I Just Won’t Play by the Book

Chapter 452: Liuyunzhuang

"Wait, wait! I, I still have a chance to win, you let me think again, you let me think again."

Before the chessboard, Shi Fenglan scratched her head, thinking about how to save the chain fairy who was already empty of blood.

"Don't think about it." Jiang Beiran said as he put down a magic whip, "With this card, I can also add another damage, and your name has been written on the Conferred God list by me just now. You can't attack this time. Dodge, give up."

Picking up the card with the picture of [Playing the whip] and examining it for a moment, Shi Fenglan sat back on the chair with a "wow".

"I got the Three Innate Spirit Orbs by one! Just a little bit!" Shi Fenglan yelled while writhing in the chair, but after a while, she stood up and shouted vigorously. : "Come on again! I think of a new route again!"

But Jiang Beiran quietly put away the chessboard and said: "The hour is here, get ready to go."


This time Shi Fenglan agreed very easily. Firstly, she knew it was useless to act like a baby. Secondly, she was able to go out with Xiao Beiran this time. Anyway, she could play on the road, so she didn't rush for a while.

Seeing enviously that Jiang Ziya jumped onto Xiao Beiran's hands, Shi Fenglan picked up her chain fairy and looked at it for a moment, thinking about going home and finding a way to make it come alive.

"Xiaoduo, you have to take a good look at your house~" Waved to Xiaoduo, Shi Fenglan happily followed Jiang Beiran on the auspicious clouds.

When Chengyun flew back to the self-enchantment, Wu Qingce and Qu Yangze, who had seen their seniors come back, were about to come forward to salute, and they found that there was a person behind them.

‘Hall Lord Shi! ? ’

Wu Qingce was stunned. The most mysterious hall master of the Guixin Sect had only met once in so many years.

At that meeting, almost all the hall masters had no intention of meeting, and everyone was wondering how they would invite this cold and most beautiful hall master after the meeting was over to pick up the wind and enjoy the month.

And this Hall Master was as cold as the rumors, and he didn't say a word during the whole meeting, as if everyone couldn't get her eyes.

So even though he had only seen it once, the hall master still left a deep impression on him.

‘I don’t know brother...Hey! ? ’

Just as Wu Qingce brained up the relationship between the senior brother and this Hallmaster Shi, I saw this cold and arrogant Hallmaster Shi like a curious baby looking here, touching there, turning around and shouting to the senior brother after the incident. road.

"Xiao Beiran, is this your new home?"

Seeing Hall Master Shi's curious look, Wu Qingce couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth twice.

‘No... This is definitely not the Lord Shih he knows, is it his sister or something? ’

Ignoring Shi Fenglan's question, Jiang Beiran looked at Wu Qingce and said, "Are you all ready?"

After listening to Wu Qingce, he immediately put away his curiosity and said, "Everything is ready."

"Okay." Nodding, Jiang Beiran walked behind Shi Fenglan, who was opening the alchemy room and peeking inside, and said, "Hall Master Shi, can you let them go to your Fei Mansion together."

Shi Fenglan immediately replied: "Of course it's okay, Xiao Beiran's friend is my friend, let's go, let's go, where are we going this time?"

I heard the three words "Hall Master Shi" in the mouth of the brother.

Wu Qingce was stunned again.

He understood that since the brothers shouted like this, then this Hallmaster...should really be the Hallmaster.

But watching Hall Master Shi kept asking questions about the little girl beside his brother, Wu Qingce couldn't even think about it.

Thousands of words can only be transformed into one sentence in the end.

‘As expected, brother! ’

Without much introduction, Shi Fenglan directly pulled everyone to the Feifu Palace, and then flew towards the coordinates Xiao Beiran had told her.

Entering Feifu, Wu Qingce and Qu Yangze both couldn't help looking around, feeling a little unbelievable.

After all, when Shi Fenglan took out the Feifu Mansion, it was a little big, but she never thought that there was such a big world inside.

After greeting everyone to sit down casually, Shi Fenglan leaned in to Xiao Beiran's ear and asked in a low voice, "Will they play a simulation of immortality?"

"Will not."

After finishing Jiang Beiran, he walked towards the second floor.

"Hey, hey!" Seeing that Xiao Beiran was about to leave, Shi Fenglan hurriedly followed up and said, "Are you not playing the simulation of immortality?"

"I'll talk about it later."

"Then... Then can you give me the chessboard, I'll teach them to play."

Jiang Beiran thought for a moment and shouted: "Qingce."

Wu Qingce heard immediately standing up and shouting: "Yes!"

As soon as he answered, Wu Qingce saw a Qiankun ring flying towards him.

He stretched out his hand to catch the ring, and before he was confused, he heard the brother say again: "Be with Hall Master Shi for a while."

'bet…? ’

Wu Qingce was a little confused, and didn't know what the bet the brother said was.

But when he looked up, he found that the brother had already gone upstairs.

Realizing that the other three people in the living room were all the "novices and cute" that Xiao Beiran once told her, Shi Fenglan's mouth suddenly turned to the roots of her ears.

When he arrived at the study on the second floor, Jiang Beiran sat cross-legged and began to examine the entire Feifu structure as before.

One day passed quickly, and Jiang Beiran also got the information he wanted.

If Jiang Beiran’s thoughts were a mess when he saw the formation connection in Feifu for the first time, then after discussing with Yan Guangqing, he is now able to straighten out the mess. The rest is as long as he understands this. He was able to fully understand the connection of the formations with the effect of each "hemp".

It’s just that the difficulty of this last step is more difficult than before, so Jiang Beiran doesn’t plan to rush for a while. He plans to study slowly with a relaxed mind. Maybe it will trigger a dozen or 20 points in a row in a few days. Or [Tianzo] point, then maybe it will be unlocked by itself.

Walking along the stairs to the first floor, before reaching the hall, Jiang Beiran heard Shi Fenglan's shout.

"No, no! You can't use this card like that. You have to walk around before you can use the new card? Why can I use it directly? Because I have character talent."

"Hey, hey, hey! You can't take that square, you have to fly in that square. If you can't use it, how do you fly? Just wait until you get a card that can fly."

"It's my turn, I can draw a card directly, don't ask, ask is that I have..."

Just as Shi Fenglan was preparing to draw the card happily, she suddenly trembled all over, and she couldn't help but shiver.

At the same time, an emotional voice rang behind her.

"When did I make this rule."


Withdrawing the hand that was going to draw the card, Shi Fenglan slowly turned her head and said, "Xiao...Xiao Beiran, listen to my explanation."

"Well, I'm listening."

"I have a stomach ache!"

Shi Fenglan said that after dropping the card, she was ready to bugger, but Jiang Beiran held her back.

Knowing that she could not run, Shi Fenglan immediately hugged her head and shouted: "I was wrong, I knew it was wrong!"

"How many times have I told you that I don't want to be shameless, why I can't listen to it."


After Shi Fenglan was educated, Jiang Beiran looked at Wu Qingce and said, "Isn't there a rule book in it, you didn't read it carefully before playing it?"

Wu Qingce was just watching a good show, and he didn't think it would be his turn to be trained so soon.

"Shi... Hall Master Shi said that some rules were not written..."

Halfway through Wu Qingce's words, he saw Hall Master Shi quietly make a silent gesture to him, and kept "shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

In a dilemma, Wu Qingce had to bow his head and said, "I was negligent. Brother taught that."

Qu Yangze on the side saw Senior Brother Wu apologized, and quickly said, "I...I didn't read it either. Master, please teach me too."

With a sigh, Jiang Beiran let go of Shi Fenglan and sat down in front of the chessboard and said, "Come on, I will bet with you and make the rules clear."


Shi Fenglan cheered, and immediately sat back in her seat.

Wu Qingce was also inexplicably excited. After having been with him for so long, this was the first time he had gambled with him, although he had never heard of this kind of gambling.

When Jiang Beiran joined the gambling game, Wu Qingce almost took two steps to take a look at Shi Fenglan, who turned his head with a guilty conscience and blew a whistle that could not be heard.

In the absence of Shi Fenglan's chaotic exclusive rules, Wu Qingce and Qu Yangze felt that they had just bet on a fake immortal cultivation, and it was not the same "game" at all.

Xia Lingdang is a relatively classic rookie player. Not to mention the rules that Shi Fenglan ordered randomly. She didn't even understand the most basic rules of simulating immortality, so she was a little messy playing, even if she got the treasure, she didn't know how to use it.

So for her, whether there are all the messy rules is the same, anyway, she can't win.

So after the first one was out, she stood up and said, "Master, let me make some tea."

"Yeah." Jiang Beiran nodded.

When Xia Lingdang brought the tea over, Jiang Beiran felt that the Feifu had stopped.

"Are you there?"

Shi Fenglan, who was counting his next steps, nodded and said, "Well, I'm in Tan Kingdom."

"Then... let you see the real gameplay of this gambling." Jiang Beiran finished speaking and pulled out a magic card from his hand.

At the same time, Jiang Ziya on the chessboard also raised the hat on his head, revealing a "kind" smiling face.

After a cup of tea...

Jiang Beiran got up and left the "gambling table" and said, "Let's go, go down."

Shi Fenglan was stunned looking at the few hands that she had no chance to use.

"So I can still play like this..."

'I learned! ’

"La la la~" Humming a small tune, Shi Fenglan followed Jiang Beiran towards the outside.

Wu Qingce and Qu Yangze, who had been swept out a long time ago, looked at each other, then swiftly gestured to the board and cards, and went out together.

Leaving his heart and soul, Jiang Beiran saw a huge archway and a lively market behind him.

"Qing Ce, go and find out the location of this place." Jiang Beiran said.

"Yes!" After Qing Ce said, he walked into the crowd.

After a while, he returned to Jiang Beiran and handed back his report: ‘Brother, the local people told me that this is Qingyun City in Dayang County, Yunzhou. ’

Nodded, Jiang Beiran led people to find the restaurant box at random and wrote a letter with talisman paper, then folded it into a paper kite and let it fly out.

Before long, a paper kite flew back to Jiang Beiran.

After catching the paper kite and reading the contents, Jiang Beiran continued to eat the dishes on the table.

About half an hour later, the door of the private room was knocked.

"Enter." Jiang Beiran said.

After hearing only a "squeak", the Red Goose wooden door was pushed open, and it was Gu Qinghuan and Luo Wenzhou who walked in.

"See you brother!"

After the two entered the box, they closed the door and saluted Jiang Beiran.

Nodding, Jiang Beiran said: "Thank you."

After listening to Gu Qinghuan, he immediately handed over and said, "Doing things for the brothers, why not talk about hard work."

"Come and sit down." Jiang Beiran waved.


Before going to the table, Gu Qinghuan nodded to Wu Qingce and the others, but he paused when he saw Hall Master Shi. Unlike Wu Qingce, who had participated in high-level meetings, he had never seen him.

But whether you have seen it or not, as long as you can follow the brother, it must be your own person, so he bowed his hand in a salute.

Shi Fenglan immediately responded when she saw this, and thought to herself.

‘I always thought that Xiao Beiran must have no friends. I didn’t expect to have so many friends. This is all right, there is no shortage of gambling together in the future! ’

Compared with Gu Qinghuan, Luo Wenzhou didn't know the face of Xia Bell more, but this kind of self-introduction must wait until the main thing is reported, so it is only to say hello to the two.

When everyone was seated, Xia Lingdang immediately picked up the hip flask and filled it with Gu Qinghuan and Luo Wenzhou.

"Thank you"

When the glasses of both of them were filled, Jiang Beiran said, "Let's talk about it."

"Yes." He bowed his hand towards Jiangbei Ran, and Gu Qinghuanhui reported: "As far as we know, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com brother you are looking for Zhanriliu at the moment in Renwu County, the owner of Liuyunyu in Jiashan County. In the hands of the third son Wen Yunyan."

"The owner of Liuyun's is a powerful expert in the Profound Venerable Realm, but I can't find out the specific level for the time being."

Jiang Beiran nodded after listening, "Continue to speak."

"It is not a secret that Zhanriliu is the treasure in Wen Yunyan's hands. Every time he fights with someone, he will form a circle that is completely plunged into darkness. In this area, no light can shine through."

‘It turns out that Zhanriru’s Zhanri... is what it means. ’

After understanding the effect of this magic weapon, Jiang Beiran continued to listen.

"Because Wen Yunyan was given this Zhanriluu from his clan when he was very young. For this reason, he has practiced the mind and technique of killing enemies in the dark. It can be said that for Wen Yunyan, Zhan Riluu is no less important than his life."

After taking a sip of wine, Jiang Beiran had already heard that Zhanriluu this time was extremely difficult to handle.

First of all, the opponent is from the Xuanzun family and belongs to the Xuanzun family, and the relationship network is probably intricate. In addition, the third son regards Zhan Sunliu as his life, and all the techniques and mental methods surround it to "serve". of.

Therefore, it is difficult to buy or exchange it for ordinary transactions.

"Then have you figured out how to get this sun-killing method?"

"Yes." Gu Qinghuan bowed his hands, "this time I invite brother to preside over the overall situation, just to discuss with you which method should be used to obtain it."

PS: I was not very satisfied with what I wrote yesterday. I deleted it and rewritten it again, so I wrote it up to now.

Also ask for monthly tickets at the beginning of the month, thank you for your support.

Finally, I recommend a book "The Unscientific Beast", which can be said to be the hottest novel this year, and it is really good-looking.

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