I Just Won’t Play by the Book

Chapter 225: Give me a reason not to kill you

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"Call, call, call..."

As Su Buqing's breathing gradually stabilized, the purple bloodshot eyes filled with blood slowly turned back to red, and finally returned to normal.

Jiang Beiran took a step forward, took a look at Su Buqing's eyelids, and said, "Well, it seems that they have all found a nest."

Speaking of Jiang Beiran, he lifted Su Buqing up, pointed to his heart and said, "The one who lives here is Xiaohei. If you find that your heart rate slows down in the future, don't worry, it should be entangled."

‘I’m not worried about you @#¥%’

Swearing a word of hometown in his heart, Su Buqing felt a tingling scalp when he thought of a bug lying on his heart.

After introducing Xiao Hei, Jiang Beiran’s fingers came to Su Buqing’s forehead again: “The one who lives here is called Mimi. If you feel a migraine sometimes, you can bear it for a while. It won’t be long. It doesn't move most of the time."

Listening to Su Buqing’s more and more rapid breathing, Jiang Beiran stopped introducing, and helped Su Buqing tidy up the messy clothes and said: "In short, these little cuties will not interfere with your usual life most of the time. In addition... Smarter than you think."

Jiang Beiran said and clicked on Su Buqing’s temples: “As long as you have something to reveal what you’ve heard and seen today, Mimi will immediately take your place and completely control your body. I didn’t do this directly. It’s because I want to give you a chance. After all, you are smarter than Mimi and can help me do things better."

After hearing this, Su Buqing trembled, her pupils couldn't help but magnified several times.

If it were another person, Su Buqing would definitely sneer and laugh at this as nonsense, but for the mysterious powerhouse who can raise a six-tailed fox as a pet, Su Buqing has no doubt that he has such an ability.

Retracting his finger, Jiang Beiran smiled and said: "So now you understand? I don't have to be you, but I like to make things more interesting." Jiang Beiran slowly moved to Su Buqing's ear and whispered: "If I wanted to, it would be easy to destroy your True Yuan Sect. You should be thankful that you still have some useful value."


Su Buqing swallowed hard, and rushed to the six-tailed fox trying to please him. Su Buqing didn't doubt the words of the emperor before him.

After thinking about it for a moment, Su Buqing asked cautiously: "If I can really manage things for you, can you really make our Zhenyuanzong stronger than now?"

"Of course, I have always rewarded and punished justly."

With a "bang", Su Buqing knelt directly on the ground, "I will do my best to get things done for you."

After speaking, he knocked on the ground.

With a dull bang, Jiang Beiran took out the whistle Deng Xianghan gave him from Qiankun Ring and said, "This whistle is for contacting you."

Su Buqing looked up and immediately understood when this trap was set against him.

The emperor in front of him must have cracked the spiritual imprint that belonged to him in the whistle, and then found him in some way, and knew all his whereabouts, so he was waiting here today.

‘But such a thing... even if the master can’t do it, what a cultivation level he is! ? ’

In an instant, the image of Jiang Beiran in Su Buqing's eyes grew taller, so tall that he couldn't see his head even if he looked up.

After a while, Su Buqing recovered from the shock, and quickly nodded and said: "The emperor is wise."

"After that, I will blow this whistle to look for you if I have something to do." Then Jiang Beiran stretched out his hand and a hummingbird stopped on his hand.

"If there is something to notify me, let it contact me."

"Yes, I understand." Su Buqing nodded.

When Ying Hummingbird got into Su Buqing's arms, Jiang Beiran swung his sleeves and said, "You can go back."

Su Buqing, who was kneeling on the ground, was taken aback for a moment. His mood at the moment was extremely complicated. Before entering the study, he thought it would be an interesting meeting as before. The emperor in front of him would kneel on the ground and watch him slowly leave. but now……

‘Oh...everything is impermanent. ’

With emotion in his heart, Su Buqing kowtowed again: "Yes, I will do this for you as soon as possible."

After speaking, he stood up, opened the phantom space, and quickly disappeared into Jiang Beiran's field of vision.

‘Unexpectedly, there is a tool person who can deliver it to the door. This kind of welfare really makes me flattered. ’

The reason Jiang Beiran let Su Buqing go was naturally not because of how assured he was with his Gu technique. After all, there is nothing in this world that is absolutely unsolvable. Even Gu has a way to crack it.

There has never been only one reason for Jiang Beiran to be so relieved, and that is that the system has not jumped any options from beginning to end, which means that there will be no risk in his disposal like this.

That's why Jiang Beiran felt flattered, and Tiandao would allow such a silly person to send him home.

Of course, Jiang Beiran would not take Tiandao lightly because of this. Who knows if it is fishing a big fish in a long line, first paralyze his vigilance, and then suddenly give a fatal blow!

Closing the door of the study, Jiang Beiran looked back at Mu Yao, who was hiding next to him and watched a big show.

"Sigh..." Jiang Beiran walked to the front of the dragon case and took a sip from his teacup, then slowly said, "Give me a reason not to kill you."

Just now when Su Buqing suddenly entered the study, Jiang Beiran was still a little surprised, because of the phantom space, he did not perceive the arrival of Su Buqing.

But the surprise was only a moment, because Su Buqing's arrival did not trigger any options, which meant that he had no threat to himself.

In this way, Jiang Beiran began to figure out what to do with the little hanhan who was sent to the door. The first way he thought of dealing with this little hanhan was to turn this little fool into a counterattack and let him become one of his own in the country of Liang. piece.

But this will inevitably expose a little strength. Although Jiang Beiran can find a way to let Mu Yao out first, Jiang Beiran found that even if he had to deal with Su Buqing in front of Mu Yao, he would not jump out of any options.

This made Jiang Beiran feel very fresh. You must know that when he first met Mu Yao, he was also the master who could trigger the ground-level option, but he never triggered it again.

Moreover, Mu Yao did not get along with him as cautiously as Lin Yuyan, nor was he given to him to "tune the tiger away from the mountain" like the five golden flowers. The two in the palace can be said to get along day and night, but they have never triggered an option.

Regarding this point, Jiang Beiran thought about this and found that the reason should be that he soon became "mixed" with Yin Jianghong. The reason Lin Yuyan was still able to trigger the prefecture-level option option is very simple, that is, Jiang Beiran does not know her father or Tell me what her background is.

Not to mention Shi Fenglan, listening to her life experience can trigger options.

Only Mu Yao's father Jiang Beiran already knew exactly who it was, and Jiang Beiran also knew that Yin Jianghong wanted to match up their intentions. In this way, there would be no threat to get along with Mu Yao.

After an analysis, Jiang Beiran felt that if there was a chance, it would be a good idea to hire Mu Yao under his command.

After all, Mu Yao is now the true eye that Yin Jianghong has placed next to him. It is unlikely to get rid of it. It is better to make good use of it. This way, Yin Jianghong can rest assured and will not be too frustrated in doing things.

In the corner, Mu Yao who heard Jiang Beiran's problem couldn't help but tremble. Even though she was as proud as her, she was stupid by the rounds of visual impact just now.

"You... Are you Jiang Beiran?"

Putting the tea cup down, Jiang Beiran approached Mu Yao and said, "I am asking you now."

"I won't tell Dad what I saw today..."

Seeing Mu Yao's promise so simply, Jiang Beiran was a little surprised. He originally thought he would have to even trick him.

Seeing Jiang Beiran's strange eyes, Mu Yao stomped her feet and opened her mouth and said, "If you don't believe it,...you can also feed me that bug."


Jiang Beiran was really dumbfounded at this moment. He could see that Mu Yao and her dad had a deep relationship, and that she had hidden such a big secret, which was likely to pose a threat to her dad. She was so simple to stand. Come to my side.

The reason is definitely not as simple as being afraid of death.

"What you think is pretty beautiful. You think those little cuties are so easy to practice. You don't want to give it to you if you want to eat. But for your frankness, I don't need to kill you, but you have to answer a few of us. Reply."

"Well, you can ask." Mu Yao nodded.

"Why are you willing to hide it for me?"

"Because I think you are a good person..."


Jiang Beiran, who was suddenly issued a card, resisted not making complaints, and continued to ask: "Specifically."

"I know that in the case of Covering Yuezong, it was thanks to your action that Fengzhou's Zhengmodao saved a fusion. Dad often praised you in front of me, saying that you saved him a lot of trouble. In addition..."

Mu Yao's pretty face blushed a little, and she lowered her head and said, "In the past few months, I have watched you run up and down for the people, personally, among the cultivators, who can value ordinary people so much. , I know you alone, so I believe you must be a good person, so..."

After hesitating for a moment, Mu Yao continued: "I believe you can't harm my big father."

"Then what if your dad wants to kill me?"

After listening to Mu Yao, she waved her hand and said, "No, no, Dad likes you, and it will definitely not harm you."

"What if? If your dad wants to harm me, which side will you be on?"

"I...I...I won't let this happen!" Mu Yao suddenly shouted.

"Well~ Although it is nonsense, I still like this answer. Yes, I can't kill you for the time being."

After listening to Mu Yao, she was immediately happy. She felt that there was a common secret between the two of them, and it was still such a big secret. In addition, compared with the person just now, the emperor simply trusted her very much, which made Mu Yao feel sweet. Zizi.

"The emperor... the emperor, can I ask you a question?"

"No." Jiang Beiran refused very simply.

"Just one question! Just one!"

Mu Yao yelled with a finger up.

"I want to go out, you tidy up the study." Jiang Beiran left without looking back.

With a "hum", Mu Yao looked at Jiang Beiran's back and said, "It's you, it must be you!"


At the time of Xu, in the imperial garden, a figure fell from the sky and landed in front of Jiang Beiran.

"Master Yin," Jiang Beiran bowed his hands in salute.

"What about the list?" Yin Jianghong asked.

"Here." Jiang Beiran offered the list Deng Xianghan gave him with both hands.

After taking the list and taking a look, Yin Jianghong quietly put it into the Qiankun Ring.

"Sure enough, it's the right choice to leave this to you, and you did a good job." After speaking, he threw a Qiankun ring to Jiang Beiran: "This is a reward that I promised you."

After catching the Qiankun Ring, Jiang Beiran arched his hands and said, "Thank you, Master Yin... In addition, I have one more thing to ask."

"Say." Yin Jianghong said.

"I wonder what Master Yin planned to do with that Deng Bo?"

"Deng Bo? He is dead."

This answer was in Jiang Beiran's expectation, so he was only slightly surprised.

"Why? Do you want him? Or... those little princesses want to save him?"

"I really want to intercede with the leader for those princesses."

Yin Jianghong suddenly showed the evil smile of the old driver after listening: "So you don't like small ones?"

'vomit! You old and rude sex! ’

Without waiting for Jiang Beiran to explain, Yin Jianghong regained his seriousness and said: "The deity can tell you clearly that even if that deity is still alive, the deity will not give you this face. The moment he betrayed the deity, his fate is One."

After listening to Jiang Beiran, he immediately understood what Yin Jianghong meant. In fact, both the meaning and the meaning of these words were to warn him not to be lucky.

Otherwise his fate... you have already seen it.

"I understand." Jiang Beiran nodded.

"But what about his daughters... The deity can give you face and save them a way of life, but you have to look up on them. If they cause any trouble, the deity will ask you."

"Thank you, Lord Yin."

Nodding, the Yin leader continued: "I heard that you have a conflict with the decent faction?"

‘Every one of you... the news is good enough. ’

Tucao returns to Tucao, but Jiang Beiran understands better that these Fengzhou bigwigs are actually staring at his new emperor.

"There are some small conflicts, but they have been resolved." Jiang Beiran nodded and replied.

"Your steps are faster than the deity imagined~www.ltnovel.com~ Come, and have a thorough understanding with the deity. Your conflict this time is only tentative, and you really want to do something."

"It's just a test."

"How about trying it?"

"This road is very difficult, so I decided to change it."

"Oh? Tell me, in any way, is there any deity that can help."

After thinking about it for a moment, Jiang Beiran told Yin Jianghong of his various plans, anyway, these plans were not secrets.

After listening to Jiang Beiran's plans, Yin Jianghong couldn't help laughing.

"If you have an idea, you deserve it, hahahaha."

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