"This is a piece of spiritual sand. It seems extremely small, but there are infinite universes inside. If you want to master the universe, the first thing you need to do is to use your profound knowledge to explore the interior of the spiritual sand."

In the room, Hu Hongwei spread out his palm to explain the basic principles of the universe technique to Jiang Beiran.

In the previous questioning, he found that Jiang Beiran was not slightly inadequate in the universe technique, but had almost no contact. This made Hu Hongwei a little unbelievable. After all, although the universe technique is difficult to learn, he can master it like Jiang Beiran. It's really hard to justify that more than a dozen talents of profound arts can't learn it.

When Hu Hongwei was puzzled, Jiang Beiran also gave his explanation. His original purpose in coming to the Six Kingdoms was to make up for the shortcomings of the Universe Technique, but the miasma came before he started studying abroad.

After listening to Hu Hongwei, he immediately understood a lot. In the previous conversation, he knew that Jiang Beiran lived in a small remote country called Shengguo, where, not to mention the universe, even the Xuanmen Sixteen Art was not affected. Pay attention.

It is excusable to have never seen the universe technique in that kind of horns.

After understanding Jiang Beiran's level of cosmic art, Hu Hongwei decided to start teaching from the most basic. Although this would take a lot of time, how could it be possible to learn later without a solid foundation.

After briefly explaining the basic principles of Qiankun Shu, Hu Hongwei explained the source of Qiankun Shu to Jiang Beiran.


After listening to Hu Hongwei's many explanations and introductions to Lingsha, Jiang Beiran had basic concepts in his mind.

Simply put, this spiritual sand is a kind of aura molecule, yes, it is the kind of molecule that can only be seen with a microscope.

Then Hu Hongwei's further exposition made Jiang Beiran even more so that he was not learning the universe, but was taking a course in nature and science.

In Master Qiankun’s philosophy, this world is made up of spiritual sand, but they live in the most superficial world, but as long as the spiritual sand is broken, there is actually a wider space inside.

This allowed Jiang Beiran to automatically translate his sentence into this world is made of molecules.

As for the surface and the inner layer...

'parallel world? ’

It's a pity that Jiang Beiran's physics knowledge is not enough to support him to continue to use more knowledge to make an analogy with this universe, but he already has a basic concept that the universe is a microcosm.

Closing his eyes, Jiang Beiran exuded his mental power and began to lock on the invisible spiritual sand in Hu Hongwei's palm.

Seeing Jiang Beiran closing his eyes and looking serious, Hu Hongwei said, "Don't worry, I'm just telling you the direction of learning. If you want to use profound knowledge to explore the interior of Lingsha, you are still far away, I Teach now..."

"I saw it, and then."


"What did you see...?" Hu Hongwei was interrupted in the middle of the conversation.

"The inside of Lingsha."


"Master Jiang, although we are colleagues, since you want me to teach you, I am your teacher now, so during the time I teach you, please be serious and don't tell such silly jokes."

Jiang Beiran didn't explain too much nonsense, and asked directly: "How can I prove to you that I have seen the inside of Lingsha."

Listening to Jiang Beiran's serious tone, Hu Hongwei was really confused.

His expression gradually began to lose control.

If someone else said this, he would have swept him out, but now it was the wizard Jiang Beiran who said this, which made him have to think of a possibility that shouldn't exist at all.

‘Did he... really saw it? ’

"Goo..." Hu Hong swallowed, "If you really observe the interior of Lingsha with profound knowledge, then you might as well try to control this space with profound knowledge to make it vibrate."

"Okay, I will try."

Seeing Jiang Beiran really do what he said, Hu Hong couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Firstly, it was because his request was a bit too much. After observing the inner part of Lingsha, he needed more study and comprehension before he could control Lingsha.

It was just because Hu Hong wanted to embarrass Jiang Beiran inexplicably, otherwise the Universe Technique was as simple as learning to sweep the floor, making him feel a little angry.

Secondly, he had an idea in his heart that he couldn't believe it.

That is maybe Jiang Beiran can really do it.

And just when Hu Hongwei was in a panic, he suddenly trembled, the boss with wide-eyed eyes.

It moved... the piece of spiritual sand in his palm really moved!

"Jiang Beiran! Are you entertaining me!?"

The shocked Hu Hongwei shouted towards Jiang Beiran. At this point, he no longer believes that Jiang Beiran is a beginner of Universe, how could a beginner control Lingsha with profound knowledge! ?

So the only explanation is that Jiang Beiran is entertaining him.

It was originally, he is good at so many profound arts, how could it be possible that he could not only know the universe technique at all! ?

Seeing Hu Hongwei's emotions, Jiang Beiran slowly opened his eyes and said, "Master Hu, do you think I will make time to amuse you at such an urgent moment?"

Hearing Jiang Beiran's rhetorical question, Hu Hong didn't know how to refute the only time.

Jiang Beiran's efforts to deal with the miasma are obvious to all. He is the most active person every day, and he is also the most tiring. It is hard to imagine that such a person would waste so much time on purpose just to entertain him.

‘Does he really know how to teach once? ’

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Hu Hongwei would rather believe that someone like Jiang Beiran would take the time to entertain him, rather than believe that Jiang Beiran had really learned to explore and control the inner sand of Lingsha in the blink of an eye.

Because even for him, it took three full years to accomplish these two things when he first started studying.

Seeing that Hu Hongwei's mentality was about to collapse, Jiang Beiran had no choice but to say: "I have always learned things very quickly. Master Hu shouldn't be so surprised. Time is precious. You should go down and teach."

"Learning fast!? Is this fast-learning explanatory! You are simply..."

Hearing that Hu Hongwei still refused to believe in himself, Jiang Beiran had no choice but to say: "Since Master Hu insists on thinking so, then forget it. I will go to Master Chang for advice on the next part."

Seeing that Jiang Beiran was really going to leave, Hu Hongwei hurriedly stopped him and said, "Wait a moment, wait a moment..."

"Master Hu, is there anything else?"

Taking a deep breath, Master Hu looked at Jiang Beiran earnestly and asked, "Is it your first time to learn Universe?"

"Really." Jiang Beiran nodded.

Jiang Beiran's phrase "really" is actually half-truth and half-truth. It is really not related to the Universe Technique in his first profound art. Valley

But after a wave of "renewal" of the Xuanyi point, several skill points that were suspected of being Qiankunshu appeared.

The most obvious is [Tian Zang], the concept that this skill point instilled in him is similar to that of Lingsha, but the pattern of [Tian Zang] is a bit bigger.

Combining Hu Hongwei's words to understand, [Tian Zang] expresses not just a space in Lingsha, but a small world.

A small world full of life.

(I haven’t finished writing the second half, so I sent it out first because since it’s posted, it must be added to ensure that there are 4000 words per day. Otherwise, it will be more addictive. I am sorry that it affects your reading experience.)

(The unfinished part will be changed later, there will be no extra charge. Later, it will be changed back to the main text and refreshed to watch. The latter part can be regarded as an updated preview today. Thank you for your understanding.)

(I have a showdown. The extra part of the anti-theft every day is actually trying to force myself to write more, because the part that is sent out has to be written, even if I don’t want to write it anymore, I have to finish it, which is forcing myself to write. , Let everyone watch it more, you can completely regard it as the second half of the chapter that is not updated, thank you for your understanding.)


"This is a piece of spiritual sand. It seems extremely small, but there are infinite universes inside. If you want to master the universe, the first thing you need to do is to use your profound knowledge to explore the interior of the spiritual sand."

In the room, Hu Hongwei spread out his palm to explain the basic principles of the universe technique to Jiang Beiran.

In the previous questioning, he found that Jiang Beiran was not slightly inadequate in the universe technique, but had almost no contact. This made Hu Hongwei a little unbelievable. After all, although the universe technique is difficult to learn, he can master it like Jiang Beiran. It's really hard to justify that more than a dozen talents of profound arts can't learn it.

When Hu Hongwei was puzzled, Jiang Beiran also gave his explanation. His original purpose in coming to the Six Kingdoms was to make up for the shortcomings of the Universe Technique, but the miasma came before he started studying abroad.

After listening to Hu Hongwei, he immediately understood a lot. In the previous conversation, he knew that Jiang Beiran lived in a small remote country called Shengguo, where, not to mention the universe, even the Xuanmen Sixteen Art was not affected. Pay attention.

It is excusable to have never seen the universe technique in that kind of horns.

After understanding Jiang Beiran's level of cosmic art, Hu Hongwei decided to start teaching from the most basic. Although this would take a lot of time, how could it be possible to learn later without a solid foundation.

After briefly explaining the basic principles of Qiankun Shu, Hu Hongwei explained the source of Qiankun Shu to Jiang Beiran.


After listening to Hu Hongwei's many explanations and introductions to Lingsha, Jiang Beiran had basic concepts in his mind.

Simply put, this spiritual sand is a kind of aura molecule, yes, it is the kind of molecule that can only be seen with a microscope.

Then Hu Hongwei's further exposition made Jiang Beiran even more so that he was not learning the universe, but was taking a course in nature and science.

In Master Qiankun’s philosophy, this world is made up of spiritual sand, but they live in the most superficial world, but as long as the spiritual sand is broken, there is actually a wider space inside.

This allowed Jiang Beiran to automatically translate his sentence into this world is made of molecules.

As for the surface and the inner layer...

'parallel world? ’

It's a pity that Jiang Beiran's physics knowledge is not enough to support him to continue to use more knowledge to make an analogy with this universe, but he already has a basic concept that the universe is a microcosm.

Closing his eyes, Jiang Beiran exuded his mental power and began to lock on the invisible spiritual sand in Hu Hongwei's palm.

Seeing Jiang Beiran closing his eyes and looking serious, Hu Hongwei said, "Don't worry, I'm just telling you the direction of learning. If you want to use profound knowledge to explore the interior of Lingsha, you are still far away, I Teach now..."

"I saw it, and then."


"What did you see...?" Hu Hongwei was interrupted in the middle of the conversation.

"The inside of Lingsha."


"Master Jiang, although we are colleagues, since you want me to teach you, I am your teacher now, so during the time I teach you, please be serious and don't tell such silly jokes."

Jiang Beiran didn't explain too much nonsense, and asked directly: "How can I prove to you that I have seen the inside of Lingsha."

Listening to Jiang Beiran's serious tone, Hu Hongwei was really confused.

His expression gradually began to lose control.

If someone else said this, he would have swept him out, but now it was the wizard Jiang Beiran who said this, which made him have to think of a possibility that shouldn't exist at all.

‘Did he... really saw it? ’

"Goo..." Hu Hong swallowed, "If you really observe the interior of Lingsha with profound knowledge, then you might as well try to control this space with profound knowledge to make it vibrate."

"Okay, I will try."

Seeing Jiang Beiran really do what he said, Hu Hong couldn't help feeling a little nervous. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Firstly, it was because his request was a bit too much. After observing the inner part of Lingsha, he needed more study and comprehension before he could control Lingsha.

It was just because Hu Hong wanted to embarrass Jiang Beiran inexplicably, otherwise the Universe Technique was as simple as learning to sweep the floor, making him feel a little angry.

Secondly, he had an idea in his heart that he couldn't believe it.

That is maybe Jiang Beiran can really do it.

And just when Hu Hongwei was in a panic, he suddenly trembled, the boss with wide-eyed eyes.

It moved... the piece of spiritual sand in his palm really moved!

"Jiang Beiran! Are you entertaining me!?"

The shocked Hu Hongwei shouted towards Jiang Beiran. At this point, he no longer believes that Jiang Beiran is a beginner of Universe, how could a beginner control Lingsha with profound knowledge! ?

So the only explanation is that Jiang Beiran is entertaining him.

It was originally, he is good at so many profound arts, how could it be possible that he could not only know the universe technique at all! ?

Seeing Hu Hongwei's emotions, Jiang Beiran slowly opened his eyes and said, "Master Hu, do you think I will make time to amuse you at such an urgent moment?"

Hearing Jiang Beiran's rhetorical question, Hu Hong didn't know how to refute the only time.

Jiang Beiran's efforts to deal with the miasma are obvious to all. He is the most active person every day, and he is also the most tiring. It is hard to imagine that such a person would waste so much time on purpose just to entertain him.

‘Does he really know how to teach once? ’

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Hu Hongwei would rather believe that someone like Jiang Beiran would take the time to entertain him, rather than believe that Jiang Beiran really learned to explore and control the inner sand of Lingsha in the blink of an eye.

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