"Phew... you managed to defeat me."

Burning, black glass goblin king.

Looking down at the remains, I wiped the sweat off my forehead.

Oh, my God, you're a tougher guy than I thought.

No matter how much King there was, I didn't expect to have such a strong goblin.

"... hurry! We have to defeat the others!"

I remembered here the fight with Mr. Wayne.

I completely forgot, but the fate of the match depends on the number of Goblins defeated.

Whether King or Normal, one is one.

I shouldn't have wasted my time on King by accident...!!


I looked around, heading towards the herd of Goblins that were still there.

If you don't defeat me at all, I'll lose to Mr. Wayne...!

The moment I shook up my sword and severed the goblin.

A white shock wave from somewhere blew the herd away.

"Hahaha, I got my prey!"

Mr. Wayne walks loosely here with a laugh.

Ahah, you've already knocked down all the rest!

Wayne says she's in a very good mood when I just tighten her forehead.

"Looks like I won this fight.But don't worry, I'm S-ranked! "

"... well, I don't know yet.Until I get back to Liza and count! "

"You're pretty stubborn, too.I used to be when I was young. "

No, he'd still be twenty when he was young.

I couldn't help but want to penetrate Mr. Wayne, who was always a veteran here.

But I'll hold on tight for now.

I told you I wouldn't know until I counted, but in fact, Mr. Wayne will almost win.

If you bite bad here, you'll just open your wound.

"Come on, let's get back on the hill!Liza is waiting for you! "

"... yes!"

So we left the ruined settlement and returned to the hill where Liza's sister was waiting.


"I heard a lot of noise earlier, are you okay?"

As soon as we got back to the hill, my sister approached us.

Looks like the explosion just reached here.

The women of Mr. Wayne's companions all look worried.

"It's okay, we're both pinching."

"Great! I was worried, Master Wayne!"

"What, I'm not gonna get shot like Glasgoblin?"

That said, Ms. Wayne opened the magic bag she was wearing on her waist.

Soon the Goblins' magic stones overflowed inside.

Wow, I knew it, but it's a huge number...!!

I couldn't help but breathe when I saw the mountains piled up high.

That's twice as much as this one... no, about three times as much!

"Wow, that's Wayne!!"

"I can't believe how much time I've had to beat you!"

Well, if you can't do this, you won't be in S-rank.

Wayne smiles confidently while showing her white teeth.

The members of the ladies also rejoice with him.

It no longer seems to be a complete celebration mood.

On the other hand, the sister who looked down at the Mountain of Magic Stones looked reluctant.

She gently stretches out her hand and puts some magic stones on her palm.

"They're all small. Is everything normal?"

"Yes, this game is determined by the number. Of course, right?"

"But of course there were some of the top species in the settlement, right?What happened to them? "

"Sieg, it looks like you took him down."

"... does that mean that Lord Wayne was hunting for fish in disregard of the superior species?"

Liza asks with a stupid face.

Mr. Wayne looked as if he had been confronted with the hard stuff.

But when she immediately recovered her attention, she raised her hair and said.

"It's part of the game.Without such an element, I would be sure to win. "

"Yes, that's right! You just did it wrong!"

"Don't be mean to Master Wayne!"

Well then, Sieg, let me see your magic stone.


When I said so, I spread out my magic bag and took out the magic stone inside.

Compared to Wayne, the number is exceptionally small.

Comparing the size of the mountain, there was a difference between adults and children.


"This is... huge!"

My sister, who emptied the Mountain of Magic Stones, got the biggest stone of all.

It is large enough to protrude from the palm, reflecting sunlight and shining in emerald color.

Inside, there was a whirlpool of blue-white magic.

"Is that king... no, it's bigger than that...?"

Mr. Wayne's face became sharp.

What are you so surprised about when you expected King to be here?

Her lips turned blue and she seemed unusual.

"Is that so awesome?It's the King's Magic Stone, right? "

"No, this must belong to King's top species, Emperor."

"Emperor? I've never heard of that."

"I don't think so. It's my second time.But Master Wayne knew about it. "

That said, my sister saw Wayne's face again.

Then, where can I afford to go?

Wayne starts talking with a cold sweat.

"Emperor is the top goblin species.Its power is equivalent to the S rank of a regular goblin.Not to mention being a subspecies glass goblin emperor.... "

"Even an S-rank adventurer would not be able to crush him alone first.There are at least five of them. "

"Kh...! This can't be happening!Zeke, you're in D rank! "

"I told you, strength has nothing to do with rank."

That's what my sister told me, and Wayne's face turned red.

Blue muscles appeared on the forehead, which is an incredible shape.

It seems that the fact that I lost with my strength hurt pride.

I can't afford to make up for it anymore.

"But!! There are only a few matches!Even if you're an emperor, what the hell is going on? "

"Oh, but is that okay with you?"

"Stupid...! Enough, that's enough!I destroyed all the settlements, let's go!! "

When she told him to throw up, Mr. Wayne walked away early enough with his friends.

Wow... I think you've made me angrier than I expected.

I didn't mean to do that.

My sister makes me look like I'm in trouble.

"Hahaha, you lost the game and won the match!"

Hmm, I wonder if that's okay for now.

When I saw my sister, who was somehow more pleased than I was, I felt a bit relieved.

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