
Chapter 533 The daily salary of over 10,000 jobs

monster forever

Wu Sanwei pretended not to hear “Joe” “Enganma” unintentionally leaked information, and resolutely rejected the “family heirloom”.

Just kidding, Professor Jon’s eyes were red at that time. Once he kicked his pocket watch into his pocket, he might become the food for the gray robe driver that night.

Since then, Wu Weiwei has another habitat in his life, and he is looking forward to the invitation of the professor every day.

The Chinese dishes made by Jon’s godmother “by hand”, and the quiet flower villa made him feel that he has become a human again.

Although he knew this was just an illusion, the gray robe driver was still standing in the bushes outside the door, but even the shortest rest of his mind was infinitely precious to Wu Sanwei.

He would laugh out loud in the Villa of Flowers when his research made new progress, and cry uncontrollably in the room of the Villa of Flowers after the girl in the leather pants disappeared.

His life is sun shone brightly because of the flower villa.


Up to one day.

Professor Jon in the classroom lecture hall was “speaking according to the script”, when suddenly the phone rang, he glanced at the number, and his face became strange immediately.

I answered the phone in front of the students without hesitation, and I don’t know what the other side said. Professor Jon’s face immediately ashen, and sweat dripped from his forehead.

He staggered and nearly fell on the podium.

Wu Sanwei hurried up: “Professor. Are you alright?”

Professor Jon looked pained: “Your teacher, she.”

Although he It didn’t stop Wu Weiwei from recognizing his wife as a “godmother”, but he never regarded this black-haired youngster as his son.

What happened to Jon’s godmother?

Wu Weiwei heart startled, he has always respected the old lady who made Chinese dishes for him.

Although she knew that she just regarded herself as a substitute for her son, Wu Weiwei was still full of gratitude.

This sudden news disrupted Wu Sanwei’s daily life. He looked at Professor Jon, who was in pain but unable to move even a little bit, took a deep breath: “If you violate the rules, you will violate the rules!”

“At worst get a few whips!”

It shouldn’t be “eaten” yourself, before the foreign protein is developed!

He helped Professor Jon to walk outside the school gate, stopped a taxi, and went straight to the Flower Villa.

In the taxi, Wu Sanwei was trying his best to soothe the suffering Professor Jon, when he suddenly heard a loud thunder, and through the window, he saw that the sky was rapidly darkening.

Dark clouds are rolling in the sky, and lightning is everywhere.

“This weather is really weird in TNDD!” The taxi driver is a middle age person, in his forties, with sallow skin and even teeth that are smoked and burnt, which sounds weird in English. His identity, illegal immigrants from Brother Xi in Mexico.

In this city, these illegal immigrants are a kind of legal existence. With the acquiescence of the city hall, they are doing low-level jobs that M people are unwilling to do.

Compared to running a sewer and washing dishes in a restaurant, driving a taxi is already a tall order.

“Uncle, please hurry up.” Wu Sanwei looked at Professor Jon in pain and had to urge.

“I got it!” The taxi driver turned around, with a strange smile on his face: “You guys are done!”

Before he finished speaking, the taxi made a “boom” The roar, Wu Sanwei felt a strong back push, and the building outside the window quickly retreated.

The orange-yellow taxi is like an agile catfish, weaving left and right on the road with a lot of traffic, and a sudden acceleration is often followed by a sudden brake.

Wu Sanwei seemed to smell a stench of burnt tires.

Obviously, the taxi driver’s driving skills are very good. Every time he sees a collision with a car next to him, Wu Sanwei has closed his eyes nervously, and he can always “drill through the tiny gap” “past.

When Wu Sanwei saw that the scenery outside the window had transformed into tall chestnut trees, he breathed a sigh of relief. This is a remote road with few people and few cars.

At this time, a bright thunderbolt fell in the dark sky, and the big raindrops fell on the car window, making a “crackling” sound.

It’s raining.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, all around is gray, and the space between Heaven and Earth seems to sink to the bottom of the water.

“uncle, why don’t you slow down?” Wu Sanwei could no longer pass through the windshield and saw the big tree beside the road.

This is too dangerous!

“What’s the matter!” The taxi driver turned the steering wheel, and after a beautiful flick dodged the oncoming truck, a sincere smile appeared on his face: “I used to be a professional racing driver, WRC Brother Xi Championship.”

It turned out to be a retired racing driver, no wonder the taxi was driving so six Wu Sanwei suddenly asked curiously: “uncle, since you are a retired professional racer, why are you here How about driving a taxi here?”

“Open a driving school and hire two beautiful coaches to broadcast subject one online. The old irons are crazy about big rockets, isn’t it delicious?”

“Ha” a wry smile appeared on the taxi driver’s face: “Actually, after I retired, I also found a job with a daily salary of over 10,000 yuan.” It’s more incense than driving school.

“What job?” he asked curiously.

The taxi driver smiled bitterly again: “Transporting an illegal powdery object!”

Wu Sanwei suddenly realized.

The business of powder-like objects is one of the pillar industries of Brother Xi. Those big monopoly groups are in desperate need of fast drivers, and it is not an exaggeration to offer a daily salary of over 10,000 yuan.

But why would a driver with a daily salary of over 10,000 drive a taxi?

Wu Sanwei cast a suspicious look.

“Huh” The taxi driver seemed to like a wry smile: “I kidnapped Boss’s little lover.”

Am I going to a crime story turned into a romance?

Wu Sanwei was shocked by the heavenly thunder.

“I was 30 and she was 18.” The cab driver, retired driver and illegal powder transporter seemed to have fond memories: Received a thick stack of bills.”

“At this moment, she appeared, wearing a blue polka-dot dress, with dark brown hair, large black eyes revealing purity, and her body Scent of the sun.”

“She stepped on the smooth floor with her bare feet, and walked over, step by step, into my heart.”

” At that moment, the sun was shining brightly, and I knew that she was my true love.”

The fragrance of the sun. Wu Weiwei felt a chill and raised goose bumps all over his body.

If it wasn’t for this Brother Xi driver who was still in control of the steering wheel, Wu Weiwei would definitely kick him out of the car.


“I took advantage of the dark night to break into Boss’ manor, knocked down twenty bodyguards, and turned into her bedroom through the window. Fortunately, that day Boss went abroad to attend an important meeting at night, and she was alone on the bed in the bedroom.”

“Oh” the taxi driver paused and added, “Forgot to tell you, my name is Suarez, the girl’s The name is Daphne.”

Suarez Daphne Wu Weiwei couldn’t help taking a deep breath.

“Daphne was awakened by me from her sleep, looking panicked and about to scream.”

“I took a red rose from my pocket without haste, Then I got down on one knee in front of her: Daphne, will you marry me?”

“Although I have no money or power, I have a heart that loves you.”

Taxi The driver’s tone revealed a sweetness of having one’s hair stand on end.

“After being stunned for a moment, Daphne slowly pulled away the quilt and walked in front of me in pink satin pajamas. She took the roses with trembling hands.”

Wu Sanwei heard Here, I was stunned again, is this okay?

Two men and women who have just met, the girl is still Boss’s lover, and they “hook up” together so easily?

What happened to this world?

“I put roses in Daphne’s hair, carried her on my shoulders, carried Boss’s safe, walked out of the villa arrogantly, and took a taxi.”

“At this time, the bodyguards who came back to his senses drove a pickup truck and chased them from behind.”

“I grabbed the taxi driver’s steering wheel and ran all the way across the border. , come to the city of M country.”

This story seems to have some Wu Weiwei thinking for a while, and finally came up with an appropriate word “fantasy!”

“Then, you just Become a taxi driver?” He asked suspiciously.


The taxi driver stepped on the accelerator, passed an orange school bus, and then extended the hand and shook his finger: “After coming to M country, I spent 1 $10,000 from the black market to hire a lockpicker expert.”

“Opened the Boss’ safe.”

Wu Weiwei then remembered that the guy in front of him not only stole the boss’s small The lover is still carrying his safe.

What would a boss of a powder business keep in a safe, dollars, gold, diamonds, or bearer bonds?

But no matter which one it is, it is bound to be priceless!

Wu Weiwei couldn’t help but ask: “What’s in the safe?”

“Oh” the taxi driver smiled again: “There is only one blue glass marble in it!”

Glass marbles?

Wu Weiwei asked: “Is it made of sapphire?”

The “NONO” taxi driver also seemed in disbelief: “It’s just glass marbles, which children often play with. That kind, 10 for 1 dollar!”

“In the joy of this time, Boss once told Daphne that this safe contains his most precious things.”

“didn’t expect it to be a glass marble!”

The taxi driver unconsciously, gnashing teeth.

“When the lockpicker in jeans with a pistol on his waist walked out the door with the only $10,000 we had, all I had was this car. Taxi.”

“Just like that, I became a taxi driver.”

Black car This turned out to be a black car!

Wu Sanwei glanced out the window, the flower villa was already faintly visible, and he was relieved.

Maybe he is a professional black car driver?

Unfortunately, reality is often cruel.

When the taxi stopped at the door of the Flower Villa, the Brother Xi driver didn’t reach out to pick up the 5 times the fare he handed, but pulled out a pistol from his waist with a grin.

“Sorry, I’m a part-time robber!”

“Just about to go to work.didn’t expect you guys hit the door.”

Taxi I actually encountered a part-time robber. This is bad luck.

Facing the black muzzle, Wu Sanwei had to raise his hand.

Professor Jon, who had recovered from his grief, also raised his hand, but his expression was a little weird.

“Old man, you better be honest!” The middle-age person who turned from a taxi driver into a robber of Brother Xi, waved the gun in his hand and threatened: “The person who fell under my gun , there are a hundred of them, I don’t mind appearing a old fogey.”

Under the threat of pistols, Professor Jon and Wu Sanwei walked towards the Flower Villa.

Stepping on the bluestone at the entrance of the villa, Wu Sanwei suddenly stopped and turned around.

“Boy, don’t try to play tricks!” The Brother Xi robber was very vigilant.

Wu Weiwei said with a smile: “No tricks, just a question.”

“I’m afraid I won’t have a chance if I don’t ask.”

“Ask!” The robber Mo Brother Xi stared at the luxurious flower villa, his eyes lit up, as long as there were no damn glass marbles in the safe inside, it would be enough for him to be cool for a while!

“Is that Daphne still with you?” Wu Sanwei has been thinking about this beautiful love story.

A driver and Boss’s lover run wild under gunfire for love. How touching. If it is made into a blockbuster, the box office will be bursting.

“Huh” Mo Brother Xi, the robber was a little surprised. The black-haired boy in front of him, being pointed at by a gun, can still think of these boring stories.

However, he still decided to satisfy the curiosity of the black-haired boy: “Of course, Daphne has become the mother of 5 children!”

“The weight has also soared from 100 pounds to 200 pounds. Jin!”

“There is no sunshine scent on my body, only the smell of body odor!”

“That’s good” Wu Sanwei is very satisfied with the ending of this love story.

He turned around and opened the door of the Flower Villa.

In the hall of the villa, a man wearing a gray robe and a gentleman’s hat stood on the Persian carpet, staring blankly at the door.

Wu Weiwei was heart relaxed. Sure enough, he guessed correctly. Professor Jon was also constantly monitored by the gray robe.


“Who are you!” Brother Xi, the robber, saw the man in the living room and quickly turned his gun. It was obvious that the man was wearing a gray robe and his entire face was hidden. The man under the brim of the hat is more threatening than a high school student and an old man.

“gu lu .gu lu “gray robe muttered ambiguous words in his mouth, his Adam’s apple trembled, his scarlet tongue licked his lips, and then slowly walked towards the Brother Xi robber.

Wu Sanwei is very familiar with this expression, this gray robe man is hungry.

“Stop!” Brother Xi, the robber, also realized that this gray robe man was a little strange at this time. Shaking the muzzle, loudly shouted: “Stop, or I’ll shoot!”

The gray robe man didn’t seem to hear his threat, and didn’t even look at the jet-black muzzle. The dark purple eyes stared at Brother Xi’s throat, and continued to approach slowly.

“I’m X your uncle’s!”

Mo Brother Xi The robber saw that something was wrong, he cursed a swear word, and pulled the trigger without the slightest hesitation.

“pa smack. smack. smack.”

The muzzle of the gun erupted, and there was a loud noise.

The whole hall was filled with smoke, and the air was filled with the smell of sulfur.

(End of this chapter)

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