In the main hall.

Sun Chengyang looked at Chu Ning and spoke calmly.

Why should I recommend you?

Although Chu Ning was the first to take the initiative to explain his intention, and he admired him more than other newcomers, this did not mean that he would recommend Chu Ning.

"Senior Sun, this junior has refined three pills in the past twenty years. These are the pills refined by this junior."

Chu Ning took out three medicine bottles from the storage bag and handed them to Sun Chengyang respectfully.

Sun Chengyang glanced at it with his spiritual consciousness. Five Elements Pill, Shaoyuan Pill and Linyuan Pill are indeed the more common among the fourth-grade pills, and the quality is also good. Five Elements Pill and Shaoyuan Pill are top grade, and Linyuan Pill is good grade.

But this was not enough for him to recommend Chu Ning to Danshan Sect. Among the newcomers this time, there were more than a dozen alchemists who could do this.

"Senior Sun, this junior is from the lower Chengshan Region. I wonder if you have heard of Senior Sun?"

When Chu Ning saw that Senior Sun didn't express his position, he knew that these pills alone were not enough to impress Senior Sun.

"Old man Chengshanyu has certainly heard of it."

Sun Chengyang was also a little curious in his heart. He wanted to know what Chu Ning was going to say next?

"The juniors can now appear in front of the seniors. Sometimes when I think back, it's like a dream."

Chu Ning sighed softly: "I was born in an extremely remote town in Chengshan Region. There is not even a Qi Condensation monk in the whole town. Both of my parents died when I was young. My aunt took pity on me and brought me to her side. She took care of me with all my heart. Raise and care for the younger generation so that they can survive.”

"While living with my aunt, the surrounding neighbors were all traffickers and lackeys. If nothing unexpected happened, I would have been living at the bottom of the world. Even so, I didn't feel that God was unfair at first. As long as I could stay by my aunt's side and fulfill my filial piety. That’s it.”

"However, God did not fulfill his wishes, and the town suffered from famine. There was no harvest for three years due to a severe drought. The family was devastated. My aunt was old and sick. In order to save my aunt, I begged in front of the house of a powerful person in the county, but was driven away by the vicious dogs of the servants. , the dignity in front of people has been ruined..."

"Fortunately, Mr. Huang showed pity and filial piety to this junior, and gave me medicine and help. He was sincere and recommended me to go to the county school to learn martial arts, and then I was able to embark on the path of a monk."

"The junior knows that learning martial arts is not easy, so he doesn't dare to relax, and trains hard day and night. Although his qualifications are dull, he is not as good as his classmates. When he has doubts, he asks for guidance. When he is in a bad mood when being taught, he angrily accuses the junior of being stupid and does not dare to argue. Instead, His expression became more respectful, and he stood silently and allowed himself to be scolded; when he was in a better mood, he asked for advice again. Therefore, although the younger generation is dull, he has gained a lot in the school."

"My classmates were dressed in brocade silk and hats decorated with red tassels. They were all glamorous and looked like gods. The clothes of the juniors were barely able to keep out the cold. They were patched in many places and were not beautiful at all. But even so, the juniors I still don’t envy these students, I keep reminding myself to seize this opportunity, not only for myself, for my aunt, but also to live up to Uncle Huang’s wishes.”

"Martial arts training requires medicine to nourish the body. The junior is short of money and has no means to survive. He originally planned to leave the school after six months of training. It was Professor Liu who learned about the junior's situation and gave the junior medicine to nourish the body, so that the junior can continue his studies in the school."

"Since then, I have achieved some success in practicing martial arts. I became a disciple of Professor Liu and became my first mentor."

"Later I met my mentor again, Master Xie..."

"Recalling the hardships along the way, if it had not been for the help of two mentors, I am afraid that this junior would never have reached the heights he is now, and it would be impossible to stand in front of Senior Sun and tell all this."

Sun Chengyang listened to Chu Ning's statement, the expression on his face remained unchanged, but he was also touched in his heart.

The monk who transforms into gods is not a heartless person, and Chu Ning's origin was something he did not expect.

In his opinion, the newcomers who can go to the Alchemy Domain, although they come from the Lower Domain and are not as good as the talented alchemists in the Middle Domain, they must be from big families in the Lower Domain.

After all, without the support of a powerful sect and family, it is almost impossible to meet the admission requirements of the Alchemy Domain in alchemy.

Sun Chengyang believed that Chu Ning did not deceive him, not only because Chu Ning revealed his true feelings when telling the story, but more importantly, if Chu Ning lied, his consciousness would be able to detect it.

Unless this Chu Ning is extremely good at lying and can lie in front of his god-transformation monk without changing his expression, his soul will not fluctuate at all.

Sun Chengyang also understood Chu Ning's purpose of telling his past.

According to Chu Ning's journey along the way, he could not have come to the Dan Realm without the help of three noble people, one was Uncle Huang, and the other two were his two mentors.

Generally speaking, monks rarely have multiple mentors, but Sun Chenyang could understand Chu Ning's situation. Chu Ning came from a humble background, and the master he became a disciple of was not very strong at first. As his level improved, he was valued by other strong men and accepted him as his disciple. It's not considered a betrayal of the master's sect.

Chu Ning hopes that she can be his fourth nobleman.

Sun Chengyang pondered, judging from Chu Ning's experience, he was also very capable. Three noble people happened to give him three opportunities, and he also seized these three opportunities.

Should I give him a fourth chance now?

"Tell me what you have done in Xinhuo Palace these years."

Hearing Sun Chengyang's words, Chu Ning knew that this senior Sun must have been persuaded by him.

"Since the disciple came to Xinhuo Hall, he first broke through to the Nascent Soul Realm, and then spent most of his time in the Library Pavilion..."

Chu Ning truthfully told about his thirty years of experience in the Xinhuo Palace. Sun Chengyang just listened, with an expression on his face that showed no sign of satisfaction or dissatisfaction.

"I understand, please step aside."


Chu Ning did not dare to ask Senior Sun what he thought. He had already done everything he could and could strive for. As for whether he could succeed in the end, it could only depend on Senior Sun's own thoughts.

Watching Chu Ning walk out of the hall, a satisfied smile appeared on Sun Chengyang's face. In fact, he had already made a decision in his heart.

He decided to give this spot to Chu Ning.

What impressed Chu Ning was not just his past experiences, but also Chu Ning's behavior when he came to Xinhuo Palace.

Many newcomers will choose to build caves in the outer areas to live in after staying in the Xinhuo Palace for more than ten years. After thirty or fifty years, they will think of other retreats.

But Chu Ning did not. Chu Ning has been staying in the Xinhuo Palace and spent most of his time refining elixirs and reading the jade slips in the library. This just shows that Chu Ning has been preparing for the assessment a hundred years later.

It is this tenacity to not give up that makes him much stronger than other newcomers. I think this is also the reason why Chu Ning was able to reach this point with a slightly cold background in the Lower Domain.

"Since you want me to be your fourth nobleman, then I will fulfill your wish."

Sun Chengyang smiled slightly. What Chu Ning didn't know was that he had been his nobleman a long time ago.

If he hadn't mentioned Lan Fu Lai at the beginning, which made Chen An a little afraid, Chu Ning's assessment rating would have been unqualified.

Three days later.

In the library, Chu Ning was reading the jade slips as usual. He had already done what he had to do. It was not his temperament to stay in the side hall and wait for his fate to be decided.

"Chu Ning, hurry up and gather in the main hall of Xinhuo Hall!"

Suddenly, a voice came to his ears. Chu Ning was stunned for a moment, and then his face showed joy.

At this time, when he informed himself to go to the main hall, there was only one possibility. Senior Sun gave him the spot.

When Chu Ning rushed to the main hall of Xinhuo Hall, someone was already standing here waiting in the main hall.

Three men and one woman, all newcomers.

Not long after he entered the main hall, another man arrived. The six of them looked at each other and nodded as greetings.

Everyone knew that this time the six of them were going to Danshan Sect, and Danshan Sect wanted at most one or two disciples, so they were competitors with each other.

Since they are competitors, it is naturally impossible for them to laugh at each other. They are all Nascent Soul cultivators, so there is no need to be so hypocritical.

After the six people from Chu Ning arrived, soon the six people from Sun Chengyang also appeared in the hall.

"You and the other six are here because the Danshan Sect wants to select new disciples. The six of you have recommended the six of you, but whether you can become a disciple of the Danshan Sect depends on whether the alchemy strength of the six of you can satisfy the Danshan Sect. ."

Wang Dongliang smiled and said without any nonsense, "After you leave the hall, someone will take you to Danshan Sect."

Chu Ning glanced at Sun Chengyang, and when he saw Sun Chengyang looking at him, he quickly showed a grateful expression.

Wang Dongliang and others did not explain too much. They only recommended candidates. The final decision was still with Danshan Sect. After a few brief explanations, Chu Ning and the others left the hall.

"Fellow Daoist Sun spoke for Chu Ning at the beginning, and recommended Chu Ning this time. Could it be that Friend Daoist Sun has some connection with Chengshan Domain?" Chen An looked at the six people leaving and said calmly.

"I have never been to Chengshan Domain, but I just find Chu Ning more pleasing to my eye, and my alchemy skills are not bad, so I gave him a recommendation."

"Do you have a good talent for alchemy?" Chen An sneered, but did not continue to ask.

To put it bluntly, he had no ill intentions towards Chu Ning. First, he felt that Sun Chengyang had spoken for Chu Ning during the assessment and now he had given the quota to Chu Ning. He was really curious in his heart.

Secondly, it was because Chu Ning's frivolity when he was making alchemy made him feel bad. With his preconceived impression, he could not have a good impression of Chu Ning.

Six days later.

A spaceship landed at the foot of an extremely majestic mountain range.

Danshanzong has arrived.

Chu Ning and six others got off the flying boat, and there was already a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul standing waiting below.

As for the senior who led the way on the flying boat, he did not come down, but drove the flying boat directly away.

Chu Ning looked at Feizhou disappearing into the sky and was stunned, so if they were not taken by Danshan Sect this time, they would not even have a chance to return to Xinhuo Palace.

"You are all newcomers to the Xinhuo Palace, right? Come with me, and I will take you to meet your uncle."

The man from Danshan Sect did not introduce his identity to Chu Ning and others, but led the six of them directly towards a nearby mountain peak.

There is a courtyard at the top of the mountain.

It's not the kind of courtyard that existed in the Liang Dynasty or Chengshan Domain. The courtyard at the peak is comparable to the size of a palace.

"This is Yinxinyuan. All followers of my Danshan Sect must pass the assessment of Yinxinyuan. If they can pass, they can enter Danshanyuan."

The man who led the way only briefly introduced the situation. Chu Ning knew clearly that the other party felt that they were not disciples of Danshanyuan yet and did not want to communicate too much.

There are many monks in Yinxinyuan. Chu Ning is not sure whether these people are disciples of Danshan Sect, but he guesses that they are not. Most of these monks are in the foundation-building stage.

If the Danshan Sect accepts even the Foundation Establishment monks as disciples, it shouldn't refuse them the Yuanying monks to join.

"You have come to the Xinhuo Palace to recommend you to participate in the new member assessment of our Danshan Sect, but I tell you the truth, besides you, there are ten fourth-level alchemists who also participated in the assessment."

Not long after the man left them, another man came out. After giving him a simple warning, he continued: "The assessment of my Danshan Sect is very simple. There are four courtyards in total. You should follow the order one by one. Enter."

"I'll go first."

After the man finished speaking, a young man in purple clothes from Chu Ning's side spoke first. It was obvious that Danshan Sect's discriminatory attitude made this man feel aggrieved, and he couldn't wait to show off his alchemy talent so that he could be slapped in the face.

A quarter of an hour later, the man didn't know whether he received a message or something, and said: "Second."

"I come."

Chu Ning glanced at the female cultivator who was speaking. She was the only female cultivator among the six of them. There were very few female alchemists, let alone those from the lower realm.

"Yes, be quiet."

The man gave a rare reminder. Chu Ning saw the expressions of the other newcomers around him change immediately, and he also cursed in his heart.

Treat them differently. Are female cultivators very popular in the alchemy realm?

It shouldn't be. Although there are few female alchemists in the Lower Domain, this is the Alchemy Domain. There are many aborigines, so there should be quite a few female alchemists.

Chu Ning muttered in his heart, but what came to his mind was that when he entered the school, the teacher reminded him to calm down before he lifted the stone pier.

After a while, Chu Ning regained consciousness and smiled bitterly in her heart. She is getting older and loves to reminisce.

No, I'm still young. In terms of life span, I'm still a child at this time.

This time, a full hour passed before the man called out the next person to enter.

Chu Ning was still not in a hurry, and when the fifth person was called, he just spoke, and the remaining newcomer also spoke. The most embarrassing thing was that the man glanced at the two of them and ordered whoever goes in first. .

"Are you really jealous that I'm handsomer than him?"

Chu Ning looked at the man and cursed in her heart, but of course she didn't show any emotion on her face.

In terms of realm, this person is also in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, a little higher than me, and cannot be offended.

Half an hour later, the man finally called Chu Ning to come in.

Chu Ning gathered her emotions, walked to the first courtyard, and slowly opened the door.

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