I Just Won’t Play by the Book

Chapter 358: candidate

"Oh mother, uuuuuuu..."

"Eating down and talking."

Looking at Shi Fenglan, who was stuffed with spicy chicken and rice, Jiang Beiran frowned and said.

"Oh..." After swallowing the food and rice vigorously, Shi Fenglan shouted: "This spicy chicken is delicious, even better than before, Xiao Beiran, what did you add to it?"

"I found a new kind of pepper here. I tried to make it."

"It's really delicious, in the future...Ah! What! You save me some!"

Just as Shi Fenglan praised Xiao Beiran, she lowered her head and saw that Shi Jiamu had eaten most of the spicy chicken.

Hearing the little aunt's cry, Shi Jiamu not only didn't stop his chopsticks, but instead ate the remaining bits faster.

"Ah!" Shi Fenglan screamed, grabbed Jiang Beiran's arm and pointed to Shi Jiamu and shouted: "Xiao Beiran! Look at her! Look at her!"

Jiang Beiran, who was looking at the map of Jinding Island, said without looking back: "There is still in the pot, go to Sheng."

"Okay!" Shi Fenglan just cheered when she saw Shi Jiamu had gone straight to the iron pot.

"Well! You can wait for me!"

As the two women chased each other, Jiang Beiran looked at the map of Jinding Island and sighed.

Compared to Bi Xiao, who was competing for the treasures of heaven, material and earth, he was more interested in Jinding Island itself, or the big formation that protected Jinding Island.

With so many treasures, the existence of "safe and unharmed" on the Xuanlong Continent for 30 years is enough to show that even the strongest in the world can't break through this big formation with force.

What is this concept?


Jiang Beiran is really curious about what kind of formation can be so strong, if he can deploy it, wouldn't it be equivalent to invincible in a certain sense?

It is a pity that Jinding Island is not open on weekdays, and disciples of the big family will only be allowed to enter during the Bixiao meeting.

But Jiang Beiran also understands that treasures can only be owned by the strong, and most people definitely don't even have the qualifications to get close, so they won't let you play.

Unable to observe Jinding Island up close, Jiang Beiran had to look at the map to see if he could analyze it.

However, the facts have proved that it is not really satisfying to just look at the picture, it is still in kind.

"You have eaten so much, and the rest are mine! Mine!"

"Hands are fast, hands are slow, hehe, mine!"

Seeing the two women grabbing for this pot, Jiang Beiran got up and walked over and took out some ingredients from Qiankun Ring.

Shi Jiamu's eyes lit up immediately, "Uncle, what else do you want to make delicious?"

"Make some dessert."

"Dessert!" Shi Fenglan's spicy chicken didn't bother to eat it anymore, and asked in a flash in front of Jiang Beiran, "Is it mung bean cake? Or steamed yogurt, I know! It's plum cake, right!"

"You'll know if you make it."

Listening to Shi Fenglan's few dim sum names that she had never heard before, Shi Jiamu couldn't help swallowing saliva.

To say that the reason why she now comes to Wanhua Valley every day, besides wanting to play cards, the bigger reason is that the things made by the uncle are so delicious.

After eating the dishes made by the uncle, I always feel that something is missing when I go to eat other dishes, which is not enough.

After pouring some flour into the bowl, Jiang Beiran asked Shi Jiamu while pouring water: "Before the sage said that your family has 15 places, who are the remaining people?"

Shi Jiamu was imagining what the plum blossom cake would taste like. He suddenly froze after hearing Jiang Beiran's question before repliing: "It's not sure yet."

‘Puff. ’

Jiang Beiran almost sprayed, co-author Before I was pitted in, you were a polished commander?

Forbearing not to complain, Jiang Beiran asked, "When will Bixiao start?"

"Early next month."

"That means there are only two days left, how can the personnel have not been determined yet."

"Of course I have to pick such an important thing slowly."

After listening to this answer, Jiang Beiran finally knew what the meaning of her captain was. It turned out that the power was not small.

"There is always a list of candidates, right?"

"of course."

"show me."

"This is confidential!"

"Then don't eat."

"Well, since you are the deputy captain, I'll make an exception and show it to you."

Stopping the kneading hand, Jiang Beiran turned his head to look at Shi Jiamu and asked, "Who do you think is the deputy captain?"

Seeing Jiang Beiran's "kind" smile, Shi Jiamu struggled for a while and still chuckled: "Just kidding, just kidding."

After that, she took out a booklet and opened it to Jiang Beiran and said, "I have 18 candidates, 14 of them are from the clan, and 4 of them are from foreign surnames, all of whom are above the fifth rank of the Profound King."

Jiang Beiran didn't think that the dignified Shi family would not be able to make up the ten Profound King peaks, so those who had only cultivated the fifth rank of Profound King and were selected by Shi Jiamu should have any special skills.

Half an hour later, Jiang Beiran brought the fried "sweet honey flower" and put it on the table.

The second daughter waited until Jiang Beiran picked up one piece and put it in her mouth before taking her share like a hungry tiger.


With one bite, the crisp sound is called "Alarming Shiliren".

"It's delicious!" Shi Fenglan and Shi Jiamu shouted at the same time.

"Kacha, Kacha, Kacha!"

After quickly swallowing a piece of crisp honey flower, Shi Fenglan chewed and asked: "Xiao Beiran, what is this called? How did it make it?"

Jiang Beiran, who was slowly tasting the crisp honey flower, replied: ‘The crisp honey flower is fried with honey, ghee and noodles, plus black sesame seeds. ’

"It sounds delicious." Shi Jiamu said while eating "click."

"Well! How can you eat two of them together! Humph, then I will eat three at once!"


Jiang Beiran took a bite of the crisp honey flower in his hand, and suddenly saw a familiar name on the roster.

【Shi Yutong】

‘Is it time to make it? It looks pretty big. ’

When Jiang Beiran first saw this quirky girl, he checked her cultivation level, the ninth order of the Profound King.

It's just that Jiang Beiran was used to this outrageous age and cultivation base combination, so he was a little bit strange.

"What is special about Shi Yutong?" Jiang Beiran asked, chewing on the crisp honey flower.

"You mean Tongtong?" Shi Jiamu replied while competing for the crisp honey flower: "She has a very strong perception ability. Every time she is about to encounter danger, she can always avoid it in advance. If there is no accident, I will definitely pull her. In the team."


Combined with her saying that she likes fortune-telling, Jiang Beiran has reason to suspect that she may indeed have achieved a certain degree in fortune-telling, otherwise she has some special physique.

Seeing Jiang Beiran's silence, Shi Jiamu asked smoothly, "Uncle, do you know her?"

"do not know."


After reading all the candidate lists, Jiang Beiran returned the roster to Shi Jiamu and said: "The final decision on the selection of the team belongs to me."

"Why!" Shi Jiamu shouted immediately.

"You owe me something."

"Me!" Shi Jiamu took a bite of the crisp honey flower, "If it's yours, it's yours. I don't have to worry about it."

The reason Jiang Beiran wanted the power to choose this candidate was that since he had already decided that the Shi family should owe him a favor, of course he owed him a big one. Winning the first prize was definitely going to win.

Secondly, Jiang Beiran's plan was of course that he would have better not exert any effort if he could not exert any effort. Then if he wanted no effort, he would naturally form the strongest Shijiameng team.

After eating the last bite of the crisp honey flower, Shi Jiamu licked his lips with some meaning, and looked at Jiang Beiran and said, "Uncle, which ones on the list do you like, I will tell you in detail."

"Well, you really need to talk to me."

"Then fry me another plate of this crispy honey flower? Let's talk while eating."

"Don't negotiate terms with me."

"Cut... stingy."

However, Shi Jiamu also guessed that he would definitely hit a nail, so he didn't care too much, and began to report the detailed information of these characters on the list to Jiang Beiran.

"How about, uncle, which ones are you fancy?" Shi Jiamu asked.

"When choosing these people, did you only consider combat issues?" Jiang Beiran asked after listening.

"Otherwise, I don't believe those people will obediently hunt for treasure." Shi Jiamu replied as expected.

"They really won't go hunting for treasures obediently, but your staffing shouldn't be focused on combat."

"Why?" Shi Jiamu asked without understanding.

"You have to understand that in this competition, the one who finds the most treasures can win the first prize, not the one who kills the most people."

"I know, but if you don't fight, how can you grab the treasure?"

"So I said that your starting point was wrong. You also know that the interior of Jinding Island is very large, not to mention accommodating a thousand people, even if it can accommodate 100,000 people, it is more than enough. This means that there are many places to explore, so your The focus should not be on what to do if you encounter a battle, but how to get more treasures without fighting."

Shi Jiamu was silent after listening.

'Yes, since it is the team with the highest value of the treasure to win the championship, the goal should be to win the treasure, not to fight. The most treasure that can be captured without any fighting is the most to win this competition. The best way. ’

"Uncle, you are so smart." Shi Jiamu, who had come to his senses, praised.

"This is experience." Jiang Beiran returned the roster to Shi Jiamu after he finished. "So keep this list for now. I'll look for someone who is more suitable."

"Do you need my help?"

"I will call you when I need it."

"I can help too!" Shi Fenglan shouted at the side.

Seeing Xiao Beiran's gaze toward her, Shi Fenglan asked with a smile, "Um...I still want to eat snacks."


Jiang Beiran finished speaking and got up and left.

"Oh! Do a little more, do a little more." Shi Fenglan shouted from behind Jiang Beiran's ass.

At noon on the second day, Jiang Beiran came to Xuanfang, but today's purpose is not to acquire attribute points, but to "find someone."

After strolling in Xuanfang for more than a month, he didn't just brush up on it. All kinds of people inside also recognized it, knowing that this place is definitely a gathering place for geeks.

As one of the most popular stores in Xuanfang, Sijichun welcomes a large number of practitioners who want to buy all kinds of pills every day, so even though there is the largest store in Xuanfang, it is still crowded.

Among the crowd, a young man in a green shirt kept taking out packages of medicinal materials and pills from the shelf behind him.

"Yundong 1 coin, 1 pinch of white dragon chrysanthemum, two or two loose ink, come, please collect it."

"I said you didn't even weigh it? This item in your store is so expensive, what should I do if I lose my weight?"

Hearing the guest's complaint, the man in the green shirt smiled and replied: "Don't worry, the medicine I will give you is guaranteed to be enough. If you are not at ease, you can go to the Yuntai to weigh it again." The man in the green shirt said and pointed. He touched the wooden sign above his head, "We lose one and lose ten. Don't worry."

"Then you are not a troublesome person, how good it is to make it clear here."

Seeing the person's reluctance, the guests who lined up behind became impatient, "I said it's your first time here in Sijichun? I haven't heard of the name of a grab? As long as he helps you grab the medicine, nothing is wrong. No, it’s been a reputation for so many years, Tubaozi."

"Who are you talking about?"

"Just talk about you! Why don't you accept it? You dare to delay the Lord's time."

Feeling the eruption of the Profound Emperor's breath from the other party, the person suddenly muffled his voice and ran away dingy.

"Tubaozi. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" took a sip in the direction where the man ran away, and the Emperor Xuan stepped forward and lay on the table and hooked his finger at the man in the blue shirt.

The man in the green shirt immediately leaned over and smiled: "I wonder what Feng Ye has to teach you today?"

"Look for you to help me inspect the goods." As the Emperor Xuan said, he took out a box from Qiankun Ring, and after opening it revealed a pill inside and asked: "You help me grade this Xuechan Pill, is it top grade? of."

"Good." The man in the green shirt leaned forward and sniffed his nose, and said with a regretful expression: "Feng Ye, this Xuechan pill lacks two kinds of medicinal materials, at most it can be considered as low grade."

"Damn it!" Xuanhuang shouted angrily, "Dare to lie to me!"

After cursing, Emperor Xuan put away the box again and said to the man in the green shirt: "Thanks, I will invite you to drink next time."

"Master Feng, you're polite, just come to patronize more in the future."

"Yes, go ahead." Arched his hand towards the man in the green shirt, and Emperor Xuan squeezed out toward the door.

Shijiaxuanfang did not act to bully customers. The staff here are very polite, so it has also earned a lot of good reputation for this Xuanfang.

And in these four seasons of spring, the most famous is this handful of tactics. This person has two special features. One is that the amount of multiple medicinal materials is extremely accurate. One money is one money, and a pinch is a pinch. No You will be more than you, and you will not be less.

Second, his sense of smell is extremely sensitive. If it is a medicinal material, he can know the year and place of origin of the medicinal material by smelling it; if it is a pill, he can know what quality medicinal material the pill is made from by smelling it. .

With the blessing of these two abilities, this Jizishi has become Sijichun's living signboard, and many strong people have come for his reputation and asked him to taste some medicinal materials or medicine.

Today, Jiang Beiran was also directed at him.

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