I just want to torture you to death, don't force me to beat you to death

Chapter 254 There is always dog betting in every game

Dan City.

One of the three major cities in the Dan Region.

There are three very large cities in the entire Dan Territory, namely Dan City, Ding City and Medicine City.

What is a super big city? Chu Ning was on the flying boat, looking ahead in the distance, and was shocked by Dan City.

In front of Dan City is a vast plain.

Dancheng is like a lost pearl on the plain.

As the flying boat approached, the gray bricks of the thousand-foot-high city wall exuded a primitive atmosphere of vicissitudes of life, but at a glance, the edge of the city wall could not be seen.

The flying boat shuttles through the city wall, looking down at the tall and gorgeous palaces, simple and elegant courtyards, and ancient stone attic pavilions.

Several streets are like the boundaries on a chessboard, making the entire Dan City buildings like stars scattered on the chessboard, in an orderly manner.

The flying boat did not fly to the center of Dan City, but flew towards the left area of ​​Dan City. There was an extremely spacious square there, which was also the venue for the newcomer competition.

At this moment, many monks in gorgeous clothes have gathered around the square. Most of these monks have come from afar to watch the newcomers compete.

The flying boat finally landed in a courtyard on the left side.

Chu Ning glanced at the name of the courtyard, Danshanyuan, and knew that this courtyard should be the sect's asset in Dan City.


It was not an ordinary courtyard, but a courtyard area, covering an extremely large area. Chu Ning was also allocated a courtyard.

"Take a good rest, Master Qin and Elder Qin are going to the Dan Pagoda to report your and Zhang Sheng's names."

Qi Shiyun came to the courtyard and told Chu Ning that it was best not to go out before the competition started. Chu Ning naturally nodded in agreement.

He dislikes joining in the fun the most.

The many novels he had read in his previous life all told him that troubles are most likely to occur in crowded places.

Chu Ning chose to stay in the courtyard, and Zhang Sheng did the same, but the other disciples of Danshan Sect who came with them did not stay in the courtyard.

In a certain courtyard, Tian Wanfeng looked at the nine junior brothers and said in a deep voice: "Junior brothers, it's time for everyone to take action."

These nine people are the disciples he selected from the six peaks who are most good at speaking.

"Don't worry, senior brother, we will definitely complete the mission."

The nine people present all smiled and agreed. This time they came to Dan City. It was Senior Brother Tian who summoned them, and standing behind Senior Brother Tian was Elder Yan.

After completing the tasks assigned by Elder Yan, Elder Yan will not treat them badly. Senior Brother Tian has already given them the answer.

"Well, remember to make more friends. In short, you can make as many friends as you can in these three months."

Tian Wanfeng waved his hand and led the nine people out of the courtyard to complete the tasks assigned by Elder Yan.

Danta in Dongcheng East District.

Qi Shiyun and Qin Libang entered the Dan Pagoda. There were already many people in the entire tower at this moment, all of them were elders from various sects.

There are a total of sixteen super sects in the Dan Realm, and the newcomer competition is the newcomer disciples of their sixteen families, plus two newcomers from the next-level sects, with a total of thirty-six disciples participating.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, your Danshan Sect must have made complete preparations this time."

When an old man saw Qi Shiyun and Qin Libang coming in, he immediately smiled and spoke, and his words also caused laughter from other old men.

A talented disciple that the Danshan Sect had spotted a hundred years ago was poached by the Qihuo Sect. Originally, everyone didn’t know about this, but the Danshan Sect asked for new recruits from the Xinhuo Palace, and the news couldn’t be concealed. Soon other Everyone in the sect knew about this.

"Fellow Daoist Wu is right. Our Danshan Sect is naturally fully prepared."

"Oh, so Danshan Sect's goal this time is Class A?" The old man asked with a smile.

"Class A? Isn't this embarrassing the Danshan Sect? Fellow Daoist Wu, what you said is unreasonable."

Another old man wearing purple clothes came in. Seeing this old man, everyone else showed expressions of watching a show.

This is the elder of the Seven Fire Sect.

Everyone is qualified to say this, but Qihuomen is not qualified to say it.

Qi Shiyun glanced at the elder of Qihuo Sect. Her pretty face didn't change much. She didn't like arguing with others.

This time, Elder Qin was mainly responsible for the newcomer competition. She came because her disciple Chu Ning participated.

"A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise."

Qin Libang was not angry. After confirming Chu Ning's talent, the elders like him became grateful to the Qihuo Sect.

If the Qihuo Sect hadn't snatched away their disciples, how could they ask for people from the Xinhuo Palace? If they didn't ask for people from the Xinhuo Palace, they wouldn't be able to receive talented disciples like Chu Ning.

"It is best if your sect can think like this." Lu Yingguang, another elder of Qihuo Sect, also walked in and said with a smile: "There is no grudge between our sect and Danshan Sect. It is purely because Gong Yun chose Qihuo Sect. Huomen, I, Qihuomen, don’t know that Guizong also has a crush on Gong Yun. If we knew, we would definitely shut Gong Yun out.”

Lu Yingguang's words made the elders of all the sects at the scene curse in their hearts. The Qihuo Sect was really telling lies with their eyes open.

If you guys hadn't been poaching people from the Qihuo Sect, would Gong Yun have risked offending the Danshan Sect and joined the Qihuo Sect?

It’s not like Danshan Sect can’t give you what Qihuo Sect can give you.

It's nothing more than that the last rating of Qihuo Sect was also D level. This time, in order not to be at the bottom, the newcomer competition focused on the newcomer that Danshan Sect was interested in and poached Gong Yun.

However, if they were the Qihuo Sect, they would do the same thing. The blame would be that Danshan Sect was too slow to start, giving the Qihuo Sect an opportunity to take advantage of.

"No need, our Danshan Sect has better disciples, so just take Gong Yun and you Qihuo Sect if you want."

Qin Libang smiled lightly, but the elders of the various sects present did not believe Qin Libang's words.

Talented new disciples are so easy to find. As far as they know, the Danshan Sect has only recently hired two new disciples from the Xinhuo Palace.

The two newcomers with a D-level rating were ranked at the bottom of each sect in terms of talent. The Danshan Sect was just holding on.

In the Dan Pagoda, there were many verbal exchanges between Danshan Sect and Qihuo Sect. The sixteen sects all had some grudges against each other.

An hour later, Qi Shiyun and Qin Libang left the Danta with the list.

When they saw the list, Qi Shiyun and Qin Libang looked a little solemn. The newcomers in this session were much better than the previous two.

There are three newcomers with Grade A ratings, and several other talented alchemists from the Alchemy Domain that even their Danshan Sect has heard about.

"The quality of the newcomers in this class is comparable to the previous three classes combined."

Qin Libang sighed with emotion. In previous rookie competitions, it was already good to have a rookie with a Grade A rating.

There are more than sixty lower realms, and only one or two Grade A newcomers will be born in three hundred years, but this time they are all gathered together.

"Let's try and see if we can get a second grade."

Qi Shiyun doesn't have much confidence in Chu Ning anymore. Now her request for Chu Ning is to keep the C grade, and then try to see if she can get the B grade.

"I have a hunch that the Danta Club will probably put some thought into this competition."

Hearing Qin Libang's words, Qi Shiyun also agreed. With so many geniuses gathered in this session, the Danta Club will definitely do something in the competition.

A newcomer competition two thousand years ago also had several Grade A newcomers participating. In that Danta Conference, all the other newcomer disciples became stepping stones for that one.

The two returned to the courtyard, but Qi Shiyun did not tell Chu Ning this. She did not want to put too much pressure on her disciple.

However, the entire Dancheng East District is already boiling at this moment.

Danta Society announced the list of newcomers, causing an uproar.

"Zhang Ji is the one who refined the fifth-grade Moonfall Pill two hundred years ago. It is said that six sects fought over Zhang Ji."

"There is also Tong Shouxian, a Grade A newcomer from the Lower Domain. According to the disciples of Xuandan Pavilion, this one is also very fierce. He crushed all the disciples of Xuandan Pavilion as soon as he entered."

"Lu Sizhong is not bad either. The young patriarch of the Lumen clan, I don't need to say more about this person's alchemy record. In short, this newcomer competition is a real battle between dragons and tigers."

The monks in the Alchemy Realm were excited about this, and the monks from the Outer Realms who came from the outer regions to watch the newcomer competition were also looking for the monks in the Alchemy Realm to learn about the situation of these newcomers.

There is no other reason. There is a traditional program in Danyu's newcomer competition, which is a gambling game set up by Sihai Trading Company.

Sihai Commercial Bank is the largest commercial bank in the Central Region.

Sihai Commercial Bank is spread throughout the Central Region, and no other force can compare with it in terms of financial resources.

For the newcomer competition in the Dan Realm, as well as some competitions in other regions, Sihai Commercial Bank will join in the fun and hold a gambling game.

A restaurant somewhere in the East District.

"I knew that when this guy Chu Ning came to the Dan Realm, he would definitely not be unknown. As expected, he appeared on the list."

Zhao Qin looked at "Danshanzong Chu Ning" on the list and looked a little excited: "Brother, what are the odds offered by Sihai Commercial Bank to Chu Ning?"

"The odds of a D-level rating are..."

"If you don't want the D-level odds, what about the A-level odds?"

Zhao Qin interrupted his senior brother's words. He was confident that Chu Ning would definitely not be a D level.

"The odds for Class A are 1:64."

"With such a high price, it seems that Sihai Commercial Bank is still not optimistic about Chu Ning."

Xie Feng looked at his junior brother and said: "This odds is the highest among all players."

There were only 36 newcomers participating in the Rookie Competition, and being able to give 1:64 was considered the limit.

"I have sixty spiritual crystals on me. Senior brother, can you lend me forty spiritual crystals? I can gather a hundred spiritual crystals to defeat Chu Ning."

Seeing his junior brother's confidence in Chu Ning, Xie Feng did not stop him and took out a storage bag.

Although one hundred spirit crystals is not a small amount, with the master's love for his junior brother, it doesn't matter even if he loses.

Sihai Trading Company, Dancheng Branch.

A woman was lying lazily on a wicker chair, frowning slightly as she listened to the betting situation reported by her subordinates.

"It's an opportunity that comes once in three hundred years. If this is all, I'm afraid I won't make much money, so just follow the plan."

"Elder, are you sure?"

The woman didn't respond, and the old man immediately knew that he had made a mistake.

"I'll apply right away."

"Well, since there are several newcomers from the lower realm this time, let's harvest a wave of wealth from the lower realm."

A woman has a wonderful eye, and this competition is also an opportunity for her. She started planning it a hundred years ago.

She not only wants to earn from the monks in the middle domain, but also from the monks in the lower domain.

For these players who came from the lower domain, if the monks from the lower domain knew that there was such a big competition, they would definitely bet on the players from this domain.

Harvesting a wave of wealth from a lower domain is also a huge sum.

Of course, this is just incidental. This time she applied for support from the headquarters and will broadcast the scene of the competition to various domains, so that monks in all domains can place bets in real time.

The old man left the courtyard respectfully. He didn't know where this person came from in the trading company, but he was definitely not an ordinary elder who could mobilize so many resources.

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