The five upper realms.

The other four realms never recruit disciples in the lower realm, except the soul realm.

At the same time, the soul realm is also the most mysterious realm among the five upper realms, and has very few interactions with other realms.

The other four realms, which are also the upper realm, may have some understanding of the soul realm, but in the eyes of the nine middle realms, the soul realm is synonymous with mystery.

Meng Shuang triggered the Dragon Gate Standard of the Soul Realm, and all the God Transformation monks present were incredulous.

Only Meng Yang and Meng Heshu had a look of sadness in his eyes.

A black beam of light broke through the sky, but at the end of the sky, no vortex appeared this time. Instead, the sky directly split open, and a pressure that made Chu Ning's heart palpitate fell.

The crack widened, revealing an eye.

This is a cold eye without any emotion. Even the powerful God Transformers present look a little nervous under the gaze of this eye.

"When your soul power is satisfied, are you willing to enter my soul realm?"

A cold and ruthless voice came from the crack, and the eyes finally focused on Meng Shuang.

"I...if I join the Soul Domain, can I stop this domain war?"

Meng Shuang seemed to be unable to feel the terror in these eyes and asked simply.


"Okay, then I am willing to join the Soul Realm."

Meng Shuang smiled sweetly, and her cracked eyes blinked for a moment.

With the blink of an eye, all the monks in the entire Chengshan Domain and even the Luoyang Domain felt an energy that was devastating the world and looked towards the sky in horror.

"The domain war has stopped. The two domains are not allowed to start a war for a thousand years."

The cold voice spread throughout the two realms, and no monk dared to question it. Under this energy, they felt like ants.

This is true for Chengshan Domain, and it is also true for Luoyang Domain.

Several Nascent Soul cultivators in the Luoyang Domain had a look of reluctance on their faces. They had lost many disciples for this domain battle, but what could they do if they were unwilling to give in?

If they don't agree, I'm afraid it won't be difficult for the other party to destroy all the monks in their Luoyang Territory.

This is the case in the world of monks. The so-called fairness is based on the fact that the strength of both parties is almost the same. There will always be the strong one who has the privilege and can trample the rules wantonly.

"Let's go."

The eye in the split soul blinked again, and Meng Shuang's figure floated directly up, heading towards the crack.

"Ah, Daddy!"

Meng Shuang was a little panicked, but the next moment the person turned into a stream of light and flew into the cracked eyes.

The sky returned to its original state, and it was as if the crack had never appeared.

Meng Yang had a strong look of worry on his face. His daughter was going to the Soul Realm alone. As a father, he was really worried.

"Meng Yang, the matter has come to this, please calm down. You are still the leader of Wentian Clan."

Meng Heshu shouted softly, pulling Meng Yang back from his thoughts.

Compared with Meng Yang's worries and the cheers of the monks in Chengshan Domain at this moment, Yue Yaotian's face was the ugliest.

The domain war ends at this moment, which is most detrimental to their Xuantian Sect.

Xuantian Sect betrayed Chengshan Domain. This matter must not be hidden. The monks in Chengshan Domain will definitely have resentment towards Xuantian Sect.

If we add Xiyue Sect and Wentianmen...

Yue Yaotian's mind was quickly thinking about ways to break the situation, and at this moment, the god-transforming monks continued to look at Tang Ruowei.

"Little girl, if you join me on Suxin Island, you will enjoy the treatment of a first-class disciple, and you can also bring anyone you want with you."

A goddess-incarnation female cultivator spoke slowly, but Tang Ruowei did not reply, but looked at Chu Ning.

"Ruowei, agree."

Chu Ning noticed that after the senior god-turned-god put forward the conditions, other powerful god-turned-gods had expressions of surprise on their faces, knowing that the conditions given by the female god-turned-god should be excellent.

Otherwise, other people should also put forward conditions to fight for it.

"Okay, I am willing to go to Suxin Island, but I have to wait for a while before going there."

Tang Ruowei listened to Chu Ning's words and agreed.

A smile appeared on Song Shaolan's face: "Okay, then I will stay in this domain for a while."

Tang Ruowei chose to join Suxin Island. The other powerful gods were a little regretful, but they didn't pay much attention to it. Only the elder disciples could enjoy the first-class disciple quota. They were only deacons and could not make such a promise.

When Yue Yaotian heard that Song Shaolan would stay, his expression became very gloomy. If this powerful god-transformer stayed, then he really would have no way to do anything to Chu Ning.

"Junior brother, let's go."

Zhuo Jincheng knew what his junior brother was thinking, but in the current situation, unless the master took action, there was no way the junior brother could do anything to Chu Ning.

"Yes, senior brother."

No matter how unwilling Yue Yaotian was, he would not dare to disobey his senior brother. What's more, Xuantian Sect now relies on his senior brother for support, so sects such as Xiyue Sect, Wentianmen, and Liuhe Mountain would not attack Xuantian Sect.

Before Yue Yaotian left, he looked at Chu Ning with a cold look, asking Chu Ning to live a little longer.

Zhuo Jincheng left with the Xuantian Sect people. Although Qi Xuemei and Meng Heshu were a little dissatisfied, they did not dare to stop him.

The middle realm is not allowed to wage war against the lower realm, but it does not say that the monks in the middle realm cannot attack the monks in the lower realm.

No matter how unwilling he is, he can only watch the people of Xuantian Sect leave.

As soon as Zhuo Jincheng left, the other powerful god-transformers also left through the whirlpool, and soon only the two powerful god-transformers, Senior Brother Zhao Qin and Song Shaolan, were left on the scene.

Qi Xuemei invited these two to visit Xiyue Sect, and senior brother Zhao Qin agreed with a smile. This time he was responsible for escorting the junior brother, and he would go wherever the junior brother went.

Song Shaolan knew that Tang Ruowei came from the Xiyue Sect, so she also did not refuse.

Many disciples from the lower domain have sectarian feelings towards the sects in the lower domain. Giving Xiyue Sect face will also make Tang Ruowei have a better impression of Suxin Island.

Xiyue Sect.

Red Sun Peak.

Wine shop.

Zhao Qin drank too much.

"Chun Ning, I believe you can definitely make it to the Central Territory. You can always create impossible things."

Zhao Qin patted Chu Ning on the shoulder. At the beginning, no one was optimistic about Chu Ning in the school, but in the end, Chu Ning was the first to step into the martial arts realm, and the first to enter the grand master realm.

Zhao Qin was very drunk and talked a lot.

Chu Ning listened silently. It turned out that although Zhao Qin had never returned to Chengshan Territory, he asked his senior brother to investigate the situation in Chengshan Territory.

"Qi... Qi Xue, I heard from my senior brother that Qi Xue has become a married woman, and now she has children and grandchildren around her, and she must be a grandmother."

Zhao Qin smiled bitterly, and Chu Ning recalled that when she first met Zhao Qin and Qi Xue in the military camp, Qi Xue was obviously interested in Zhao Qin, and Zhao Qin also knew Qi Xue's intentions.

It's just that Zhao Qin was arrogant at that time. Qi Xue was the queen of the generals, and he was just a helpless young man from a small place. He didn't dare to accept Qi Xue's affection.

I never thought that there would be another war later. Looking back, things have changed.

"It's better for you and Tang Ruowei. After coming out of Daning County, you have cultivated to perfection after so many years."

There was a trace of envy in Zhao Qin's blurred eyes, and then he suddenly shouted: "Fuck your talent, I'm just waiting for you, Chu Ning, to come to the Central Region and slap these sects in the face."

After finishing his words, he tilted his head and leaned on the table.

No matter how strong the wine is, it is impossible to make a strong Jindan drunk.

If the wine is not intoxicating, everyone will get drunk.

Zhao Qin's senior brother showed up at the wine shop after Zhao Qin got drunk, smiled warmly at Chu Ning, and left with Zhao Qin in his arms.

Chu Ning watched Zhao Qin being carried away, and also picked up the wine bottle and drank a drink.

The separation and death that Zhao Qin is experiencing now will be experienced by him one day in the future.

“Cherish the present and screw the future.”

He didn't use his spiritual power during this drink.

The next day.

Think of Tangshan.

"Chun Ning, I have to leave."

On the top of the mountain, Zhao Qin said goodbye to Chu Ning. This is the good thing about monks. No matter how drunk he was yesterday, when he wakes up, his spiritual power will wash his whole body and he will not feel dizzy or uncomfortable.

"How many days won't you stay?"

"I came back this time just to see you and Tang Ruowei. Now that I have seen you two, there is nothing left to miss in Chengshan Domain."

Zhao Qin looked closely and said with a smile, "I'll be waiting for you two in the middle territory."

Just when Chu Ning was about to answer, a red figure came quickly from the front with a sword.

Tang Ruowei looked at Zhao Qin and said, "I'm afraid you can't leave now."

"What do you mean? Is it possible that you and your wife are forcing you to stay as guests?" Zhao Qin pretended to be scared.

"I'm getting ready to hold a wedding with Chu Ning."

Tang Ruowei blushed. These words not only stunned Zhao Qin, but also Chu Ning.

Tang Ruowei didn't tell herself this matter in advance, so it was Tang Ruowei's temporary decision.

After thinking about it, Chu Ning understood why Tang Ruowei suddenly made this decision.


Chu Ning responded heavily.

"Are you two so over the top? This wedding was deliberately held just for me, just to waste some of my gift money?"

Zhao Qin sighed helplessly, and he understood why Tang Ruowei suddenly wanted to hold a wedding with Chu Ning.

Lanyue City.

"A wedding?"

Xie Shouping was stunned for a moment after listening to Chu Ning's words, and then he had a happy smile on his face: "It's a good idea to have a wedding. I will prepare the betrothal gift for you."

Seeing his master leaving in a hurry, Chu Ning decided to go back to Liang Dynasty. In addition to his master, he also had two elders.

After so many years, I don’t know where the teacher and his wife have traveled now.

Xiyue Sect.

"What's the attitude of the senior from Suxin Island when we hold a wedding?"

Duan Yurong listened to her words with a look of surprise in her eyes. If she had made the decision, she would not object, but she was afraid that the senior from Suxin Island would object.

After all, Chu Ning had passed the Dragon Gate test and her cultivation talent did not meet the requirements. If she were the senior from Suxin Island, she would object to the wedding.

Just like when she knew that Ruowei had a childhood sweetheart who was asking about Jin City, she arranged for Huang Xiuchun to give Chu Ning a Foundation Building Pill to make Chu Ning give up on Ruowei.

Because she didn't want Chu Ning to drag Ruowei down, she was afraid that the senior at Suxin Island would think the same.

"I told Senior Song and she didn't stop me. She said she respected my idea." Tang Ruowei replied.

"In that case, I don't have any objections from my teacher's side."

Duan Yurong smiled. After experiencing this domain war, she also looked away. Sometimes the idea of ​​​​being an elder does not need to be imposed on the younger generations.

Moreover, Chu Ning was kind to the Xiyue Sect. If Chu Ning had not turned the tide in the end, the sect would have been attacked by the Xuantian Sect long ago.

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