"Get out of the way!!

Rowga's shield bash plays the dogs that jumped at me.

Cloudy blood and rot are scattered, and the flock is swept away.

Next to that, Mr. Nino is throwing one kunai after the other to hold the dogs in the back.

Immersed in holy water, Kunai penetrated the dogs' bodies easily, and collectively, many dogs fell.

- Is this the power of first-degree holy water?

The sale of undead is, above all, tough flesh.

As soon as I blow a piece of my body, it plays right back.

But the wounds that the dogs made, they never blocked.

On the contrary, smoke rises from the wound and becomes ash.

The power of holy water seems to be uprooting the evil life of the enemy.

"Blanche, blanche!

I also beat the magic of purification in a row.

Intense light turned the looming dogs into ashes one after another.

After all, this sword is suitable as a magical medium.

Even the dogs, which were somewhat stronger than the zombies, did not pose a problem.


"... but you don't have a kiri!

"Do you even multiply somewhere?"


Whether you knock them down or not, the dogs gush from somewhere.

How big a garden, though, where the hell does all this number come from?

Our health is not inexhaustible.

Just about to take a breather.

Things get even worse behind our wishes.

"You've got a rookie! So... you're a knight?

Co shaped hall that can enclose the garden.

From both ends of it appeared a group of men with full body armor.

Is the contents of the armor a zombie or something?

It's pretty controllable, though it can't move too much compared to normal humans.


The knights put up their shields to prevent the kunai that Mr. Nino threw.

After all, he seems somewhat intelligent.

When Mr. Nino inevitably takes out his short knife, he moves into melee.

To follow her, Mr. Rowga just packed the distance.

"Are you all right?

"Yes, but it's a little unfavourable to me."

"If you have a problem, throw holy water."

Mr. Nino and Mr. Rowga back to back with each other.

The two have a fierce grin when they make each other's weapons stick with plenty of holy water.

He is a class adventurer, even if he is called first class.

I've already dived a few times in this training ground or so.

"Sieg head ahead! If you stay under siege, you won't be able to move quickly either!

"But if it stays like this..."

"Shit! Here comes the big one again!

All with no push, a distinctly huge knight showed up compared to the others.

Did I just look and say three meters tall?

The contents look like an orga or something, and I can see muscles like a jaw from the gap in the armor.

Just as this one prepared to attack, the enemy seemed to be ready for defense again.

It's huge enough to be a dragon zombie.

"I'll take care of him. Sieg, come on! Keep it up and you're going to be jilli poor!

"Yes! From this appearance, the enemy still has the power to fight! If you don't defeat the Original Demon Clan, you'll still have a big one!

Mr. Rowga and Mr. Nino urge you to go first, looking at the entrance to the hall.

... Sure, you two might be right.

With this appearance, there will still be room for enemy power.

Together, the undead who are attacking us right now must be moving at the behest of the Demons.

So if even that demon clan is defeated, there is ample chance of stopping the action.

"... ok"

"Oh, leave it to me!

"Say hello to your sister for my work!

Mr. Nino will convey his requests.

If this looks like it, there's still going to be room.

When I exhale gently, I bow down to both of them and run out.

I perceive that movement, the dog and the knight coming after me.

Send, receive, and deflect the attack.

Enemy attacks are numerous but very slow.

Compared to my special training with Sister Liza, it wasn't that big of a deal.

"... All right"

When I arrived safely at the entrance to the building, I went straight inside and closed the door.

Is this reassuring for the first time?

I turn to the entrance of the hall again and the lights light up unexpectedly.


"Well done, let's welcome you"

A low, majestic voice, as if it had come from the bottom of the earth.

Raise your gaze to the voice, and there was an example demon tribe at the end of the stairs.

The likeness of multiplying people with beasts and growing wings is just alien.

Just watching, it's like physiological disgust coming up.

"You...! Where did you get Mr. Kurta!

"Well, I was just about to call you even if you didn't tell me. Come on!"

Encouraged by the demonic voices, Mr. Kurta appeared from behind the pillars.

But... Something's wrong.

My eyes are terribly vain, and I have nothing to say about the look on my face when I say this is an emergency.

And even the movement makes you feel machine-dyed that's not human.

"What did you do to Mr. Kurta...!

"I think you said you had help experimenting with Necromancer magic. No, it worked really well. By possessing a large number of dead spirits to mediate his strong emotions, he was able to give him a resilient body and regenerative ability close to the undead alive."

That's why you took Kurta.

"Exactly. Because it wasn't quite as convenient for me as it was for her. Enough strong hatred and high fighting power to mediate possession. It was impeccable material."

With that said, the Demons moved behind Mr. Kurta.

And when I hold that shoulder, I laugh like it provokes me even more.

"For once, this guy hasn't even helped yet. You should try to lift it up at best. I don't think I can do it if I can't use Russoleuil."

"Then you'll be fine."

"Whatever you think, swordsman..."


Due to the intensity of the wear and tear, even the dragon zombie opponent was a warm Fam sister. The top magic by standard.

Its immense power was unleashed with the light...

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