Chengshan Domain, the border!

The second front was broken by the monks from Luoyang Domain.

Originally, according to the plan, this front line area full of formation restrictions could hold back the Luoyang Domain monks for at least ten years, unless the Luoyang Domain sent out Nascent Soul experts.

However, Luoyang Territory did not send out Nascent Soul experts, and they still used golden elixirs and foundation-building monks.

The second front was able to be broken down so quickly because those formations were broken.

The Domain Alliance spent ten years to set up these formations, with many formation masters setting them up. The formations were connected one by one, and it was almost impossible for the formation masters to come up with a way to break the formation.

What I didn't expect was that there was a Nascent Soul-level formation master in Luoyang Domain.

The formation was broken, and because Wentianmen is good at formations and restrictions, Wentianmen suffered the biggest loss this time. Ten Jindan elders and fifty foundation-building monks were destroyed. This was close to Wentianmen’s gold. There are half the number of Dan and Foundation Establishment disciples.

"Is there a formation master in Luoyang Domain? Did he show up in person?"

Lanyue City.

When Chu Ning learned about the battle situation on the front line from his master, there was a look of surprise on his face.

"Didn't show up, but no one can do this except the formation master."

Xie Shouping shook his head: "No one expected that there would be a formation master in the Luoyang Domain. You must know that a formation master is just like a fourth-grade alchemist. It is extremely rare. One of the ten powerful Nascent Souls may not be born. "

Among the various arts of cultivating immortals, alchemy, weapon refining, talismans and formations are the four most popular, and these four are the most difficult to practice.

Under normal circumstances, in order to ensure that a monk's realm improves, his realm must be one level higher than that of Baiyi.

Alchemists may have a few special circumstances, and many true alchemy geniuses can achieve the same level and realm as alchemists.

When he was in Jindan, he was a third-level alchemist. After entering the Nascent Soul realm, he became a fourth-level alchemist.

It is okay to use your training time to improve your alchemy skills, and then refine elixirs to feed back your cultivation. You can do this as long as you are confident enough in your alchemy talent.

But monks who have cultivation tools, talismans and formations will not do this, because these three things only improve their combat ability and do not help in improving their realm.

Generally, one would first break through to the next level, extend one's lifespan by a large amount, and then upgrade the level of Baiyi.

"If we extrapolate from normal circumstances, the formation master of Luoyang Domain should be in the late Nascent Soul stage."

Chu Ning's words made Xie Shouping shake his head and said with a wry smile: "If this formation master is in the late Yuanying stage, then we in the Chengshan region don't have to fight. Even if the formation master in the late Yuanying stage cannot destroy the four powerful Yuan Ying , it’s no problem to trap four Nascent Soul powerhouses.”

"Luoyang Territory is still letting the Golden Pill and Foundation Establishment monks launch an offensive. Then this formation master should be in the early stage of Nascent Soul. It can only be said that this person's attainments in formations are really rare."

Is it really rare?

But he didn't show up in person...

"Master, is there a possibility that someone revealed the formation layout?"

Chu Ning squinted his eyes and looked at his master. Xie Shouping was stunned. He really didn't think about it, and neither did the senior leaders of the Domain Alliance.

"This is a domain battle. Who will reveal this to the people in Luoyang Domain? There are only a few people in the entire domain alliance who know the entire formation. The defeat of Chengshan Domain will cause the greatest loss to these few people. "

Chu Ning understood what his master meant.

The top leaders of the Domain Alliance are the four major sects, and the four major sects occupy most of the Chengshan Region. They are the least likely to collude with the Luoyang Region.

Xie Shouping knew that his disciple was suspected of being seriously ill, but he still explained: "Domain wars are very cruel. Even if the defeated party is an internal agent, they will be marked as defeated, which will affect their future cultivation."

"I think it is for this reason that the senior leaders of the Domain Alliance have not suspected that there is an internal agent. So, master, are there any special circumstances that can prevent certain people on the losing side from being marked as defeated?"

"Master, I don't know." Xie Shouping pondered for a while and then added: "If there really were people in the Chengshan Domain who had the privilege of pardoning, this domain war would not have happened."

"Master is right."

Chu Ning also felt that she was too suspicious and overthinking.

The defeated side in a domain battle will have a mark of defeat. This mark will not only be in the hands of the winner, but will also affect the monk's practice. Being marked with a mark of defeat will make it difficult to break through the original realm for the rest of his life.

After being defeated, the mark of defeat can be forgiven. If there were such privileged people in Chengshan Domain, then this domain war would not be fought at all, and there would be no need to respond internally.

This is the same as some parents suspecting that some candidates know the answers to the college entrance examination in advance. It is not logically established at all.

Candidates who can know the answers to the college entrance examination papers in advance do not need to care about the college entrance examination scores at all. The energy of the family behind them allows them to enter whichever university they want.

After bidding farewell to his master, Chu Ning returned to Xiyue Sect.

Teeth, moon and annual rings.

The seventh year of the domain war.

The fourth batch of Xiyue Sect disciples set off, and Feizhou brought back Meng Siceng's body.

This time, there were only three bodies in total.

This does not mean that Meng Si was unlucky. He was one of the three disciples of the Xiyue Sect who died.

The formation on the second front was broken. Two Jindan elders of Xiyue Sect died in the battle, and more than a dozen Foundation Establishment disciples.

The three men, Meng Sizeng, were lucky because they still had their bodies, while the dozen or so other disciples didn't even have their bodies.

If Chengshan Territory can hold on to this domain battle, there will be tombs of these disciples in Xiyue Sect in the future. If Chengshan Territory loses, then I am afraid that not even a tomb will be left in this world.

The disciples of Xiyue Sect looked sad. Chu Ning thought for a while and finally took away Meng Siceng's body.

Because before Meng Si went to the border, he once said: If I die, I will be buried on your mountain peak, Fellow Daoist Chu. I think your mountain peak is quite good.

[The tomb of Meng Sizeng, a disciple of Xiyue Sect]

Chu Ning built a grave for Meng Siceng on the mountainside. This was the first grave he buried in Niantangshan, but Chu Ning had a hunch that this might not be the last grave.

"Fellow Daoist Meng, you are really good at choosing a place. As long as I don't die on this mountain, your tomb will always exist."

Putting a pot of wine brewed by Hongri Peak Winery in front of the grave, Chu Ning was about to leave when the mountain peak under his feet suddenly shook. At the same time, the mountain peak in his Dantian also rotated.

The mountain peaks rotated, and an additional piece of information appeared in Chu Ning's mind.

After a while, Chu Ning narrowed his eyes slightly after understanding the information in his mind.

What came to his mind were two spells.

One is the mountain-moving technique, and the other is the Qi-gazing technique.

The art of moving mountains is different from the art of moving mountains. The art of moving mountains is to move the mountain he has cultivated.

As for the Qi-watching technique, it is used to detect the flow of Qi in mountains, rivers and earth veins.

"Is this the inheritance technique that should have been cultivated at this stage of the mountain peak, or is it because of the appearance of Meng Siceng's tomb?"

Chu Ning couldn't tell because the timing was too coincidental.

The good thing is that no matter what the situation is, he doesn't necessarily need to know the answer at the moment.

"Are you asking me to move Shanfeng to a new home?"

The two spells appeared at this time, and the meaning could not be clearer. The energy of the earth veins in Hongri Peak was not enough, and it was necessary to choose a new address for Nian Tangshan.

Chu Ning entered the cave and walked out of the cave half a month later.

There is no need to practice the mountain-moving technique. What he has been practicing in the past half month is the qi-watching technique.

At this moment, when he opened his eyes, he saw that the yellow earth energy was constantly rising under the peaks of the Sun and Moon Mountains. The richest among them was the Yue Peak.

Chu Ning lowered his head and glanced at the Red Sun Peak below. The yellow ground aura was extremely weak, at least it was much worse than other peaks.

If Nian Tangshan continues to be on Hongri Peak, Hongri Peak will be exhausted.

"The elders of Xiyue Sect will definitely object to moving Nian Tang Mountain to Yue Peak, and it is too conspicuous. Choose another mountain with strong earth energy."

After walking around Riyue Mountain, Chu Ning finally chose a valley behind the mountain.

The terrain of this valley is flat, and the energy of the earth veins from the peaks on both sides of the valley is pouring into the valley, so it is just right to move Niantang Mountain here.

Chu Ning stood in the valley and formed a mountain seal with his hands. The valley suddenly became violently windy. Chu Ning frowned and released his hand seals.

Unable to move!

It's not that he can't move Nian Tangshan, but that the energy of the valley's earth veins repels Nian Tangshan. The strong wind just now was formed by the energy of the earth's veins.

"Brother, don't mess around. This is not how you raise mountains."

When Chu Ning was confused, Huo Ling, who was pressed by the mountain in his dantian, spoke for the first time in so many years.

"Brother, you have made the Red Sun Peak bald. Naturally, other peaks in this mountain range will no longer be willing to accept your peak. Release me and I will teach these disobedient peaks a lesson."

Is Hongri Peak bald?

Chu Ning looked back at the direction of the Red Sun Peak. It seemed that the height of the Red Sun Peak had not increased much over the years. Not only did the height not increase, but the growth of the trees on the Red Sun Peak seemed to have slowed down.

"Can you handle these mountains?"

"Of course, I am a fifth-level earth fire spirit. These mountains have not given birth to mountain spirits. They are just instinctive resistance. As long as you let me out, a fire will make these mountains obedient."

The Earth Fire Spirit is very confident, and Chu Ning also believes in this guy's words, but it is impossible to let this guy out.

"No need. Since the peaks of this mountain range repel me, I can choose other mountain ranges. It must be in the Xiyue Sect if there is no need."

"Brother, let's not seek the far side instead of the near side."

The Earth Fire Spirit quickly tried to dissuade him, but Chu Ning chose to ignore it.

"Brother, no, let's make an agreement. Doesn't your master want you to refine fourth-grade elixirs? With your level, you definitely can't do it. But with my little brother, it's different. I'm a fire spirit." Ah, as long as I separate out some elixirs that are spiritual enough to be in the elixir furnace when refining elixirs, it’s no big deal if they’re just a fourth-grade elixir.”


Chu Ning pondered, and after a while he said, "What do you want?"

"Brother, I don't want anything. It was my fault before. I didn't know the identity of my eldest brother. I told you that we are on the same side. You have raised me well on this mountain. I'm going to follow you, eldest brother. We are so hot." Always choose a mountain as a hiding place."

The spirit of the earth fire is very sincere. In its words, the earth fire is born along with the mountain peaks, and the mountain peaks are the shelter of the earth fire.

The reason why there is no mountain in Huofeng City is that the Feng family destroyed the mountain in order to seal it. If the mountain is still there, the Feng family cannot seal it.

"Brother, I am telling the truth. You have to believe me. If I choose a mountain peak now, it will take thousands of years to regain my strength, because there is only so much earth energy around a mountain peak. But following you, big brother, is different. , if the energy of the earth veins is not enough, change the place, which can also greatly shorten the time for me to recover my strength."

"Can you allow me to refine a fourth-grade elixir?"

"It's very possible, but at least you can't do it yourself, brother. With my help, the possibility is greatly improved."

Chu Ning fell into deep thought, thinking about the reliability of what the earth fire spirit said.

"Brother, why don't you ask your master? He should know more about earth fire."


Chu Ning didn't hesitate to leave the mountain gate and found his master in the city.

"Master, I'm here to ask you for help."

"In alchemy?"

"No, it's about earth fire."

Xie Shouping was a little surprised. After pondering for a while, he asked, "Do you want to refine the earth fire?"

In Xie Shouping's opinion, when his disciple asked about earth fire at this time, he probably wanted to refine an earth fire.

Every alchemist has the intention of refining earth fire, including himself.

"Refining earth fire is not an easy task. It will take ten years to refine even first-level earth fire, and the probability of failure is high."

Chu Ning knew that his master had misunderstood, and he had no intention of refining the earth fire.

"Master, why is this earth fire so difficult to refine? And I think the earth fire seems to be all in the mountain peaks. Is there any special reason?"

Hearing Chu Ning's question, Xie Shouping smiled slightly and replied: "Earth fire is formed by the accumulation of fire energy in the earth's energy. Over the years, when these fire energy accumulate too much, it becomes earth fire."

"Just imagine, if it were a plain land, with strong winds blowing and heavy rain pouring, would the earth fire be able to gather together?"

"If Earth Fire wants to be born, it can only grow slowly under the mountain peaks, and the growth of a mountain peak cannot be separated from Earth Fire. The two complement each other."

"Master, please elaborate." Chu Ning's eyes lit up. It seemed that his master knew a lot about Earth Fire.

"My teacher told you at the beginning that the Immovable Mountain Technique was obtained in a secret realm. The experience in that secret realm gave me some understanding of earth fire."

"Earth fire is born in the mountain, and the mountain is strong based on the earth fire. Both are indispensable. If a mountain wants to truly grow, it must have earth fire. Without earth fire, the mountain peak will be just an isolated peak. Only earth fire appears. It takes a mountain peak to grow into a mountain range.”

"Then if the mountain peak is destroyed, will it have any impact on the ground fire?" Chu Ning asked.

"The mountain peaks are destroyed, the earth fire loses its shelter, and its rank will decline. It is necessary to find a mountain to hide in again, and then it will take a long time to recover."

Listening to his master's explanation, Chu Ning was sure that the Earth Fire Spirit was indeed not lying. It seemed that he could cooperate with the Earth Fire Spirit.

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