I Just Wanted To Retire But Was Forced To Become A General Chapter 1193


Chapter 1193 The Great Cause

Inside the Ligurian Kingdom, somewhere near a large plantation In the jungle, there is a simple camp.

In the camp, a man in a dark green cloak looked at the embarrassed people in front of him and asked, "Do they still believe it?"

"Yes, chief, anyway , they don't believe it, even if the nobles are caught in front of them, they still don't believe it and think we are thugs."

A one-eyed man sighed: "Chief, when did our Revolutionary Army become thugs? ."

Dorag fell silent.

The problem of this country, they discovered it very early, this time he came here to solve it, but just like before, no matter how the Revolutionary Army persuaded those commoners, even if a noble was thrown over, they It is also believed that it was forced by the Revolutionary Army, but it still has no effect.

This long-term deception of nobles against commoners is not something that can be done in a short period of time.

"Hey, Dorag, you keep on saying you want to overthrow this country, but so far you haven't succeeded!"

A voice came from the camp's tent, only Seeing a man dressed as a noble walk out, his face was impatient: "Can you do it? The people are suffering. Those people are raising Pirate and harvesting the wealth of the people. Every penny of you makes them suffer more. One point, you are the leader of the Revolutionary Army. Wouldn't it be better to just kill him? Let me ascend to the throne, and I promise not to let the people suffer like this."

Dorag glanced back at him. , A long time ago, it was the nobleman who told them the situation of the country, and they knew the problem here. Similarly, they also chose this nobleman as the new king after the overthrow.


Drago shook his head and said, "Our Revolutionary Army is committed to voluntary changes within the country. If no one agrees with you, even if we forcibly overthrow it, we will not. What's the use. In short, continue to deal with Pirate, no matter what, first ensure the lives of the people."


The nobleman sighed and said no more.

The one-eyed man said angrily: "You bastard, you obviously have to rely on us, but your attitude is still so bad, show some respect to the leader!"

"No matter how bad my attitude is, I also You won't oppress the people like this, you are the king, and other than me, other people will ignore you at all!" The noble said directly.

Indeed, because he is just a small noble with no territory and no ability to form Pirates.

This is the custom in this country. The nobles set up Pirates themselves to harvest the wealth of the people on a regular basis, but they cannot let the people find out. Otherwise, who will do the plantation, they will not, if they do not give high Welfare, the people are not so enthusiastic, but the welfare is given too much, and their nobles can't make money, so they can only give it first and then grab it.

This aristocrat is very clear about this. Anyone who has a little ability is willing to contact this Revolutionary Army. After all, even if the Revolutionary Army overthrows the country and puts him in power, he will only be able to do it for a long time. A small tax was charged, but that was king after all, and certainly better than it is now.

After the nobleman said this, the one-eyed man pursed his lips, just glared at him and stopped talking.

Indeed, only he would do it, no matter what the attitude of this guy, at least he told the Revolutionary Army about the situation here, he has a heart for the people
"Chief, chief!"

Just when Dorag was thinking about his idea, a Revolutionary Army suddenly got in from the jungle, gasped for breath pointing back, "Marine, there is Marine!"

" Marine?"

Dorag was stunned, "How can there be Marine? This is the border of non-joined countries, Marine will not appear here."

No non-joined countries Paying money to the World Government, Marine definitely doesn't care, why is there a Marine in
"I don't know, but that group of Marines also joined the Pirate team in the confrontation!" The Revolutionary Army said very quickly.

Dorag was frowned, and the whole body turned into a wind, disappeared in place, and reached the sky directly.

In his field of vision, a large number of 'white' suddenly appeared in the vicinity, quickly moved towards those villages and towns, and in the large plantation below, a group of Pirates were chased by Marine like chickens. surrounded and then annihilated.

"So fast?"

Dorag doesn't feel right. The speed of these Marines is not very human. In addition to the clothes, there is an inexplicable white mist
Then he saw the bearded man in a certain plantation, with a look of consternation: "Cass?"

This person, but the existence of their Revolutionary Army headache.

How did he get here?


As if feeling something, Cass glanced up at the sky, but found nothing, and then set his sights on the surviving civilians .

"Marine? Anyway, thank you, Lord Marine!"

Among the commoners, one of the people who seemed to be the leader stood up, moved towards them and bowed in thanks.

"Do you know that these Pirates are raised by the nobles here? The purpose is to harvest your wealth." Donald opened his mouth and came.

He's a straight face, which is better explained first.

The leader looked deeply grateful just now, but his expression changed immediately when he said this, "It's another one! Hey, even if you save us, you can't slander the nobles! They A good guy who will come to comfort us and give us food after the Pirate robbed us, that's a good guy, that's not what you said. You are like the Revolutionary Army, why are you always slandering others!"


Donald wanted to say something, but saw Cass stretch out his hand and look the head, "No need to persuade."

"Yes, no need to say."

Wilbur was also nodded there, saying: "In the second page of "Quotations of Justice", section six, Mr. Chloe said: Time and practice can test the truth. We just need to do it, our great The major event industry is very difficult, and it is nothing to be criticized for this. If you are influenced by the majority and do not do it, then this career can't be called great."

Kas nodded: "That's right, what we want is not to talk, but to do it directly. No matter what these people say, we only need to go to the king's city, and we can know everything that happened, true or false, and we will know immediately, if it is false, We will follow the original policy to invite, if it is true."

Needless to say, if it is true, then kill the nobles here to the last one.

"As expected of you, Cass!"

Wilbur said excitedly: "In the 11th section of the second page of "Quotations of Justice", Mr. Chloe said: I believe you?"

"This sentence fully shows Mr. Chloe's disdain and suspicion of worldly things, because it is wrong to jump to conclusions without observation, but after observation, just do what you think is right, we The great major event career of our company will not be affected by any silhouette, even if it is questioned by everyone, we must continue the career!"

Donald: "..."

Is that so?

But he didn't seem to have heard Admiral say this, maybe he made a mistake.

"Let's go, go directly to the royal city, and let the Marines continue to encircle and suppress other places."

Cass turned around and left with the large army, regardless of the person who was stunned.

Wilbur left a copy of "Justice and Faith" and said to those people: "It's good for you to read this book if you don't have to, you should have the ability to judge by yourself, not just read it. On the surface."

"Vice Admiral ."

Donald leaned over and said worriedly: "If it is true, if we kill them directly, will it affect the way the civilians treat us? view."

"It's not important"

Cass lifted his head and looked far away, as if conveyed through the sky on a certain Kim Pika.

"It's not going to be okay for the people to hate us, the ebbing of time will make everything disappear, all we have to do is maintain justice. If justice can be achieved with a little infamy, then a little more. .Donald, the just cause I'm waiting for is impossible as simple, otherwise, Mr. Chloe wouldn't have acted yet."

A group of people drifted away, and that book, naturally, no one watch.

The rescued civilians went back to their homes to settle their families, and with a gust of wind, the book disappeared.


Dorag looked at Chloe in front of her complicatedly.

He wanted to know the answer, why the Marines could slaughter the nobles of an entire royal city after learning the truth, and then Dressrosa came a few days later, claiming to have conquered this place. nation.

Your Marine and that Dressrosa are your territory.
What do you want to do?
What is your justice?
Dorag wants to know the answer!

(end of this chapter)

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