I Just Won’t Play by the Book

Chapter 232: Dark cuisine

Under the shade of willow trees, a small wild tea house is very lively.

This kind of rural teahouses in the wild say that they are quiet and elegant as their selling point. Most of them are earthen houses. Then they use reed foil to support the ceiling. The soil is used as tables and stools. The teapot with sand bags and the tea bowl with yellow sand make purple and black. Strong bitter tea.

Sitting in this wild tea house, which is almost the same as the open air, look at the clouds and the clouds, listen to the frogs and the birds, of course, the bragging and farting of the villagers are also indispensable.

"Let me tell you, my friend is amazing. He was three-year-old who was a literary student, four-year-old martial arts, five-year-old proficient in poetry, poetry and song Fu, six-year-old playing invincible players in the town, eight-year-old master of piano, chess, calligraphy, Nine years old..."

"Hey, wait a minute, why did your friend go when he was seven?"

"Seven years old? He has been wounded for a year."


Listening to the invigorating laughter in the teahouse, Jiang Beiran sat in the farthest position and drank tea quietly.

"Hello, two guest officers, please inside, please inside, what kind of tea would you like this time?"

"We are looking for someone."

"Okay, please go inside first. Which guest do you want to wear, I..."

"No, I found it."

Thanks to Xiao Er, Li Fucheng led Huo Zhishang towards the direction Jiang Beiran was sitting on.

In public, you definitely can't call the emperor directly, so Li Fucheng thought about it and shouted "Big Brother Wang".

"sit down."

After Jiang Beiran finished speaking, he looked at Xiaoer and said, "I'll have two more bowls of Xueju tea."

"Okay, wait a minute."

After Xiao Er left, Huo Zhishang immediately arched his hands and said, "I am honored to see the face of the sky again. When I go out, please let me kneel down three times to thank your majesty for finding a child."

The day after Huo Zhishang found Qian Xiaodong, he wanted to come to thank the emperor in person, but was persuaded by Li Fucheng, because he knew that Brother Wang would definitely not like Huo Zhishang to go to the palace to find him so recklessly.

So first, I wrote a letter of thanks to Jiang Beiran for Huo Zhishang, and expressed Huo Zhishang's willingness to thank him in person.

Because Jiang Beiran was busy with the plan at the time, he replied a letter saying that he would not need to thank him in person, and would talk about it later if he encountered it.

So this time Li Fucheng came to Jiang Beiran, and Huo Zhishang had to follow along with whatever he said.

Jiang Beiran waved his hand: "Three kneelings and nine knocks will be avoided, just a little effort, just remember what you said."

"Of course! Under this seven-foot body! The rest of my life is driven by your majesty!"

At this time, Xiao Er came over with two bowls of Xueju tea and put them down, smiling and saying: "Two guest officials take it easy. If you have anything else, just ask."

When Xiao Er left, Jiang Beiran looked at Li Fucheng and said, "What can I do this time?"

Li Fucheng took a sip of tea, and after looking around, he whispered softly, "Brother Wang, one of the members of the club was arrested by the Plum Blossom Sect a few days ago. We thought about how to rescue him for several days, and this was how shameless we were. I asked Brother Wang for your help."

As soon as Li Fucheng's voice fell, Jiang Beiran presented two options.

[Option 1: promise to help Li Fucheng. Completion reward: Tingyue Baogong (Xuan-level top grade)]

[Option 2: "Fucheng, I am very disappointed in you.". Completion reward: random basic attribute point +1]

‘It seems that the Plum Blossom Sect is a little troublesome. ’

After choosing two, Jiang Beiran sighed and shook his head: "Fucheng, I am very disappointed in you."

[Option task has been completed, reward: strength +1]


In a short sentence, Li Fucheng was struck by lightning, and even his body could not help shaking slightly.

‘Yeah...what am I thinking, what am I doing! ? ’

As he read these two sentences in his heart, Li Fucheng's eyes couldn't help but loosen.

I originally established this World Association to help Brother Wang one day, but now not only is there no help at all, he even always seeks Brother Wang for help.

The reason why Big Brother Wang didn't directly reject me, but said he was disappointed with me, shows that he was optimistic about me, but he didn't expect me to be so wasteful. When he encountered some small setbacks, he came to Big Brother Wang to take care of me.

‘Think about it carefully, I didn’t go all out on the issue of Huan Mingyuan’s being tied up. It’s just because I felt that the risk was too high, so I came to Brother Wang for help. This is simply an escape! Even want to transfer the risk to Brother Wang! ’

‘Lifucheng, Lifucheng! What are you doing! ’

With a slap on his cheeks, Li Fucheng saluted Jiang Beiran and said, "I'm sorry, Brother Wang, it was Fucheng who disappointed you. I will say goodbye. If I can't solve this problem by myself, I won't have the face to see you again. ."

After finishing talking, Li Fucheng stood up abruptly and pulled Huo Zhishang with the same heavy expression and left.

"Is the effect so good..."

Seeing Li Fucheng leave so decisively, Jiang Beiran knew that this time he must have "won't repay without breaking Loulan."

Although what he said just now sounds a bit like a FLAG, for a person with a protagonist's fate, this small flag should be irrelevant.

After drinking a sip of barley tea, Jiang Beiran watched a house sparrow fly out of the bird's nest and swept towards the woods not far away.

‘Whether it’s so, it’s time for Li Fucheng to solve some of these troubles independently, otherwise I will really become their helper in this world. ’

Putting down the three money, Jiang Beiran got up and walked out of the wild tea house slowly.

Returning to the palace, Jiang Beiran sat in front of the Dragon Case and began to write swiftly. Now the initial implementation of the county reform plan is fairly smooth, but this is only preliminary. When the patriarchs taste the sweetness, the reform will really begin. time.


Hearing the knock on the door, Jiang Beiran replied without raising his head: "In."

With a "squeak", the Nanmu door was pushed open, and Mu Yao cautiously walked in with a food container.

Carrying the food box and walking to Longan, Mu Yao said, "I asked Qianqian to teach me to cook a few side dishes and plan to go back to honor Dad. One... I accidentally made too much, so I can use it to share some of you."

Putting down the pen, Jiang Beiran glanced at the food box and smiled and asked, "This is the first time you are cooking?"

Mu Yao poked her finger and stammered: "Yes, yes...Yes, it will be Dad's birthday in a few days. I want to surprise him. I didn't make it specially for you, but I don't want to waste it."

"Oh." Jiang Beiran nodded, then picked up the pen again and said: "Don't eat, take it."

Mu Yao was anxious, and shouted: "You! You won't eat if you don't even look at it!"

"How can it be delicious the first time cooking, I am only interested in food."

"Huh! If you don't eat, you don't eat." Mu Yao shook her head and ran out of the study with her food box.

Seeing Senior Sister running out of the study, Kong Qianqian, who was hiding behind the door, asked: "Why is it so fast? Your Majesty said it's delicious?"

"He is not lucky enough to eat the dishes made by this lady! No, I'll give it to you!"

After Mu Yao finished speaking, she stuffed the food box into Kong Qianqian's arms.

Seeing the senior sister who ran away quickly, Kong Qianqian carefully opened the lid and saw an indescribable dish in the food box.

'Ok? My teacher sister made potato shreds, why is it green? ’

Taking the "potato shreds" out of the food box, Kong Qianqian stared at it for a while, but couldn't see how this dish could be made like this.

Taking a deep breath, curiosity drove Kong Qianqian to pick up the chopsticks and want to taste something, but the instinct to survive eventually made her give up this idea and silently put the "potato shreds" back into the food box.


When Kong Qianqian breathed a sigh of relief, she suddenly felt a line of sight staring at her, looking up, she saw the senior sister hiding behind a tree looking at her with a vicious look, and there was only one meaning in her eyes.

"Eat it!"

Kong Qianqian smiled slyly, then picked up the food box and ran towards the outside of the palace.


Feeling the breath of Kong Qianqian running farther and farther, Jiang Beiran, who was perfecting the plan, shook his head and couldn't help but smile.

‘Unexpectedly, there are people who can make dark dishes with such a high degree of reduction. From a certain perspective, they are amazingly talented. ’

Two days later, Jiang Beiran came to the Masked Moon Sect with auspicious clouds, which was different from the loud voice when he came last time. The Masked Moon Sect now gave Jiang Beiran a quiet and peaceful feeling.

Jumping off the cloud, Jiang Beiran slowly walked to the gate of the Zong Yuezong.

A gatekeeper wearing a blue-gray martial art costume walked up to take a look at Jiang Beiran, and then he arched his hands and said, "Is the emperor of Shengguo?"

"Yes, I was invited by Sect Master Guan." Jiang Beiran nodded.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time, please come with me."

Seeing that the gatekeeper disciple was so polite, Jiang Beiran knew that Guan Shian must have specifically confessed it, otherwise it would be good to not look at him with the pride of the first disciple in Fengzhou.

Following the gatekeeper disciple all the way to the main peak, Jiang Beiran finally came to this familiar suzerain mansion after another inner disciple gave guidance.

"Please wait a moment, I will inform the hall master." said the inner disciple who brought in Jiang Beiran.

"Troubled Brother Tai." Jiang Beiran nodded.

After a while, Guan Shian, wearing a crane robe, led a few middle-aged people to the middle hall, watching Jiang Beiran who stood up and saluted and smiled: "Sit down, you don’t have to be polite. same."

Of course Jiang Beiran couldn't really just sit down, and he bowed his hands and said, "Meet Sect Master Guan."

"OK, sit down."

Seeing Guan Shi'an taking the master seat, Jiang Beiran sat down again.

"Bei Ran, I am calling you this time to introduce you to the backbone of the Moon Masking Sect behind me. If you have something to discuss after this retreat, just find them."

When these three appeared just now, Jiang Beiran quickly looked at them, and found that one of them was Tai Yingzong, the leftist who had a relationship in Luoxia Town.

"You should still have an impression of this leftist." Guan Shian asked Tai Yingzong, who was standing beside him.

"Of course I remember." Jiang Beiran said, arching his hands towards Tai Ying: "I have seen Tai Zuoxiang."

Nodding towards Jiang Beiran, Tai Yingzong smiled and said: "The last time I said goodbye, I knew we would meet again soon."

Seeing the two of them finished greeting, Guan Shian suddenly stood up and said, "Since we all know each other, you will let Yingzong tell him the next thing. I will continue to practice."

After talking about Guan Shi'an, he left directly.




‘Do you want to be so incisively and vividly as the shopkeeper? ? ’

Although Jiang Beiran controlled his expression of no consternation, Tai Yingzong smiled and explained to his suzerain: "The suzerain has learned a little bit about the exercises recently. Even if the suzerain of the sect conference has not come out to preside, this is what he is eager to retreat. reason."

In a few words, Tai Yingzong expressed that the suzerain was not neglecting you when he left so suddenly. On the contrary, his ability to come has already given you great face.

After listening to Jiang Beiran, he immediately bowed his hand: "Then please tell Tai Zuoxiang to convey my congratulations to Sect Master Guan."

"Easy to say, easy to say."

Then Tai Yingzong introduced the identities of the other two to Jiang Beiran.

One is the protector of the clan, named Cang Wenlin, who is responsible for the personnel transfer of the Yuezong.

One is Mengzheng in the clan, named Shin Yuebin, and is the foreign spokesperson of the Zong Yuezong, that is, a diplomat.

After getting to know each other, Tai Yingzong said: "Then I'll be straightforward. The reason why the lord will call you is because of my proposal, and the reason why I want to talk to you is because...I saw yours. Ambition."

Jiang Beiran, who was about to take a sip of tea, was taken aback. Facing Tai Yingzong's naked words, he thought for a while and smiled and said: "I just don't want to take the trust of Sect Master Guan and let the people of Sheng Kingdom eat their food."

Tai Yingzong laughed after hearing it, "Isn't this an ambition to let the people of Shengguo have a meal?"

Listening to the meaning of Tai Ying’s words, Jiang Beiran suddenly realized that if the facade of the Moon Sect is Guan Shi’an, then the core, or the person who really runs the sect, should be the one in front of you~www.ltnovel.com ~ What Tai Zuoxiang said is that if I say such ambitions, I do have it. "

After taking a sip of tea, Tai Yingzong continued to smile and said, "As far as I know, you seem to be making some big moves in Lulin County. Can you tell me more specifically?"

‘Yes... I really care about me. ’

Although Jiang Beiran summoned all the clan chiefs of Lulin County to discuss major issues, it sounded great, but the people in their county knew about it. People in other places wouldn't know if they were not particularly concerned.

Except for the people in Lulin County, Jiang Beiran also talked about this to Yin Jianghong, and Yin Jianghong would probably not tell Guan Shian about it. Even if he did, Guan Shian probably wouldn't listen to it. , Let alone tell the second-in-command of his own truth.

At this moment, Jiang Beiran's originally relaxed mood was completely put away. Originally, he thought he was coming today to say hello and walk through the scene. Now it seems that people are looking for him to talk about business.

Putting away the thoughts in his mind, Jiang Beiran smiled frankly: "Hahaha, I didn't expect such a small incident to shock Tai Zuoxiang. I really didn't expect it."

"If it's a trivial matter, I won't care about it, but your emperor is a trivial matter."

"Since Tai Zuoxiang is interested, I am naturally deeply honored. I don't know what Tai Zuoxiang wants to know in detail?"

"I heard that the emperor said that you called this a reform. I don't know what the reform is, what is the reform... and what?"

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