I Just Wanted To Retire But Was Forced To Become A General Chapter 88


Chapter 88 Amusement Island 'Morgati'

The boat docked on the island for rest, and not far from In the empty Sea Territory, a silhouette swept low on the sea, flicking the sea with one hand.


A large amount of sea water rolled into a tsunami to form an almost insurmountable high wall. A huge water mass rose into the air.

Then, the silhouette swept across the sea again, causing another tsunami.

It seems like it's going to go back and forth.

In the upper air next to them, two people stepped on the air and kept jumping.

It was Lida and Kuro.

"You're not finished, Chloe."

Lida was speechless, looking at Chloe who seemed to be having fun.

This is the first time. As long as the ship passes by the island for rest and replenishment, Chloe will sneak out, either to control the rise of the sea, or to find that kind of desolate island with no one to touch it.

Then float the whole island.

Now, there is an unknown amount of stuff floating above his head.

Chloe once again controlled a tsunami that turned into a rising water mass, flew to Lida's side, and said: "I just got this ability, the control strength is not good, in addition to the daily control, get more" Reserve' is always right."

When the Golden Lion fights, it's nothing more than a few floating Skypieas and floating Sea Territory, but if Chloe gets this ability, do it like Golden Lion , it would be too unsafe and too wasteful.

Since there is such a convenient ability, you should reserve a lot to avoid unexpected situations in the future, just in case.

In case there's some more fighting, what's on top of his head will come into play.

Except for uninhabited islands, sea water, etc., as long as Chloe finds an opportunity, she will secretly touch the weapons of her subordinates.

He has now passed through a branch, and on the pretext of weapon wear and tear, another batch of weapons has been recruited, and a lot of them have been sent to the sky for him.

Lida was helpless about this.

"Are you going to drown even the island where he is after encountering the enemy?" The trash king', no matter what else, as long as he feels useful, he will touch it and send it to the sky.

Not even Lida herself knew how much stuff was on top of his head.

Seems to have encountered a Pirate Ship before, but didn't pursue it.

But Lida knew that Chloe sneaked out at night.

I hope the ship is okay.

A few tsunamis were set off again, and Chloe stopped and breathed a sigh of relief. We're suspicious."

Lida twitched her lips, she seriously doubted that if it wasn't for their time constraints on the islands in the vicinity, this cargo might have a tendency to empty East Blue.

In fact, Chloe really has this idea. After all, even if he is the emperor of the sea, he can't face the sea. If he can control the sea like the sky, he is afraid of the emperor of the sea.

So if you can reserve a little, then reserve a little more.

Returning to the island from Sea Territory, the subordinates also prepared supplies and continued to sail to the destination.


"Oh, Morgati!"

On the Sea Territory, Lida yelled at the approaching island.

On the island in front of her, a fairytale-like castle stands tall. Under the castle, there are tall buildings like a dream. When viewed from the sea, none of those buildings are short. of.

The amusement island 'Morgati' is the largest amusement city in East Blue.

It is said to be based on the famous kingdom of New World 'Dressrosa'.

Morgarty used to be an ordinary kingdom, known as the 'Pleasure Island', only in recent years.

It was two years ago when Chloe completely heard about its Daimyo, but at that time he was still wandering around the 153 branch.

This place, Chloe has long wanted to come and play.

In this world, there will always be some novel things that you have to experience.

Battleship docked, Chloe and the others landed on the island, and just out of the port was a wide street.

Pedestrians on the streets wore tall hats and oversized robes that shrouded their figures.

Pedestrians saw a group of Marines landing, all of them turned their heads and smiled.

"Marine, it's Marine!"

"Welcome Marine!"

"Protect our heroes!"

One by one The civilians were cheering, and the Marines were a little sorry.

"The people here are really thin, aren't they beautiful?"

Lida muttered.

Whether men, women or children, the cheeks of the people here are a little thin.

Kuro pushed down his glasses, "I always feel a little uncomfortable."

Chloe took out a cigar and lit it, curling one's lip, "The smile is too uniform, national training. It's very high, in order to stimulate customers to spend?"

Their smiles are so uniform that they even turn their heads at the same angle.

It feels like it's been trained.

But Chloe doesn't think it's anything. After all, people are there to stimulate consumption, and there are not only their Marines here, but many tourists.

"That, that, Chloe, I want to eat that!"

Lida grabbed Chloe's clothes and pointed to a steamed bun shop ahead.

"Eat, eat, Kuro, go buy it." Chloe helplessly said.

Kuro has gotten used to it, this time without any complaints, he took a few Marines to buy buns.

It's no use complaining, in the end it's up to him to be the tool man.

And Chloe took Lida and the rest of Marine, found an outdoor shop, found a seat and sat down, and soon a waiter in a robe came over with a smile and handed a menu. .

"I am very honored to be here, Mr. Marine. The store manager has instructed that as long as Marine comes here to spend, there will be a 30% discount."

"Oh? Thank you. Come on, Lida, have some."

Chloe leaned back on the recliner and blew a ring of smoke.

Lida took the menu and looked at it with interest.

Chloe looked around, there were a lot of non-nationals on the street, and Chloe himself saw people dressed up from several countries, which made him a little stunned.

I have to mention that it is very popular.


"Why didn't I see Marine stationed, isn't there a Marine here?" Chloe asked the waiter.

The waiter said proudly: "Sir, we 'Morgati' don't need Marine, we have the amusement Prince, the Pirates and criminals who dare to attack will be blocked by the amusement Prince, our His Highness the Prince, but very powerful!"

"Playing Prince?"

Lida looked up, "I seem to have heard the name."

"Ah, a popular one. Very high idol." Chloe nods.

Morgatti's most famous character is their Prince, an expert idol in East Blue, the amusement Prince.

I've heard the name Chloe before.

But this makes Chloe a little regretful. He originally thought that if there was a Marine here, he could use some weapons or something to expand his 'reserve'.

It looks like that hope is in vain.


Buy it yourself?

No money.

If you can prostitute for free, why buy it yourself.

I'm too tired today, there is only one more update, and I still owe one more update, I will make it up tomorrow.

I'm sorry and thank you.

(end of this chapter)

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