I Just Won’t Play by the Book

Chapter 205: Little Fox

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‘There is such an operation...’

Feeling the aura around him starting to line up like an army, Jiang Beiran couldn't help feeling that he still has a long way to go in the formation technique.

‘But to be able to do this, the bell in his hand should also be famous. ’

Just as Jiang Beiran was wondering if he could borrow his bell to study and study, Yan Guangqing's movements suddenly stopped, and at the same time he slowly turned his head to look at Ephesus City, his eyes full of surprise.

‘The body of the four elephants! ? ’

Because at first his attention was completely attracted by Jiang Beiran, who was not fascinated by the six-tailed fox, Yan Guangqing didn’t notice Evangelion, and when he started to mobilize the aura around him, he discovered that the boy’s physique was actually extremely rare. Body.

‘Is this baby the person the hexagram refers to? ’

In doubt, Yan Guangqing wanted to ask Lifucheng, but when the words reached his lips, he remembered Lin Po's instructions, and finally had to give up.


After shaking the bell twice, Yan Guangqing threw the six-tailed fox in his hand abruptly.

As soon as the six-tailed fox, who was finally free, was about to escape, he listened to Yan Guangqing's recitation.

"I am so angry, leisurely surrounding the domain."

"Thieves can't afford it, tigers and wolves don't invade!"

Following Yan Guangqing's chanting, the six-tailed fox was trapped in a square box like a shadow, and then the square box quickly grew bigger and became like a cage.

‘What a Quartet Locking Spirit Array! ’

The Quartet Locking Spirit Array put by Yan Guangqing, Jiang Beiran will also do it, but the effect is by no means at the same level as the one put by Yan Guangqing, and it can even be said to be one world.

‘Is it possible to set the formation directly with aura to make the formation so strong..."

Surprised, Jiang Beiran became more interested in the bell in Yan Guangqing's hand.

"Well, the old man has set up a large array to lock up this evil animal, you don't have to worry about it coming out and hurting people." Yan Guangqing put away the bell and said.

Jiang Beiran immediately arched his hands and said, "Sect Master Yan is so powerful in array formation, which the younger generation admires."

"Hahaha, it's just a little trick." After a few laughs, Yan Guangqing continued: "You can easily get in from the outside at this time, but don't think about coming out after you get in. You just throw in some food every day when you take care of it. , Don’t step into the formation."

"Junior, remember."

Then, without giving Jiang Beiran any chance to ask questions, Yan Guangqing said directly: “Okay, this evil animal will be handled by you two. The old man will come to you again in half a year. If you can take care of this evil animal, When the time comes, the old man will reward you, well, the old man will go."

After Yan Guangqing finished speaking, he soared into the air and flew away.

‘Fuck! ’

Jiang Beiran, who was stunned by the operation of the meal, couldn't help but want to scratch his head. This Xuanzun came suddenly, and went even more suddenly. What the purpose was, it was completely at a loss.

As soon as Yan Guangqing left, the six-tailed fox in the Quartet Locking Spirit Array immediately uttered: "The two princes must not believe the wicked person, he must want to harm you!"

After hearing this, Jiang Beiran crouched in front of the barrier formed by the Quartet Locking Spirit Formation and asked, "Then why can we trust you?"

The six-tailed fox immediately showed a harmless smile, shaking its six tails to please: "I'm just a little fox who has nothing to do with the world. I have always stayed in the cave to cultivate, but who knows what's going on with that wicked man? I rushed into the cave to take my life, and I managed to escape here."

"You mean...you escaped from the country of Lu to the country of Sheng?"

"Sheng Country? This is Sheng Country?" Six-tailed Fox said inexplicably.

"Yes, you are now locked in the Shengguo Imperial Palace."

"Woo~" Six-tailed fox uttered a grieved cry, "Good-hearted son, please let me go. My parents are waiting for me in the den. If they find out that I'm not here, they will be very anxious. ."

The six-tailed fox is a small one, it is quite lethal when it is cute, and its round and black eyes reveal infinite sadness.

"But why did Sect Master Yan suddenly chase you down?"

"Woo, I don’t know. I was still eating crystals in the cave in the morning, and the wicked person suddenly rushed in. I saw that the wicked person had a strong cultivation base, so he ran away. Here comes, son~ you believe me, Yang Yang really didn't lie to you."

"Your name is Yang Yang?"

"Hmm!" Six-tailed fox nodded, "Because I always called Yang Yang when I was born, my mother gave me this name."

"Very nice."

"The son can let me out, my mother must be anxious."

"But won't you all be separated from your parents when you grow up? Does your mother still live in a cave with you?"

"The son is really knowledgeable. Generally speaking, it is true, but my parents always worry about me, so they have been with me. In fact, they are not very old, they are still a baby."

"You are a lynx. You only had one tail when you were born. As the Taoism gets higher and higher, there will be more and more tails. You now have six. You have cultivated even less...for hundreds of years?"

The six-tailed fox was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately pleased: "In fact, it didn't take so long. I practiced relatively quickly. It hasn't been a hundred years yet."

"The strength of the six-tailed lynx is comparable to Xuanzong. If I let you out, what will you do if you eat me?"

"No~ If you let me go, you will be my great benefactor. Our lynx clan will repay me if we are kind. If you save my life, I will do my best to repay you."


"Really, really." The lynx nodded, "We lynx never lie."

"Then how are you going to repay me?"

"Of course, I will do whatever the benefactor wants me to do."

"so good?"

"Of course! You are my benefactor."

"It sounds tempting."

"Of course, I can give you whatever you want, so, benefactor, can you let me out now?"

"Of course not." Jiang Beiran shook his head.

"Human!!!" The six-tailed fox roared, and his figure suddenly became a Firefox over three meters high. A pair of emerald-green pupils stared at Jiang Beiran and said: "Human! Don't be too impotent! This demon demon! It is your blessing to talk to you in a good voice, quickly solve the formation for me, or wait for my strength to recover, and I will rush out of this formation by myself, and you will definitely kill the one in this palace!"

Looking at the two rows of sharp teeth of Firefox, Jiang Beiran slowly stood up and said: "It would be better to talk like this a long time ago. You can sell it so cute. If you want to go out, you can tell me why Sect Master Yan is chasing you."

"Didn't the old lady say it! I was eating the crystals in the nest, and the old thing suddenly rushed in, saying, wicked animal, today is your death date! This old man is obviously higher than the old lady, I still What can I do, escape."

"that's it?"

"That's it! Let me go!"


Listening to the six-tailed fox's words, it also doesn't look like a fake, but Jiang Beiran can't guess what Yan Guangqing wants to do. It's not like fishing law enforcement.

I really couldn't think of what kind of mess this was. Jiang Beiran decided not to. Anyway, this incident must have come from Ephesus. After half a year, the old man came back, so I just stayed away.

So Jiang Beiran turned around and said to Lifucheng: "Let's go, go back."

After speaking, he took out the cirrus tube and blew out a cloud.

"Hey! Human! Let me go! Otherwise, wait for the demon's power to recover and rush out of this formation. Don't blame the demon for not giving you a chance then!"

After Alpha City moved into the cloud, Jiang Beiran turned around and said to the furious Six-tailed Fox: "I will bring you food when I come back. Obediently look after the house, and go."

The Sifang Locking Spirit Formation was originally an extremely high-end large formation, and coupled with the magical skill of the aura swing formation, let alone the six-tailed fox, even the seven-tailed or even the eight-tailed could not run out.

"Damn human! You wait for me! I will definitely kill you when I come out! Kill you!!!"

In the angry roar of the six-tailed fox, Xiangyun flew up into the sky and flew towards Pingsha Village.

In the clouds, Jiang Beiran looked at Lifucheng Road: "Remember to come to the palace in half a year. I can see that Sect Master Yan is very interested in you."

"Ah I……?"

Lifucheng was a little inexplicable. He didn't say a few words during the whole process. How could Brother Wang see that Sect Master Yan was interested in him.

"Well, I'll understand when you come."

Seeing that Brother Wang was confident, Li Fucheng immediately nodded and said, "Yes, I understand."

After a while, the cloud fell back to Pingsha Village, and Qian Jiang Beiran gave Lifucheng a hummingbird and said, "When you need to find me, you can use it to contact me."

"Good! I am also waiting for your will from the emperor at any time!"

In fact, Jiang Beiran still wanted to guide and guide Al-Fucheng again, but the protagonist's halo was too ruthless, and Jiang Beiran was a little overwhelmed, so he could only send him away quickly.

When the Lifucheng group left, Jiang Beiran did not continue to stay in Pingsha Village for a long time. After a few words with the villagers, he took Mu Yao and the others back to the palace.

Seeing that the night was getting late, Jiang Beiran swallowed a chewing gum and lay on the bed, sleeping till dawn.

In the morning, the routine morning session ended, and Jiang Beiran walked towards the Meditation Hall surrounded by a group of eunuchs and court ladies.

Suddenly, a melodious sound of the piano came from a distance. Jiang Beiran turned his head and saw that it was a concubine wearing a blue blouse playing the music. When Jiang Beiran looked towards him, this concubine was playing. The concubine immediately responded with a gentle smile.

Because Jiang Beiran did not have any restrictions on the concubines in Yuxiu Palace, after several trials, these concubines gradually dared to walk around in the palace. Jiang Beiran had encountered a lot in the past few days.

"Your Majesty~"

While Jiang Beiran was enjoying the sound of the piano, another concubine ran towards Jiang Beiran holding a plate of snacks.

"Your Majesty, this is a mincemeat made by my concubine, it is very delicious! You can try it."

Hearing the words, Jiang Beiran picked up a piece of mincemeat from the plate and stuffed it into his mouth, then patted the crumbs on his hands and said, "Well~www.ltnovel.com~ it tastes good."

"The emperor likes it, and the concubine will do other things. Or else, at night, the concubine will go to the room and make some more delicious snacks for the emperor. Make sure you haven't tasted the emperor."

As soon as the concubine's voice came to an end, another concubine in Huang Shan walked quickly and said: "The emperor ~ the concubine sees your busy government affairs recently, and specially embroidered a Linghua sachet for you, which has a soothing effect."

Then the third... the fourth... concubines one after another surrounded Jiang Beiran from all directions.

Jiang Beiran still liked the situation where there were pleasant people on all sides, but too much would make it very noisy, so in the end Jiang Beiran let the eunuchs separate them.

Looking at the concubine who still wanted to squeeze toward him, Jiang Beiran couldn't help shaking his head and said with emotion.

"Oh, boring."

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