In the sky, Yue Yaotian looked at Chu Ning who was trapped in the middle, with endless killing intent in his eyes.

The Four Symbols Obliteration Formation is not that easy to use.

The four people must be completely equal in strength, not only in the same realm, but also in the same realm with the same strength.

Apart from Xuantian Sect, there is no other force in the Chengshan Region that can select four strong men in the late Golden Core stage to form the Four Elephant Destruction Formation.

He just waited for Chu Ning to be torn into pieces.

In the formation, Chu Ning's body skin felt like a knife cutting.

The four forces distorted the surrounding space, and the spatial distortion caused his body to begin to tear apart.

The mountain peaks in his body are also constantly rotating at this moment, and with every rotation, a surge of energy flows into his limbs and bones, stabilizing his body.

But even so, there is still blood leaking out from the surface of the skin.

"Don't waste your efforts. You can't break this formation."

In Yue Yaotian's view, Chu Ning was stubbornly resisting, but the outcome was already doomed.

It was enough that something like that happened once in Xiyue Sect back then.

Chu Ning's face was also solemn. The four-image obliteration array blocked his spiritual consciousness. Without the control of his spiritual consciousness, the soul-absorbing bracelet outside was just floating quietly in mid-air at this moment and did not launch any more attacks.

The Soul Capturing Bracelet was controlled by his spiritual consciousness.

At this moment, his consciousness is trapped, and the power of the soul-stirring bracelet is greatly reduced.

Chu Ning's spiritual power surged crazily at this moment. With the addition of mountain power from the Immovable Mountain Art, his spiritual power far exceeded that of ordinary monks of the same realm.


Chu Ning roared angrily, forming seals with his hands continuously, and the mountain peaks crashed down.

Boom boom boom!

Yue Yaotian's face also became ugly. He did not expect that Chu Ning could carry out such a terrifying attack at this time.

If it weren't for the four-image obliteration formation, he alone would not be Chu Ning's opponent at all.

Chu Ning must die.

There was endless killing intent in Yue Yaotian's eyes, and Chu Ning's talent was so amazing.

"He is just a trapped beast still fighting, continue!"

Yue Yaotian was also roaring, forming seals with all his strength to maintain the formation. The other three late-stage Jindan monks were also feeling uncomfortable at this moment, and there was even a hint of fear in their eyes. But at this moment, they also knew that they would either use the formation to defeat this Chu. Either destroy them to death or let Chu Ning break the formation and kill them.


Without any hesitation, these three late-stage Jindan cultivators all used their full strength. Within the entire formation, the space became blurred due to the collision of these five energies.

Thirty breaths later, Chu Ning's offensive slowed down, and beads of sweat were visible on his forehead. He continued to use the Mountain Moving Seal, which took a huge toll on himself.

"He doesn't have much energy left!"

Seeing the beads of sweat falling from Chu Ning's forehead, Yue Yaotian was ecstatic. The four of them changed their hand seals again. This time, the four energies gathered together in the formation and condensed into a giant sword.

"Four Elephants Sword!"

Yue Yaotian had a ferocious expression on his face and raised his right hand suddenly.

The terrifying giant sword, containing endless violent spiritual power, slashed down on Chu Ning's head.

Feeling the terrifying power of the giant sword, Chu Ning also had a look of madness in his eyes, and used the Mountain Moving Seal again.


The mountain peak collided with the giant sword, and a violent energy swept across the sky. Chu Ning was the first to bear the brunt, and his body was directly knocked away by the energy. Although Yue Yaotian and the other four did not fly backwards, they were not comfortable. There were blood stains on the corners of their mouths. .

This terrifying energy fluctuation also caused Zhao Yangming and the four people who were fighting on the other side to look over.

There was shock in the eyes of the four of them. The two old men in the late Golden Core stage were shocked that they almost failed to trap Chu Ning in the Four Elephant Obliteration Formation.

When the young sect leader planned such a deliberate arrangement, they thought that the young sect leader was making a fuss out of a molehill. With seven of them, a middle-stage golden elixir monk, and seven of them in the late-stage golden elixir stage, did he still need to make such an arrangement?

Now it seems that the young sect master is wise. Without these four-image annihilation formation, it is really possible that the boat will capsize in the gutter.

Master Zhao Yangming and You Xing also had shock in their eyes, but what shocked them was Chu Ning's bravery.

Not to mention killing a late-stage Jindan cultivator instantly, but now faced with the formation of four people, he was still only slightly at a disadvantage. He was simply inhuman.

Yue Yaotian never imagined that after his careful layout, this battle would be so anxious. It seemed that he underestimated Chu Ning every time.

But only he knew that he paid enough attention to Chu Ning.

"Damn guy, he's really hard to kill!"

There was a sharp look in Yue Yaotian's eyes, and a golden ball appeared in his storage bag.

"Chun Ning, go to hell."

This golden ball is his strongest attack method.

It contains the full blow of the powerful Nascent Soul, which was injected by the sect's Supreme Elder.

Ordinary materials cannot withstand the full blow of a strong Nascent Soul warrior. Meng Shuang, who was loved at the beginning, only has one Nascent Soul bone.

This golden ball was refined from the bone marrow of a Nascent Soul-level monster. In order to obtain this bone marrow, he paid a huge price.

But no matter how distressed he was, he would never give Chu Ning another chance to make a comeback.

Yue Yaotian and the others immediately withdrew their formation and retreated. Chu Ning looked at the slowly coming golden ball with an unprecedented sense of crisis in his heart.

The energy in this ball is not something he can resist.

call out!

The Golden Crow Rainbow Transformation Technique was used, and Chu Ning's figure turned into a rainbow light and appeared several miles away.

The world was sealed, and he couldn't escape with his Golden Crow Rainbow Technique. What was even weirder was that the seemingly slowly moving golden ball, instead of being pulled away, was getting closer to him. .

This golden ball locked itself.

Chu Ning frowned, took out a bottle of elixir and poured it into his mouth without hesitation. Since the breath was locked and he couldn't escape, he had no choice but to fight.

The spiritual power in the dantian was mobilized to the extreme by Chu Ning at this moment. The peaks in the dantian seemed to feel the danger and were turning crazily.

A blue line appeared on Chu Ning's body surface.

"Qingshan Armor!"

An extra spell appeared in Chu Ning's mind.

A magic that comes from the mountain.

At this critical moment, the mountain peak was not yet three thousand feet high, but a spell was given to him in advance.

Qingshan armor, with mountains as armor.

A defensive technique.

Without any hesitation, Chu Ning followed Qingshan Kai's handprints, and the cyan lines on his body suddenly increased, from the original one to six.

The initial appearance of the Qingshan Armor is that the body is covered by mountain peaks, but when Nian Tangshan has not reached three thousand feet, being able to have six green mountain patterns on the body is already the limit of what Chu Ning can achieve.

All the spells provided by the Immovable Mountain Technique are based on mountain peaks. The height of the mountain determines the upper limit of the spell.

The golden ball was only three feet away from Chu Ning at this moment. There was a crazy look in Chu Ning's eyes. The Golden Crow Rainbow Transformation Technique was used again. The figure quickly retreated. At the same time, a ray of spiritual power condensed into a sword and slashed at the golden ball. round ball.

He wanted to detonate the golden ball, and at the moment when the golden ball detonated, the figure retreated as far as he could.


The spiritual sword fell on the golden ball, and the golden ball exploded instantly. An indescribable terrifying energy was vented and exploded at this moment. The invisible air was exploded at this moment, and there were continuous explosions around the sky.

This energy locked Chu Ning and surged towards Chu Ning. The other late-stage Jindan monks present felt their scalps numb when they felt this energy.

A full blow from a powerful Nascent Soul master, even if it is only in the early stage of Nascent Soul, is not something that a Golden Core cultivator can withstand.

Terrifying energy surged in, and Chu Ning's body was torn apart, and his clothes instantly shattered. At the same time, the six green lines on his body only lasted for two breaths before disintegrating.

Yue Yaotian's lips curled up into a sneer, Chu Ning would definitely die.

However, the next moment, a figure stood in front of Chu Ning.

"To touch my disciple, first step over the body of my master."

The figure who appeared in front of Chu Ning was none other than Xie Shouping, who gave birth to a baby on the mountain peak.


Chu Ning looked at her master's back with a look of surprise in her eyes. Did the master successfully conceive a baby?

Xie Shouping slapped his right hand violently, and energy no less powerful than the explosion of a golden ball surged out of his palm.


The two energies collided, and the entire sky exploded instantly. The sky-swallowing jar that sealed the world began to shake, and cracks appeared in the jar body.

The whole world was silent.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Xie Shouping.

Yue Yaotian and other Jindan cultivators had panic in their eyes at this moment. Xie Shouping had successfully formed a baby and entered the Nascent Soul realm. If all of them went together, they would not be Xie Shouping's opponent.

"Master, can we show up earlier next time? If it's any later, we won't be able to see our disciple."

Seeing his master easily blocking the energy of the golden ball, Chu Ning also breathed a sigh of relief and said half-jokingly: "There is no need to perform such extreme operations every time. Turning the tide is no longer popular. Now everyone likes to watch it. It’s crushing all the way.”

"He didn't successfully conceive a baby, so don't be afraid!"

Before Xie Shouping could reply, an old man next to Yue Yaotian stared at Xie Shouping with a bright light in his eyes.

"If the birth is successful, there will be a vision of heaven and earth. This person should be the last step away from the birth, but gave up in the end. He just retained the last ray of power of the Nascent Soul."

"With this blow just now, the power of this Nascent Soul has been exhausted. This person will soon be counterattacked, and his realm will only continue to fall."

Chu Ning was stunned by the old man's words and looked at his master's straight back.


Xie Shouping did not respond, but raised his hand and pointed, and the figure of the old man who spoke exploded strangely in the air.

A late-stage Jindan monk died without any resistance.

A wisp of black smoke flew out from the old man's body and soon drifted towards the soul-absorbing bracelet, where it was absorbed by the soul-absorbing bracelet.

This scene made Yue Yaotian and others feel horrified and wanted to flee. However, the next moment, Xie Shouping's aura quickly dissipated. Not only did he fall from Yuanying to Jindan, he even continued to fall.

"Elder Fang was right. Xie Shouping failed to conceive a baby, and now it's starting to suffer backlash."

Yue Yaotian was ecstatic. Although he had lost a golden elixir cultivator, it was still much better than facing a strong Nascent Soul master.

The moment Chu Ning noticed that her master's aura was declining, she stepped forward to support him.


"My teacher can only help you so much."

Xie Shouping looked pale and looked at Chu Ning with a smile: "Don't feel guilty. I didn't give up the birth of a baby to save you, as that person said. Even if I don't save you, I won't have a birth this time." will succeed, I have overestimated myself."

"Master, don't speak yet."

Chu Ning smiled bitterly and hugged her master before landing in front of Master Zhao Yangming and You Xing. After the master appeared, the two old men who besieged Master Zhao Yangming retreated.

Chu Ning reached out and took out a bottle of elixir from his pocket, and hurriedly stuffed it into Xie Shouping's mouth.

However, Xie Shouping stretched out his hand to block it.

"Don't waste it. The baby will backfire and any elixir will be useless."

"Chun Ning, your master is right. If the baby fails, you can still live longer with the aid of pills, but the baby will backfire and there is no cure."

Zhao Yangming had a sullen face. He knew that this result was cruel to Chu Ning and Lao Xie, master and apprentice, but this was a fact recognized by the world of immortality cultivation.

Lao Xie forcibly interrupted the birth of a baby, so he would inevitably suffer backlash, which was different from the general failure of the birth of a baby.

"Chun Ning, the danger is not over yet, don't get distracted."

Xie Shouping suddenly scolded him harshly, but his face was already as pale as paper. Chu Ning nodded and said to Zhao Yangming: "Senior Zhao, please take care of my master."

After handing the master to Zhao Yangming, Chu Ning's figure turned into a rainbow light and disappeared on the spot.

The Soul Capturing Bracelet resounded through the sky again. When Yue Yaotian saw Chu Ning disappearing, his expression suddenly changed, and he stepped back without hesitation.

call out!

Chu Ning's figure appeared in front of a late-stage Jindan cultivator. Under the influence of the soul-catching bracelet, the other party's movements were half a beat slower, and this half-beat was enough for Chu Ning.

The soul-killing thorn stabbed out, and a spiritual sword appeared in Chu Ning's hand, slicing across the opponent's body in an instant.

With one sword, this late-stage Golden Core cultivator was cut in half. Several other Golden Core cultivators were frightened and took action one after another.

Several beams of energy came, but Chu Ning's figure turned into a rainbow light and disappeared on the spot.

The Soul Capturing Bracelet sounded again.

call out!

A mountain peak fell from the sky and knocked one of the old men directly to the ground.

In just a few breaths, two late-stage Golden Core warriors lost their lives.

"Together, he can't always use such powerful secret techniques."

Yue Yaotian roared angrily, and the remaining two old men also agreed with Yue Yaotian's statement. It is absolutely impossible to use a secret technique that can instantly kill someone of the same level.

The two old men attacked Chu Ning at the same time, but Yue Yaotian dodged and headed towards the sky-swallowing jar.

He's running away.

Let these two people hold Chu Ning while he unties the seal of the sky-swallowing jar and leaves.

But what Yue Yaotian didn't expect was that when his figure appeared in front of the sky-swallowing jar, Chu Ning's figure also appeared.

Chu Ning anticipated Yue Yaotian's actions.

For people like Yue Yaotian, Chu Ning knew very well that he would immediately evacuate if something went wrong, and he was extremely precious about his life.

This was the case in Xiyue Sect at the beginning, and it is the same now.

Seeing Chu Ning appearing in front of him, Yue Yaotian's expression changed and he was about to retreat back.

"Want to escape?"

There was a chill in Chu Ning's eyes, and the mountain seal condensed.

The mountain peak appeared above Yue Yaotian's head.


An old voice came from the distant sky, but Chu Ning was unmoved and held her hand in the air.

Thinking of Tangshan, it crashed down.

PS: Brothers, please give me a monthly ticket. The more monthly tickets you have, the more tragic Yue Yaotian’s death will be. With the help of fellow Taoists’ monthly tickets, even Jesus will not be able to keep him.

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