Pingshan City.

Yadan Pavilion.

Qiao Ya held her chin, feeling too fuzzy.

Xiao Zhuzi stood aside and stared at her young lady. She didn't know what the young lady was thinking.

Ever since I came back from the foot of Montenegro, the lady has been like this often.

"Xiao Zhu, why did Elder Ji rescue our Qiao family?" Qiao Ya suddenly came back to her senses and asked Xiao Zhu.

"That must be because Miss is kind-hearted. Even Elder Ji is on Miss's side. Didn't you say, Miss, that good people will be rewarded? Miss, you have done so many good deeds, this is reward."

"It would be nice if good people were rewarded."

Qiao Ya muttered, and Xiao Zhu was stunned: "What are you talking about, Miss?"


Qiao Ya didn't tell Xiao Zhu that she had been thinking about one thing these days, why Elder Ji took action to save the Qiao family.

After Elder Ji expressed his stance, the three major families retreated, and her father told her a secret.

Daddy didn't expect her to be able to ask Elder Ji at all, because the Li sisters went to ask Elder Ji and were even willing to sacrifice their lives for it.

This matter is not a secret among the top leaders of the major families. It was accidentally leaked by an elder of the Li family.

Elder Ji was not impressed by the Li sisters' willingness to sacrifice themselves. Why would Elder Ji want to save the Qiao family?

"Xiaoya, is it possible that Elder Ji has taken a liking to you?"

Recalling her father's words, Qiao Ya's pretty face turned red. She was often distracted these days because of her father's words.

Does Elder Ji like him?

But a month has passed, and Elder Ji has not seen any action.

She has never met Elder Ji. Although she is grateful to Elder Ji, she would be really uncomfortable if she was asked to devote herself to Elder Ji.

But if Elder Ji really spoke, she would not refuse, because this Elder Ji had saved her entire family and regarded it as repaying the favor.

"Xiaozhu, do you think I should go to Black Mountain to express my gratitude to Elder Ji?"

Qiao Ya was a little hesitant. Except for her father, other elders in the clan had hinted at this. But she thought that if Elder Ji really had this intention and she went to express her gratitude, what would she do if Elder Ji asked her to stay?

Not refusing means not refusing, but now she can escape for a while.

"I must go. In fact, after the monks from those three families have retreated, you should go, miss."

Xiaozhu answered naturally. She had long wondered why the lady hadn't gone to Montenegro yet.

Elder Ji saved the entire family, Miss should go and express her gratitude.

"Do you think so too?"

Qiao Ya whispered: "Okay, let's go to Montenegro tomorrow."

Just when Qiao Ya made her decision, someone walked in from the door of the store.



Hearing the maid Xiaozhu's "Hey", Chu Ning interrupted directly.

Otherwise, he was afraid that the last scene would happen again.

"Listen to what I have to say first."

Qiao Ya nodded, Xiao Zhu curled her lips, and Chu Ning twitched the corners of her mouth: "Ahem, last time I came here I wanted to return the spirit stone given by Miss Qiao."

"Repay the spiritual stone, just return the spiritual stone. There is a spiritual stone in this pocket, why are you talking so hard?"

Xiaozhu muttered, with a look of dissatisfaction on his face.

"Of course you can be tough when you have money in your hands, but that's not..."

Chu Ning was almost led astray by Xiaozhu, and said helplessly: "Miss Qiao, this is the spirit stone you gave me back then."

"You don't have to be in such a hurry to return it to me. You need spiritual stones more than me now. I'm not trying to beat you. Thirty spiritual stones are just a small sum of money to me, but to you it's just two bottles of pills. , maybe these two bottles of elixirs are enough for you to break through to the middle stage of Qi Condensation."

Qiao Ya spoke and patted Chu Ning on the shoulder: "If you really want to return it to me, then try to break through to the middle stage of Qi Condensation, and then return the spirit stone to me twice as much."

Chu Ning:......

"Okay, then I'll come to see Miss Qiao after I break through to the middle stage of Qi Condensation."

Chu Ning walked out of the store helplessly. Seeing Chu Ning's leaving figure, Xiaozhu curled her lips and said, "Miss, this person is so weird. Miss, you are obviously thinking about him, but you still look reluctant."

"You, no matter what others think, I will take back the spiritual stones I lent when you see Miss."

Qiao Ya looked at Chu Ning's leaving figure and said, "But this person gives me a very strange feeling. Although he is only in the early stage of Qi Condensation, he doesn't have the same awkwardness as a monk in the early stage of Qi Condensation."

As the eldest daughter of the Qiao family, monks in the early stage of Qi Condensation and even in the middle stage of Qi Condensation were very cautious when facing her.

But this person gave her the feeling that she didn't care about her status as the eldest daughter of the Qiao family.

The next day.

Qiao Ya brought Xiao Zhu to Black Mountain, but the trip was in vain. Elder Ji on the mountain did not respond.

When Qiao Ya left, her expression was a little disappointed but also relieved. She didn't know how to describe her mood at the moment.

Elder Ji didn't take a fancy to her, which made her sigh in relief.

As for what she was disappointed with, she couldn't tell.

Seven years.

Chu Ning walked out of the cave, his eyes lit up, and when he reappeared, he was already in the valley behind the Black Mountain.

A moment ago, he felt the energy fluctuations in the valley behind him in the cave. ,

The secret realm Feng Lianghong mentioned is about to open.

He had stayed in Montenegro for fifteen years just to wait for this moment.

In fifteen years, except for the two puppets that were upgraded to the middle stage of the Golden Core, and he himself entered the late stage of the Golden Core, the rest of the time was spent studying formations.

The notes of the formation master traded in Fire Phoenix City improved his attainments in formations a lot.

Now he is not only a third-level alchemist, but also a third-level formation mage.

The valley was deep and dark, and a cold air spread out from the valley. Chu Ning raised his right hand, and a puppet in the storage bag flew into the valley.

Although Feng Lianghong's jade slips recorded the situation in the secret realm, to be on the safe side, he still asked the puppet to go in first to inquire about the situation.

Fifteen breaths later, after confirming that the situation inside was the same as described in Fengliang's red jade slip, Chu Ning raised his right hand again, and several rays of light shot out, hitting the cliffs on three sides of the valley.

This is a formation used to seal off the valley so as not to attract the attention of other strong men.

After sealing off the valley, Chu Ning stepped into the valley.

In the valley.

The cold atmosphere is condensed, and the temperature and the outside world are two extremes. Ordinary foundation-building monks will not be able to bear this cold atmosphere when they come in.

However, Chu Ning walked in without changing his expression. The black mist rolled around him, sweeping in like a huge wave. However, when he was three feet away from Chu Ning, it suddenly collapsed and turned into wisps of black smoke and dissipated.

After marching for a quarter of an hour, Chu Ning pulled out the soul-catching bracelet. The soul-catching bracelet was suspended above his head and made an extremely sharp sound at this moment.

And as the soul-catching bracelet bloomed with red light, a sharp sound came out, and black smoke floated rapidly around from time to time, escaping into the soul-catching bracelet.

Every streak of black smoke is a soul.

According to Feng Lianghong's records, he absorbed the soul at this location. However, Feng Lianghong did not have a treasure like the soul-absorbing bracelet, so he relied on the soul-gathering formation.

Use the formation to attract the soul closer, and then transfer it into the glass ball.

Chu Ning stood there quietly, letting the Soul Absorbing Bracelet absorb the soul. After three days and three nights, the speed of the black smoke floating around had become extremely slow.

From the beginning, there were dozens of souls flying almost every ten breaths, but now it has become one soul every fifteen breaths. Chu Ning knew that almost all the nearby souls had been absorbed.

According to his estimate, the soul-absorbing bracelet absorbed almost 200,000 souls in these three days.

Chu Ning made a hand seal, and the soul-absorbing bracelet shook. There were obvious energy fluctuations in the surrounding space, which spread out in all directions with the soul-absorbing bracelet as the center.

"At the late stage of the golden elixir, the Soul Capturing Bracelet can capture its soul, unless the opponent has a soul-fixing magic weapon, or a soul that is far more powerful than the middle stage of the golden elixir."

"Monks in the late Golden Core stage will also be affected by the soul-stirring bracelet. In the Golden Core stage, my chance of winning should be 99%."

Chu Ning was very satisfied with the evolution of the Soul-Capturing Bracelet, but he did not leave just yet. This secret realm obviously had a great origin. The reason why Feng Lianghong only came here was because the souls that were closer to it became more powerful.

There are many souls in the middle and late stages of the Golden Elixir. Feng Lianghong did not dare to take risks and chose to sell the glass balls, hoping to exchange them for some powerful treasures to further explore this secret realm.

But since I am in the late stage of Golden Core, and there are puppets exploring the way ahead, I will naturally not give up such a good opportunity. The secret realm is only open for three years, and if I miss it, I will have to wait another twenty years.

Continuing to move forward, the soul-absorbing bracelet is still floating above his head, absorbing the souls along the way.

Half an hour later, Chu Ning stopped, and his puppet was standing not far in front.

The puppet stopped because a stone door appeared in front of it.

The stone gate stands in the darkness, and those souls are floating out from this stone gate. At this moment, there are still souls floating out, and the next moment they are absorbed by the soul-absorbing bracelet.

"The real secret realm is inside this stone gate."

There was a thoughtful look on Chu Ning's face. Feng Lianghong didn't come here and didn't know what was going on inside the stone gate.

There are two choices before him now. The first choice is to retreat and wait until he is more prepared before entering the stone gate. The other choice is to risk entering the stone gate.

After pondering for a while, Chu Ning directed the puppet to enter the stone gate.

The moment the puppet's figure sank into the stone door, Chu Ning's face turned ugly, because the connection between him and the puppet was severed.

He was unable to sense the puppet's current situation, let alone control it.

Chu Ning stood in front of the stone gate for a quarter of an hour, looking at the stone gate billowing with black mist, and finally chose to leave.

The moment he entered cultivation, he set a principle for himself: he would rather not get an opportunity than put himself in danger.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

His long life is already the greatest opportunity.

But before leaving, he took something with him.

There was a stone tablet erected on the left side of the stone gate. This stone tablet had a character he didn't recognize engraved on it.

He took the stone tablet with him because he didn't want his trip to be in vain. He didn't expect that the stone tablet could really be put into his storage bag.

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