I Just Won’t Play by the Book

Chapter 221: What does he want! ?

After looking at the six-tailed fox with a flattering face, Jiang Beiran asked, "Are you full?"

"I'm full, I'm full, the amount given by the host is perfect, no more, no less, just right, and the taste..."

"It's fine if you're full." Nodding, Jiang Beiran turned and left.

He heard the six-tailed fox saying "Master walks slowly" from behind.

Jiang Beiran couldn't help raising his eyebrows after hearing this, thinking...

‘It’s interesting, but I don’t know how long this little fox can last. ’

Returning slowly to the meditation hall, the maid who was cleaning at the gate of the palace saw the emperor, so scared that she almost didn't even hold the broom, she knelt down and said, "Your Majesty."

It's not that she was afraid of the emperor, but that the emperor suddenly disappeared in silence in recent days, making them feel very insecure.

As the saying goes, the most terrible thing is not to see the spider, but the spider disappeared suddenly.

A leader who suddenly appears behind you is far more daunting than a leader who has been staring at you.

All the way to the imperial study room, all the eunuchs and palace ladies on the road knelt in terror, thanking them for not being lazy because the emperor was away.

"Welcome to the holy driver~"

Listening to the shouts of the prince outside the door, Mu Yao, who was reading in the study, showed a hint of surprise in her eyes, but she quickly converged.

"Humph, just ran out of the palace without making a sound, no one looks like an emperor."

Kong Qianqian, who was by the side, said strangely: "The emperor's private visits with microservices also took us out without speaking. Why didn't you say this, Senior Sister?"

Mu Yao couldn't help but glared at Kong Qianqian after hearing it, and then suddenly smiled. She took out a piece of pine nut lily cake and stuffed it into Kong Qianqian's mouth.

Kong Qianqian just bit down instinctively and saw the door of the Imperial Study Room being pushed open.


Seeing the emperor's eyes, Kong Qianqian first pointed to the pine nut and lily crisp in his mouth, and then waved his hand as if to explain something, but he was reluctant to spit out the deliciousness in his mouth. It was too wasteful.

Jiang Beiran didn't say anything, and directly gestured outside with his eyes.

Looking at the senior sister resentfully, Kong Qianqian went to get the board aggrieved.

"See the emperor." After Kong Qianqian went out, Mu Yao saluted Jiang Beiran.

Taking a look at the "Water Injection Classic" in Mu Yao's hand, Jiang Beiran said, "Is this one again?"

Mu Yao looked at Jiang Beiran in surprise, thinking that he usually paid attention to which books I would read.

Mu Yao nodded with joy in her heart, only to reply with the word "um".

Sitting in front of Longan, Jiang Beiran took out a thin booklet from Qiankun Ring and said: "You have performed well during this period. This is what I promised you at the beginning. Let's take a look."

When Mu Yao heard this, the little pride in her heart was instantly thrown away, and she ran and jumped to the front of Long An.

"Is that the biography of Shangguan Wan'er?" Mu Yao asked happily.

"Yeah." Jiang Beiran nodded.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" After saluting Jiang Beiran, Mu Yao picked up the thin booklet and said, "Your Majesty, why...so little?"

"This is the first volume. The rest depends on your future performance."

"Yes... Thank you, Your Majesty, then I will go and see it first." After Mu Yao finished speaking, she retreated to her seat.

The first volume in Jiang Beiran's mouth actually fooled her. What he knew about Shangguan Wan'er was because he accidentally saw how Shangguan Wan'er could fly on Baidu, and discovered that there was more than Wu Zetian in the Tang Dynasty. A queen, and Shangguan Wan'er, a female prime minister.

But this curiosity didn't last long. Jiang Beiran went on to investigate how Shangguan Wan'er was able to fly after a few glances at Shangguan Wan'er's life.

Therefore, this thin first volume is all made up by him putting out the contents in his memory and adding some of his own opinions.

As for the promised good...

‘Isn’t it normal to have no biographies? ’

While Mu Yao was reading the biography of Shangguan Wan'er carefully, the door of the Imperial Study Room was suddenly knocked.


With a "squeak", the wooden door was opened, and Wang Shougui walked in with his head down and knelt on the ground and said: "I don't know if the emperor comes back, the slaves will be late, and the crime deserves death."

"It's okay, what's the matter with me."

"His Majesty, the artisans you named have been invited to the post in Ningdu."

"Got it, get out."

"Zunzhi." Wang Shougui slowly exited the Imperial Study Room as he said.

The batch of artisans Jiang Beiran invited this time were all recommended by him when he replaced a new batch of loyal ministers and good ministers. Many of these officials were originally officials of one parent, and they knew all the capable people in his jurisdiction. .

Regardless of the era, talents are always the most important. Before the ascent channels are not perfect, these talents are very precious.

Jiang Beiran's plan was to conquer them all into the palace first, and inspect them for a period of time, and then release them outside after seeing the (xi) eye (tong) and (shai) card (xuan).

I corrected the memorial for the whole afternoon, because I had already gone through a big wave, so now it's a lot harder to get attribute points easily with the memorial.

This is also the reason why Jiang Beiran no longer just stays in the palace, but has to walk around.

Throwing a little new memorial aside, Jiang Beiran glanced at Mu Yao, who was shaking his head next to him.

‘Such a little content... can she watch it for so long? ’

With such doubts, Jiang Beiran shouted: "Mu Yao."

Hearing the emperor's call, Mu Yao hurriedly got up and walked over to salute: "What is the emperor's calling me?"

"Come here." Jiang Beiran waved to Mu Yao.

Muyao blinked twice. Although she didn't understand what the emperor was going to do, she still took two steps forward.

But Jiang Beiran shook his head and waved again: "Come to me."

'what! ! ! ! ? ’

Hearing these words, Mu Yao's face turned red instantly.

‘He, he, he... what does he want to do! ? Why did he suddenly let me go next to him? He wouldn't want to do anything to me! ? Although I have such a little bit of affection for him, no, I have lost my affection, but it does not mean that he can do anything wrong! What's more, in this broad daylight, it is in the study again, he, he, he...’

Just when Mu Yao was at a loss, Jiang Beiran frowned and said, "Did you not hear what I said?"

At this moment, Mu Yao suddenly felt that Jiang Beiran after the Long Case was extremely overbearing. She was like a floating boat on the sea, unable to resist such squalls...

‘No... it’s okay! Just stand over there, he is just practicing Qi, if he really dares to move my hands and feet, I will...I will slap him severely! Ok! Fiercely! ’


With a long sigh of relief, Mu Yao walked to Jiang Beiran with hands and feet, her expression on her face was extremely nervous.

"Sit down." Jiang Beiran moved a small round stool to the side and said.

"Emperor Xie gave a seat." Anxiously, she sat on the small round stool, and Mu Yao lowered her head. There was a mess of porridge in her head.

Just when her whole body was about to shrink into a ball, she suddenly saw the emperor's hand stretched out towards her.

In an instant, Mu Yao's head went blank, but she did nothing, just closed her eyes tightly.

"Mu Yao, Mu Yao? What are you doing with your eyes closed?"

After a while, Jiang Beiran's words came in Mu Yao's ear.

Mu Yao, who was already extremely shy, couldn't help it anymore, suddenly opened her eyes and shouted, "You are..."

But just when she was about to take a palm shot, she found Jiang Beiran was looking at herself inexplicably, and there was an opened memorial on the Long Case.

Mu Yao, who understood what was going on in an instant, wanted to dig a hole and dive in, but she suddenly lowered her head and dared not say a word.

"Don't you want to be a prime minister? I'll give you a chance."

Hearing this, Mu Yao suddenly raised her head again, looking at Jiang Beiran in surprise and asked, "What opportunity is it!?"

"You approve the remaining memorials, and submit them to me after approval."

"I... I'll make corrections?" Mu Yao pointed at herself with a look of astonishment.

"Well, but remember, it's just to give you a chance. Whether you can grasp it or not is up to you."

"Thank your Majesty, I... I will definitely approve it with my heart!"

Seeing Mu Yao's gratitude to Dade, Jiang Beiran nodded in satisfaction.

Since you can't get any attribute points for the review chapter, finding a tool person to help is naturally the best choice.

What's more, the system didn't jump out any options for this matter, so he was more at ease.

In Mu Yao's grateful eyes, Jiang Beiran slowly walked out of the Imperial Study Room.

Outside the door, Deng Xianghan and other court ladies were already waiting there, because they knew that Jiang Beiran didn't like to be disturbed when he was editing the memorial, so they didn't enter.

Waved to them, Jiang Beiran said: "Go and do your things, I will walk by myself."

"According to the purpose."

All the court ladies and eunuchs bowed before leaving, only Deng Xianghan was still standing there.

Taking a look at Deng Xianghan's determined expression, Jiang Beiran seemed to understand something and waved at her, "Come with me."

"According to the purpose."

Wandering all the way to the Royal Garden, screened the palace ladies in the garden, Jiang Beiran looked at Deng Xianghan and said, "Are you ready to tell the story about Liang Guo?"

"Your Majesty is wise." Deng Xianghan said a blessing.

"Well, let's talk, I'm listening."

Taking a deep breath, Deng Xianghan slowly said: "Father once said to the slave and maidservant that everything he did was for self-protection. After all, the slave's father was far less wise and mighty than your majesty. He was just an ordinary man. In the gap between the Demon Cult and the decent, my father is exhausted every day."

"In the beginning, my father thought that he could seek peace as long as he did what he was doing. But every day, he was haunted by too many unsatisfactory things. He was bound to do everything, let alone fight against the sect like your majesty. My father couldn't even calm down a hundred officials.

"Father knows that if this continues, he will not reach the target set by the Yin leader, and he will be worried about his life at any time."

"Under such circumstances, a practitioner from Liang Guo found his father and told his father that Liang Guo could give him what he wanted, as long as he helped Liang Guo do something."

Hearing this, Jiang Beiran turned his head and glanced at Deng Xianghan and said, "You know this very well, are you involved in the whole process?"

Deng Xianghan shook his head: "No, my father told me one night."

"Just you?"

"And my emperor...oh no, oh no, the slave's brother."

"He tells you what is the purpose of these? I want you to help him make suggestions?"

Deng Xianghan nodded, "Yes, my father has this intention. In addition, my father is also worried that if he is suddenly absent one day, the palace will become a mess, so I hope that the servants and brothers can come out to preside over the overall situation."

"Well, let's go on, what does Liang Guo want him to do?"

"Liang Guo provided his father with a large number of spirit stones, high-grade pills and weapons, etc., and there is only one thing he wants his father to do, and that is the relationship between the decent decent sect and the demon sect, and let them attack each other."

"Relying on the large amount of spiritual stones and materials provided by Liang Guo, my father quickly attracted a group of sects and demon sects who were dissatisfied with the Moon Sect and the Spirit Dragon Sect, and began to negotiate a plan together."

After that, Deng Xianghan told Jiang Beiran everything she knew, and Jiang Beiran felt that the emperor was really not easy after listening.

Jiang Beiran thought that it was Deng Bo who found a good opportunity to move the cover of Yuezong.

But I didn't expect that from organizing a birthday banquet for Guan Shi'an and the Young Heroes' Party, to the subsequent demon sect's intrusion, there was the shadow of Deng Bo.

There are so many young people in these major events that Jiang Beiran can't help but secretly smack his tongue~www.ltnovel.com~ Besides, the back hand prepared by Deng Bo is far more than Jiang Beiran imagined. If it wasn't him that day "Resurrection from the dead", in the follow-up will not only continue to provoke the two or five boys placed in the demon cult, but also there will be high-level responses from the decent faction. A series of plans are definitely enough to make the two ways of the demon and the demon continue to quarrel.

"Do you remember those who participated in the plan?"

Deng Xianghan hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded and said, "Well, the servant girl remembers."

After listening to Jiang Beiran thinking for a while, he asked, "Why don't you tell Master Yin these names? This is very likely to bring your family back to freedom. After all, you know that in the eyes of cultivators, you are just ants. "

Deng Xianghan nodded and replied: "As your majesty said, if the slave and maidservant directly tell the master Yin these things, it is indeed possible to change the slave and maid’s family, but your majesty also said that it is only possible. The slave and maid dare not gamble. A slave and maid also handed over the last hole cards. At that time, it will be his mood whether the master Yin will kill the slave and the maid."

"So... you chose to place your bet on me?" Jiang Beiran asked Deng Xianghan directly.

After hearing this, Deng Xianghan knelt down and kowtowed: "In the days when I was with your majesty, the servants and maidservants knew that your majesty had great magical powers. If your majesty can save the servants' family, the servants and maids would like to serve as cattle and horses for your majesty for half his life, and I also ask the emperor to pity the servants !"

"Get up."

Hearing Jiang Beiran's order, Deng Xianghan immediately stood up.

"Being a cow and a horse? Do you have the strength?" Jiang Beiran smiled.

Deng Xianghan shook his head, "There is no slave maid...but the slave maid can let the emperor ride like a cow or horse..."

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