I Just Won’t Play by the Book

Chapter 222: The protagonist is also divided into grades

The next day, at the time of You, Qian Xiaodong returned to the village with a big basket as usual. He greeted the villagers on the road one by one, and Qian Xiaodong ran into his thatched cottage.

   "Grandpa! I'll go back..." When he shouted, Qian Xiaodong was stunned, because he saw a man dressed as a quack doctor sitting in front of the kang and inserting silver needles into his grandpa's back.

   Seeing grandpa's enjoyment expression on his face, Qian Xiaodong knew that this was a doctor who was giving his grandpa acupuncture.

   "Hello...Doctor." Qian Xiaodong cautiously bowed to Jiang Beiran, for fear of disturbing his treatment.

   Insert a silver needle into the Zhishi point three inches away from the spinous process of the lumbar spine. Jiang Beiran turned around and nodded towards Qian Xiaodong.

   Although there were countless questions in his mind, Qian Xiaodong still resisted and quietly exited the room. Qian Xiaodong found the grandma who was cooking and asked, "Grandma, where did the doctor come from?"

Grandma put down the spatula, first glanced at the room, and then said to Qian Xiaodong: "The village that I entered this afternoon, first healed your Uncle Er Niu, and then healed your Aunt Blue, and he didn't need money. That’s why I went to invite him and show him to Grandpa Xian."

"so good?"

Even though he said that, Qian Xiaodong was vigilant in his heart. After spending so much time outside, he knew that there were no sesame seeds falling from the sky. Someone was kind to you suddenly, and 80% of them were to you. , Either to lie to you or to use you.

   But their family is very poor and white...what can be tricked...

  ‘Did you come at me! ? ’

  Qian Xiaodong was a little nervous. In the past two years, he had been to many small towns and was kidnapped in order to buy medicine for his grandfather.

   Under tension, Qian Xiaodong hurriedly ran back to his grandfather's bed, staring at the doctor who was administering the injection, thinking that if he really came for him, he would do things one person alone, and definitely not involve grandfather and grandma.

  After a time of making incense, Jiang Beiran pulled out the last silver needle from Old Man Qian’s back and put the silver needle into his purse. Jiang Beiran looked at Old Man Qian and asked, "Old man, do you feel better?"

   Old man Qian took a long sigh of relief, and said with a full face, "Comfortable, more comfortable?  Thank you, doctor?  The old man hasn't been so smooth in his body for more than ten years."

   "You have to pay attention to rest, your body?   It has to be well regulated."

   "Condition... conditioning? What is conditioning? Doctor."

   "Just eat and drink well, don't go to work this month."

   "Huh?" Old man Qian exclaimed?   "Doctor, the old man is going to discuss with you if it will be successful, I will go out to cultivate the land during the day, and in the afternoon..."

   "Grandpa, just rest well, and leave the things in the ground to me." Qian Xiaodong walked in and promised, patting his chest.

   "You little baby can't even move a hoe, and are still farming, go now?  Pour a bowl of water for the doctor."


   nodded, Qian Xiaodong ran out and poured a glass of water, carefully brought it in and handed it to Jiang Beiran, "Doctor, please drink water."

   "Thank you." After taking the bowl and drank it, Jiang Beiran wiped his mouth and said, "The old man, rest, I have to go to the next house."

   The old man Qian wanted to get up after hearing this, but Jiang Beiran pressed him back, "You can rest."

   "Doctor, you are such a good person! Would you like to leave your name?   We will know where to go to thank you in the future."

   "No need, it is our business to save the dead and heal the wounded." Jiang Beiran finished speaking and stepped out of the thatched hut.

   "Doctor, doctor! Let's go after dinner!" Grandma chased out the offense and shouted.

   But Jiang Beiran just waved his hand and continued to move forward.

   "Hi, this year is really...... Whether the emperor or the doctor, it is a good year." Grandma said with emotion.

   "That's not right." The old man lying on the kang nodded, "It's all good people, we people are finally looking forward to it." The grandfather looked back at his grandson, but found that no one was there anymore.

   "Where is Xiaodong? Why is it gone again?" Old man Qian asked strangely.

   Grandma reacted, and she looked around and said, "This kid...why can't stay home like this."



   In the village, Jiang Beiran, who was walking on the field path, suddenly heard the shouts coming from behind him, turned his head and found that Qian Xiaodong was chasing him.

   "Is there anything else?" Jiang Beiran looked at Qian Xiaodong and asked.

   "Doctor, which town did you come from?" Qian Xiaodong asked Jiang Beiran, looking up.

   "Does it matter where the poor road comes from?"

"It's not important, it's not important at all." Qian Xiaodong shook his head after a meal, "I mainly want to thank you for curing my grandfather. You are too powerful. I have given my grandfather a lot of medicine in the past two years. See you, I've never seen my grandfather's face so ruddy with your shot."

   "That's it, go back and take good care of your grandfather. His illness is the result of hard work, so he can raise it for a while, and he will be able to work in the field immediately."

   Seeing the doctor turned around and left, Qian Xiaodong quickly went around in front of him and shouted: "Doctor! Are you still short of apprenticeship? I won't let you take me in vain, I can give you medicinal materials, a lot of medicinal materials!"

If Qian Xiaodong was still suspecting that the doctor was coming at him, he made a decision in his heart when he saw his grandfather exhaling his foul breath, even if the doctor in front of him was really a liar. I must also learn from him! Even learning tricks is fine.

  Because the doctor in front of him is the most capable person he has ever seen since his birth, and it is also his once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

   While Qian Xiaodong was waiting nervously for an answer, Jiang Beiran jumped out of three options.

   [Option 1: Promise Qian Xiaodong. Completion reward: Glazed Light Holy Scripture (earth-level medium grade)]

   [Option 2: Keep Qian Xiaodong around and observe for a while. Completion reward: Baihongba array map (prefecture-level inferior)]

   [Option 3: Set a goal for Qian Xiaodong and let him come back after he finishes it. Completion reward: Shocking Dragon and Devil Miasma (medium-level mysterious)]

   [Option 4: Directly reject Qian Xiaodong. Completion reward: random basic attribute point +1]

  ‘Good fellow... As expected, the place option before was because of this kid. ’

   This four-option treatment is also available to those who are the protagonist.

   The reason Jiang Beiran intends to contact Qian Xiaodong himself is to confirm whether he caused the prefecture-level mission, and to see what is special about this kid.

   Now that Qian Xiaodong is also a young boy with the protagonist's name, Jiang Beiran can't help but compare the three "protagonists" he has met.

   In the end, it was discovered that although they are both protagonists, there is still a grade gap. Ye Fan's estimate that can trigger the sky-level option is regarded as the true protagonist, and Li Fucheng and Qian Xiaodong are almost too close to triggering the earth-level option.

   But thinking about it carefully, it doesn't necessarily mean that Ye Fan's potential is greater than the other two. It may also be that the trouble caused by contact with Ye Fan will be greater than the other two.

   Without thinking about this issue in depth, Jiang Beiran decisively chose four. Anyway, he is quite sure that he should never be the eldest brother or master of the protagonist.

   "Pan Dao never accepts disciples." Waved his hand, Jiang Beiran turned and left.

   "Doctor! Discuss again, then discuss again." Qian Xiaodong chased Jiang Beiran all the way, "I can endure hardships, and learn things very quickly, please, please accept me."

   In this way, Qian Xiaodong wrapped Jiang Beiran all the way until he left the village and followed behind.

   "Doctor, are you thirsty? I have honey water, which is very sweet. I will give you a taste."

   "Doctor, look! I caught a rabbit! Let me bake it for you! My bunny is very delicious!"

   "Doctor, if you go further, it is Deling Town. Where are you going? I know it well, let me show you the way."


   Looking at Qian Xiaodong, who was extremely diligent along the way, Jiang Beiran could feel that this kid was very ambitious, and he swooped up when he saw an opportunity.

  ‘Hey...but this is not like the protagonist. ’

The so-called protagonist is to show desirelessness and desperation, but the opportunity is to keep hitting him, just like the way of heaven is his grandmother, always feel that he is not full, and keep poaching his mouth. Stuffed rice.

   And someone like Qian Xiaodong... is more like a villain.

   has his own ambitions, knows what he wants, and when he sees the opportunity, he stubbornly clings to it, and finally becomes a hegemony, but in the end, it is still inevitable that the protagonist will have a tragic ending for output.

   But anyway, Jiang Beiran has already seen from Qian Xiaodong the potential to do a great job, so it's worth investing in.

  Like Li Fucheng, he planted a book of formation techniques and harvested a world meeting. I believe Qian Xiaodong would not know where to go with tea.

  When he came to Deling Town, Qian Xiaodong really became a enthusiastic guide. He knew where there was good food, where there was good drink, where there was fun, and even where there were beautiful girls.

   Jiang Beiran can't help feeling that these children who are not bound by the school are really precocious.

   When passing by an inn, Qian Xiaodong jumped up the steps and introduced: "The roast duck in this Xilai Inn is the best in the nearby towns! And their rice wine is also delicious."

   Jiang Beiran heard it curiously and said: "Have you eaten all?"

   Qian Xiaodong scratched his head embarrassedly after hearing this, "I also heard from the hearsay, where I can eat from this restaurant."

   "Haven't you eaten?" Jiang Beiran asked again.

   "Uh..." Looking at Jiang Beiran's direct eyes, Qian Xiaodong smiled "hehe" and said, "I sneaked into the kitchen and ate it twice. It was really delicious."

   smiled and shook his head, Jiang Beiran turned and walked in toward the Xilai Inn.

   Seeing Jiang Beiran approaching, a junior greeted him and shouted diligently: "Please from the guest officer~ Are you going to be on the tip or stay in a store?"

   "Tap the tip."

   "Okay~ Please, please inside."

   sat on a table by the window, Jiang Beiran said directly: "I heard that your roast duck is good, come one, and another pot of rice bar."

   "Okay, a roast duck stuffed with flowers ~ a pot of rice wine~" After reporting the name of the dish, Xiao Er continued: "Guest, don't worry, this roast duck stuffed with flowers is our signature, we guarantee you will love it."

When Xiao Er left, Qian Xiaodong sat on the bench and shook his legs happily. This was the first time he entered this inn from the front door. Besides... he thought the doctor would bring him in for dinner is a good start No matter how hard you work, you will definitely be able to impress him with sincerity.

   A cup of tea, roast duck and rice wine were all cut off.

   At the same time, Xiao Er was holding a jar.

   Jiang Beiran thought the jar was a rescue, but he smelled it with his nose and found that it was not.

   put the jar on the table, Xiao Er said with a smile on his face: "Guardian, this jar is a kind of homemade sugar in our shop. Would you like to buy some to try?"

   "Maltose?" Jiang Beiran asked.

   "No, it's called Wutang, it's sour and sweet, especially appetizing."

   Jiang Beiran glanced at Qian Xiaodong and asked, "Do you want to eat?"

   After listening to Xiao Er, he immediately took the jar from the table and put it in front of Qian Xiaodong.

   "The kids around this candy have all tasted it, and they all say it is delicious. Would you like to try it?"

   Qian Xiaodong glanced at the candies in the jar and asked, "How do you sell this sugar?"

   "At the beginning of the sale, there is a cost price. As long as two dollars, you can grab a lot."

   Qian Xiaodong rolled his eyes and took out two copper plates from his waist and handed them to Xiao Er.

   "The little guest officer is proud!" Xiao Er exclaimed, holding the jar closer to the little host of Qian; "Catch it, all you catch are yours."

   But Qian Xiaodong smiled slightly, and said, "I'd better ask the younger brother to grab a handful for me."

   Xiao Er couldn't help but look at Qian Xiaodong in surprise, and then said: "Well, since the little guest officer doesn't dislike him, I will help you catch it."

   Xiaoer grabbed a handful of Wutang from the jar and placed it on the table.

  "Thank you~www.ltnovel.com~Qian Xiaodong smiled.

   "Slowly use those two, if you have something to do, please say hello." After speaking, he retreated.

   Looking at Qian Xiaodong and taking a look at himself from time to time, Jiang Beiran, who had long guessed that he was careful, asked, "Why let Xiaoer help you catch candy?"

  Qian Xiaodong immediately stretched out his hand and said: "My hands are small, if you let me grab them, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch half of the table."

   Jiang Beiran smiled and nodded after listening.

From the second grade, when the sugar bowl was handed over to Qian Xiaodong, Jiang Beiran saw that this was a trick of the merchant. It sounded like a handful of a handful, but if children were to grab it, the weight would be halved ,even more.

  ‘The brain is really good enough, but I don’t know how talented cultivation is. As Jiang Beiran said, he tore off a duck leg, put it in his mouth and took a bite, and he felt the fragrance overflowing and the crispy flavor was enough.

   "It's really good." Jiang Beiran nodded in satisfaction.

After a while, a duck entered the two people's stomachs. After a meal and a meal, the two walked out of the inn together. When the night market was about to start, Qian Xiaodong felt that he was very close to the doctor and spoke again. Said: "Doctor, please let me be your apprentice. Since I was young, I have been inspiring to become a doctor and save people in the world, and you are the best doctor I have ever seen in the world."

   Qian Xiaodong directly knelt on the ground and knocked his head.

   "As I said, the poor will not accept disciples."

   "Doctor, I..." Qian Xiaodong said and raised his head, only to find that the doctor was gone.

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