Picking up the steaming steamed bun, Jiang Beiran opened his mouth and took a bite. The taste was really good.

Seeing Jiang Beiran starting to eat, several other girls on the table also picked up steamed buns and delivered them to their mouths.

"Your food is really good." Jiang Beiran picked up a sweet potato and said to Liu Ya next to it while peeling it.

Liu Ya quickly thanked him and said: "Thank your majesty for the praise, your majesty loves to eat is our blessing."

At this time, an auntie came to the pavilion with a plate, Liu Ya glanced at her and quickly introduced: "Your Majesty, this cooking cake is a master of Gong Auntie. The cooking cakes she made are soft and sweet, from Hachinohe. People are full of praise after eating."

After listening, Jiang Beiran looked at the lady and said, "Oh? So delicious? Then I have to taste it."

It was the first time that Gong Auntie saw the emperor so close. Now that she heard the emperor talking to her, her hands were a little trembling when she was nervous. Liu Ya hurriedly walked over and took the plate from her and placed it on the table.

Glancing at a sesame cake sprinkled with sesame seeds, Jiang Beiran reached out and took a piece of it, stuffed it into his mouth and took a bite, only to feel the incredibly fragrant, it was indeed a rare delicacy.

"It's delicious, it's really delicious." Jiang Beiran nodded and looked at the lady in the palace and said: "Madam, good craftsmanship."

After hearing this, Gong Auntie was excited, and bowed again and again: "I heard that the emperor loves to eat this cooking cake made by my old man, my old man is really a blessing for several lifetimes."

Seeing that even Mr. even praised the delicious food, Kong Qianqian, who had just stuffed a piece of sweet potato in his mouth, quickly reached out and took the quick-cook cake from the plate, swallowed the sweet potato in his mouth in two bites, and Kong Qianqian picked it up with great expectation. The cooking cake bit down.

"It's delicious! This is the second delicious cake I've eaten in my life!" Kong Qianqian shouted with bright eyes.

Mu Yao, who also tasted the cooking biscuits, curiously said after hearing this: "What about the first delicious cooking biscuits?"

"It's the piece that my husband gave me when I was in prison."

As soon as Kong Qianqian's voice fell, she was stunned, and she couldn't stop shaking, because she found that the emperor's terrifying eyes had been swept away.

"In the prison?" Mu Yao was a little stunned, "Which prison?"

Kong Qianqian just wanted to explain that she was wrong, not in prison, but when she reached the end of her mouth, she changed into: "It's Lan..."

Realizing that something was wrong with him, Kong Qianqian quickly raised his hands to block his mouth, facing the emperor's terrifying gaze, Kong Qianqian shook his head like a rattle.

"The emperor, I..."

"Okay, shut up and eat."

"According to the purpose."

Seeing Kong Qianqian trying to fill his mouth with cooking cakes, Jiang Beiran was a little strange.

It has been more than half a year since the incident in Lanzhou. Judging from Mu Yao's performance, Kong Qianqian did keep the secret very well, and did not tell the things in the prison.

So when Kong Qianqian said the word "prison" just now, Jiang Beiran thought she had missed it.

But when she was clearly aware of her mistake later, she still almost uttered the word Lanzhou, making Jiang Beiran sure that she should have hit her [Yanling], so she could only tell the truth.

‘Strange, when did this girl get caught, and she couldn’t control her to tell the truth before...’

Recalling the conversation a while ago, Jiang Beiran locked on the sentence "Mister hates people who don't tell the truth the most."

It is very likely that this sentence was accompanied by the power of [speaking spirit] that made Kong Qianqian involuntarily start to tell the truth.

"Yanling would accidentally start it..."

Jiang Beiran originally thought that [Speaking Spirit] must be activated by concentration, but now it does not seem to be the case. It is possible that a subconscious word of him will trigger the power of the Language Spirit.

‘Is it a relationship that I’m not skilled enough? Or to say... Did I accidentally trigger a special vocabulary just now? ’

When Jiang Beiran was caught in a brainstorm, Mu Yao's brain was greatly impacted!

The first time she heard Kong Qianqian talk about her in prison, she still hadn't recovered, but now watching Kong Qianqian's abnormal performance, she suddenly realized it!

Except that they were **** to Lanzhou that time, how could Kong Qianqian have been jailed?

‘Jiang Beiran gave her cakes when she was in jail! ? He was also in Lanzhou at the time! ? Also participated in this matter! ? ’

Numerous question marks kept circling in Mu Yao's mind, sometimes forming a "stupid" character and sometimes a "egg" character.

This news was too sudden for her, causing a series of doubts to line up to find her.

"Qianqian, what is going on!" Mu Yao grabbed Kong Qianqian and asked.

"Woohoo!" Kong Qianqian blocked her mouth desperately and shook her head. She didn't dare to speak at all, because she didn't know what she would say when she opened her mouth.

On the side, Deng Xianghan looked at Mu Yao strangely, wondering why she suddenly became so excited.

"Say it! Tell me!" Mu Yao squeezed Kong Qianqian's hand and shouted.

"Enough! What a decent way." Jiang Beiran yelled at Kong Qianqian who was about to be unable to hold it.

Seeing that the emperor was angry, Mu Yao immediately withdrew her hand, but she was indeed determined to pay attention to the matter.

Because she now has an extremely bold guess!

Kong Qianqian breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Senior Sister sitting again, carefully glanced at the emperor's eyes, and saw that he didn't seem to blame him so much, and then quietly reached out and grabbed a piece of cooking cake.

"Kong Qianqian, come out with me, and the others stay here and don't move."

Kong Qianqian, who had just taken a bite of the cooking cake, couldn't help shaking, but still obediently followed the emperor out.

Coming to a small river, before Jiang Beiran could speak, Kong Qianqian knelt on the ground proficiently and shouted: "Your Majesty, the slave and maid are wrong. The slave and maid really didn't tell this on purpose. It’s like controlling the servants, Your Majesty! Please trust the servants!"

Seeing Kong Qianqian tears and snot, Jiang Beiran said: "This time I will find a way to make it through for you. If there is another next time, don't blame me for being cruel."

Regarding Kong Qianqian's missed mouth, as long as the system does not jump to the prompt, it means nothing is wrong, but appropriate warnings are still necessary.

"Thank your majesty, thank you majesty, slaves and maidservants never dare anymore!"

"You said something controlled you just now, what's the matter?"

After hearing this, Kong Qianqian recalled: "I can't tell...but at the moment when I speak, my mouth...no, the whole body doesn't belong to me anymore."


Listening to Kong Qianqian's description, Jiang Beiran didn't know what kind of Yan Ling she was in right now, so he could only try to relieve the Yan Ling for her.

"Lying is allowed."

After whispering, Jiang Beiran asked: "You never met me in Lanzhou, right?"

Kong Qianqian froze for a moment, then nodded and said: "Yes! The servants have never seen your Majesty in Lanzhou."

'Oh? Is this relieved? ’

If she hadn't lifted the state just now, Kong Qianqian could only answer that she had seen herself in Lanzhou, but now she could say that she hadn't seen her, indicating that Yan Ling had been lifted.

"It's so smooth..."

With emotion in his heart, Jiang Beiran turned and walked towards the pavilion and said: "Okay, remember this, go back to eat."

"According to the purpose!"

In the pavilion, Mu Yao was still thinking about Kong Qianqian's words.

For more than half a year, she had been thinking about who the mysterious messenger was in her father's mouth. It was obvious that she couldn't even find her at the time, but someone could tell her where she was being held.

This ability is simply amazing.

However, for the past six months, that mysterious person has never used this as a bargaining chip to find Dad, as if he never existed.

And Mu Yao, who had no clue to investigate the headless case, could only keep hiding in her heart.

Now suddenly I heard Jiang Beiran appeared in the incident of their kidnapping, which made her unable to help linking Jiang Beiran with the mysterious person.

"But it's impossible..."

Although the emperor Jiang Beiran is indeed very powerful, he is still only the entry cultivator of Tier 5 Qi, how can he find himself that even the big father can't find.

'what! ! ! ’

Mu Yao couldn't help but grabbed her hair twice and decided to ask when Kong Qianqian came back!


In the evening, Jiang Beiran, full of wine and food, was fishing by the river, enjoying a rare moment of leisure.

Kong Qianqian moved a small bench and sat on the edge of Jiang Beiran, avoiding the eyes of the senior sister who was about to eat her.

"The emperor... the emperor..." Kong Qianqian pulled the corner of Jiang Beiran's clothes and shouted.

"What's the matter."

"What if the senior sister forces me to ask me when I go back?"

After listening, Jiang Beiran murmured a few words in her ear.

Kong Qianqian immediately opened his eyes and smiled after listening: "Mr. still the smartest! Mister is really amazing!"

With a slight smile, Jiang Beiran continued to stare at the buoy on the water.

"Hey! Moved! The emperor! A fish has taken the bait!"

Jiang Beiran, who clenched the fishing rod with both hands, was not in a hurry. After the buoy moved a few more times, he suddenly started to pull it up.

After a while, a Qiyu with red scales was caught up.

When Kong Qianqian cheered and ran towards the jumping Qi Yu, Liu Ya suddenly hurried to Jiang Beiran and bowed and said, "Your Majesty."

"What's the matter?" Jiang Beiran asked back.

"The village... There are three cultivators outside the village saying they want to see you,"

‘Cultivator? ’

Jiang Beiran is a little strange. He has been to so many villages, and has never encountered cultivators coming to the door. After all, he is in charge of ordinary local officials, and he has not yet attacked officials with sect or demon cult background Cross dealing.

Strangely, Jiang Beiran quickly expanded his mental power and found that the three cultivators standing outside the village were the Great Profound Master, the Profound Master, and the Profound Master. None of them could be called a strong one.

"Let them come over."

"According to the purpose."

After Liu Ya finished speaking, he ran towards the entrance of the village.

After a while, Liu Ya brought the three practitioners to Jiang Beiran's back.

"Meet His Majesty the Emperor."

Seeing the three cultivators saluting the emperor, Liu Ya was a little surprised, because he knew that these cultivators had never been restrained by the government and did not put the court in their eyes. Now it is really rare that they would bow to the emperor.

Jiang Beiran was also surprised at this moment, but he was surprised not that the cultivator would salute him, but that the voice was so familiar.

‘Even City! ? How could he find it? ’

Surprised, Jiang Beiran turned around and said, "What can you do if you are looking for me?"

"Big Brother Wang!?"

At the moment when he saw the emperor's appearance, Lifucheng was stunned. Although he did feel that Brother Wang might be related to the emperor, he did not expect that the emperor was really Brother Wang!

"You all retreat." Jiang Beiran waved at Mu Yao and the others.

"Zunzhi." The Mu Yao three saluted Jiang Beiran and then walked away.

"Wang... Brother Wang, is it really you?" After Mu Yao and the others walked away, Lifucheng still asked in disbelief.

"Well, it's me." Jiang Beiran said while shaking the fishing rod, throwing the bait into the creek.

"Which Brother Wang?" Zhou Guican finally couldn't help asking at this moment.

"This Brother Wang is the one who taught me the art of formation."

"Ah!? Is this the emperor the great benefactor you often mention?"

"Yeah." Evangelion nodded vigorously, "I can live to this day, all thanks to Brother Wang."

"It's just a matter of effort, so what do you want me to do?"

Hearing Jiang Beiran’s question, Li Fucheng arched his hands and said with a serious face: "We have heard of Wang Da... The emperor has issued a series of decrees after you ascended the throne. You, the emperor, went to the countryside to enter the village in person~www.ltnovel.com~ With one person, you can protect the peace of the people of the country. I really admire it!"

After listening to them, Zhou Guican and Tang Tingshuang said, "Yes, I admire them very much."

"It's all part of the job." Jiang Beiran said lightly.

"Brother Wang... Do you think I should continue calling you Brother Wang, or the emperor."

Jiang Beiran raised his brows and heard something in the Lifucheng dialect, and asked, "How about the name of Brother Wang, and how about the name of the emperor?"

"If it is called Big Brother Wang, I have something important to tell you. If it is called the Emperor, I don't know if I should say these things."

"Then it depends on how you want to call."

After a moment of silence, Evangelion shouted as if some decision had been made: "Brother Wang! You will become the emperor, do you want to change the day of Shengguo?"

'Ok! ? There won’t be someone who wants to do something big again...’

Listening to the tone of Lifucheng, Jiang Beiran could hear from the word "Ye" that he also wanted to build merits.

‘Is it because everyone in this world wants to change the day and the day, or is it that all those who want to change the day and day let me meet? ’

"I've said it, but I'm just doing what I deserve."

‘Big Brother Wang’s words are still so profound! ’

With a sigh of emotion in his heart, Evangelion first looked at Zhou Guican, and then he said, "By coincidence, my little brother and a group of like-minded friends formed an organization called the Tianxiahui, aiming to save the country and the people!"

‘The World Conference is okay, why not call the World Conference. ’

With a spit in his heart, Jiang Beiran asked, "That's right, I haven't seen you for a while, and I've become a gang leader."

"No, when the world will be formed, the younger brother will always be the deputy gang leader, and the gang leader will always be reserved for you!"

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