I just want to torture you to death, don't force me to beat you to death

Chapter 225 Heavy snow reflects red makeup (please subscribe)

The arrival of the two women from the Li family was just an episode for Chu Ning and failed to affect his state of mind.

Continue to refine the puppet.

With his previous experience, he upgraded the puppet much faster this time than last time.

In two years, the second puppet was successfully promoted to the middle stage of Jindan.

The two Qingling Crystals were all successful.

Chu Ning also felt a little emotional about his luck. He originally thought that it would be great to succeed in one.

Now the two puppets are both in the middle stage of the Golden Core. In addition, he is in the middle stage of the Golden Core. He also has the consciousness that can be compared with the monks in the early stage of Yuanying. He also has the soul-stirring bracelet and the earth fire. Not only is he invincible under the Yuanying, But it should be invincible.

Five years.

Chu Ning didn't feel that how long had passed. He had been in seclusion in Xiyue Sect for decades, and five years was nothing in comparison.

This is the monk's concept of time. As the realm improves, the feeling of time will become more and more blurred.

Chu Ning decided to patrol the Black Mountain area just to relax his mind.

Cultivation requires a combination of work and rest.

After changing his body shape, Chu Ning controlled his strength at the early stage of Qi Condensation. With his current strength, there is no need to use the Substitution Technique. With the simple method of hiding his body shape, no monk in the entire Dongyu City can see it. Show his true face.

In the early stage of Qi Condensation, in the Black Mountain area, he was comparable to the martial arts master in the Daliang Dynasty. He had a certain status but was not conspicuous.

There are six small cities in the Black Mountain area, surrounding the Black Mountain area. Chu Ning visited two cities to know the current situation of these families in the Black Mountain area.

The Li family was not destroyed in the end and was still one of the fifteen families.

The reason why they were not destroyed was because the second young lady of the Li family married a member of the Jin family as a concubine, and the Jin family spoke out.

As the real controller of the Black Mountain region, other families naturally dare not go against the Jin family's words, but the Jin family only protects the Li family from being destroyed, and will not support the Li family's revenge on other families.

For the Jin family, whether it is the Li family or other families, they are all affiliated forces, and these families must make offerings to the Jin family every year.

If there was support from the Jin family, other families could be wiped out, and these small families would have left long ago.

What the Jin family wants is a balance, and if these families can give birth to foundation-building monks, the Jin family will also reward them, because the families of these foundation-building monks are within the jurisdiction of the Jin family and can only choose to be loyal to the Jin family, unless the foundation-building monks are born. No sense of belonging to the family.

Pingshan City.

It is a small city in the southern area of ​​Montenegro, and the Qiao family is one of the fifteen families that controls the city.

The Qiao family only needs three late-stage Qi Condensers to control a small town, and they are among the top three families among the fifteen.

"One world and one level."

In a wine shop in Pingshan City, Chu Ning smiled helplessly while drinking.

For the monks in Pingshan City and the Black Mountain area, families like the Qiao family are behemoths.

But to the Qiao family, the four major families in Dongyu City are behemoths.

For the four major families in Dongyu City, the four major sects are out of reach.

But for the four major sects, a god-transforming monk can decide their life or death.

A strong person in the eyes of others is just a shrimp in the eyes of higher-level beings.

Many monks practice desperately in order to escape the identity of Xiami, but most of the monks struggle all their lives and end up as Xiami.

Nascent Soul powerhouses are already at the top of the Chengshan Domain, but what about other domains?

Not to mention the more than forty lower realms, there is also the higher middle realm, and the upper realm that is still higher, and the even higher nine realms.

Damn it, just thinking about it makes one's heart break.

Chu Ning smiled bitterly and shook his head. In fact, he was never unhappy at the bottom. The lower he was, the easier it was to satisfy happiness.

It may be that the several acres of spiritual fields are growing well and he can sell more than a dozen spiritual stones. It may be that he obtains a magic weapon or a bottle of elixir.

Cultivation, what exactly is it?

Chu Ning's eyes suddenly became confused. Many monks would say that it was to live longer and to be able to control one's own destiny.

But he already has a long life. As for controlling his destiny, with his current state, it is more than enough to establish a family in any area of ​​the Lower Domain.

What is the purpose of your own cultivation?

Chu Ning didn't know that not only did he look extremely confused at this moment, but he also exuded a very decadent aura.

After walking out of the wine shop, Chu Ning walked alone on the street. The sky seemed to be affected by him, and white and crystal snowflakes fell from the sky.


The monks in Screen City looked at the sky in shock. There shouldn't be snow at this time of year.

In the south area of ​​the city, the spiritual farmers who planted the elixir looked at the snowflakes falling from the sky with a look of worry on their faces.

If it snows at this time, it will affect the growth of the elixir in the spiritual field.

Many spiritual fields have shining halos, and a shield appears above the spiritual fields, blocking the falling snowflakes.

A spiritual array has been arranged, but more spiritual farmers can only watch the snowflakes falling helplessly. They have not arranged a spiritual array, because a spiritual array requires ten spiritual stones, and they grow elixirs that can be produced in one year. The amount of spiritual stones earned was only thirty yuan.

Spending one-third of their income to set up a spiritual formation, these spiritual farmers would not be able to afford it.

Screen City, Qiao Family.

The three late-stage Qi Condensation monks from the Qiao family looked at the snowflakes above their heads with solemn expressions in their eyes.

It snowed suddenly at this time. There was only one possibility. It was caused by a certain senior who was practicing snow-related skills.

To be able to make snow fall all over Pingfen City and dozens of miles outside the city, those who can do this must at least be in the late stage of foundation building or a golden elixir monk.

But there is no such strong person in Screen City. Even Senior Ji on Black Mountain is only in the middle stage of foundation building.

The middle to late stages of foundation building cannot be achieved in just five years.

Has a mysterious strong man passed by Pingcheng?

Three days later, the outside of Pingfeng City was covered with snow, but the heavy snow had not stopped yet.

The snow in the city was blocked by formations in some areas, but the spiritual fields in the southern area were completely devastated.

Large areas of spiritual fields were covered in ice and snow, and many spiritual farmers looked at the sky in despair.

The spiritual fields in Pingfeng City do not plant precious elixirs, but the most common and low-level elixirs. The spiritual farmers who can plant these elixirs are also in the early stage of Qi Condensation, and some are even in the early stage of Qi Condensation. No, I just came into contact with cultivation.

Facing the heavy snow, they were helpless. The snow not only destroyed their income, but also faced huge compensation.

The spiritual field belongs to the Qiao family, and many of the spiritual medicine seeds planted by spiritual farmers are also rented from the Qiao family. According to the agreement, they wait until the spiritual medicine matures, collect it and sell it to the Qiao family. After paying back the seed money, they can earn some hard-earned spiritual stones. .

But now, it's all gone.

There are tears in the eyes of many young spiritual farmers. This snow will crush their cultivation path, but even so, they do not dare to curse because they have learned that this snow is the cultivation of a powerful senior. Caused by law.

If you curse, if you let this senior know, your life may be lost, and your family, relatives and friends may even be involved.

In the heavy snow, two beautiful figures appeared in the Lingtian area in the south of the city.

"Everyone, our Qiao family will distribute new spiritual seeds free of charge to all spiritual farmers affected by this snow disaster. As for the spiritual seeds and stones owed, they only need to make up for it within five years."

"Miss Qiao?"

Many spiritual farmers listened to the words of the woman in green, and their eyes lit up again.

"Thank you, Miss Qiao."

"Thank you Qiao family."

The spiritual farmers cheered, and Qiao Ya also showed a smile on her face. She comforted the spiritual farmers a few more words before turning and leaving.

"Miss, you did this without consulting the head of the family. I'm afraid the head of the house will blame you."

Qiao Ya listened to the maid's words and smiled playfully: "It's okay. The most I'll get is a scolding from dad. I've already let the words out. As the eldest lady of the Qiao family, you can't keep your words."

Cut first and play later.

These spiritual farmers didn't know that this was Qiao Ya's own decision, but Qiao Ya knew her father, and her words had already been released, and it wouldn't take long for them to spread throughout Pingshan City, and her father would have to admit it for the sake of the Qiao family's face.

As for being scolded by his father, it's not just once or twice. The worst he can do is be locked up for a period of time.

"But miss, this is a big expense. We also have to pay it to the Jin family and the senior in Black Mountain."

"It's okay, it's not like our family can't get these spiritual stones."

"Miss, you are so kind."

"I am not being kind. In fact, I am doing this for the good of our Qiao family. If these spiritual farmers cannot produce spiritual stones, they will definitely not continue to plant spiritual fields. By then, no one will be planting spiritual fields. Now they will chant instead Our Qiao family will be more serious about growing the elixir. The better the quality of the elixir, the greater the benefits our Qiao family will get."

Qiao Ya smiled slightly, and the maid next to her muttered: "I can't speak to you, Miss. Anyway, Miss, you can tell the truth every time."

"It's not that you can't defeat me, it's because what I said is right."

"Yes, Miss You is right. Miss, do you think the young master from the Yang family or the Su family is better?"

Hearing what the maid said, Qiao Ya's smile froze. Some time ago, her father had mentioned marriage to her. Young Master Yang and Young Master Su had asked someone to find their father, and only then would his father ask her.

She also met Young Master Yang and Young Master Su, but she didn't feel much about them.

"Hey, there's someone over there!"

Qiao Ya chose to change the topic, and maid Xiaozhu's attention was indeed diverted.

"This man looks so lonely, walking like this in the snow on such a snowy day."

In front of the master and servant, a man wearing thin clothes was walking alone in the snow.

One step shallow.

Two steps deep.

Three steps and your head will turn gray.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Qiao Ya shouted. As early as the day before yesterday, she heard that there was a man running in the snow, which aroused everyone's curiosity. According to a monk at the scene who knew the inside story, the man was raped because he was raped. Love was snatched away with a knife, and the beloved woman was snatched away by a monk with a background, which is why he was so lost.

The man didn't respond and continued walking forward.

"Isn't it just that a woman was robbed? A grown man can take it and let it go. If you treat yourself like this, it will only make your family sad."

The man still didn't respond.

"Miss, this person must have gone crazy." Maid Xiao Lu whispered.

Qiao Ya's pure eyes blinked slightly, and the next moment her figure flashed and appeared in front of the man: "I said..."

Sorry, the updates have been at night these days. The temperature has dropped. I can't get up in the morning these days. It's too cold. Jiudeng can't turn on the air conditioner. I'll just get the heater tomorrow.

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