When Sieg Noah and the others were visiting Elmar.

In the hall of the king's capital, Beogran, the sisters were about to gather for a meeting.

This is the beginning of the fifth meeting of sisters.

The faces also included the Aarea, who had rushed home from Velchen.

I can't believe that Ariel-san will fail.

As soon as the meeting began, a stunned face of Shell struck Ariel in the mouth.

And on it Pham and Ecclesia nodded again.

That's what I expected of my eldest daughter, Aarea.

"... there's nothing I can do about it." The question is, what will happen next? "

"That's true, but why did you fail?" That's what bothers me. "

"Noah was stronger than I imagined."

You can't even use that magic weapon?

"Yes, I've been hit by a weakness."

It was an area that talked about its own defeat, but its expression was gentle.

Defeat, of course, would be regrettable, but it seems that my younger brother is happier than that.

I wonder if the other sisters had the same feeling, but it's more mild than previous meetings.

... but there was only one person who didn't like it.

"It's not the time to be laughing. We should get Noah back as soon as possible."

Ecclesia slammed the table and stood up.

However, she says in a voice that Ariel somewhat gives up on insisting on a tough solution.

"... about that." Why don't you take a look at it a little bit? ”


“Noah seems to be working harder than expected, and Liza is there.”

"That's right, you got the Holy Sword just as you ordered, didn't you?" I can't complain about the boulders. "

Sheil raised her hands just as she raised them.

In fact, even if the demon tribe were to come, it would be okay to step on Noah's strength.

Instead, I even think it might be a good idea to let him stay in Raja and refine his skills.

Rather than imposing training, the sisters seemed to be better at moving their bodies on the ground.

“But if I'm not close, someone might take Noah.”

"It looks like it's going to be okay there." It looks like it has a good balance of salt and pepper. ”

Having said that, Ariel smiled vividly.

Behind his head was Liza and Kuruta.

--As long as the two of them were holding each other back, they would be fine.

Ariela analyzed Noah's situation as follows.

But Ecclesia puffs up her cheeks.

"I'm not convinced when you say that."

Well, Ecclesia didn't actually see how it was.

"... if those sisters are going to do that, I'm going too"

I guess I finally lost my numbness to the Aareas trying to quit interfering.

Ecclesia declared that and tried to leave the room.

Then, in a hurry, Ciel stops her.

“Wait a minute. You're going to do too much when you leave.”

"That's right. If I leave a strange anomaly in Noah's heart, I will be able to cure it..."

"It's okay, I'll calm down."

How can you do that?

“… deal positively”

Ecclesia is not confident, but she speaks plumply like a politician.

And when she heard it, she could not help but seek Ecclesia.

Here, Ecclesia gently took a picture out of her pocket.

"Painting Skill (Pictomagic)" "Saintess of Sorrow" "

"Ah, I forgot!?"

For one thing, she couldn't react immediately.

She clearly saw the picture Ecclesia had put up.

Suddenly, a large grain of tears spilled out of his eyes.

"Uuu...! Sad, I think I can tighten my chest...!"

And she cried, and she pursued Ecclesia no more.

― ― Painting skill (Picto Magic).

It is the domination of emotions by art.

A unique technique that allows the painting of a modern artist, Ecclesia.

Not by magic, but by pure skill and taste, even a sage cannot prevent it.

However, instead, it is completely ineffective against non-human beings.

“Ecclesia! You promised your sisters you wouldn't use it, right?”

“Bringing Noah back is more important than that promise.”

"I won't forgive you for saying that!" More or less, you're too free-- "

"Painting Skill (Pictomagic)" "Joyous People" "

Ecclesia picks up the painting again and thrusts it towards the area.

Now, the expression on Aarea's face is getting brighter.

Eventually, she turned her face down and laughed with her belly.

"Ahah, ahahaha!! No, I can't... I can't stop laughing...!"

Unable to stop laughing, the neighborhood is no longer where to stop Ecclesia.

After confirming that, Ecclesia tells Fam with a completely troubled face that she will lose her painting.

"I'll take care of the sisters."

"... I see. But, Ecclesia, please don't overdo it."

"It's okay, I'll make sure to bring Noah back."

"No, that's not it..."

Not long before Aarea called, Ecclesia left the room.

With a big sigh, Fumu thought lightly in his arms.

"I was expecting it, but there's going to be a storm..."

Thus the threat of the artist Ecclesia came to Noah.

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