I just want to torture you to death, don't force me to beat you to death

Chapter 247 Junior Brother Chu, a great virtuous man (please subscribe)

Qi Shiyun looked at her apprentice, but she didn't expect that her apprentice's first request was for the seeds of a high-level elixir.

High-level elixirs are expensive, and elixir seeds are less valuable, but they are extremely rare.

Ordinary monks will not leave elixir seeds. High-level elixirs often have a growth cycle of thousands of years, which is not something ordinary monks can withstand.

Only the sect will keep these elixir seeds.

The Danshan Sect has its own elixir garden to cultivate and grow elixirs. Otherwise, it would have to rely on purchasing alchemy medicinal materials from outside. Even the Danshan Sect is wealthy and cannot afford to consume them.

"High-level elixir seeds are managed by the elders of the elixir garden, but there are none here as a teacher."

"Elixir Garden?"

Chu Ning was a little surprised. He had not heard of the Spiritual Medicine Garden during his travels to Danshan Sect.

"The Spiritual Medicine Garden is very important to our Danshan Sect. It is covered by the formation. If you don't know the entrance to the formation, you can't find it even if you search every corner of the Danshan Sect."

Qi Shiyun explained to her disciples, and then said: "Planting elixirs is not an easy task. The sect has disciples who specialize in cultivating elixirs. Other disciples generally don't know where the entrance to the elixir garden is."

Chu Ning suddenly realized, no wonder he didn't know about the elixir garden.

There is indeed such a profession as a planter in the cultivation of immortality, but Chu Ning doesn't know much about it.

"Are you going to grow your own elixir?"

Seeing her disciple nodding, Qi Shiyun persuaded: "Planting elixirs is cumbersome, but the most important thing is the time consumption. Refining alchemy is extremely profound, so there is no need to study the cultivation of elixirs."

Qi Shiyun was afraid that her disciple would get into trouble. Maybe in the lower realm, her disciple would not have the resources for alchemy, and even the elixirs would have to be grown by themselves.

But there is no need for it in the Alchemy Domain. Each sect has a spiritual medicine garden. The disciples are short of medicinal materials for alchemy, as long as they have enough points to redeem them.

Those planting masters...in a sense, they are all a bunch of pathetic people.

Every sect needs a cultivation master, but few monks are willing to guard the elixir every day. For this reason, the sect's cultivation masters are all trained by the sect from the beginning.

This type of disciples have average talents, and one characteristic is that they choose to sell themselves to the sect. Some of them sell themselves to the sect as planters when their families are in danger, so that the sect can rescue them.

Some are being hunted and seeking protection from their sects.

To a certain extent, these disciples are not considered disciples of the Danshan Sect. They just have a contract with the sect and need to stay in the Spiritual Medicine Garden for a certain number of years.

Sometimes when the elixir garden is short of disciples to manage the elixirs, tasks will be issued to recruit disciples to take care of the elixirs. Some disciples go to the elixir garden and stay for dozens or even hundreds of years in order to contribute to the branch.

But Chu Ning is his disciple and there is no need to go to the Spiritual Medicine Garden to earn contribution points.

Seeing the look on his master's face, Chu Ning knew that he had said the wrong thing. He should not have asked for high-level elixir seeds, but should have asked the sect's elixir garden.

"Master, I just want to know what some high-level elixir seeds look like. If I'm lucky enough to walk out one day and encounter some secret realm, there happens to be some high-level elixir seeds inside, so I won't miss it."

Chu Ning found a reason for herself to explain, and Qi Shiyun smiled slightly: "This is simple, you can go to the elixir garden and read it. It happened that my master got the seeds of three Suxin bamboos six hundred years ago and gave them to Ling. In the Medicine Garden, it is estimated that the cultivation in the Spiritual Medicine Garden will be almost complete in time, so you can go and take a look on behalf of the master."

"Master, what you mean is that the elixir garden can also be planted on behalf of others?"

"The elixir seeds obtained by the disciples of my Danshan Sect can be handed over to the sect in exchange for contribution points, or they can be given to the elixir garden for planting. If one seed requires points, if there are multiple seeds, just give the elixir seeds to the elixir. Just hand over half of the seeds from the medicine garden.”

Chu Ning nodded, this distribution model is very reasonable.

A sect is similar to a company. Any company that has existed for hundreds of years has a complete and reasonable operating model, let alone a sect that has existed for longer.

Three days later.

Chu Ning appeared in front of a valley.


There was a sound coming from the valley.

"Chun Ning, a junior disciple of the Sixth Peak, came here on behalf of the master to check on the cultivation of the elixir."

"Take out the token!"

In the valley, a middle-aged man in the late Nascent Soul stage came out, looked at Chu Ning a few times, and asked, "Who is Master You?"

"My mentor is Elder Qi from the Sixth Peak."

"Are you Elder Qi's disciple, the newcomer Chu Ning?"

Seeing the surprise in the other person's eyes, Chu Ning immediately knew that the senior brother was not exaggerating. All the disciples in the sect knew about his initiation.

"Exactly down there."

"Junior Brother Chu, wait a moment."

The middle-aged man's attitude improved a lot. He walked into the valley with Chu Ning's identity token and came out after a while with a smile on his face.

"The Spiritual Medicine Garden is an important place for the sect, and entry and exit are extremely strict. I hope that Junior Brother Chu will understand."

"Junior brother understands, I don't know what to call senior brother."

Taking back the identity token handed over by the other party, Chu Ning asked curiously while following the other party towards the valley.

"My surname is Fang"

"It turns out to be Senior Brother Fang."

Chu Ning has a sweet mouth, and this senior brother Fang obviously also intends to make friends with Chu Ning. Faced with Chu Ning's curiosity about the elixir garden, he revealed a lot of information about the elixir garden.

The moment the two entered the valley, Chu Ning felt obvious formation fluctuations, and there was more than one formation fluctuation.

The fluctuations in the formation dissipated, and Chu Ning looked around. He saw that the surroundings were full of exotic flowers and plants, and the scent of the elixir filled his nostrils, making people feel refreshed.

If these exotic flowers and plants were placed in the Chengshan Region, they would probably cause many alchemists to rush for them, but they can be seen everywhere here.

In the distance, there are towering ancient trees with branches as lush as umbrella canopies, and there are also single trees that stand straight into the sky.

On the left and right sides, there are acres of cultivated spiritual fields with different elixirs planted on them. There are also many planters working on these spiritual fields. From a distance, it looks like a harvest scene.

When she came here, Chu Ning felt as if she had returned to the countryside.

This is the power of nature.

In other words, he still has the farming genes of the Chinese people in his previous life. Seeing these spiritual fields makes him feel very happy.


Just like to plant something.

Even in skyscrapers full of cement and steel bars, they must be planted on rooftops, balconies or even in pots.

"Junior Brother Chu, these are just ordinary elixirs. The elixirs grown by Elder Qi are in the Precious Medicine Academy."

Fang Ping saw Chu Ning's expression and smiled slightly. Every disciple who came to the elixir garden for the first time would be shocked by the elixirs here.

"Senior Brother Fang is referring to these courtyards." Chu Ning has already seen that there are multiple courtyards in this elixir garden.

"Well, these rare medicine gardens are all precious elixirs. I will take you, Junior Brother Chu, to Elder Qi's courtyard where the three Su Xin Bamboo plants are."

"Thank you, senior brother."

Soon, Chu Ning followed Fang Ping to a courtyard. Fang Ping took out a token from his storage bag and put it on the courtyard door, and the courtyard door opened automatically.

There is a formation.

Chu Ning looked at the courtyard wall, which was only three feet high, and knew that even if he was a Nascent Soul cultivator, without Senior Brother Fang to lead the way, he might not even be able to climb over the courtyard wall.

Entering the courtyard, Chu Ning immediately saw three white bamboo plants planted in the left corner of the front yard.

Su Xin Bamboo, white in color, has one knot every hundred years and is mature after seven knots. It can be used as a tool or medicine.

The bamboo bodies of the three Suxin bamboos in the corner have six obvious knots. The bamboo leaves are green, and they look like they have been carefully prepared.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Fang, for taking care of it."

"Junior brother Chu, don't be polite to me. This pharmacy is not managed by me, but by another senior brother."

Fang Ping did not accept the credit. Junior Brother Chu didn't know about the situation in the Spiritual Medicine Garden. How could Elder Qi not know about it?

It takes seven hundred years for Suxinzhu to grow to maturity. Although he is in the late Nascent Soul stage, it is impossible for him to have been in the elixir garden for more than six hundred years.

In a spiritual medicine garden, the disciples who are responsible for planting and managing each of them are responsible for a certain period of time. During this period, as long as there is no problem with the growth of the spiritual medicine, they will be handed over to the next one.

"Junior Brother Wang!"

Fang Ping shouted, and soon a man in the middle stage of Nascent Soul walked out from behind the corridor. The man was stunned for a moment when he saw Chu Ning.

"Junior Brother Wang, let me introduce you. This is Junior Brother Chu, a disciple of Elder Qi."

Fang Ping introduced Chu Ning to the other party, but Chu Ning found that Senior Brother Wang seemed to be in a bad mood.

"What happened to Junior Brother Wang?"

Chu Ning could see it, and Fang Ping could also see it, and asked curiously.

"Senior Brother Fang, the Phoenix Grass I manage is a little withered."

"Is the Phoenix Grass withered?"

Fang Ping was shocked: "Take me to see it."


Chu Ning followed Fang Ping and the others to the backyard. In a pool in the backyard, there were six plants that emitted a faint yellow halo and were shaped like orchids.

"It's really withered. It's too late to save it."

Fang Ping looked at the leaves of Tianhuang grass that had fallen, and his face was a little ugly. The elixirs that could be grown in the rare medicine garden were all extremely precious, and they were all elixirs needed for sixth-grade elixirs.

"My thirty years have been in vain."

Wang Hai grimaced, and the elixir cultivation withered. As a manager, he had to accept punishment. Points would be deducted according to the value of the elixir. If the points were not enough, he would have to face punishment from the sect.

The six Tianhuang Grass plants withered, which meant that he had to lose all the points he had earned through hard work in the elixir garden over the past thirty years.

"Senior Brother Fang, Senior Brother Wang, is there no way to save it? I think this elixir is not completely dead yet, can't it be transplanted to another place to save it?" Chu Ning asked her own question.

"Junior Brother Chu is not a planter and does not know some of the principles of elixir cultivation. Transplantation of elixirs will reduce the chance of survival. Such elixirs that wither themselves will not survive once transplanted."

"That's it."

Chu Ning didn't understand planting, so she asked: "Then how do you usually deal with this withered elixir?"

"If it is close to the maturity stage, it can only be harvested in advance and treated as inferior medicinal materials. If it has not passed the growth period, it can only be discarded." Fang Ping spread his hands and said helplessly.

"It's a bit of a waste to just invalidate it."

Chu Ning held her chin, pondered for a moment and said, "Senior Brother Wang, do you have the right to handle this withered elixir?"

"Yes, but the phoenix grass has only been cultivated for less than ten years. It is useless. The only way to deal with it is to let it rot in the mud."

Wang Hai's heart was bleeding, but Chu Ning's eyes lit up when he heard it. Many of the elixirs he found in the mountains survived when they were transplanted to Nian Tangshan.

So can this withered elixir work?

"Senior Brother Wang, I have a heartfelt request."

"Junior Brother Chu, please speak."

"Since these six Tianhuang grass have withered, can I let my junior brother take them back for study? My junior brother is very interested in cultivating elixirs." Chu Ning said his purpose.

When he asked how to deal with the withered elixir before, it was just to be able to take away these withered elixirs.


"Senior Brother Wang, it's not for nothing. Senior Brother should be compensated for the points for this elixir of withering. Junior Brother, I can compensate Senior Brother."

After hearing what Senior Brother Wang said before, "Thirty years of hard work has been in vain," Chu Ning estimated that the elixir would wither and the senior brothers responsible for planting it would have their contribution points deducted.

The master just gave me 50,000 contribution points. If I exchanged them for these withered elixirs, I should be able to exchange them for a lot.

"This... is not good."

Wang Hai wanted to agree immediately, but because Fang Ping was there, he was still a little reserved.

In his opinion, Junior Brother Chu was just taken advantage of, and these withered elixirs had no effect.

"There's nothing wrong with it. Junior brother, I will study it."

"Okay then, these six Tianhuang Grass plants have withered, and I have to pay two hundred contribution points in the medicine garden. Junior brother, you can just give me fifty contribution points."


Chu Ning readily agreed. Fang Ping, who was standing by him, never interfered in the transaction between Chu Ning and Wang Hai from beginning to end. Although he always wanted to befriend Junior Brother Chu, he couldn't ruin the deal in front of Junior Brother Wang.

"Junior Brother Chu, I can't give these six Heavenly Phoenix Grasses to you now. I need to confirm them with the elders of the Medicine Garden before I have the right to handle them."

"Junior brother understands."

Chu Ning nodded. This is the proper procedure. Otherwise, if any of these planting disciples have a wrong idea and use blighted elixir to dispose of the good elixir, the sect will suffer a loss.

"Junior Brother Chu, if you are curious about growing elixirs, you can exchange them for some elixir seeds. There is no need to collect these withered elixirs."

After leaving the yard, Fang Ping started to persuade. Chu Ning smiled and said, "Senior brother is right, but I want to give it a try. Anyway, I don't have many points."

"By the way, senior brother mentioned seeds. I wonder if I can exchange them for some high-level elixir seeds from the medicine garden."

"It is possible to exchange for high-level elixir seeds, but they are expensive. Generally, one seed is 20% of the value of the elixir."

"Junior brother, what kind of seeds do you want to exchange for? You can directly look at the points required to redeem the elixir from the identity token, and then do the conversion and you will know."

Chu Ning took out the identity jade token, put his consciousness into it, and found the column for redeeming elixirs. When he saw the price of redeeming points for elixirs of level six or above, he was stunned.

It's so expensive.

It seems that his fifty thousand points can't be exchanged for much.

The redemption price for sixth-level elixirs is more than several thousand points, and for seventh-level elixirs it is as high as tens of thousands.

Can't afford it.

Leaving the spiritual medicine garden, Chu Ning went straight to Nian Tang Mountain. When he reached the mountain, he planted the six Tianhuang grass in the spiritual field, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

According to what Senior Brother Fang said, the Heavenly Phoenix Grass will wither completely in at most half a month. If I wonder if Tangshan can bring the withered elixir back to life, I will know the result in half a month.

Half a month later!

Chu Ning's eyes were bright as he looked at the Tianhuang grass whose branches and leaves were growing upward again.

My judgment was correct. Chanting Tangshan could not only shorten the growth cycle of the elixir, but also bring the withered elixir back to life.

It seems that I can plant them by purchasing those blight elixirs.

There is no way, high-level elixir seeds are too expensive.

He can only hope that the elixir garden will have more withered precious elixirs so that he can buy them back at a low price.

Thinking this way, it seems that I feel sorry for Senior Brother Fang and the others.

What a sin.

Three years later.

Chu Ning looked at the hundreds of vigorously growing elixirs and the green branches and leaves with a look of satisfaction on his face.

In the past three years, he took out 10,000 points in exchange for 60 withered elixirs, including three seventh-level elixirs and the rest were all sixth-level elixirs.

It wasn't that he was reluctant to exchange more points, but that there were only so many withered elixirs in the entire elixir garden.

If the elixir withered too much, then Senior Brother Fang and the others would not need to stay in the elixir garden. The points earned from growing the elixir would not be enough to compensate them.

Although there was the bonus of Chu Ning's silent blessing, Senior Brother Fang and the others were very strong and withstood Chu Ning's blessing.

At the same time, Chu Ning also gained the title of Great Benevolent Person in the hearts of the disciples in the Spiritual Medicine Garden.

Fang Ping and others have not doubted Chu Ning's motive for collecting the withered elixir, but it is a law that transplanted elixirs cannot survive withered elixirs, at least in their understanding. They would never have thought that Chu Ning transplanted the withered elixir and still survived. Survive.

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