I Just Won’t Play by the Book

Chapter 251: The protagonist's luck can't just be slapped

"Thank you senior for helping me."

Feeling his body is recovering, Xing Luo Zong patrolled the wind and thanked Jiang Beiran.

"You don't have to thank this king, this king saves you only because some things need your help."

‘This king? Hearing this claim, Xingluo Zong's patrolling wind was a little surprised. I didn't think of any strong person in Fengzhou who liked to use this claim.

‘Are they the masters in Lanzhou? ’

Without thinking about this issue in depth, Xingluo Zong Xunfeng clasped his fist and said: "Senior, please don't hesitate to say, I will do my best to repay my life.

Nodded, Jiang Beiran asked: "Did you come in after taking Antitoxin Pill?"


"Open your mouth."

Xing Luozong patrolled the wind for a moment, did not understand what the senior was in front of him, but he slowly opened his mouth.

And the moment he opened his mouth, Jiang Beiran stuffed a spirit pill into his mouth.

Xingluo Zong Xunfeng had no time to react, so he swallowed the whole pill.

"Senior, is this...?" Xingluo Zong Xunfeng asked nervously.

"Take this pill and the effects of the anti-toxin pill in your body will disappear."

"This!? Isn't that..."

When Xingluo Zong's patrolling wind was about halfway through, his eyes widened, and the blue veins on his face and neck burst out.

"Why... why..."

Xingluo Zong Xunfeng pinched his neck and stared at Jiang Beiran, completely wondering why the person in front of him had to kill him just after he saved him.

Insert an app: Perfectly reproduce the old version of the book-chasing artifact that can be replaced with the source app-Mimi Reading.

However, as more and more miasma was inhaled by him, everything in front of his eyes slowly became blurred, and a voice in his head kept whispering to him.

"Go to sleep... Go to sleep... It won't be painful to fall asleep."

Just when he was about to follow the voice to sleep, a sudden refreshing sensation hit his forehead, and the feeling of discomfort all over his body was also wiped out.


Xingluo Zong Xunfeng, who almost felt like he was going to die, took a sharp breath and then coughed.

"What did you feel just now?"

Hearing another question from Senior, Xingluo Zong Wind Cruiser instinctively climbed back two steps.

"If this king really wants to kill you, do you think you might still be alive now?" Jiang Beiran said in a low voice.

After swallowing his saliva, Xingluo Zong Xunfeng said tremblingly: "Pre...what does the senior want..."

"This king just wants to know what will happen after you inhale this miasma, so as to analyze how to break the miasma, so...what did you just feel?"

Xingluo Zong Xunfeng, who understood what was going on, let out a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but mutter in his heart, "You said it earlier..." and then carefully described all his feelings just now.

After listening, Jiang Beiran squeezed his fingers, and already knew a little bit about the miasma in his heart.

"Poison hurts the body, Gu control god, high class goods..."

In Fengzhou, there are few masters who can make Jiang Beiran admire. Most of the alchemists or blacksmiths enshrined by sects can only be considered good, and they are far from the first-class.

But the person who created this miasma is absolutely top-notch in using Gu.

‘Xuanzong’s cultivation base, top-level formation method, top-level Gu master, from which rock did this monster jump out? ’

After a moment of contemplation, Jiang Beiran turned and continued to walk towards the southeast.

"Hey! Senior, where are you going!?" Xingluo Zong Xunfeng quickly shouted.

"Why, do you want to follow this king?" Jiang Beiran asked back.

Thinking of the senior’s move to use him as a test subject just now, Xingluo Zong hesitated, but thinking of the high probability that he would be waiting for death when he stayed here, he yelled: "Let the next serve seniors. It's hard work!"

As soon as the voice of Xingluo Zong's patrol wind fell, Jiang Beiran jumped out of two options.

[Option 1: Bring him. Completion reward: Thousand Birds Sword Book (Xuan-level lower grade)]

[Option 2: "This king does not need waste." Completion reward: random basic attribute points +1]

‘Fuck, a big oil bottle. ’

Jiang Beiran originally wanted to take this star Luo Zong to patrol the wind. After all, he still likes to hide behind the scenes. If something happens later, he can be upset, but this tool person is obviously very unqualified.

After choosing two, Jiang Beiran shook his head and said, "This king does not need waste."

After speaking, he turned and left.

[The optional task has been completed, reward: Agility +1]

‘Waste...waste? ’

Xingluo Zong Xunfeng was stunned, and which one of the profound spirits that could become was not as stunning as ever. As the middle level of Xingluo Zong, he is usually aloof, and all the disciples are working hard with him as the goal.

But now he was scolded face to face and turned into a waste.

‘Even if I’m really a trash... I don’t have to say it in person. ’

Some aggrieved Xing Luo Zong Xunfeng mumbled in his heart. After all, he knew that he was more afraid than the predecessor who could take his life with his hands raised.

Knowing that the miasma still had the disorienting effect, Jiang Beiran also began to be a little unsure whether he had been heading southeast.

To be on the safe side, Jiang Beiran took out the Ruyi lottery from Qiankun Ring.

If you are not determined to get a lottery, you must use metaphysics to defeat metaphysics.

After earnestly doing the preparations before asking for a sign, Jiang Beiran poured a sign from the wishful lotus.

Holding the sign, Jiang Beiran chanted in a low voice.

"The sky is round, the universe has no... Nima!?"

Jiang Beiran was chanting, when a figure suddenly flew towards him at high speed.

With a "bang", the figure hit Jiang Beiran's arms first, and then fell to the ground.


The person who fell on the ground coughed up a large mouthful of blood, which was obviously not a minor injury.

"Touch the porcelain, hey..."

Suddenly, I must feel that this scene is familiar, as if I have experienced it before, and made the same complaints.


At this time, the people on the ground slowed down and slowly stood up.

At the moment when she saw her face clearly, Jiang Bei was stunned.

‘What is Nie Yuan? This is really evil fate. ’

The person who ran into her arms was not someone else, but was the Deputy Sect Master of the Sifang Sect, Huang Xian-Meng Sipei, who Jiang Beiran had encountered in the cave.

‘Goodbye...This is exactly the same way of going on stage. Could it be that the protagonist's luck from Ye Fan hasn’t ended yet, and God has to send this woman to himself? ’

Meng Sipei didn't expect that he would hit someone else, so after standing up, he stepped back and looked at Jiang Beiran with a very vigilant look.

After all, Jiang Beiran is now completely wrapped around the rest of his body, and it is impossible to tell whether he is a local or an alien.

"Be careful." Jiang Beiran reminded aloud.

After hearing that Jiang Beiran was speaking in the local dialect, Meng Sipei relaxed and turned around abruptly and slapped a strong man who had rushed out of the miasma.


Meng Sipei, who was already seriously injured, spouted another blood and retreated several steps.

And the brawny man obviously didn't intend to let Meng Sipei go, a black profound energy condensed in his right hand, and he blasted towards Meng Sipei again.

At the same time, three options appeared before Jiang Beiran.

[Option 1: Leave here. Completion reward: Yujun Demon Scroll (earth-level medium grade)]

[Option 2: Rescue Meng Sipei personally. Completion reward: Jiyue Bible (Xuan-level top grade)]

[Option 3: Help Meng Sipei win the brawny alien. Completion reward: random basic attribute point +1]

'Ok! ? ’

Seeing that running is the most dangerous option, Jiang Beiran can't help but want to say "you are not right."

However, Jiang Beiran immediately chose three, and drew a silver talisman from the Qiankun Ring and threw it out, just blocking Meng Sipei's body.


Jiang Beiran yelled and saw the silver talisman burst out with a dazzling light, and formed a barrier to stand in front of Meng Sipei.

With a "bang", the fist of the brawny alien banged on the barrier, smashing cracks.

Seeing the people behind him came to help, Meng Sipei was relieved and took a few steps to re-adjust his posture.

"Thank you Xiongtai for your help."

"You are polite." Jiang Beiran took out an aquamarine bottle from Qiankun Ring and threw it to Meng Sipei, "If you eat it, you are hurt very badly."

Meng Sipei first caught the aquamarine bottle, and then said: "Thank you, Xiongtai, for your kindness, but that alien's technique is very weird. I have taken several pills just now, but I can't..."

"Where there are so many words, let you eat it."

Hearing Jiang Beiran's reprimand, Meng Sipei was a little frustrated, but knew that it was not the time to play a little temper, so he opened the bottle and took a pill from the inside and put it into his mouth.

At the same time, the brawny alien had broken through the barrier and attacked Meng Sipei again.

Just as Meng Sipei was about to accept the move, he heard the person behind him speak: "I will help him heal."

Then I saw five silver talisman papers flying in front of the foreign brawny man, just after hearing a "noise!", the five silver talisman papers turned into chains to lock the limbs and neck of the foreign brawny man.

Now Meng Sipei knew that he had met a powerful expert to help him, so he immediately let go of his heart and sat cross-legged, and began to exercise his strength to heal his injuries.

Just a small week, Meng Sipei felt that the damage accumulated in his body instantly recovered to the original, and at the same time, the profound energy that was not working smoothly for some reason also returned to normal.

‘What a great elixir! ’

As Xuanhuang, Meng Sipei always had all kinds of elixir around him. However, after she inhaled the black mist spit out by the alien, these elixir seemed to have lost their effect, even if she swallowed two precious seventh-grade elixir. like water off a duck's back.

But now just after taking the elixir that the expert handed over, all the injuries in the body were healed, which is simply amazing.

"@#¥%" At this moment, the brawny alien roared a few words that he didn't understand, and his muscles burst open suddenly, shattering all the chains formed by the five [cold lock symbols].

Meng Sipei, who had recovered her strength, jumped up instantly, shaking her palms, and she saw countless petal-shaped profound energy condensing around her.

"Death dance!"

Meng Sipei pointed at the brawny man, and saw the petal-shaped profound energy rushing towards the brawny man.

Seeing this move hit, the strong alien took a breath.

Guessing what the brawny alien wanted to do, Jiang Beiran took out a jade slip and threw it at the brawny.

Before the brawny foreigner figured out what the jade slip was in front of him, the jade slip turned into a jelly and blocked his mouth.

The jade slip is a representative of the learning of refining tools. Its function is very flexible and powerful, that is, it can store various exercise effects in it, and throw it away for use. For example, if Jiang Beiran uses the jade slip to store Meng Sipei’s trick Destiny Dance, then the jade slip will become countless petal-shaped profound energy when it is shattered and attack the opposite side.

Of course, the moves issued by the jade slip cannot be as powerful as the one I used.


The strong man of the foreign race who was gagged couldn't help widening his eyes. He originally wanted to blow away these petal-like profound energy with the breath of the wind, but now his mouth is sealed, it is impossible to blow the strong wind containing the profound energy from his body. come out.

In desperation, the foreign brawny could only put his arms in front of the door, hard to top the wave of "flower rain."

However, as Xuanhuang's move, this "Flower Rain" was of course not as gentle as on the surface. When the first petal touched the arm of a strong alien, it instantly left him with a deep bone wound.

‘What a great elixir! ’

As Xuanhuang, Meng Sipei always had all kinds of elixir around him. However, after she inhaled the black mist spit out by the alien, these elixir seemed to have lost their effect, even if she swallowed two precious seventh-grade elixir. like water off a duck's back.

But now, just taking a panacea that the expert handed over ~ www.ltnovel.com~ all the injuries in the body were healed, which is simply amazing.

"@#¥%" At this moment, the brawny alien roared a few words that he didn't understand, and his muscles burst open suddenly, shattering all the chains formed by the five [cold lock symbols].

Meng Sipei, who had recovered her strength, jumped up instantly, shaking her palms, and she saw countless petal-shaped profound energy condensing around her.

"Death dance!"

Meng Sipei pointed at the brawny man, and saw the petal-shaped profound energy rushing towards the brawny man.

Seeing this move hit, the strong alien took a breath.

Guessing what the brawny alien wanted to do, Jiang Beiran took out a jade slip and threw it at the brawny.

Before the brawny foreigner figured out what the jade slip was in front of him, the jade slip turned into a jelly and blocked his mouth.

The jade slip is a representative of the learning of refining tools. Its function is very flexible and powerful, that is, it can store various exercise effects in it, and throw it away for use. For example, if Jiang Beiran uses the jade slip to store Meng Sipei’s trick Destiny Dance, then the jade slip will become countless petal-shaped profound energy when it is shattered and attack the opposite side.

Of course, the moves issued by the jade slip cannot be as powerful as the one I used.


The strong man of the foreign race who was gagged couldn't help widening his eyes. He originally wanted to blow away these petal-like profound energy with the breath of the wind, but now his mouth is sealed, it is impossible to blow the strong wind containing the profound energy from his body. come out.

In desperation, the foreign brawny could only put his arms in front of the door, hard to top the wave of "flower rain."

However, as Xuanhuang's move, this "Flower Rain" was of course not as gentle as on the surface. When the first petal touched the arm of a strong alien, it instantly left him with a deep bone wound.

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