Think of Tangshan.

Chu Ning met Huang Xiuchun.

"Isn't Junior Sister Tang here?"

Huang Xiuchun was a little confused when he saw Chu Ning alone on the top of the mountain.

"Ruowei is in seclusion, what's going on with Senior Sister Huang?"

Chu Ning smiled and spoke, knowing the reason for Huang Xiuchun's arrival.

"Junior sister Tang is in seclusion?"

Huang Xiuchun was stunned, Junior Sister Tang was in seclusion at this time, but then she wanted to understand the reason.

Junior Sister Tang is in seclusion at this time, just to show her stance to the elders and the sect master through actions.

"Does Junior Brother Chu know that Junior Sister Tang gave up her quota to enter the secret realm to form pills and gave this quota to me?"

"Well, Ruowei told me."

Chu Ning nodded, smiled at Huang Xiuchun and said: "Senior Sister Huang, Ruowei told me about this, and I also asked her why she did this. Ruowei told me that after she came to Xiyue Sect, Senior Sister Huang treated her Please take good care of me, especially in cultivation. If it weren’t for Senior Sister Huang, she probably wouldn’t be able to reach the late stage of foundation building so quickly.”

"Junior sister Tang put a lot of money on my face."

Huang Xiuchun smiled bitterly. The reason why the master asked her to teach Junior Sister Tang to practice was because Junior Sister Tang had not yet established the foundation at that time, and she was just teaching on behalf of the Master.

When Junior Sister Tang has questions about her cultivation, even if she doesn't answer them, there will be other Senior Sisters who are willing to answer them for Junior Sister Tang, not to mention that the master will reward her with corresponding contribution points for this.

Junior Sister Tang does not owe her anything, but it is because of Junior Sister Tang that she can easily get contribution points. She took advantage of Junior Sister Tang.

"For Ruowei, if there is no such quota, there will be a quota twenty years later. In comparison, Senior Sister Huang needs this quota more than she does."

Chu Ning looked at Huang Xiuchun: "Now that the list has been submitted, senior sister Huang, don't think too much and prepare for entering the secret realm. Ruowei and I are waiting for the good news about senior sister Huang forming a pill."

"Well, I will not live up to the quota given by Junior Sister Tang."

Huang Xiuchun nodded heavily, and Chu Ning watched Huang Xiuchun leave with a smile. He could understand Huang Xiuchun's mentality at this moment.

In his memory, he had an uncle in his previous life. At that time, the unit allocated housing, and his uncle gave the quota to another colleague.

The colleague was also very grateful to his uncle at the time, but within a few years the situation changed. Not only did he deny his uncle's affection, he even complained about him secretly.

Because the company built a new staff building a few years later, and it was much better than the previous batch, my uncle's colleague thought that his uncle knew the news in advance, so he gave the place to him.

The reason for this misunderstanding was not only the possibility of this, but also the main reason was that my uncle thought it was just a trivial matter, so he did not explain to the colleague why he gave up the room allocation quota.

The reason why I was given a place was because my uncle knew that the colleague had an old mother and a son and a daughter. The family of five lived in an old house of more than 60 square meters, and he sympathized with the colleague.

Stories about farmers and snakes abound.

In addition to snakes, there are also reasons due to the operations of some farmers.

It's okay to show kindness without repaying it, but to show kindness, you need to let the other party know the reason for showing kindness. Only in this way will there be no misunderstanding.

What he said to Huang Xiuchun was to let Huang Xiuchun know that he was opposed to Tang Ruowei giving up the spot. It was Tang Ruowei who persuaded him by explaining the reasons, and he would agree to Tang Ruowei's move.

Huang Xiuchun must recognize Tang Ruowei's kindness and know why Tang Ruowei gave up her spot. Otherwise, Huang Xiuchun may think too much when Tang Ruowei absorbs the golden elixir Dao Fruit and enters the elixir formation realm.

A month later, Chu Ning was fishing quietly when a bell suddenly rang in Xiyue Sect.

The sound of the bell made Chu Ning frown. What big thing could happen to Xiyue Sect at this time?




There were fifteen bells in a row, and Chu Ning narrowed his eyes slightly. This was the first time he heard so many bells since he came to Xiyue Sect.

At the beginning of the Alchemist Competition, only six bells rang.

Including the disciple Da Bi at the back, there were only nine bells.

According to this rule, if there is a grand ceremony bigger than the disciple competition, it should be twelve, but now there are fifteen.

This is tantamount to overstepping a level, so what big thing happened?

An hour later, the bell rang again inside the mountain gate, and at the same time, Chu Ning saw many foundation-building monks heading towards Yuefeng with their swords.

"Fellow Daoist Meng!"

Chu Ning's consciousness fell on Meng Sizeng, who was flying with his sword from Nian Tang Feng, and called out to him.

"Fellow Daoist Chu, what's the matter?"

Meng Si once flew his sword and floated outside the mountain peak, looking at Chu Ning.

"What happened? Why are you, fellow Daoist Meng, rushing to Yuefeng now?"

"I don't know what happened, but when the bell rings fifteen, all the elders, whether in retreat or not, must immediately go to Yuefeng Hall. If the bell rings eighteen, then all the sect's foundation-building disciples will We all have to go to Moon Peak."

Meng Sizeng quickly explained to Chu Ning, and then said: "Fellow Daoist Chu, I will go first."

According to the sect's rules, there must be no delay. Meng Sizeng hurried away with his sword. Chu Ning frowned. According to Meng Siceng's words, this should be the highest level bell of Xiyue Sect.

But what could happen?

Are there forces declaring war on Xiyue Sect?

Or has the powerful Nascent Soul from Xiyue Sect fallen?

If it's the latter, there's no need for Xiyue Sect to be so grand.

Generally speaking, the fall of the sect's Dinghai Shenzhen can be hidden as long as it lasts.

So that's the former?

Thinking of this possibility, Chu Ning's heart trembled, and she quickly walked back to her cave, packed up the things in the cave, and stopped halfway.

got used to.

He will run away as soon as he hears about the war, but his wife is still in seclusion at the mountain gate.

You can't leave Tang Xiaoniu and run away alone.

Thinking of this, Chu Ning put the things back as they were, walked out of the cave, and waited for the results to appear.

Two hours later, Meng Sizeng returned from Yuefeng and came to Chu Ning's cave.

"Fellow Daoist Chu, the world is in chaos."

Meng Sizeng smiled bitterly as soon as he came. Chu Ning asked curiously: "What is the situation? There is a force declaring war on Xiyue Sect?"

"Looking at the four continents, any force that dares to declare war with the sect comes from other regions. It turns out that there are other regions outside our five continents. And a month ago, the monks from another region had united and formally declared war on the sect. We, Chengshan Region, have launched a domain war. Chengshan Region is our five continents plus one hundred cities area."

Meng Si once explained it to Chu Ning. He was afraid that Chu Ning would not understand. To be honest, he learned this information from the sect leader and it took him more than ten breaths to receive it.

"Domain war?"

Chu Ning had a look of astonishment on his face. He had thought about many possibilities, but he just didn't think about it in this aspect.

There has never been a domain war in the Chengshan Domain in the past few thousand years. It would not be so unlucky that a domain war would occur while he was here.

It just so happens that the more impossible something seems, the more it becomes true.

"What's the situation with the domain that declared war on us?"

"I'm not very clear about this either."

"The one who initiated the domain war was Luoyang Domain."

Duan Yurong's figure appeared on the top of the mountain and answered for Meng Siceng.

"I've met Elder Duan."

Meng Sizeng saluted quickly, and then said very sensibly: "Elder Duan, Fellow Daoist Chu, I will leave first."


Meng Sizeng left with his sword. Chu Ning looked at Duan Yurong. Duan Yurong did not wait for Chu Ning to ask and said directly: "Do you know about the outside world?"

"My master told me something, mentioning the nine realms and sixty-four domains." Chu Ning nodded and replied.

"I didn't expect your master to know this."

Duan Yurong was a little surprised. Generally speaking, only late-stage Jindan monks or Jindan strongmen from the four major sects would know about this kind of situation in the outer realm.

Because there is a natural barrier between each domain, this barrier cannot be broken by ordinary Jindan monks.

Many Jindan monks spend their entire lives in one area.

"Since you know the Nine Realms and Sixty-Four Domains, I will briefly tell you about the battle in the next domain."

"Domain wars are not started at will. If a region of the same level wants to start a domain war, it must apply to the upper domain. Only if the upper domain passes can the domain war be started. At that time, the barriers adjacent to the two domains will be banned. Domain monks can enter the opponent's territory unimpeded."

Duan Yurong waved her hand in the air, and a map composed of many light spots appeared in front of her.

"This is the Chengshan Region where we are located, and the Luoyang Region where the region war is launched this time is right here."

Chu Ning looked along Duan Yurong's finger and said with some surprise: "This is the border between Luoyang Domain and Wentianmen's territory."

"Well, if the monks from the Luoyang Domain want to attack, they can only come in from the Wentian Gate. Now that we have received the notification of the domain war, we also have a certain amount of time to prepare."

Seeing Chu Ning's puzzled expression, Duan Yurong explained: "A domain war is applied for by one party. Under normal circumstances, the upper domain will not veto it. However, in order to show fairness, a domain declared war will have ten years of preparation time. This Ten years are used by the side that has been declared war to consolidate its forces and arrange its layout."

Chu Ning nodded, this rule is very reasonable.

From what the master said at the beginning, the middle domain was not allowed to launch a war against the lower domain, he felt that those top experts should be interested in maintaining a relative fairness.

"Then how is the battle method in a domain battle? Does the other side have to be completely defeated to be considered a winner?"

"The most important thing in the domain battle is the defense of the border. If the Luoyang Domain monks cannot break through the border defense, we only need to hold on for thirty years to be considered victorious."

"What if we fail to hold the border?" Chu Ning thought of guerrilla warfare.

After all, the monks from outside the domain are definitely not as familiar with the terrain of Chengshan Domain as they are in their own domain, so they can arrange formations to fight guerrilla warfare.

"If we fail to defend the border, it means we have lost the domain war."

Duan Yurong's expression was solemn, and Chu Ning's mouth was slightly open. This was different from the war he imagined.

If you lose the border, you lose?

Doesn't that mean that the border will become a meat grinder, and both sides will invest all their combat power on the border.

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