attention.

Still that sentence.

Lu Xiu’s performance in this game is too good! Look at the operations he typed

Whether it is the fight between Qinggang Shadow and the prince’s immortal in the early stage, E Flash E predicts EQ Flash.

It is still the classic famous scene of the later wave of spreading wings and remaining wings.

All of them have had a great impact and impact on many single players, Qinggang shadow players, and even LPL audiences.

In the LPL division that believes in blue-collar singles, how long has it been since you have seen this kind of limit, even amazing operation?

Not to mention, Lu Xiu played a game, really calculated, this kind of operation, played no less than four!

One game, four classic scenes, and all of them are that kind of positive operation.

This you are not hot, who is fire?

“Is this person new? It’s so strong! ”

“Leg brother was beaten autistic after the game, referee, report, someone opened the hanging!”

“Qinggang Ying Tong Tiandai! Tainyima is outrageous! ”

“Strong! I’ve never seen singles so good on LPL! ”

“Who is this little brother? Looks so handsome. ”

“Jimi asked my heart, who is he? The appearance is so high… It’s so handsome…”

“Miracle…… I haven’t heard of it before, I see that some people have always called him Xiushen, it seems that he is not a newcomer…”

Seventy or eight percent of the audience, that is, the audience that LPL has just attracted in the past two years, do not know Lu Xiu.

That’s why they were shocked.

Such a bullish player, they didn’t know before? The news is too backward!

But the old audience before S5 saw this scene and was a little stunned.

“I really didn’t expect that there were so many new drivers.”

“The official drainage has been numb in recent years, and I just clicked in, and I thought it was the wrong hot search.”

“So many people don’t know Xiushen? My goodness, outrageous! ”

“Xiushen doesn’t even know? All right…… I don’t know…”

Some old viewers don’t actually know Lu Xiu, only knowing this ID.

Of course, they are not to blame.

Lu Xiu hasn’t appeared for two years!

Before that, when his so-called popularity was at its highest, he had only played two games.

It’s still a regular season miniature.

For two years, and do not play games, let alone these audiences, 100,000 show soldiers will not disappear like this?

“Alas, it seems that it is time for me, an old showman, to come out. Finally, there are still real die-hard fans who stand up. ”

This is a female fan, and the fans of Luxiu have basically run out in the past two years, but she has ‘accompanied’ on a page.

What can make her so persistent is not because Lu Xiu is strong, but… She liked Lu Xiu’s face very much.

Therefore, until now, she has been fanning Luxiu.

Seeing that the little transparent contestant who was her powder suddenly ‘exploded overnight’ today, she was also a little confused.

But at this time, the gold content of iron powder comes out.

The young lady fans intimately sorted out the information of Lu Xiu and posted it directly in the comment area——

Name: Lu Xiu Age: 18 Team: IG

Duan rank: bronze, silver, platinum, diamond, master, king, miracle (because of its strength, it is considered to be above the king)

Nickname: Xiushen, robot (suspected to be program code because of too strong strength), grandmaster (A Shui, Liu Qingsong, Lin Weixiang, Xiaoming’s master)

Introduction: IG was signed by Principal Wang not long after it was established, S6 debuted in the early days, only played two games, attracted countless fans, and then I don’t know what the reason was, I didn’t play for two years, until today…

The introduction was written very carefully, basically exposing the details of Lu Xiu…

Those viewers who were extremely curious about Lu Xiu were all shocked when they saw this introduction.

“I’m super… Is it so bullish?! ”

“Xiao Ming is actually his apprentice? Fake, right? Is it okay that Xiaoming is a dog concubine. ”

“This thing is really true, although it is a joke, but Xiaoming changed his ID at that time, I have seen it.”

“Yes, I also know the robot, groupies, everyone really thought that Xiushen was the official program code.”

“Come and come, unbelievers, above!”

Some old viewers directly posted the popular picture of ‘That year, I put my hands in my pockets and didn’t know what to call an opponent’.

It immediately caused a more sensational heated discussion.

Lu Xiu’s popularity began to skyrocket at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it had long exceeded its peak.

Those original ‘show soldiers’, seeing that Lu Xiu was popular again, not to mention that they all returned, one by one, they all pretended to be old fans, and began all kinds of popular science, how powerful Xiushen was back then…

All this is seen by IG and other clubs.

“This is S7!”

Zhu Kai sighed: “It’s just a qualifying match, and the popularity can actually be so high.” ”

“Yes, it’s hard to imagine, the scene after the opening of S7…”

The leader next to him, Anin, nodded.

Then he said: “Lu Xiu’s heat, have you seen it?” ”

Zhu Kai nodded, squinted his eyes and said, “I’m really looking forward to it now…”


“An LPL qualifying tournament is so hot… If the S7 starts, the sales show can still have the current performance… No, if he could play half of his training matches… How explosive should it be? ”

Everyone was stunned.

“The charm of the competition… This is the contest! Zhu Kai sighed. ”

Others finally reacted.

Then goosebumps came up one by one! That’s right!

No one knows Lu Xiu’s strength better than them.

Where is the game today?

Lu Xiu’s training match is a real ‘precious video’ inside IG.

That scene… If it happens on the S race…

Turtle turtle, the picture is too beautiful, I dare not think about it.

At the same time, a sentence inexplicably appeared in his heart.

The golden scale is a thing in the pool, and it turns into a dragon when it encounters a storm.

This S7, for Lu Xiu, is a storm!

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