I Just Won’t Play by the Book

Chapter 193: Temptation?

   [Option 1: Go to bed. Completion reward: Chenhuo Secret Method (Xuan-level lower grade)]

   [Option 2: Strengthen the palace formation. Completion reward: Completion reward: random basic skill point +1]

'Ok! ? ’

   Just when Jiang Beiran finished today's summary and was about to lie down to sleep, the system suddenly showed two options.

  ‘Some people want to harm me? ’

   Jiang Beiran didn't expect this. First of all, Fengzhou's black and white roads had just been cleaned at this time. Whether the rebels or the twenty-five generations, they should all be in a stage where the group of dragons has no leader and is very dying.

  Which one is desperate to run out as a "vanguard" at this time?

   Furthermore, he has just ascended the throne, and the dragon chair hasn’t been hot yet. Even those who are impassioned and think that killing an emperor can change the day for a hot-blooded righteous man, so he has to observe in secret for a while to determine if he is a dog emperor before doing it?

   "Weird things..."

   Jiang Beiran sat up, took out Lu Ran from Qiankun Ring and replaced it, and then disappeared into the palace.

   quietly came to the top of Xuanting Temple, which is the center of the entire palace, enough to overlook the entire palace.

  ‘Kui, Geng, Chou, Wu, You...’

  ‘Well... this builder of the palace knows Feng Shui and formations, but unfortunately he is a bit too greedy, wanting everything, but puts out an oolong formation. ’

The imperial palace is set up with the twenty-eight lodging lock ghost array, and the corresponding talisman and talisman seal are placed on the twenty-eight lodgings in the palace by the method of thunder pond. If someone who has bad intentions commits an offence, the mind will be imprisoned and lost. Among.

   If it is a temporary formation, the twenty-eight night lock ghost formation is very good, and you can fully see the profound knowledge of the person who placed this formation.

   But if it is a long-term defensive formation, then the twenty-eight night lock ghost formation is full of flaws.

Because the sun, moon and stars are constantly rotating, the formation pattern of each hour is different. There are twelve hours a day, from the winter solstice to the second year winter solstice in a cycle, totaling three hundred Sixty days.

   Calculated according to a solid and one formation pattern, there are a total of 4,320 rounds throughout the year, and in these 4,320 rounds, another formation pattern will be repeated more than four times.

   is based on the pattern of nine palaces. The Winter Solstice Shangyuan, Jingzhe Shangyuan, Qingming Zhongyuan, and Lixia Zhongyuan are all in the same pattern, and they need to be arranged in a strange way.

   And such a complicated formation pattern is really just a foundation.

   According to different seasons, changes in Feng Shui pattern and other changes also need to add 60 combinations of Ten Heavenly Stems and Twelve Earthly Branches, as well as the difference between Yin Dun and Yang Dun, and thousands of completely different patterns have been injected.

   If you say that you can see a person's formation knowledge by placing a temporary formation, then you can see a person's formation knowledge by placing a long-term formation. The skills of the two can be said to be very different.

  ’Jingzhe One Seven Four, Spring Eight Five Two, Heavy Snow Four Seven One’

   "Hoo~ Big project."

   After holding the compass to find out all the stars that need to be adjusted, Jiang Beiran began to adjust the big array.

   [The option task has been completed, reward: formation +1]

  ‘It’s finally done. ’

   Before the sun rose, Jiang Beiran finally rectified the entire 28 Susuo Ghost Array. At this moment, this large array has been able to adapt to the changes of the heavens and the earth, automatically adjust, and can exert the best effect at any time.

   Sitting in a corner of the eaves of the Xuanting Temple, Jiang Beiran's right leg was swaying in the air, holding the compass in his left hand and turning from time to time, looking at the rising sun in the distance, Jiang Beiran continued to think about the problems that he did not understand yesterday.

   Although the twenty-eight-night lock ghost formation in the palace could not exert its best effect at all times, it was enough to deal with some practitioners in the Profound Master Realm.

Since the option of    is to strengthen the 28 Sustaining Ghost Array, it means that at least the practitioners who will come to trouble him in the palace are the cultivators above the Profound Master realm.

   And the Great Profound Master is a mainstay-level existence even in a large sect like the Moon Sect. It is extremely difficult for them to perform such suicide missions.

   Just like at the Yingjie meeting that day, the court and the twenty-five boys had been preparing for ten years, but they only gathered a few great profound masters to implement the provocative plan.

   After all, a cultivator can be promoted to the Great Profound Master, it shows that his talent on the way of cultivation has surpassed many people, how could he spare his life.

   After covering the glaring sunlight with his hand, Jiang Beiran's thoughts suddenly moved, and a new idea appeared in his mind.

   What he thought before was that although Yin Jianghong verbally assured Jiang Beiran that no one would dare to move him, it was still very possible that one or even several masters would be guarded in the palace.

   When this idea just came up, Jiang Beiran despised Yin Jianghong in his heart. What about the old fox, that's it?

   is simply blind and confident.

   But if you think about it again now, maybe this trouble... was it sent by Yin Jianghong?

   From knowing Yin Jianghong to several conversations now, Jiang Beiran can feel that Yin Jianghong has always suspected that his strength is not just as simple as practicing Qi, and has tried him with words many times during the period.

   It was only because he personally measured the profound energy in his body that he repeatedly wondered if he was thinking too much.

  ‘Now that I’m the emperor, Yin Jianghong, the old fox obviously wants to cooperate more with me, and would you like to find out my foundation thoroughly before cooperating...’

  ‘Old stuff likes suspicious...’

   Based on this idea, Jiang Beiran would understand the meaning of the options.

The reason why Yin Jianghong always suspected that he was hiding his strength was because he showed too little, so clever, and a teenager who could "unintentionally" resolve the crisis in Fengzhou, stayed in Guixinzong for six years. Only mastered chess skills?

   Yin Jianghong does not believe it.

  ‘So after a few verbal trials to no avail, plan to change it? Come hard? ’

   So the option for him to strengthen the 28 Susuo Ghost Array is very simple, it is to tell Yin Jianghong.

  ‘You guessed it, I do hide things, and what I hide is this unparalleled method of formation. ’

Unlike Go, which is a pastime, as long as the arranging player has enough time, he can kill the cultivator as many steps as possible. Before his own strength is insufficient, it is normal to hide this talent as a hole card. .

   Moreover, the learning and practice of the formation method is extremely difficult. Among them, there are many variables and patterns that need to be learned. It takes only six years to easily perfect a high-level array like the 28 Susuo Ghost Array. It is definitely a genius.

   is enough to dispel Yin Jianghong's doubts, making him feel that he has clearly seen his hole cards.

  ‘I hope that after this time, the old guy can stop a bit. ’

   Jiang Beiran also understands Yin Jianghong's tentative behavior. Just like his own younger brother, he absolutely needs to know the foundation and pass through layers of screening and system confirmation.

  Yin Jianghong is the same. He wants to do a big business with himself, and he definitely wants to know him and understand the human nature.

  ‘But the hole card is naturally only considered a hole card if I know it alone. If one more person knows, it is likely to become a bright card. ’

   Jiang Beiran, who felt that he had guessed it in all likelihood, put away the compass, jumped off the eaves, and quietly returned to the bedroom.

   After perfecting the formation for the whole night, Jiang Beiran didn't feel sleepy. On the contrary, he was so energetic that he didn't even feel it. He took out a book of "Classics" from Qiankun Jie and read it.

   Until Chen Shi, an **** came to the door and shouted: "Your Majesty, it's time for breakfast."

   "Come in." Jiang Beiran closed the book and shouted.

   "Squeak", the huge and heavy mahogany door was pushed open, and four court ladies walked in with the eunuchs, including Kong Qianqian.

   "What are you trying to do, why don't you go and change clothes for your majesty?"

   The **** was stunned when the four court ladies were stunned, and quickly urged with his shrill voice.

   "Yes." The four court ladies answered and came to Jiang Beiran.

   The dress of the imperial robe is a bit complicated, especially the waistband. If it is not tied properly, the impact on the appearance is small. If the imperial robe is scattered outside, then these palace ladies are all crimes of decapitation.

   So when he saw Kong Qianqian picking up the harness to study, Jiang Beiran grabbed it and said: "You go to the door and wait, you are not needed here."

   Seeing that Mr. did not trust him, Kong Qianqian was a little aggrieved, but he obediently retired.

   handed the belt to a palace lady on the left, Jiang Beiran suddenly said with interest: "What's your name?"

   After listening to that, the court lady was taken aback, and then her heartbeat accelerated, her face and breathing became rush.

  ‘The emperor asked my name! The emperor asked my name! ’

   But in addition to excitement, the maid of the palace immediately replied with a blessing: "Return to your majesty, the servant maid is called Qinger with a low name."

   "Well, a good name, how many years have you been in the palace?"

   "Return to the emperor, the maidservant entered the palace at the age of six."

  ‘Tui! ’

   Jiang Beiran was sure at this moment, that Deng Bo had a disgusting hobby.

   When Jiang Beiran dismissed Deng Bo's sexual addiction, Qing'er was already happy.

   Since the new emperor entered the palace yesterday, she has been by her side, and found that the emperor did not recognize anyone very much, and she was the first one to be asked for her name in the palace.

  ‘Is the emperor going to pamper me? I want to be promoted? No, I am the first woman in the palace of the emperor, could it be...’

   Although Qing'er had various follow-ups in her mind, the movements on her hands did not stop at all, helping Jiang Beiran to change her nightgown.

  ‘Ah~ The emperor has a good figure, I really want to plunge into this thick chest. ’

   The other two palace ladies looked at Qinger's hair spring, but they were jealous and jealous, thinking that I am not a hundred times better than her Qinger? The emperor must have not noticed me.

So in the process of changing Jiang Beiran's imperial robe, the other two court ladies showed their fascination and kept fiddling with their exquisite posture. Unfortunately, Jiang Beiran had no interest in chatting, and was thinking about waiting for the court. What to say.

   Although the two palace ladies were disappointed, they didn't dare to show it at all, and could only retreat silently to the side.

   Under the guidance of the eunuch, Jiang Beiran came to the Guanju Temple where he had a meal, and sat down at the long table. After a while, breakfast was served.

   "Babao Mantou~"

   "Haiqing Juanzi~"

   "Milk skin biscuits~"


   When every dim sum was served, the **** would use his spy voice to report his name, and soon the three-meter-long table was half full.

   There are more than forty kinds of rice noodles.

  ‘The emperor will enjoy it. ’

   Many of the pasta dishes have never been cooked before Jiang Beiran.

   "Jade Silk Belly Lung~"


   "Agate Cake Soup~"



   After the noodles were served, the meat came up immediately, and soon the other half of the table was filled.

   picked up a piece of sugar pie and took a bite, Jiang Beiran said: "Notify the Imperial Dining Room that breakfast does not have to be so complicated in the future."

   The **** did not immediately answer "yes" after hearing it, but his expression was a bit tangled.

   "Why, what I said doesn't work?"

   When the **** heard this, he knelt on the ground in shock and said: "The emperor spares his life, the emperor spares his life, the slave does not mean that."

   "Then what do you mean?"

   After hearing this, the official thought that he had angered the emperor anyway, so he simply gave up.

   "Your Majesty, this breakfast is a rule set by our ancestors, one hundred dishes, no more, no less, there are many meanings in it, say..."

   "Say it again, who made the rules?"

   The **** lowered his head and replied: "The ancestor decided..."

   "Whose ancestor?"


   The **** didn't know how to answer.

   "From now on, my words will be rules, get up."


   After the noodles were served, the meat came up immediately, and soon the other half of the table was filled.

   picked up a piece of sugar pie and took a bite, Jiang Beiran said: "Notify the Imperial Dining Room that breakfast does not have to be so complicated in the future."

   The **** did not immediately answer "yes" after hearing it, but his expression was a bit tangled.

   "Why, what I said doesn't work?"

   When the **** heard this, he knelt on the ground in shock and said: "The emperor spares his life, the emperor spares his life, the slave does not mean that."

   "Then what do you mean?"

   After hearing this, the official thought that he had angered the emperor anyway, so he simply gave up.

   "Your Majesty~www.ltnovel.com~ This breakfast is a rule set by our ancestors, one hundred dishes, no more, no less, there are many meanings in it, say..."

   "Say it again, who made the rules?"

   The **** lowered his head and replied: "The ancestor decided..."

   "Whose ancestor?"


   The **** didn't know how to answer.

   "From now on, my words will be rules, get up."


   After the noodles were served, the meat came up immediately, and soon the other half of the table was filled.

   picked up a piece of sugar pie and took a bite, Jiang Beiran said: "Notify the Imperial Dining Room that breakfast does not have to be so complicated in the future."

   The **** did not immediately answer "yes" after hearing it, but his expression was a bit tangled.

   "Why, what I said doesn't work?"

   When the **** heard this, he knelt on the ground in shock and said: "The emperor spares his life, the emperor spares his life, the slave does not mean that."

   "Then what do you mean?"

   After hearing this, the official thought that he had angered the emperor anyway, so he simply gave up.

   "Your Majesty, this breakfast is a rule set by our ancestors, one hundred dishes, no more, no less, there are many meanings in it, say..."

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