Chapter 0201 – How did Ruiwen hit Jace? Khan, look good, study hard!!

When the words fell, the sound of the audience suddenly rose.

Countless spectators in the LPL competition area stood up directly, waving the black and white team flag of IG in their hands, and waved in the wind.

The support of “IG Come On” swept the entire Oriental Sports Center in an instant! The momentum is like a rainbow, hundreds of millions of attention!

The competition has officially begun.

In this match, the lineups of IIG and LZ are:

IG: Shangshan Ruiwen, Daye Prince, Zhongshan Demon Ji, Lower Road Policewoman + Hammerstone.

LZ: Upper single Jace, Fight wild blind, middle single rock finch, lower road small cannon + Luo

Quite dramatically, the most intense Ueno duo in the last match between the two sides did not know what the psychology was, and this match was completely reversed.

Aside from Ueno’s choice, LZ’s lineup is clearly better and more in line with their team’s style overall.

This is the most perfect front-mid-offensive rhythm lineup in this version

Compared with the last game, the change is obvious, especially Jess, who is in the single position, which makes up for the shortcomings of Ruiwen in the last game.

As for IG’s side…

As I said before, the short board of LZ is gone, and it is given to IG…

Shangshan Ruiwen’s choice completely changed IG’s originally good front-mid-term offensive rhythm lineup.

This version of Ruiwen… Really too weak 14.

Especially on the route Bajays… The misery of Khan in the last game proved it all.

Up to now, there are many people in the outside world who are not playing Jess with Ruiwen to justify the defeat of Khan and LZ in the last game.

IG and Lu Xiu chose Ruiwen in this game point, the momentum is there, and the atmosphere is also in place.

But the next real problem is how do you fight with an invincible Jace?

Don’t say that Lu Xiu once beat Jace with Ruiwen, TSM’s upper order, and Khan can be compared?

As long as Khan is not a fool, he will definitely not give Lu Xiu another chance to kill alone!


After going online, Khan really maintained his position and did not give Luxiu any chance to break through.

“Khan…… Players of this level, as long as they have a sense of defense, it is impossible to give you a chance to be a second person! ”

“He won’t create this environment and conditions for you, that’s the most desperate.”

Guan Zeyuan looked at the situation on the opposite line on the road, and as an outsider, he couldn’t help but have a headache.

“Just hit the road… How to fight the line…”

“Eh, and… Look what this Jace is going to do! ”


Just when everyone lamented that they couldn’t get on the road. Brother Hanzi gave ‘a chance’!

I saw that Lu Xiu was also very ‘safe and guarded’, and only stayed under the defense tower and did not come out.

Jace actually came directly to IG’s upper road tower.

Looking at the road show in the tower from afar, he looked like a first-class blockage tower??!

Classic reenactment? Take the initiative to go deep to give opportunities?!

Just when everyone’s hearts beat faster, they couldn’t wait to give Brother Hanzi a thumbs up.

“That’s not right! This Bojess is in the card position! He’s just teasing and humiliating Miracle!! ”


Everyone was stunned. Quickly looked. Really.

This Bojess seems to be blocking the tower at the first level, and he has no heart and lungs to give him a chance. In fact, Brother Hanzi has always been in Kari Zero’s position.

Not only will Lu Xiu control the distance, but Khan, as the top single, will also be!

Moreover, Jace is the most familiar hero of Han Zige, his various controls on this hero, and how to line other heroes,

Experience and technology have reached a real ceiling!

This Bojies is blocking the tower, but while blocking the tower, he does not give Lu Xiu the slightest chance!

Not only that.

After seeing that Lu Xiu ignored himself, he only continued to stay in the tower.

Khan’s mouth was grinning, and a big logo LZ logo suddenly lit up above his head.

Bright Mark! He lit up!!

Wow! The already noisy scene is completely chaotic. All kinds of screams and scolding.

There is no doubt that Khan’s first-level block tower + bright mark is not only a classic reproduction, but even surpassed!

This is completely a personal vendetta that was pierced by Lu Xiu in the last game!

It’s like saying to the audience around the world: “Look, it’s not my dish, it’s Ruiwen who really can’t beat Jace!” ”

This provocation and humiliation of the red fruit made some LPL viewers increase their blood pressure at the same time.

But it also made the audience who were originally disappointed with Khan change their minds, and the bloody gunpowder smell of this game increased by more than ten times!

“Khan…… I understand blocking the tower, but isn’t this bright mark a little too much?! ”

“…… This wave is clearly trying to let Ruiwen come out, he wants to consume Ruiwen with Kaping A, as long as the distance is well controlled, take precautions in advance,

Don’t be afraid of Ruiwen’s flash Q0 at all! ”

Remember frowning, the beginning of the game was a little autistic by this Jayce.

“Worthy of the most skilled hero… To be honest, this wave you really have to convince, Khan’s Jace, the proficiency is too high! Xiushen simply can’t use manipulation to turn the situation around. ”

Guan Zeyuan’s words fell, and the noise in the field became even louder.

Obviously, everyone was a little blown up by Jace’s strong opening mentality

The disadvantages of exchanging heroes with a positive and backhand teaching bureau and selecting Ruiwen have begun to manifest themselves from this moment.

“This wave of Xiushen is right, we can’t beat Jace at the first level, and the other side is prepared, then there is no need to fight,

Not to mention letting the other side consume insults in vain. ”

“Let’s wait for the line… Maybe it will be better when the line of troops arrives…”

So to speak, the troop line is online.

But Ruiwen’s alignment results did not get any better.

Again, Qimou can only be used once, Khan’s Jess, is not ordinary Jace.

In the case of a precautionary situation 210, Tianke Ruiwen’s Jess is serious about the line, how can you Ruiwen be better?

Lu Xiu forcibly went up several times in a row to change blood.

As a result, even Jace’s side was not touched, but he was consumed some blood threads.

The audience who originally had great expectations for Lu Xiu lamented.

“Haha, why didn’t you find out that it was so cool to use Jace to hit Ruiwen?”

Hanzi Gele’s criticism was about to crack, and he laughed loudly, only to feel that the haze of the last game was swept away.

Thoroughly refreshed.

That’s how it should be, this is his normal posture to play IG!

The last game was an accident, this game is the normal direction of development!

“Next, a one-kill show, five minutes to thread? Me can too! ”

Saying this, he saw that Ruiwen, who ‘didn’t know if he was dead or alive’ on the other side, had just been promoted to the second level, and he rushed over again.


Khan was stunned, then even happier.

Nine-fold Ruiwen? He has always been brainless to be consumed by himself, not only killing him, but also sorry for choosing Jess!

Thinking like this, Khan did not find that in the line of troops on his side, the state of two melee soldiers,

It has come to the bottom.

This is the damage caused by Ruiwen’s previous two waves of forcible consumption and O skill AOE.

At the same time, the position of the red and blue military lines is also quietly changing.

No one noticed the details.

But it’s these details that will shock everyone in the world next!

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