I Just Won’t Play by the Book

Chapter 249: Overall situation

'Oh? Has the lord come too? It seems that Fengzhou is really mobilized. ’

Seeing Lu Yinlong also appearing in the team, Jiang Beiran understood that the miasma had escalated from an emergency to the highest level of disaster.

At this time, everyone on the scene already understood the seriousness of the matter very well, so there was no swearing ceremony. After a brief discussion, they decided to divide the team and gradually entered the miasma from the four directions of the south, east, north and west.

The team distribution method is that one profound emperor leads fifteen profound spirits, and one profound king leads eight profound spirits.

After specifying the special contact information, start searching in their respective areas.

However, when all the strong players on the scene were preparing to set off, Jiang Beiran suddenly jumped out of two options.

[Option 1: Watch everyone enter the miasma. Completion reward: Thunder Book of Canghai (earth-level top grade)]

[Option 2: Prevent everyone from entering the Miasma together, completion reward: random basic attribute point +1]

The option that suddenly jumped out made Jiang Beiran excited. Originally, he had been thinking about why the system had to personally enter the miasma and what terrible things were in the miasma.

But the moment he saw the system prompt, he realized that this sudden miasma had caused everyone to lose their calm, including himself!

After choosing two, Jiang Beiran quickly transmitted Yin Jianghong into the secret message: "Master Yin, let everyone wait first. We must replan this matter."

Yin Jianghong was now assigning a team to enter the miasma, and he was obviously shocked after hearing Jiang Beiran's voice.

Finding Jiang Beiran standing in the crowd, Yin Jianghong said, "You have seen the instability of this miasma. Are you sure you want to stop at this imminent moment?"

"Master Yin, the more time this happens, the more calm you will be, otherwise it will only make things worse."

After frowning and thinking for a moment, Yin Jianghong breathed out and said: "You are reasonable, go to the big tent diagonally across and wait for the deity."

After saying this to Jiang Beiran, Yin Jianghong looked at the sect masters and high-level leaders who were making preparations and shouted: "Everyone is on standby, the deity remembered that there is still an important thing to discuss."

After hearing this, everyone on the scene couldn't help but looked at Yin Jianghong in confusion. They were all warmed up, and suddenly a basin of cold water was poured over to make trouble? Is this time? Still discussing?

However, most people did not directly ask the doubts in their hearts for this great demon of Fengzhou.

But Guan Shi'an didn't have so much scruples, and directly shouted: "Old man Yin, what do you want to do, are there not enough people who think that they are dead?"

"The deity just doesn't want more people to die!" Yin Jianghong glared at Guan Shian, and then he looked at an old man in the crowd and said: "Master, go to the big tent and discuss it. Come back."

The old man glanced at Yin Jianghong, pondered for a moment and said: "The old way also feels that the matter is not appropriate. Since the Yin leader said so, then we will discuss it again."

"It shouldn't be too late, let's get the account," Yin Jianghong came to the big account as soon as he finished speaking.

Immediately after Guan Shian, Hefa's childhood old man and a middle-aged man in black clothes also walked in.

It's just that in addition to Guan Shi'an, the other two cast doubtful glances at Jiang Beiran in the account.

It had been expected that Yin Jianghong would speak like this for a long time, "He is the new emperor Jiang Beiran of the Kingdom of Sheng. This time, the deity asked him to negotiate with him."

"Oh~" The old man with a childlike appearance in Hefa nodded, "So you are the current emperor? Since it was elected by the Yin leader, it shouldn't be too bad."

"The younger generation has seen Sect Master Wan." Jiang Beiran arched his hands towards the old man.

The ten thousand sect master in front of him is no one else, but the first sect of Lanzhou, the sect master of Sifang Sect, Wan Anqing.

Sweeping with mental power, Jiang Beiran found that his cultivation was at the third level of Xuanzong, which was a bit higher than Yin Jianghong and Guan Shi'an. It is no wonder that Yin Jianghong would honor him as his father.

At this time, the other middle-aged man in black clothes looked at Yin Jianghong and said, "Master, although Tu'er knows that you like this new emperor very much, why is he not suitable to appear here?"


Hearing the word "Master", Jiang Beiran almost squirted it. At the same time, he also thought of the leader of the white-robed youth who was unhappy with Yin Jianghong. Could it be him?

"Not suitable?" Yin Jianghong glanced at the middle-aged man with disdain, "If you say that, then you are not suitable to be here."

"Master, it seems that you still know too little about the disciple, but you are not to blame, it is because the disciple comes to greet you too little."

"Why, you mean your cultivation base is already higher than the deity?"

"Don’t dare. Of course, the disciple’s cultivation base is not as high as yours, but you know that the strength of the disciple is never measurable by the cultivation level. If you really start your hands, the disciple is afraid that others will scold me for not respecting the teacher. ."

‘Tsk, this yin and yang is worthy of old man Yin’s apprentice. ’

Listening to the confident words of the middle-aged man, Jiang Beiran did not stop his mental power and scanned him, and found that his cultivation was only the ninth stage of Xuanhuang, and since he could represent the magic sect of Lanzhou into this big account, it means He is the best demon leader in Lanzhou.

Combined with what he said just now...

‘Can this person defeat Xuanzong in the form of Emperor Xuanzong? That's too ridiculous. ’

In the realm of cultivation, profound practitioners, profound masters, and great profound masters are a stage. The practitioners in this stage are all masters of mind and practice, and they are laying the foundation.

With a strong enough foundation, if you still have outstanding talents, you can break through to the profound spirit in one fell swoop, because this is a stage of transformation, so no matter how strong the great profound master is, it is impossible to win the profound spirit.

Between the two are like bows and arrows and pistols, not a level weapon at all.

In the future, Xuan Ling, Xuan Wang, and Xuan Huang are in a new stage. Cultivators of these three classes can use the power of heaven and earth to fight, and the gap is to borrow more and borrow less.

But if you want to break through to Xuanzong, you still need talent.

I have to say that in the world of cultivation, if hard work is useful, why should you have talent? This sentence is an absolute wise saying.

If you don’t have enough talent, even if you work hard to death, you can still make a breakthrough in a big class. This is why there are so many Profound Emperor level sect masters. Unable to break through.

So in this case, a ninth-rank Xuanhuang is confident that he can challenge Xuanzong...

‘I don’t know if it’s blind self-confidence... or is there really something? ’

After listening to the slightly provocative words of the middle-aged man, Yin Jianghong just disdainfully smiled and said: "It's not time to clear the door. When the miasma is removed, the deity will let you understand the gap between Xuanzong and Xuanhuang."

"The disciple first thanked the master for his advice, and please don't keep your hands at that time, because the disciple doesn't plan to keep your hands."

"Of course, even if you want to stay, the deity won't let you keep it."

Listening to the exchange of master and apprentice, Jiang Beiran became more curious about what happened between them.

Before Jiang Beiran thought about how to make a round of it, he heard Guan Shi'an roar: "This is burning eyebrows! You two are still pinching each other here! This seat has already been in the miasma since this time."

Yin Jianghong, who didn't intend to continue to persecute him, also ignored Guan Shi'an, and directly looked at Jiang Beiran and said, "Now that everyone is here, let's talk about your worries."

As soon as Yin Jianghong said this, Wan Anqing and the leader of the Lanzhou Demon Cult looked at Jiang Beiran unexpectedly.

After all, the meaning of Yin Jianghong's sentence is very clear. The reason why he suddenly wanted to discuss this matter again seems to be the little emperor.

Although I didn’t want to attract the attention of these two Lanzhou elders, since now there is no way to shirk it, Jiang Beiran said openly: "Four seniors, now this miasma is covering the sky and the sun, and the aura fluctuated strongly. I believe that several of you have felt it too, have those four thought that Liang Guoqiang will also notice it?"

Jiang Beiran hadn't thought of this just now because his attention was completely attracted by the miasma. After being prompted by the system, he immediately understood what the system meant not to let everyone enter the miasma.

Hearing the word Liang Guo, the four leaders made different expressions in an instant. The most indifferent Guan Shian said: "Let’s not say whether Liang Guo can detect this miasma, even if they do, they are not so bold. Come here."

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Resisting the urge to scratch his head, Jiang Beiran replied: "If the four leaders are all present, those Liang Guoxiao Xiaoxiao naturally don't have the courage, but what if the four leaders are all trapped in the miasma?"

"Oh, Bei Ran." Guan Shi'an couldn't help sighing: "It seems that I have time to urge you to practice. Do you think this miasma can trap all of us in it?"

This time, before Jiang Beiran could speak, Yin Jianghong spoke first: "We have only conducted tests on the periphery of the miasma so far. No one knows what is inside. It cannot be ruled out that the four of us are all trapped in it. possibility."

Hearing Yin Jianghong's opening, Guan Shi'an suddenly felt a little dumb. After all, his knowledge of Gu Poison was indeed not as good as Yin Jianghong's.

Wan Anqing also seemed to recognize the seriousness of the matter and looked at Jiang Beiran seriously and said: "So you think we shouldn't all go in."

"Yes." Jiang Beiran nodded, "Liang Guo has been eyeing our country in recent years, and even this time the miasma may be related to them, so we need to beware not only the miasma, but also the possibility of the miasma. Those follow-ups."

"Indeed." Yin Jianghong nodded, "Old man Guan, you can stay outside. It's no use going in anyway."

When Guan Shian heard this, he was immediately unhappy, "You tell me not to go in, so I won't go in? I think it's better for you to stay outside."

Seeing that the two were about to fight each other again, Jiang Beiran persuaded: "You two, time is tight, why don't you let me make this decision?"

Guan Shian thought for a while and nodded: "Also, since you proposed this idea, it is up to you to decide."

After listening to Guan Shian's words, Jiang Beiran looked at the two giants in Lanzhou again.

Wan Anqing nodded first and said: "You baby really has a big picture. If you can think of so much at this juncture, just go to this point. The old way will listen to you."

"It deserves to be the new emperor chosen by the master. It is indeed different. I will listen to you too."

"Thank you for your trust." Jiang Beiran finished speaking and said directly: "I think it is the best to let Yin Guru and Ten Thousand Sect Master enter the miasma together. I don't know what the four people think?"

Yin Jianghong nodded directly after listening: "Okay, just do as you said."

Lanzhou and Fengzhou are one on each side, and the decent and the demon are on the other. Yin Jianghong did not think of a more suitable division.

Although Guan Shian was a bit dissatisfied, he didn't get involved at this critical juncture. He also nodded and said: "Okay, just do it." After finishing speaking, he glanced at Yin Jiang and said red; "Old man Yin, if you can't hold on inside, hurry Come out and change your seat, I promise not to laugh at you."

"Haha," Yin Jianghong didn't bother to pay attention to these words.

When the two giants in Lanzhou also agreed to Jiang Beiran’s distribution method, Jiang Beiran spoke again: “In addition, there is also a matter of team composition. I think it should also be slightly changed. The entry into the miasma should be based on efficiency. Asking the Xuanhuang to carry the profound spirit to search will only make the Xuanhuang unable to let go, it is better to let the Xuanhuang act alone."

"Okay, just do it like this~www.ltnovel.com~Yin Jianghong immediately decided, "Anything else? "

"Unexpectedly temporarily."

"Then go!"

After Yin Jianghong opened the curtain and left the big tent, Guan Shian and Wan Anqing also followed out. Finally, when Yin Jianghong's "love apprentice" was about to leave, he suddenly looked back at Jiang Beiran and said: "Lanzhou full moon Teacher Ji Qinglin, I believe we will have opportunities to cooperate in the future."

"Thank you Ji Jiaozhu for the promotion." Jiang Beiran arched his hands.

"You kid hides more things than me, it's interesting, interesting..." Ji Qinglin laughed and left the tent after speaking.

‘Hiss... can he see anything? ’

Jiang Beiran felt a bit tingling on his scalp, which was why he didn't want to know too many big guys like this. It was too easy to be arranged by God.

"Unlucky." Jiang Beiran also left the big account in a low voice.

Half an hour later, the redistributed teams went to their assigned locations, while Jiang Beiran was caught by Yin Jianghong and flew to the southeast corner of the miasma.

"Remember, don't run around if you run into anything. As long as you stay with the deity, the deity will surely keep you safe."

After Yin Jianghong raised his right hand, he saw a cloud of dark red profound energy begin to condense.

Jiang Beiran felt a bit tingling on his scalp, which was why he didn't want to know too many big guys like this. It was too easy to be arranged by God.

"Unlucky." Jiang Beiran also left the big account in a low voice.

Half an hour later, the redistributed teams went to their assigned locations, while Jiang Beiran was caught by Yin Jianghong and flew to the southeast corner of the miasma.

"Remember, don't run around if you run into anything. As long as you stay with the deity, the deity will surely keep you safe."

After Yin Jianghong raised his right hand, he saw a cloud of dark red profound energy begin to condense.

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