(I apologize to everyone. I made a mistake in the time before, but it has been corrected now. It is currently the 51st year of Chu Yuanli)

Qiao Ya looked at Tian Wanfeng who appeared in the hall, her eyes slightly wary.

Is this person in the late Jindan stage?

She broke through to the Golden Core realm six years ago.

The reason why she was able to go directly from the Qi Condensation Stage to the Golden Elixir Stage within a hundred years was because she obtained the elixir left by Elder Ji in Black Mountain.

Or to be precise, Elder Chu.

Back then, she discovered that there was a token suddenly in her boudoir, which shocked her.

She didn't know where this token came from, let alone who placed it in her boudoir. What made her even more embarrassed was that she was taking a bath in a side room at the time.

Qiao Ya did not make any announcement and has been secretly investigating the origin of this token. Unfortunately, she has gained nothing after several years.

Seven years passed like this, and a battle broke out among the four major families in Dongyu City. The Jin family sent people to Black Mountain to ask for the mysterious Elder Ji, but Elder Ji did not respond. The strong man from the Jin family even came to the foot of Black Mountain. Didn't even step in.

Finally, the ancestor of the Jin family showed up in person, but the result was still the same. As soon as he stepped into the area at the foot of the Black Mountain, everyone who was bombarded by the formation almost died.

Three years later, the Jin family was completely annexed by the Chen family, and their Pingfeng City became the Chen family's territory.

However, because of the mysterious Elder Ji, the Chen family did not clean the Black Mountain area, as long as they transferred the supplies originally given to the Jin family to the Chen family.

The Black Mountain area remains as is.

Qiao Ya learned from her father that the reason why the Chen family was so talkative was because they were afraid of Elder Ji on the Black Mountain.

That Elder Ji is definitely not on the Black Mountain, but the formation is still there, which means that the Elder Ji has not given up on the Black Mountain. And according to the estimates of the Chen family and the two remaining major families in Dongyu City, this Elder Ji is very likely. He is a monk in the middle stage of Jindan.

The Chen family naturally knows how to choose between the interests of the Black Mountain region and the mid-stage Jindan powerhouses, not to mention that Elder Ji had protected their Qiao family in the past. In this case, the Chen family directly supported their Qiao family to become the Black Mountain region. The largest family.

When Qiao Ya saw the happy expressions of her father and other elders, she felt even more uneasy. If Elder Ji came back and felt that the Qiao family had borrowed his name and got angry, the Qiao family would suffer.

After much thought, Qiao Ya finally decided to go to the Black Mountain area.

What Qiao Ya didn't expect was that she could walk into the foot of the Black Mountain, which even the powerful Jindan could not enter.

Then, she knew the origin of the token. When she reached the top of the mountain and saw the five bottles of elixirs placed there, she suddenly understood.

It turns out that Elder Ji is the poor man who was abandoned by his beloved woman.

After Qiao Ya was shocked, she burst into laughter.

Come to think of it, Elder Ji was quite helpless at being misunderstood by him.

After reading the jade slips that Elder Ji left for her, Qiao Ya realized that Elder Ji was the famous senior Chu Ningchu in the Hundred Cities area.

In the jade slip, Senior Chu not only revealed his identity, but also made a request, hoping that the Qiao family could defend the Black Mountain area.

Over the years, Qiao Ya has been doing what Chu Ning Yu said in the slip, and she also discovered the valley in the Black Mountain area.

However, the valley had a formation arranged by Senior Chu, and she could not enter. In order to prevent others from discovering the specialness of this valley, she directly designated the area around the valley as the Qiao family's territory, but even the Qiao family could not get close.

Now in Dongyu City, the Su family has risen since she entered the Golden Core Realm, and they are in peace with the other three families, so she left Dongyu City.

Coming to ask Jincheng is something she has thought about for a long time. She is also very curious about the past of this senior Chu. I heard that there is a family here in Jincheng that has a good relationship with senior Chu and knows many of his past. , I came to visit you.

Patriarch Su is in the middle stage of foundation building, but facing the two golden elixir masters, she doesn't feel any pressure at all. This is not the first time she has received a golden elixir master.

At most, the Su family had received seven powerful Jindan masters at one time.

"Both of you are here to learn about Senior Chu's past. It just so happens that I will tell you about some of Senior Chu's past that outsiders don't know."

Patriarch Su slowly narrated "Senior Chu Asked Two or Three Unknown Things in Today's City" that had been artistically processed by several generations of the Su family.

What Qiao Ya heard was that her eyes were full of brilliance, and Tian Wanfeng was moved many times.

"Outsiders only know that Senior Chu killed the powerful Nascent Soul and challenged the powerful ones who transformed into gods. However, a few people know that it is not that Senior Chu is bold, but that Senior Chu has not been afraid of strong people along the way."

"Senior Chu once said that cultivation is all about fighting. If you don't fight because you are afraid of the strong, then you might as well become a rich man in the ordinary world."

"If you are afraid of power in cultivation, you are not as good as a carefree man in the mortal world."

"Looking at Senior Chu's struggle from Qi Condensation to Foundation Establishment, he fought all the way. During the Qi Condensation period, he faced off against the strong ones at the Foundation Establishment. During the Foundation Establishment period, he dared to say "no" to the strong ones at the Golden Core."

"The ancestors of my Su family who had good relations with Senior Chu said that he was upright and upright, unyielding, not afraid of power, and wanted to compete with God."

"But at the same time, Senior Chu is also humble. He makes decisions before taking action. He is loyal to the sect. Every drop of kindness will surely be repaid by the spring."

"Be as humble as a jade master of Chu, and be as strong as Chu's great weapon with iron bones."

Patriarch Su spoke extremely fluently. He had said these words not only a thousand times but also eight hundred times.

"Thank you, Chief Su, for informing me of this."

Qiao Ya was very satisfied with Patriarch Su's story, although she vaguely felt that the senior Chu she knew seemed slightly different from what the Su family told.

But it must be that he knows too little about Senior Chu. The ancestors of the Su family have good relations with Senior Chu, so there is nothing wrong with that.

"I'm sorry to bother you, Chief Su. I would like to express my gratitude."

Qiao Ya took out a spiritual weapon. Although it was just an ordinary spiritual weapon, for a family like the Su family, which only had one strong person in the middle stage of foundation building, the spiritual weapon was already an extremely valuable treasure.

"Thank you so much, Fellow Daoist Qiao."

Chief Su smiled and took it. He glanced at Tian Wanfeng from the corner of his eye. Tian Wanfeng was stunned for a moment. He really didn't know what to give.

It's not that he doesn't have anything to offer, it's just that there are too many good things. Giving them to a foundation-building family would probably not be a good thing.

Tian Wanfeng would not understand the principle that a common man is guilty of carrying a jade while he is innocent.

Seeing the words of this powerful Jindan man who wanted to prostitute him for free, the Su clan leader curled his lips inwardly, but his face showed no emotion and still kept a smile.

"My little friend, do you have many spiritual weapons on your body?"

Tian Wanfeng looked at Qiao Ya. Qiao Ya was stunned. What does this mean?

"Of course there are juniors."

"That's just right. You can give the Su family a spiritual weapon for me, and I...will exchange it with you."

Tian Wanfeng took out a magic weapon from his storage bag, a complete magic weapon.

"Senior, this thing is too valuable."

Qiao Ya's eyes lit up. A complete magic weapon was a valuable treasure in the entire Chengshan Domain. How many late-stage Jindan monks never had a complete magic weapon in their lives.

"It's okay, this thing is just right for you, but there is something wrong with giving it to the Su family."

Tian Wanfeng waved his hand, it was just an ordinary magic weapon. He was the great disciple of the fifth peak of Shan Sect, so it was nothing.

Patriarch Su listened to the words of these two people. Although he was a little curious about what kind of treasure the black ruler in the palm of his hand was, he would not force this treasure.

Since everyone has said that giving this thing to the Su family will only bring trouble to the Su family, there is no need to ask for it.

Relying on Senior Chu, the Su family can steadily rise step by step. After a few more generations of management, there may be members of the Jindan tribe.

The third generation cultivates a foundation-building monk, and the tenth generation cultivates a golden elixir monk.

This is the development strategy set by the ancestors for the family. Because the Su family has accumulated some connections by telling the deeds of Senior Chu, no force will attack the Su family.

For a family, especially in the Hundred Cities area, this is a huge advantage, allowing the Su family to develop steadily.

After hearing what Tian Wanfeng said, Qiao Ya no longer refused.

Facing the temptation of the magic weapon, she could not say no hypocritically.

"Senior, wait!"

Outside the Su family, Qiao Ya called out to Tian Wanfeng.

"What's the matter?"

"Senior, do you have a close relationship with Senior Chu?"

Qiao Ya looked at Tian Wanfeng. She couldn't imagine why a strong man with golden elixir could be a magic weapon whenever he took action.

At first, she felt that this senior had some thoughts about her and took this opportunity to show off her strength.

But the other party left without hesitation, which made her give up the idea. Then there was only one possibility, that is, this senior might have something to do with Senior Chu. That was why she heard the stories about Senior Chu told by the head of the Su family. , so generous.

Tian Wanfeng looked at Qiao Ya but did not answer.

"Senior, to be honest, the junior's ability to break through the golden elixir is all due to the care of senior Chu."

Qiao Ya knew that people might not answer if she asked rashly, so she made her identity known first.

"Senior Chu is kind to me and my family."

Hearing Qiao Ya's words, Tian Wanfeng showed a smile on his face. Could it be that this girl has some relationship with Junior Brother Chu.

This girl is not bad looking, and everyone loves beauty. It is understandable that Junior Brother Chu is willing to help her.

"Junior is not demanding anything else. If senior can see Senior Chu, I just hope that senior can say thank you to Senior Chu on behalf of junior."

"What's your name?"

"Junior Qiao Ya comes from the Black Mountain area of ​​Dongyu City."

Qiao Ya's eyes lit up. Can this senior really contact Senior Chu?

"I understand." Tian Wanfeng nodded and saw that Qiao Ya had no other words to say, and her figure disappeared directly on the spot.

Qiao Ya looked at the other party's disappearing figure and her pupils shrank.

This... this person is not in the Golden Core realm, but a Nascent Soul powerhouse.

The Golden Core cultivator can disappear on the spot, but it is impossible not to leave some spiritual power fluctuations. The only one who can make her unable to detect any spiritual power fluctuations is the Nascent Soul monk.

Thinking that the other party is a Nascent Soul cultivator, Qiao Ya's pretty face also looks happy. The other party is a Nascent Soul strongman, so she should really be able to meet Senior Chu.

Danshanzong, the fifth peak.

"Elder Yan, the disciple is back."

After two and a half years, Tian Wanfeng finally returned to Chengshan Domain.

He is a monk who transforms into gods and cannot directly travel through space to reach the Chengshan Domain, so he can only go from the edge of the Dan Domain to the boundary of the Chengshan Domain. He investigates for half a year and goes back and forth for exactly two years.

"How's the investigation going?"

"This is all the experiences of Junior Brother Chu that the disciple has investigated."

Tian Wanfeng took out a jade slip, which contained what he learned about Chu Ning's past in Xinhuo Palace and Chengshan Domain.

"So detailed?"

Yan Chenjing just glanced at it briefly and found that there was a lot of content inside, and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Disciple also didn't expect that Junior Brother Chu's experience in Chengshan Domain would be so rich. Elder Yan, Junior Brother Chu will be rated as D level. It is definitely because of the Xinhuo Palace's misunderstanding."

Tian Wanfeng replied excitedly that he had deleted all the contents in the jade slips. The head of the Su clan in the Su family had told him about it for three days and three nights. If he really wanted to record them all in detail, he would have to count them all. One hundred thousand words.

"I know, this is your reward."

Yan Chenjing took out a bottle of elixir, and Tian Wanfeng happily took it. He is now in the late stage of Nascent Soul and is launching an attack on becoming a god. Elder Yan's bottle of elixir can shorten his impact period by twenty years.

"In the sect, which disciples like to gossip and gossip?"

Tian Wanfeng was stunned. Is Elder Yan dissatisfied with the disciples of the sect talking about him?

"This...disciple is not clear about this."

"Is Ouyang Shuang such a person?"

Yan Chenjing's careless words made Tian Wanfeng feel cold all over. It was over, and Junior Brother Ouyang was about to suffer.

Among the many junior brothers in the Fifth Peak, Junior Brother Ouyang is indeed not very strict with his words. Only Junior Brother Ouyang knew about the incident between Elder Yan and Elder Qin.

Everyone in the whole sect who can cause trouble knows that Junior Brother Ouyang is indispensable.

"Junior Brother Ouyang has a bold temper and is not good at hiding his thoughts." Tian Wanfeng replied euphemistically. Since Elder Yan has asked, it is useless to deny it. He can only excuse Master Ouyang euphemistically.


Yan Chenjing snorted coldly. If Ouyang Shuang's big mouth hadn't been able to hide things and spread what he said in the main hall, how could the entire sect think he was confused?

There was Ouyang Shuang, and there was Elder Wang from the Third Peak. This old guy couldn't hide things. It was this old guy who spread the news about Qi Shiyun digging a hole for herself at Zhongfeng.

"I give you a task. Select ten disciples from the entire sect who love to talk as much as Ouyang Shuang, and give the list to me."


Tian Wanfeng didn't know what Elder Yan wanted to do, but he had no choice but to agree.

They are all disciples of the sect. The most Elder Yan can do is give small punishments and big warnings, so he should not be cruel.

"Back off."

After waving Tian Wanfeng to leave, Yan Chenjing read the contents of the jade slip.

After a cup of tea, Yan Chenjing regained his consciousness, with a look of emotion on his old face.

"I'm so sorry to have lost my precious jade. I'm so confused."

After reading Chu Ning's experience, Yan Chenjing's annoyance at being snatched away by Qi Shiyun from the Sixth Peak reached its peak.

After a while, the annoyed look on Elder Yan's face disappeared, replaced by a murderous look:

"I can't be confused by myself. The guys from Xinhuo Palace must also be confused by me!"

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