
   Following Jiang Beiran's answer, the middle hall was very quiet except for the clepsydra that kept time.

   Tao Yangbo's face was a little ugly. After his son told him the ins and outs of the matter in detail, he thought he was polite enough, but the new emperor seemed to be sure of him today, and was about to take him.

   After his thoughts turned, Tao Yangbo glanced at the proud woman holding a sword behind Jiang Beiran with Yu Guang.

'Ok! ? ’

   Tao Yangbo's eyes stared suddenly! When he entered the hall just now, all his attention was focused on Jiang Beiran, so he didn’t pay attention to the woman behind him. Now he took a closer look and realized that she was not the daughter of Yin Jianghong who was so popular at the Ying-yue Zong Yingjie meeting. !

   That time, as one of the thundering sect's stewards, Tao Yangbo also participated in the hero meeting, and he naturally remembered a figure like Mu Yao who was so popular.

  ‘The demon actually sent his daughter to the emperor as a guard! ? ’

Tao Yangbo's complexion suddenly became heavier. Just now he thought that if the little emperor toasts and does not eat fine wine, then he will not be soft. He must let the little emperor know that he, the master of the Tao family, is not easy to provoke. .

   But now that he knows that Yin Jianghong values ​​the little emperor so much, he is a little guilty. Under the current situation in Fengzhou, he is really not sure whether Thunder Mingzong will collide with Yin Jianghong head-on for him.

   And he had heard the news before that this little emperor was personally selected by Sect Master Guan to be the emperor.

   That is to say, the background of the little emperor in front of him is so deep that it may exceed his imagination.

   In the end Tao Yangbo was still soft. He was just a small family collecting resources under Lei Mingzong, head-to-head with an emperor who might be backed by black and white forces?

   He is really not qualified.

   After analyzing all the pros and cons, Tao Yangbo smiled and said: "Of course, of course, since the emperor opened the Chinchilla, the old man should do it himself."

   After speaking, he looked at Tao Yingfa and said, "Yingfa, go, bring all the Xinhe villagers from the mine to the house."

   Although he didn't understand why his father agreed to the matter so easily, Tao Yingfa immediately handed over and said, "Yes, my son will go now."

   About two hours later, more than 80 men were brought back by Tao Ying's hair. All of them put on new clothes. Although their faces were injured, they were all clean.

   Obviously, Tao Ying invented that since his father had given the emperor this face, he would simply give it to the end, and the province was taken advantage of by the new emperor.

   "The emperor, the villagers of Xinhe Village you want are here." Tao Yingfa said while looking at Jiang Beiran.

   Glancing at the ghost of the farmer who went straight to the crowd, Jiang Beiran asked, "Well, are all the people in your village here?"

   "All are here! All are here! Those who haven't come have died in the mine, and those who are alive have brought miles."

   The farmer said as he slowly stopped in front of a young man with a yellowish face.

"Fart boy! Good job! Dad knows you can survive! We have met a good emperor and can go home! Can go home! Remember to take good care of your mother after you go back! I'm gone, farm work in the field You must remember to help! You know!"

   Looking at his unresponsive son, the farmer wiped tears from his eyes, turned around and rushed back to Jiang Beiran, knelt down and knocked dozens of heads.

   "The emperor's great kindness! Even if I drink Mengpo soup, I can't forget it! I will be a cow and a horse for you in my next life! To repay your kindness!"

   Hearing that the farmer also confirmed that the villagers of Xinhe Village were already here, Jiang Beiran turned his head and said to Tao Yangbo, "Consul Tao, I hope that this kind of misunderstanding will not happen again in the future."

   "Haha, of course not, of course not." Tao Yangbo said with a smile.

"It would be great."

   Jiang Beiran looked at the villagers and said: "You are free, come out with me, and I will take you home."

  The villagers of Xinhe Village are still in a very dazed state. Just now, the big villain who had always been aloof suddenly untied their ankle chains and gave them warm white buns to eat.

   Even after eating the steamed buns, they took a shower to clean their wounds.

   Many villagers couldn’t help wondering if this was the last meal while taking a bath?

   They were terrified in their hearts, but they dared not make any resistance, because they had resisted, but they ended up miserably.

   So, with an extremely worried mood, they followed the villain into the city, ready to accept their fate.

   But they didn’t expect that just when they thought they were going to suffer some greater ordeal, someone who called themselves "I" told them...

   "You are free, you can go home."

   They couldn't believe it was true at all, so after listening, they still stood on the spot, not daring to move forward.

   The same goes for Kong Ergou in the crowd. He couldn't believe the facts before him. He just felt that something more terrifying must be waiting for them.

   However, when he stared at his surroundings with wide eyes, he suddenly felt a burst of force from his butt, and he staggered out of the crowd and knelt in front of Jiang Beiran.

   Kong Ergou, who instinctively protected his head, immediately curled up into a ball, shaking his whole body and said: "Don't beat me, I will go with you, I will go with you."

   helped Kong Ergou from the ground, Jiang Beiran patted his body and said, "Go, follow me out."

   After speaking, he grabbed Kong Ergou and left the Tao Mansion together.

   When the remaining people saw this, when they found that the people in the yard did not stop the two dogs, they followed suit.

When Jiang Beiran took all the villagers away from Tao Mansion, Tao Fengxue stepped forward and said to Tao Yangbo, "Father, do you really let them go like this? One time, if there is another next time, this emperor ..."

   "No need to say more." Tao Yangbo waved his hand, "This little emperor is in a hurry, we don't need to be in front of the bird, I will inform Sect Master Tang of this later, and let him decide at that time."

After listening to Tao Fengxue, he felt very reasonable. This kind of troublesome figure with black and white heads illuminating, it is normal that the Tao family can't deal with it, and the big trouble is thrown to Lei Mingzong, no more than they can handle it by themselves. ?

   "Father is wise!" Tao Fengxue admired.

Outside the city, Jiang Beiran had brought a group of villagers out. At this time, Mu Yao stepped forward and asked in a low voice: "The emperor, then Tao Yangbo agreed to our request so easily, wouldn't it be easy for us to Let the other persecuted people come out together?"

Glancing at him, Jiang Beiran replied: "Then Tao Yangbo just doesn't want to get into this trouble himself. When we leave, he will definitely go to Lei Mingzong to tell the matter, once or twice, that Lei Mingzong Maybe you can open one eye and close one eye, but the more times, the clay figure still has a three-point fire, let alone a party lord."

   "Then...what shall we do from now on?"

   Jiang Beiran smiled slightly, did not answer, and continued to lead the villagers towards Xinhe Village.

   Looking at Jiang Beiran's back, Mu Yao felt at ease for some reason, and in her heart there was a feeling that everything would be better if she believed in the man in front of her.

   Along the way, the villagers dared not speak until they really saw Kong Ergou, who had been by Jiang Beiran's door, and asked courageously: "You...are you really saving us back?"

   "Aren't you home already?" Jiang Beiran smiled.

  At this time, the other villagers who were originally ashamed of ashes slowly regained their anger. No matter what happens next, at least they have a chance to see their family members.

   So they all knelt down and said, "Thank you, Master Qingtian! Thank you, Master Qingtian!!!"

   "Don't kneel, go back soon, everyone in your family is waiting for you."

   "Hey! Thank you, Master! Thank you, Master!"

   "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" With three knocks, the villagers stood up and ran towards the village at a speed of 100 meters, as if they had completely forgotten the pain on their bodies.

   In Xinhe Village, a group of women were lighting the firewood they had picked up, and prayed three times with their hands folded to a sack beside the fire.

   "May the emperor live long and healthy, and be blessed as the East China Sea."

   After praying, a woman was about to take out grain from the sack when she heard a familiar voice coming from far away.


   The woman's hand hit the beads, looked at the other people and asked, "Did you hear anything?"

   Just as a few women were about to answer "not listening", they heard a mess of shouts pouring into their ears.


   "Red Plum!!!"


   As the shouting became clearer, the women stood up together and looked at each other incredulously.

   "It looks like I am a man?" Cuihua said in surprise.

   "It's my man! This voice is my man! It can't be wrong! Dagang!!!"

   "Red clothes!!!"

  In a short time, all the women shouted to greet them out of the village, tears of excitement kept streaming down.

   Finally, as the shouts got closer and closer, the two groups of people running towards each other finally saw each other clearly.

   "Tie Zhu!!!" Cuihua recognized her man for the first time, cried and threw into his arms, and hugged him tightly with both hands, as if he would disappear after releasing it.

   Then more people found their significant other and hugged them excitedly.

   Jiang Beiran, who was walking slowly behind the villagers, watched this scene with emotion, ‘people in troubled times are not as good as peaceful dogs. In this era of extremely strict class, people have no life at all. ’

   The joy of waiting until the long-lost reunion slowly faded, the sharp-eyed Hongmei pointed to Jiang Beiran not far away and shouted: "The emperor! The emperor rescued our men!"

   Following the direction pointed by Hongmei, the others also looked towards Jiang Beiran.

   The women knelt down and thanked them, while the men looked dumbfounded.

  ‘The emperor! ? That great master is the emperor! ? ’

Many of them have seen the greatest official in their lives as the village chief. Where do they know what the emperor is like, and now they know that the emperor rescued them, all of them are unbelievable. After all, they always think that the emperor is far away, so why come here? Rescue them.

  Knowing that their mother-in-law kept pulling them and said, "Kneel down and thank you, the emperor."

   The men knelt down and said, "Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Lord, for your life-saving grace!"

   "Don't thank me, let me go."

   But the villagers still kept knocking there, especially Kong Ergou. He always felt that something was pressing his head to the ground, and it could be said that every click made a sound.

   "The emperor... I... My man hasn't returned yet, is he behind?"

   At this time, a woman knelt all the way to Jiang Beiran and asked.

   "The men in the village are here. Those who haven't come back... they are gone."

   After listening to the woman, she was taken aback for a moment, and then she cried loudly: "Da Mao!!! Why are you so fate!!! Da Mao!!!"

When the woman was crying bitterly, the farmer yelled and walked over slowly, stretched out her hand and rubbed the woman's head and said, "Oh, madam, I'm sorry, I didn't hold on, I could not come back and hug you. You and Ergou are good, let him quickly find a wife, give birth to a big fat boy, continue the incense of our Confucian family, and I will be your man in the next life."

   After speaking, he turned around and kowtowed towards Jiangbei Ran and said: "The emperor, can I ask you to help me again."

   "Let's talk." Jiang Beiran nodded.

   "You help me talk to my mother-in-law. I promised her that the red rouge had been bought, and it was hidden behind the bedside table. I was taken away before I could tell her."

   "Okay, I promise you."

   After agreeing, Jiang Beiran went to the woman and told her what the man had said.

   After listening, the woman looked at Jiang Beiran with surprise, and saw Jiang Beiran making a silent gesture. She knocked her head on the ground and burst into tears again.

   "My lord, I must have done good deeds for several lifetimes before I can meet such a good person as you. I will definitely be a cow and horse for you in my next life! You wait for me! I must come!"

   Jiang Beiran listened and nodded with a smile: "Okay, I am waiting for you.


   The women knelt down and thanked them, while the men looked dumbfounded.

  ‘The emperor! ? That great master is the emperor! ? ’

Many of them have seen the greatest official in this life is the village chief~www.ltnovel.com~ Where do you know what the emperor is like, now they know that the emperor rescued them, all of them are unbelievable, after all, they always think the emperor is far away , How come here to rescue them.

  Knowing that their mother-in-law kept pulling them and said, "Kneel down and thank you, the emperor."

   The men knelt down and said, "Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Lord, for your life-saving grace!"

   "Don't thank me, let me go."

   But the villagers still kept knocking there, especially Kong Ergou. He always felt that something was pressing his head to the ground hard, and it could be said that every click made a sound.

   "The emperor... I... My man hasn't returned yet, is he behind?"

   At this time, a woman knelt all the way to Jiang Beiran and asked.

   "The men in the village are here. Those who haven't come back... they are gone."

   After listening to the woman, she was taken aback for a moment, and then she cried loudly: "Da Mao!!! Why are you so fate!!! Da Mao!!!"

When the woman was crying bitterly, the farmer yelled and walked over slowly, stretched out her hand and rubbed the woman's head and said, "Oh, madam, I'm sorry, I didn't hold on, I could not come back and hug you. You and Ergou are good, let him quickly find a wife, give birth to a big fat boy, continue the incense of our Confucian family, and I will be your man in the next life."

   After speaking, he turned around and kowtowed towards Jiangbei Ran and said: "The emperor, can I ask you to help me again."

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