I just want to torture you to death, don't force me to beat you to death

Chapter 241: They are all foxes of thousands of years, what kind of gossip are they playing?

The third yard.

Peng Shiqi saw Chu Ning returning to the alchemy room, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

He didn't expect that Chu Ning could refine the Zhuyan Pill so quickly, and he didn't expect that it would be a top-grade Zhuyan Pill.

Normally, it takes a year to refine the Zhu Yan Dan, but Chu Ning only spent half a year, and it was still top-grade. There was no need to go through the fourth level of assessment, and he had already passed the assessment.

This is why he calls Chu Ning "Junior Brother Chu".

His previous indifferent attitude was just because Chu Ning and others were not disciples of Danshan Sect yet, but he was still very enthusiastic towards his fellow disciples.

He was thinking about something now, whether he should secretly report the situation to the elders.

The sect has seven peaks, and these disciples join one of them, and there is competition between the peaks.

An outstanding new disciple would be wanted in any peak.

I still remember when Senior Brother Feng first started, it was said that the elders of the peaks fought so hard to have Senior Brother Feng join their respective peaks that even the peak masters were dispatched. In the end, there was no other way, so the sect leader had to personally take Senior Brother Feng into his sect. Become a disciple of Zhongfeng.

"The sect has no rules that do not allow the disclosure of the assessment results to the elders. I didn't intentionally cheat. It's okay to send a message to the elders."

Peng Shiqi muttered a few words and took out a jade slip from his storage bag. After writing a few words on it, he raised his hand and the jade slip transformed into a bird and flew towards the depths of the mountain gate.

Danshan Sect is built on a mountain range, with mountains stretching and standing tall.

Among the many peaks, seven peaks are like the king of mountains, towering into the clouds and extremely conspicuous.

On the fifth mountain peak, a middle-aged man held a jade slip and hurriedly ran towards a certain hall.

"Elder Yan, there is news from Junior Brother Peng."

In the main hall, two old men were sitting opposite each other and studying a pill in front of them. Listening to the shouts outside, the old man sitting in the main seat frowned and said angrily: "How unbecoming is it to make such a noise! "

"Lao Yan, maybe your disciple has something important to do."

Yan Chenjing listened to the words of the old man opposite, then saw the disciple who had walked in, and said with a serious face: "Is there anything you need to report to me?"

The middle-aged man first looked at his elder, then saw another old man sitting next to the elder, and quickly saluted respectfully: "I have met Elder Qin."

The middle-aged man recognized this person's identity, Elder Qin from the Sixth Peak.

Oops, he didn't know Elder Qin was with Elder Yan. If he had known, he wouldn't have come to Elder Yan.

"He's hemming and hawing, what can't you say?"

Yan Chenjing was even more dissatisfied when he saw that his disciple stopped talking after saying hello.

"Haha, I think your disciple has something important to report to you. I'm not from the Fifth Peak, so it's better to avoid suspicion."

Qin Bangli laughed and was about to stand up after saying that. Yan Chenjing quickly tried to dissuade him: "Elder Qin's words are wrong. You and I are from the same sect. How can we distinguish between five peaks and six peaks?"

Yan Chenjing would not let Qin Bangli leave at this time. He had recently been studying Cai Ling Dan, and Qin Bangli had done a lot of research on Cai Ling Dan. He learned from Qin Bangli.

He was the one who invited Qin Bangli to the Fifth Peak as a guest. If Qin Bangli were to leave at this time, how could he have the nerve to ask the other party about some doubts later on.

As a disciple, I still have no discernment. Even if there is something that I cannot let the Sixth Peak know, can't I come at another time?

Seeing the look in his elder's eyes, Ouyang Shuang felt wronged. He didn't know that Elder Qin was also here.

The most important thing is that Elder Yan often teaches us that the fifth peak is the fifth peak, and the other peaks are other peaks. All disciples of the fifth peak must take the fifth peak as their honor and must have their own stand. .

Why, when it came to Elder Yan's words at this time, it became that they were a family regardless of each other.

"Don't tell me yet!"

When Yan Chenjing saw that Ouyang Shuang was still silent, he glared at him. Ouyang Shuang was excited, "Forget it, Elder Yan has said so, so he will just say it."

"Elder, Junior Brother Peng just sent news from Yinxin Hall that a newcomer has refined Zhuyan Pill. Junior Brother Peng asked me to inform Elder Yan of this news."

Ouyang Shuang still kept an eye on it and did not disclose what Junior Brother Peng said in the jade slip, that the newcomer still had time to refine the quality of Zhu Yan Dan.

"Did you refine the Zhuyan Pill?" Yan Chenjing was stunned for a moment, and then became even more dissatisfied: "You still have to tell me about such a small thing?"

"Elder Qin, these disciples of mine have never seen the world and make you laugh."

"If you can refine the Beauty Pill, your alchemy talent is pretty good, but I asked your disciple to inform you specifically that the Beauty Pill you want to refine is of good quality."

Qin Libang looked at Ouyang Shuang with a smile. Facing Elder Qin, Ouyang Shuang did not dare to lie, but he also did not dare to tell that Chu Ning had refined the top-grade Zhuyan Pill, so he had to laugh along with him.

"Even if it is a good product, it doesn't matter. Elder Qin, you and I will continue."

After Yan Chenjing finished speaking, he turned to Ouyang Shuang and said, "Since Peng Shiqi thinks the newcomer is okay, just let him add him to my fifth peak. Step back."

Ouyang Shuang opened his mouth slightly. He did not expect the elder council to have such an attitude, but Elder Qin was here, and he could not tell clearly that what Chu Ning was refining was a top-grade Zhuyan Dan.

Elder Yan is confused!

Ouyang Shuang walked out of the hall, but he was thinking in his heart. According to what his junior brother said in the jade slip, the news of Chu Ning refining the top-grade Yanzhuan Dan has not spread yet, and the elders of each peak will not care yet, and they still have the power to recruit new people. In the hands of these deacons...

Go to the senior brother and ask him to find a reason to return Chu Ning to the fifth peak in advance. In this way, even if the news of Chu Ning refining the high-grade Yanzhuan Dan is exposed later, the other peaks will have to suffer the loss of this dumb person. .

The senior brother should be refining alchemy in seclusion, but he didn't care about disturbing him at this time. Thinking of this, Ouyang Shuang disappeared on the spot.

In the main hall, Yan Chenjing and Qin Libang continued to communicate. Just a moment later, Yan Chenjing suddenly said: "By the way, I got a pill not long ago, but I can't be sure what the pill does. I put it in Put it in the alchemy room until I get it and study it with Elder Qin."

"Oh, there are also pills that Elder Yan can't recognize? I'm a little curious too."

Qin Libang showed interest on his face, while Yan Chenjing apologized and disappeared on the spot.

Seeing Yan Chenjing's disappearing figure, the smile on Qin Libang's face also faded.

Someone new has refined the Alchemy-Zhuan Dan. Logically speaking, it shouldn’t alarm Yan Chenjing among the disciples of the Fifth Peak. Could it be a higher-quality top-grade Yan-Zhuan Dan?

Even if a furnace of Zhuanyan Dan only refines one high-grade Zhuanyan Dan, that is still an extraordinary talent.

Qin Libang felt the same as Ming Jing. The old guy Yan Chenjing was not looking for any pills. He was clearly looking for an excuse to escape. He was probably going to ask his disciple for details.

Thinking of this, Qin Libang did not hesitate. With a flick of his right hand, a ray of light passed through the hall and headed towards another towering mountain peak.

If he was truly a genius disciple, they couldn't miss the Sixth Peak and grabbed it first.

Outside the main hall.

Yan Chenjing's consciousness did not notice Ouyang Shuang, which made him angry. Doesn't Ouyang Shuang have such a sharp eye?

He had deliberately changed the subject before, but it didn't mean that he was really not interested in the newcomer. He specifically found a reason to get away, just because he wanted to know the details of the newcomer's refining of the Beauty Pill.

"If the newcomer has really refined the high-grade Zhu Yan Dan, even if I don't take action, Ouyang Shuang should know what to do. What I have to do now is to stabilize the old guy Qin Libang to prevent him from reacting."

Yan Chenjing pondered for a moment, and then returned to the hall.

"Elder Qin, I've kept you waiting for a long time."

"A few moments mean nothing."

"This is the elixir I got not long ago."

Yan Chenjing took out a pill. When Qin Libang saw the pill, he wanted to shout at the old guy.

Doesn't this old guy even act?

Although the Heart-Cleaning Pill is rare, would you, a sixth-grade alchemist like you, not recognize it?

But since Yan Chenjing wanted to act with him, he would cooperate with him. He had already passed the news back to the Sixth Peak and passed it on to Junior Sister Qi. All he had to do was drag Yan Chenjing with him.

"This elixir... I have never seen it before. Where did Elder Yan get it from?"

"Where did you get it? I got it from the elixir furnace." Yan Chenjing cursed in his heart. He had refined this heart-cleansing elixir not long ago, but he said: "It was also a coincidence. From one place Obtained from the secret realm.”

"Could it be that this secret realm was created by the senior seventh-level alchemist?" Qin Libang guessed.

"I'm not sure, but if this elixir is a seventh-grade elixir, it doesn't have the sufficient spirituality of a seventh-grade elixir. I've been thinking about it for a long time."

The two of them were here, one was talking nonsense and the other was full of lies, but they were both happy and felt that the other had been tricked.

Three days later.

There are two figures on the fifth peak hurriedly flying to Yinxinyuan.

"Junior brother Ouyang, don't worry. According to the words you and I prepared, this Chu Ning is definitely a disciple of our fifth peak and cannot escape."

Tian Wanfeng, the top disciple of the fifth peak, has a look of confidence and determination on his face. He is a dignified spiritual monk who comes in person. When the time comes, if he uses words to stimulate him, the deacons of other peaks will definitely be fooled.

Even if they are not fooled, it doesn't matter. Then use your strength to force them to agree. As long as you take Chu Ning to the fifth peak, even if these deacons report to the higher ups, the elders will still be there to support the collapse that day.

As long as they enter their fifth peak, that person will not be able to escape.

Arriving at Yinxinyuan, Tian Wanfeng let go of all his momentum. This is called taking the lead. At the same time, he said calmly: "Yinxinyuan, I haven't been here for a long time."

But it only lasted for a breath, and Tian Wanfeng became smart. He quickly put away all his breath and landed in one of the courtyards like a child who made a mistake.

"Qi...Elder Qi."

Looking at the woman standing in the yard, Tian Wanfeng's voice stuttered.

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