I just want to torture you to death, don't force me to beat you to death

Chapter 260 Elder Yan: Don’t blame me for being cruel

Dancheng, square.

All the onlookers, including the monks in front of the light curtains in various domains at this moment, all waited with bated breath.

The seven-day competition is finally over, and now it’s time to announce the score rankings.

The jade slips of Chu Ning and others have been taken away.

But this time, the master in charge did not look at each one with his spiritual consciousness and give a score. Instead, he disappeared from the place with the jade slip.

Obviously, the score of this round of competition needs to be judged by the three masters of the Danta Club who are responsible for this newcomer competition.

"Old man Li, you came up with the questions this time, so I leave it to you to grade them."

Huang Ruyuan smiled and said, "I am not interested in other little guys, but I am somewhat interested in Chu Ning. Please show me Chu Ning's jade slip."

The rating given by a master alchemist, no one in the entire alchemy domain, including the sects behind these players, would not be angry.

"Old Huang Qian has fallen in love with that little guy?"

Another old master asked, Huang Ruyuan shook his head and said: "It's not that I like him, I just think this little guy is interesting. He could have won the first place, but he gave up the opportunity to be first in order to vent his anger on the sect brother. "

"Do you think he will definitely be able to defeat Tong Shouxian? Instead of taking this opportunity to give up the competition with Tong Shouxian?"

Huang Ruyuan narrowed his eyes slightly: "When I asked, the little guy had confidence in his eyes."

"Whether it is really capable or not can be seen from the results of this second round of competition."

Li Shuwu flew one of the jade slips towards Huang Ruyuan and said, "This is Chu Ning's jade slip."

Huang Ruyuan's spiritual consciousness was invested in it. After a while, the turbid old eyes shone even brighter, and he said with a smile: "Sure enough, I didn't disappoint. This little guy still has some real qualities."

"If I can tell you, Lao Huang, that I have real materials, then it's definitely not easy. I'll take a look, too."

Wan Jiren took the jade slip, glanced at it with his consciousness, and burst out laughing when he saw Chu Ning's answer to the last question.

"This answer is quite interesting."

For a strong master to say "interesting", it is already a very high praise.

"What Chu Ning answered makes you both very satisfied. I'll come and take a look too."

As the main assessor of the second round, Li Youxia was also attracted. When he read Chu Ning's answers, he frowned.

"What? Lao Li, are you not satisfied with Chu Ning's answer?"

"It's not that I'm dissatisfied, it's just that I have a problem now."

Li Youxia smiled bitterly: "Before I saw this little guy's jade slips, I already had the number one candidate in my mind. But now after reading it, I'm in trouble. Who should I give the number one spot to?"

"Oh, Lao Li, who did you consider number one?"

"That little guy from the Lu family."

Li Youxia gave the jade slips from Lu Si to Huang Ruyuan and Wan Jiren. After reading them, they understood why Li Youxia was in trouble.

Lu Sizhong's answer sheet was no less exciting than Chu Ning's. Lu Sizhong chose the Qi school for the last question.

This is related to Lu Sizhong's origin. The Lu family was originally the Qi sect among the six sects.

There is no so-called correct answer to the last question, because the six major theories of alchemy mean that the masters cannot convince each other, so how can we expect these newcomers to give perfect answers.

Li Youxia's last question depends on the attitude of these players.

It is a pity that, except for Lu Sizhong who firmly expressed his choice of Qi sect, although other newcomers also chose their own theories, their answers were all tactful and not very firm.

This made him a little disappointed with several other popular players. He was originally planning to give Lu Si the first place in the first class.

But after reading Chu Ning's answer, Li Youxia was in trouble. If Lu Sizhong was a firm choicer of weapon sects, then this little guy Chu Ning was a realist.

No matter what sect, as long as it can make me succeed in refining elixirs, it is a good theory to improve the quality of the elixirs I refine.

This is also a sign of confidence, and compared to Lu Sizhong, this confidence is more flexible.

"Give Chu Ning second place." Huang Ruyuan pondered for a moment and suddenly spoke.

Li Youxia glanced at his old friend in surprise. He thought that Lao Huang admired Chu Ning so much that he would suggest that Chu Ning be ranked first.

"Although this little guy Chu Ning's answer is a different one, don't forget that I disclosed the first-place answer sheet to all factions. In the eyes of each faction, Chu Ning's answer is deviant and can easily cause criticism."

Huang Ruyuan smiled and explained the reason, and Li Youxia and Wan Jiren knew what their old friend meant.

This is to protect Chu Ning.

If Chu Ning is given the first place, I am afraid that some of the elders of Danshan Sect will also be dissatisfied, let alone other sects.

"Then Lu Si is first, Chu Ning is second, Zhang Ji is third, and Tong Shouxian is fourth. These four are first-class."

Li Youxia made a decision, and his figure disappeared from the high platform and reappeared in the square.


Countless eyes in the audience were all focused on the master alchemist at this moment.

"The results of the second round of written examinations, the rankings have been released, and the first place is Lu Sizhong!"

Li Youxia paused after reading the first name. This is the treatment that the first place deserves.

"The number one among the Lu heirs is worthy of being the young master of the Lu family. He has a profound background after all."

"Although Tong Shouxian ranked first in the first round, Tong Shouxian only came from the Lower Domain, and Lu Sizhong grew up in the Lu family. With the background of the Lu family, Lu Sizhong's knowledge in alchemy is definitely higher than Tong Shouxian."

Lu Sizhong pursed his lips slightly when his name was called. As the young master of the Lu family, his goal was to be ranked first in Class A. To get the first place, he naturally had to be reserved.

For him, and for him and Zhang Ji, just being in Class A is considered a failure. The goal of several of their popular players is to be first in Class A.

"The second place should be Zhang Ji or Tong Shouxian."

Li Youxia glanced at the players present and continued: "The second place is Chu Ning, the third place is Zhang Ji, and the fourth place is Tong Shouxian. These four are ranked first."

When Chu Ning heard the senior read his name, he felt countless eyes falling on him.

Although the entire square is covered with a restricted light shield that prevents players like them from hearing outside sounds, as Nascent Soul monks, they will still be able to sense being locked by someone's gaze.

Not only the cultivators watching, but also the players on the field also had their eyes on Chu Ning.

Zhang Ji and Tong Shou won the first grade first. These players are not surprised. It would be strange if these two did not get the first grade.

But Chu Ning's ability to defeat Zhang Ji and Tong Shouxian shocked them.

In the first round of assessment, Chu Ning was second in Class B, and now he is second in Class A. This means that Chu Ning's current overall ranking is, at worst, the same as Zhang Hanqing's.

Before the competition, the four recognized first-class players were Lu Sizhong, Zhang Ji, Tong Shouxian and Zhang Hanqing. In the first round, Zhang Hanqing only got the third place in the first-class players. If Zhang Hanqing got the first place in the second-class players in this round, he would be the same as Chu. Mr. Ning’s ranking is the same.

However, the weight difference between the second and third place in Class A must be greater than the weight of the first and second place in Class B. In other words, Chu Ning is already on top of Zhang Hanqing in the overall ranking.

This is a dark horse.

"I didn't expect that there would be another dark horse in this year's rookie competition."

On the high platform, many elders of the sects also sighed with emotion, and at the same time looked at the stand where Danshan Sect was.

Who could have imagined that Danshan Sect, which almost couldn't recruit any outstanding disciples a hundred years ago, would suddenly find a dark horse.

This Chu Ning must be stable as a second-class person.

The last round of competition is about alchemy, and those who can participate in the competition have all passed the alchemy assessment in their respective sects, so the gap will not be too big.

In fact, in rookie competitions, the rankings in the first two rounds almost determine the final approximate ranking. At most, the rankings may change by one or two.

"I was indeed right about Chu Ning. I can get a B this time."

Elder Chen was very happy. He started to buy the bets of Chu Ning Yi and others. The eight times odds of five thousand spiritual crystals was a big sum for him.

Qi Shiyun's lips raised slightly. Her disciple really gave her a boost. She had performed so well in the first two rounds.

"Old Chen, don't be too happy. If Chu Ning performs so well in the third round, there is a chance that you will be ranked first. Be careful that your spiritual crystal is in vain."

Elder Zhao's words made Elder Chen stunned, and then he smiled awkwardly and said: "I have said that if Chu Ning gets the first grade, I will be worth losing these spiritual crystals."

As for whether it is really worth it, only Elder Chen himself knows in his heart.

"Compared to Lao Chen, I would like to congratulate Elder Qin. Li Tao is currently ranked first in the C class. This bet has been firmly won. Elder Qin has obtained the elixir of Nirvana Powder. I need to refine some Nirvana powder for me."

"Easy to say."

Qin Libang nodded. With the recipe for Nirvana Powder, it would not be difficult to refine Nirvana Powder.

The four elders Qi Shiyun of Danshan Sect were in a cheerful mood, while the expressions of the elders of Qihuo Sect next door were very gloomy.

They didn't expect that Li Tao, who had spent a lot of money to dig it out from the Danshan Sect, would be so useless.

To be precise, it’s not that Li Tao is useless. Qihuomen’s requirement for Li Tao is to win the C-level. And if Li Tao is at the end of the first round, he can be the first in the C-level in the second round. If he works hard in the third round, A C grade is no problem.

But the key issue is that Danshan Sect now has Chu Ning. In the eyes of other sects, their Qihuo Sect is a big grievance.

Talents that come from outside after hard work are not as powerful as those that come to you on their own initiative.

If he had known this, he would not have poached Li Tao in the first place, and chose to go to the Xinhuo Palace to ask for people like Danshan Sect. Then wouldn't Chu Ning go to their Qihuo Sect?

The elder of Qihuo Sect was depressed, while Lu Yingguang, the party involved in the bet, was angry. Nirvana Powder was a secret recipe he discovered in a secret realm. Looking at the entire Dan Domain, he was the only one who could refine it. This was his capital, but Now he had to lose to Qin Libang, how could he be willing to do so.

It's not that there are no strong people in the Dan realm who can crack the Nirvana powder recipe, but there are rules in the Dan realm. Generally, the secret recipe is not allowed to be cracked and made public. Those master alchemists can crack it and refine it privately, but they are absolutely not allowed to spread it. go out.

If Lu Yingguang was angry, then in the Xinhuo Palace at this moment, Chen An looked livid and exuded a cold aura.

He already had a premonition that after this competition, he would face accountability from the elders.

"Hahaha, fortunately I have anticipated it and made arrangements in advance."

Danshan Sect, Yan Chenjing had a look of pride on his face when he heard Chu Ning's results and rankings were announced. If he hadn't made arrangements in advance, he was afraid that after the competition, his reputation for confusion would spread to the entire Dan Realm.

But now, someone is even worse off than me.

"A dead fellow Taoist is not a poor Taoist. Don't blame me for being cruel. I just fell into the trap of the Sixth Peak. You are blind and you deserve to take the blame!"

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