"This way, right? It's getting a lot stronger."

Slowly continue along the valley bottom as you explore the magic flow with your measuring instrument.

I could feel the air gradually changing even on my skin.

I'm moist, should I say?

The air seems viscous and still thin water or something.

"Hmm? Is that... what?

Sister pointing forward and wrinkling between eyebrows.

If you look, some of the rock walls are glowing red.

What the hell is that?

As I approached him, a red, translucent, jelly-shaped object was sticking against the wall.

That's what's shining the light.

"Slime...... is it?

"But if it's slime, isn't it blue or green?

"I've never seen red before, either, and I think it's a rare species in the East."

Kurta looks strange in the slime of her unusual appearance.

As soon as I pulled out the black sword, I carefully touched the slime with its cutting-edge.

- Nürn!!

Trying to wave, Slime tried to escape the sword.

The move was pretty quick, but not enough to handle it.

When I cut off some of the slime as it is, I pack it in a jar of holy water.

In the meantime, Mr. Sister still had enough for me.

"Um, it's slime from what I've seen... but you feel strong magic. Measuring instruments are responding."

"Maybe it has something to do with this valley anomaly."

"Yeah. When someone from the lab comes, let's have a look"

If you're from the Demon Laboratory, you'll know exactly who this guy is.

For once I turn a bottle with slime into a magic bag, I look behind the valley again.

Like a potpout and a sparse dot, I saw a red light.

Apparently these guys, they're pretty breeding.

"... that's kind of creepy"

"I've got a slight bad feeling about it"

"Slime is a hassle to defeat if it's a sword..."

Wrinkles lean between my sister's brows.

Slime is a demon that won't kill you, so it goes with the sword to its worst.

Or you wouldn't win first with a regular swordsman before trouble.

In my sister's case, I guess I'll erase it with sword pressure even if I can't slash it.

"Let's go deeper. There's something here."

"Oh. But be careful. I have the same heartbreak as the Kurtas."

With a serious look, a sister who draws everyone's attention.

When we nod to the word, we walk slowly and carefully.

The dark valley bottom was very quiet and only our four footsteps echoed.

That creeps me out again, and I get these unspeakable emotions.

This is how you keep walking. Often.

Eventually, before our eyes...

"... big!

"This looks like we've grown up again for a long time...!

The deepest part of the valley, the part that hits the end.

There was a terribly huge slime sitting there.

Whoa... what the hell is this?

There are as many two-story houses as there are. That wasn't the size of a very slime.

Looks more like something creepy and nasty.

"This could be the cause of the valley's magic. It's very magical."

"Maybe we should just take this down."

"I'll cook it. Because flames work best for slime."

When I set up the black sword, I put magic through the blade.

And when you capture just the center of the slime, you activate the Advanced Flame Magic Grade Flam.

A red flame blew up from the earth, and a giant firepillar swallowed up the slime.

But - it's hard to burn.

With all this firepower, a normal slime wouldn't last ten seconds.

"... it's just big and quite durable"

"For once, you might want to retreat"

"Right. It's creepy."

"What, it'll just be the figure. Why don't we just cut it off?

Sister confidently says with her hands on the sword

Indeed, the lack of firepower is likely to be eliminated if finely cut.

As soon as I nodded to her words, I gave up my place.

When her sister pulls out her colored sword, she takes a front-eye stance against the giant slime.

"Yuck...... ahhhh!!

- Divine speed.

By the remnants, the sword was wielded so fast that it could be seen divided.

The blade of the vacuum flies toward the slime as it folds in multiple ways.

Occasionally, huge chunks of viscosity were divided beyond counting.

I'm trying to burn them down with flames...


"Wow!? suddenly moved out!?


The subdivided slimes jumped this way in unison.

As soon as I touch it, severe pain runs along with the sound of roasting meat.

Shit, acid!!

That's pretty powerful, too!

When I see a hole in my clothes, my face unwittingly pulls.

"You guys, let me handle this place and run!

"So, but...!

"Go fast because it's good!

My sister says as she plays the storm of slime with her sword.

What, is there anything else here better than doing that......!

In my swordsmanship, I couldn't seem to get enough of this number of slimes.

Or, if you use wind magic, the slime is going to splash and it's going to be even worse.

"Okay! Sister, be sure to come back!

"Who do you think I am! You don't have to worry!

"Thanks! I won't forget about you"

"So you don't need a reclining goodbye greeting or anything!

My sister urged me, and the three of us left the scene first.

And often wait.

My sister, who served my lord safely, is back...

"... totally, badly"

"Sister, clothes! Clothes!!

"Heh?...... Awwww!!!!

Bright red in the face, screaming sister.

The light armor she was wearing.

The vast majority of them had melted down and dared to expose their underwear...

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