Fire Phoenix City.

As soon as he entered the city, Chu Ning felt the temperature rise.

Compared with other cities, Fire Phoenix City has a special place. Most other cities are centered on mountain peaks, but the center of Fire Phoenix City is a basin.

The terrain of Fire Phoenix City becomes lower toward the center and the temperature becomes higher. This is because there is ground fire in the central area of ​​Fire Phoenix City.

Unlike other earth fires that are hidden in mountain peaks, this earth fire in Fire Phoenix City is directly exposed on the surface.

The temperature of the earth fire is extremely high. Even the second level earth fire Chu Ning of Wen Jin Sect could not get close to. The level of this earth fire in Huofeng City will only be higher than that of Wen Jin Sect.

Therefore, the layout of Fire Phoenix City is such that the closer to the center, the stronger the monks who live there are. Unlike other cities, some weak monks with background connections can also live in the central location.

But it's impossible in Fire Phoenix City. Even if you have the background, you won't be able to withstand the temperature of the earth fire if you don't have enough strength.

Feng Wensu and Chu Ning landed directly in the central area of ​​Fire Phoenix City.

"It's true, this Fire Phoenix City is related to monsters."

The moment he landed, Lao Hei's voice sounded in Chu Ning's mind.

"What kind of monster?"

Chu Ning was a little curious. Fire Phoenix City was related to monsters. Could it be that just like the Xu family, the Xu family hid a tree demon and Huofeng City hid a monster beast.

"It must have a great origin, and it makes my soul tremble."

Lao Hei's words stunned Chu Ning and made Lao Hei's soul tremble. What state must the monsters in Fire Phoenix City be in?

Chu Ning has read books about monster beasts. There are only two situations that can make a monster beast's soul tremble.

One is that the realms of the two sides are very different. Although Lao Hei has no pill formation, his strength is no worse than that of ordinary pill formation monsters. To make his soul tremble, the monster in Fire Phoenix City must at least be at the Nascent Soul realm.

The other is that the bloodline level of this monster is very high. Monsters also have high and low bloodlines, and monsters with high bloodline have a natural suppression on low-level monsters.

The more differences between bloodlines, the stronger the suppression.

"Is it possible it's a fire phoenix?"

Chu Ning guessed in his heart that the jade slips about monster beasts he saw in Xiyue Sect recorded nearly a thousand kinds of monsters, but there was no mention of monsters like Fire Phoenix.

There was no phoenix that could be called a mythical beast in the previous life, so Chu Ning did not think of Fire Phoenix City over Fire Phoenix at first, but now Lao Hei's words inspired him.

A monster with a high realm or a high bloodline, but with a name similar to that of a monster, it was hard not to make him think too much.

"Little friend Chu, we're here."

Feng Wensu saw Chu Ning standing still after landing and spoke to remind him.

"I was just shocked by the layout of Fire Phoenix City. I didn't expect the inside of Fire Phoenix City to be like this."

The layout of Fire Phoenix City is a circular layout, similar to a mine, and there is a stone tower in the center.

Chu Ning found a reason for himself. This reason was also very sufficient. Moreover, he had not stayed in the Hundred Cities area for a long time, only more than twenty years. It was normal for him not to know the situation in Fire Phoenix City.

"Everyone who comes to the city for the first time will be a little surprised when they see the layout of Fire Phoenix City." Feng Wensu smiled and expressed understanding, and explained while leading the way: "Huofeng City also had a peak at the beginning. It’s just like Wen Jinshan, the life of the mountain has come to an end, and later my ancestors of the Feng family spent a lot of money to save the fire in the mountain.”

"This tower was built by my ancestors of the Feng family to suppress the underground fire."

Feng Wensu introduced some situations of Fire Phoenix City to Chu Ning. At this moment, many people on the street first saluted Feng Wensu respectfully, and then looked at Chu Ning curiously.

They were curious about the young man's identity so that the elder could greet him personally.

In so many years, it seemed like this was the first time that I saw an elder personally greeting them. You must know that their Fire Phoenix City had little contact with the outside world. No outsiders had entered the core area except for the Feng family disciples.

"Little friend Chu, our Feng family has less communication with the outside world, so these disciples are a little curious about your identity."

Feng Wensu explained something to Chu Ning, and Chu Ning smiled. He could understand the thoughts of these Feng family disciples. If he were in Xiyue Sect, he would see the Yuanying strongman from Xiyue Sect coming to the mountain gate to greet them in person. A golden elixir man would have the same curiosity and would guess who this person was, so that a Nascent Soul strongman could personally greet him.

Finally, Feng Wensu took Chu Ning to the Feng family mansion.

When he was high in the sky, Chu Ning noticed that there was a stone bridge in the middle of the towering stone tower, and the other end of the stone bridge was the big house in front of him.

Feng Wensu led Chu Ning into the mansion and asked the maid to bring fragrant tea.

Chu Ning picked up the tea cup. The aroma of tea was flowing, and the tea in the cup was filled with spiritual energy.

This tea is not ordinary.

After taking a sip of tea, the tea fell into my throat. There was a burning sensation in my Dantian, and I felt an indescribable sense of comfort all over my body.

“Good tea!”

Chu Ning couldn't help but praise it, Feng Wensu said with a smile: "This tea is picked from the tea tree that is unique to me in Fire Phoenix City. Little friend Chu doesn't seem to be a fire-attributed golden elixir."

Feng Wensu smiled slightly, and Chu Ning understood. This tea is very precious, especially for those who are strong in the metallic elixir. Because he is of the wood attribute, the effect is not particularly good.

"Senior Feng, I would like to ask you out of curiosity, what is the purpose of your family's refining of this elixir?"

After drinking tea, Chu Ning got down to business.

"Little friend Chu, can't you guess it?" Feng Wensu smiled meaningfully: "Little friend Chu and my Feng family are in the same situation, so you should have some guesses in your mind."

Chu Ning's eyes flashed, what this person meant...

"The first time I saw Little You Chu, I knew that Little You Chu had formed a life contract with a certain monster. Therefore, I have a natural affection for Little You Chu."

"Senior Feng means that the Feng family also has a life contract with the monster."

Since the other party can see the old black in his body, Chu Ning does not deny it, so the Feng family's situation is the same as his own.

"Well, my Feng family has also made a life contract with the monster. But what is different from Chu Xiaoyou is that our Feng family is not a single member of the family who has made a life contract with the monster, but the entire family has signed a life contract with the monster. ."

Feng Wensu's words made Chu Ning look surprised. A life contract could be signed between a monster and a family. Listening to what Senior Feng said, it was like the Feng family signing a life contract with a monster for generations.

"My little friend, telling you this already shows the sincerity of our Feng family. I don't know if my little friend has any requests. If you have any requests, feel free to ask."

Chu Ning nodded. The Feng family's attitude was very good. This should be regarded as a big secret of the Feng family. There is no rule in the monk world to find an alchemist to make elixirs. You must inform them of the use of the elixirs, as long as you can afford the alchemy fees.

"Since the senior knows that the junior also signed a life contract with the monster, the junior will not hide it. If possible, the junior hopes that the monster in the body can form a pill safely."

The Feng family dares to sign a contract with the entire family, and has been able to maintain a steady stream of strong men in the late stage of the Golden Core for so many years. There must be a reliable way to make monsters form pills.

Lao Hei's judgment this time was correct. Cooperating with the Feng family will minimize the risk of Lao Hei forming pills.

"Okay, if Little Friend Chu refines the Return to Origin Pill, our Feng family will help the monster beast in Chu Little Friend form the pill, so there won't be any danger of thunder catastrophe."

Feng Wensu gave her assurance readily. The two looked at each other and smiled, and Chu Ning said, "It's a pleasure to cooperate."

The Feng family alchemy room.

First grade, second grade, third grade, fourth grade...

Chu Ning looked at the alchemy furnace placed in the alchemy room and was shocked by the Feng family's background.

A fourth-grade alchemy furnace can only be owned by a powerful Yuanying person. Even the Xiyue Sect only has one. Unexpectedly, the Feng family actually has two.

"The Feng family is really a big family. It seems that they have hidden their clumsiness in the past."

Chu Ning sighed, but Lao Hei said dissatisfiedly in his mind: "What time has it been? If you don't make elixirs quickly, what are you doing here?"

"Why are you so anxious? The probability of failure of the Mysterious Mirror is very small. This Return to Origin Pill is not a high-grade pill, but a special non-grade pill. The reason why the Feng Family came to us is just to ensure that Success rate."

He had never even heard of some of the medicinal materials on the elixir recipe. You must know that his master is a third-level alchemist. He has memorized nearly 10,000 kinds of materials that can be used to refine elixirs in the world.

He had never heard of it, which meant that these materials were very precious. He inferred this from the few medicinal materials whose origins were known.

He only knows two of the ten main medicines, and the value of these two medicinal materials must be hundreds of thousands of spirit stones to buy one.

As for the reason why the Feng family came after him, he understood it the first moment he saw Dan Fang.

The Feng family doesn't care about their alchemy level, but rather the success rate of their alchemy.

The elixir recipe does not indicate the grade of the Return to Origin Pill at the beginning, which means that it is a low-grade elixir. The so-called low-grade elixir does not mean that it is the worst elixir that is not high-grade.

There is a type of elixir that is very strange. It can be refined by any alchemist. It has nothing to do with the alchemist's strength. It may be possible for a just beginning alchemist to refine it, but it may also fail to be refined by a fourth-level alchemist.

As for why this strange elixir appeared, there is still no conclusion in the circle of alchemists.

The more mainstream theory at present is that this situation occurs because the medicinal materials of this type of elixir are too unstable when fused together.

This instability is beyond the control of the alchemist, and one can only leave it to fate and luck.

At the same time, there is another saying in the alchemy circle, which is that this type of elixir is not actually a mature elixir, which means that the fusion of these medicinal materials is not pharmacological, and it is only occasionally lucky that the refining is successful.

But for Chu Ning, with the Mysterious Mirror around, this type of elixir is exactly what he can best maintain his success rate.

Two days later, Chu Ning began to refine pills, choosing a second-grade pill furnace.

When Chu Ning started to make alchemy, Feng Wensu appeared on the stone bridge behind the Feng family mansion.

"City Lord, Chu Ning has started refining the elixir, and the results will be available in three days."

"Well, if Chu Ning refines the elixir, bring him to the stone tower."

"I understand."

Feng Wensu nodded, with a worried look on his face, but in the end he didn't ask.

If Chu Ning refines the Return to Origin Pill, then she doesn't have to worry. If Chu Ning doesn't refine the Return to Origin Pill, it won't help. What should happen will still happen.

Feng Wensu turned around and left. At this moment, inside the stone tower, a cold and charming woman was sitting cross-legged. Below the woman, there was a hole, and billowing flames and lava splashed from time to time.

The cold and pretty woman's cold and pretty face sank, and she pressed her palm towards the cave below. Silence returned to the bottom of the cave, and no more flames appeared.

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