I Just Wanted To Retire But Was Forced To Become A General Chapter 63


Chapter 63 How is that possible?

The Battleship sails to branch 153, and as it sails, Buck is sure these people It's rubbish, I'm at peace.

"There is Sea Beast!"

The sailing of the sea, impossible is smooth sailing, even in East Blue.

Rainstorm, lightning, etc., may be avoided in East Blue, but the existence of Sea Beast, if you encounter it, you will consider yourself unlucky.

The sudden appearance of Sea Beast has a tiger-like head, and its body is as big as two Battleships, and it is extremely fierce.

"Fire, fire!"

As commanded by the sergeant, the Marines ran on the deck for a while, holding guns and pushing guns to attack Sea Beast.

The three that Buck had been paying attention to all the time were silent.

Chloe pulled out a cigar, lit it, snorted, and exhaled thick smoke.

Lida ate snacks and looked at Sea Beast with interest.

Kuro pushed down his glasses, unemotional in his eyes.

But in Buck's eyes, these three should have been frightened.

There was no movement at all, and he didn't even have the guts to issue orders.

But even if he's not weak, Buck doesn't matter, he's just a headquarter ensign.

"Is that delicious?"

Lida took a bite of the biscuits and looked curiously at the tiger-shaped Sea Beast struck by the cannon.

Sea Beast Well, see how to distinguish.

The weak are afraid of tigers, and the powerhouse wants to taste tiger bone.

Chloe didn't think about anything, just wanted to hurry back to the 153 branch.

What's so delicious about Sea Beast? It's not like he hasn't slaughtered it before during cultivation.

Maybe there is no good cook around

Chloe touched the chin, glanced at Lida with a curious face, and sighed.

People say that a long illness makes a good doctor, but how can you not become a good cook if you eat for a long time.

The Sea Beast was repelled by the cannon, and the Battleship did not dare to stop here and speed up the sailing.

Sailing into the night, the Battleship has entered the 153 Sea Territory, docked in the vicinity of an island for refurbishment.

This island is not so much an island as it is a small continent. The place is very large, and the mountains are distributed continuously, as if there is no end in sight.

The island of this world, some 'islands' surprise Chloe, such as Alabasta, it is enough to call it a continent, but it is still called an island, because there are very few coherent lands here, No matter how big it is, it can only be an island.

"What a strange mountain."

Lida looked over and said in amazement, "Chloe, these mountains don't have peaks."

Here The mountain is a bit strange. There is no mountain top. All the mountains seem to be chopped down. After reaching the mountainside, there are neat cuts, high or low.

"Report to the second lieutenant, the repairs are completed, please rest here."

The Marines entered the land, loaded tents and bonfires in front, and after they were done, the sergeant came to report ready.

"Okay, let's make a fire and cook."

Chloe waved her hand to let the Marines rest, and then said to Buck: "Cass, let's go, let's catch up. ”

After catching Cass, Chloe is not in a hurry at all. As long as he is in his sight, the propaganda of justice and so on will not be his turn. No one will promote it. Is it covered?

As for Cass' promise that he would no longer use his own name, Chloe thought it would be better to watch him for a while to be safe.

Wait for a little more persuasion to make sure that Cass has really changed, and it's not too late to let it go.

Anyway, he is here, so there is no rush. His plan is to stay in East Blue at the moment, so he has enough time.

Watching Chloe and the others walking towards the corner of the tent, Cass was overjoyed. He was just trying to figure out how to deal with Chloe, didn't expect God and this gave him a chance.

As a Sir, Chloe's tent is naturally impossible like those of Marines, and its geographical location will not be like those of Marines. Chloe's tents are built on a high ground on a slope, overlooking the Marines' tents, Its terrain is more remote than Marine, and it is suitable for Buck to start.

A few people sat down, and Chloe seized the opportunity to brainwash Buck, no, to persuade him to have a righteous strategy.

"Cas, I admire your means and actions for daring to publicize their justice, but this is your credit, not mine. Maybe I gave you a little guideline, but your justice is not mine. For one thing, I'm really not 'tenacious justice', and you don't have to keep following this step, you should just let go and create your own true justice."

Chloe earnest and well- meant advised, "I have seen the deeds in East Blue, it is completely the result of you leading Marine to fight against Pirate, I am honored in the headquarters, but this is really your credit, you can't let me be beaten by others in the headquarters Marine laughed and said I stole the credit for the victory.

So, Cass, next time you hit Pirate or something, don't bring my name, I, Chloe, don't even bother to steal credit from my former subordinates, I I have my own way."

Marine, who came to deliver the meal, was moved by this remark. Second Lieutenant Chloe actually took care of his subordinates so much that he didn't want such a reputation. He really deserved to be a good boss.

Although East Blue is weak, East Blue's Hero of the Marines, that's a good reputation.

Buck's perfunctory nodded: "I see, Lieutenant Chloe, I won't talk about you again next time."

Chloe said with satisfaction: "Just understand, Cass. , I execute my justice in the headquarters, you execute your justice in East Blue, I look forward to your reputation from East Blue to the headquarters, so that the Marines in the headquarters agree with your justice!"

Yes Ah, just execute your justice in East Blue, don't come to the headquarters, and don't apply to be my subordinate!

Chloe's words said there is no weak spot, and it is completely a straight Marine who does not take credit and pride, but for Buck who has been in the dangerous zone all the year round, he heard something different.

This Headquarter Lieutenant, no matter how calm he is, he can see the meaning of 'fear' from it.

Is he afraid?

Also, if Marines who have no ability, if they become famous, they will be sniped by Pirate as a stepping stone to their fame.

Buck's clear comprehension all at once.

Sometimes, only cautiously people can understand what cautiously people want.

In an instant, Buck had a sense of sympathy.

He is also cautiously alive. Even if he challenges Kaido, he is cautiously enough. All plans are ready.

"It's a pity, no matter how good the plan is, it's useless to run into those powerhouses. If I didn't use your identity, maybe I would tell you something."

Buck thought regretfully.

You may not know what the concept is from an ordinary Pirate to a bounty of more than 300 million. We generally call this kind of person 'Great Pirate'.

Cautiously, there is absolutely nothing wrong, as long as you find a good target.

He failed to find Kaido, but failed to find a small headquarter ensign, that was an impossible failure.

Unless this second lieutenant is some kind of hidden bull, obviously powerful but cautiously to the extreme.

But how is that possible!

There is one more update, please ask for tickets and receive rewards

(end of this chapter)

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