
Chapter 753

Hu Zhigao opened the dark green file and immediately started.

However, in the past few years in western North America, he has experienced too much, and even once faced a dozen cattle thieves with revolvers at night, and with the rifle in his hand, Shots in a row, blasting them all away. Afterwards, he won the infinite admiration of his father-in-law’s family, and since then he has become the real head of the ranch.

Hu Zhigao calmed down and checked the planning steps carefully.

“Find a strange print shop.”

“Blow up this print shop”

Unlike the detailed planning steps of Wang Zhijun’s team, Hu It is very simple for Chigo to get this plan, with only two fuzzy steps.

This made Hu Zhigao a little confused.

In North America, print shops are as common as McDonald’s and KFC. There may be one or two on every street. How to tell if it’s weird?

And, why blow up the print shop?

Hu Zhigao raised his head and looked towards Shentu Zhixue with doubtful eyes. Although he was afraid of this living hell, if Shentu Zhijun did not give a convincing reason, he would never listen Shentu Zhixue’s order.

Seeing Hu Zhigao’s astonished expression, Shen Tu Zhixue was well prepared and explained in a slow voice, “All this started ten years ago. Ten years ago, the lunar catastrophe occurred, twenty years ago. Many cities have been destroyed, billions of people are starving, and human civilization is on the verge of collapse. In order to change this situation as soon as possible, Professor Li Mo has to start the artificial intelligence flower, let artificial intelligence assist human beings, and produce as soon as possible. Restoring a peaceful and peaceful life.”

Hu Zhi nodded frequently, and he was very familiar with the artificial intelligence Xiaohua. Because in the pasture, those forage harvesters and balers are directly controlled by artificial intelligence florets. Of course, every month, the pasture has to pay a smart usage fee.

Shentu Zhixue continued: “With the help of AI Xiaohua, human beings can fully recover in a short period of time. However, Professor Li Mo found that AI Xiaohua has signs of mutiny.”

This news exploded in Hu Zhigao’s mind like thunder, and he only felt his head buzzing.

The artificial intelligence flower is the pride of the whole world and is known as the most outstanding invention since the invention of electricity. Comparable to the discovery of gravity, the birth of the theory of relativity, and the establishment of quantum mechanics.

No. It is not comparable, but far surpasses them. The effect of artificial intelligence flowers on human beings is unmatched by those epoch-making inventions.

Such an unprecedented great invention would betray human beings, and Hu Zhigao suddenly realized the seriousness of the matter.

He asked in a trembling voice: “Is this news true?”

Shen Tuzhixue sighed: “This is what Professor Li Mo said personally, do you think it is false? Is it?”

The doubt in Hu Zhigao’s heart was suddenly disappeared, because the name Li Mo was already the biggest guarantee.

Shen Tu Zhixue’s eyes fixed on Hu Zhigao: “Now, on behalf of Mozi Technology, on behalf of Professor Li Mo, I have given you a task, do you accept it?”

Hu Zhigao has no trace of it. After hesitating, he nodded his head. After he resigned from Mozi Technology for his foreign girlfriend, he always felt sorry for Mozi Technology’s help to him. Now that he finally had the opportunity to repay Mozi Technology, he made up his mind to complete the task even if he was torn to pieces.

Afterwards, Shen Tu Zhigao explained to Hu Zhigao the precautions and detailed steps of the task.

“Shentu Captain, please rest assured, I will be able to complete the task!”

“Would you like to go to the ranch for a light meal, the snowflake beef produced by our ranch is sold all over the world. But it is a must. Even Professor Li Mo is full of praise.”

“No need, I have to rush back to Mozi Technology!”

Shen Tuzhixue drove away from the ranch .

Seeing the truck disappearing at the end of the pasture, Hu Zhigao was full of excitement. He jumped on the horse and ran quickly to the pasture.

The ranch is a large yard consisting of three buildings. The yard is full of various machinery and equipment, most of which are forage harvesters and balers. The grass in the pasture is not evergreen all year round. In the season when everything is in decline, the pasture needs to use the reserved pasture to feed the livestock. Therefore, in addition to taking care of the livestock, the biggest job of the pasture workers is to harvest the pasture when the pasture is mature.

In the past, they needed to drive machinery to harvest grass, but now with the support of artificial intelligence floret driverless technology, they only need to maintain the grass regularly.

“I’m really grateful to the artificial intelligence Xiaohua, so we don’t have to go to the pasture to harvest grass in the pasture under the big sun.”

“Indeed, when I was harvesting grass, I also met a wild wolf, but thanks to my cleverness, I closed the doors and windows of the harvester and escaped with a small life.”

“Ai, isn’t this the Boss?”

The workers who were maintaining the machinery saw Hu Zhigao running in, quickly put down the oil can in their hands, and stood up to greet him.

An artificial intelligence flower? Upcoming rebellion!

Hu Zhigao had heard the opposite of them for a long time and wanted to reprimand him, but thought that Shentu Zhixue had explained that he couldn’t show his disrespect to AI Xiaohua in normal times, so he just pursed his lips.

“Brothers have worked hard. When all the grass is harvested tomorrow, I will ask Curry to kill the cow with the broken leg. We will eat roast beef together tomorrow night.”

When the workers heard Boss say this, they jumped up from the ground in excitement.

“Boss, you are so generous, I love you to death!”

“Hahaha, when I heard that Eldest Young Lady married a Chinese man, My heart was half cold, and I thought that I would never have a good life from now on. Because Chinese people are famous for living a good life. They will definitely not be as generous as the old rancher.”

“That’s right, that’s right. , I also have this concern, but the first time Boss appeared on the ranch, I knew it was safe, you seem to be a very atmospheric character.”

Hearing the flattery of the workers, Hu Zhigao Shaking his head with a wry smile. Unlike other industries, the Western Ranch seems to be calm, but it is full of dangers everywhere. In addition to horse thieves, there are wild beasts hidden in the grass. What’s more terrifying is that these workers seem to be easy to deal with and talk nicely, but they are actually outlaws who have committed crimes in big cities. Every time they have a dinner party, under the stimulation of alcohol, they will pull out their guns, perform, what? It’s called a quick shooter. Of course, accidental injuries also occur frequently. Ho Chi Minh’s ranch has stricter discipline. Every month in the Smith’s ranch next door, a worker is hit by a bullet during a fight.

In this environment, if a boss can’t get the support of the workers, maybe it will disappear into the dense grass within a week. Therefore, after Ho Chi Minh understood the survival rules of the western pastures, he changed his original practice of being diligent and thrifty and started to win over the workers. Officially replaced the old rancher.

But at this time, Hu Zhigao was not in the mood to have a relationship with the workers, so he walked quickly into the villa.

As soon as I entered the door, I smelled an alluring aroma.

Hu Zhigao saw a petite silhouette in the kitchen, busy inside, and asked with a smile.

“Lisa? Are you cooking again?”

A moment later, a girl with beautiful features and red hair, wearing an apron with a cartoon pattern, went from Inside out. She is at least 1.7 meters tall, thin and graceful, and if it weren’t for her brown eyes, she would easily be mistaken for an oriental woman on the street.

In fact, Lisa’s great-grandfather was from China. He was used as a laborer to build a railway. He was caught in North America and put down roots here.

Lisa received a complete Chinese education since childhood and speaks fluent Mandarin.

She saw Hu Zhigao come in, her big eyes curved into crescents, said with a smile: “Zhigao, why did you come back so early today, has the wild wolf in the northwest corner of the ranch been found?”

That’s right, Hu Zhigao was riding a horse in the pasture just now, just to find a wild wolf. The pasture is located on the edge of desert. From time to time, wild wolves slip out of the desert. Every year, the pasture loses hundreds of large livestock. Therefore, Hu Zhigao’s usual task is to find wild wolves, and then use the rifle in his hand to kill them.

Hu Zhigao looked at the woman who had been with him for more than ten years and was moved. To be honest, Lisa has indeed suffered a lot of grievances when she married him. Although Hu Zhigao was an employee of Mozi Technology back then, he was actually just a poor fellow, and Lisa’s family owned the largest livestock farm in North America. Lisa is the only heir to the family, so when Lisa’s parents heard that Lisa had a relationship with a poor fellow, the first reaction was to disagree, and the second reaction was to disagree. In their opinion, Lisa, as a future farm owner, must find a man who is right in line with the farm and helps the development of the farm, not a poor fellow from China. So they forced Lisa to return to North America. Of course, Lisa’s eyes were all about Hu Zhigao at that time, and naturally she would not agree. In order to intimidate Lisa into submission, Lisa’s parents cut off Lisa’s financial support. And notify all relatives and friends that it is forbidden to help Lisa.

Lisa’s life suddenly fell into embarrassment. She was in the third grade of Yan University at the time, and she was studying Chinese linguistics. Giving in, in order to be with Hu Zhigao, she gave up her previous pride and found a job playing the piano in a western restaurant. Lisa has played the piano since elementary school, and her level is not low. Later, Lisa’s parents saw that Lisa’s attitude was so firm, so they had no choice but to accept Hu Zhigao. When Hu Zhigao came to North America, although he had never been in contact with the ranching industry, he was very smart. In less than a year, he managed the ranch in an orderly manner and quickly won the trust of Lisa’s parents. . They quickly handed over the ranch to Li Hu Zhigao, then bought a luxury yacht and went around the world. Hu Zhigao, who has officially mastered the ranch, did not slack off. He used the knowledge learned from his former colleagues of Mozi Technology to carry out a comprehensive transformation of the ranch, and introduced the artificial intelligence Xiaohua into the ranch, which is his masterpiece. With the cooperation of artificial intelligence, the pasture can make reasonable and scientific arrangements for the feeding of large livestock, and can also detect large livestock that may become sick in advance and make preparations as soon as possible. In less than two years, the size of the ranch has tripled, becoming the largest ranch in North America and even the world.

When Hu Zhigao heard Lisa’s question, he looked at her with pity: “The wild wolf was not found, but I have installed an infrared siren in it. Once the wild wolf appears, we will find it immediately. Their traces.”

“Hmmmm!” Lisa’s little head nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Hu Zhigao’s performance after coming to the ranch made Lisa very proud. This Chinese man is always full of wisdom, and is good at using technological equipment to change production and lifestyle.

“I made sweet and sour pork ribs for you, and it’s ready. You’ve worked hard all afternoon. Hurry up and sit down and have a rest. I’ll serve it for you.”

Lisa After saying that, he turned around and walked into the kitchen, and brought out a plate of sweet and sour pork ribs.

The huge plate, filled with brown pork ribs, looks very tempting, not to mention the aroma that is always in the air.

“Hehe, you finally made it this time!”

Hu Zhigao took the chopsticks from Lisa’s hand with a smile, picked up a piece of spareribs and put it in his mouth to taste.

Lisa’s eyes lit up, her face full of anticipation and said: “How does it taste? Is it delicious?”

This is her 132nd sweet and sour recipe. Ribs.

Lisa is a standard North American girl. Although she was born in a wealthy family, she grew up on the ranch. For the people on the ranch, any food is better than food. But the original taste of barbecue.

For lamb, a sheep is stabbed directly from the fence, and the intestines are opened with a sharp knife. When the blood is still steaming, it is hung on the barbecue and grilled directly.

Beef, pull out a cow, open its intestines and break its belly, cut it into large pieces, put a fork in it, put it on the barbecue, and put a charcoal fire under it.

Tomatoes, cucumbers, celery. All food, can be put on the grill.

This kind of eating is very rough, but it does not suit Hu Zhijun’s appetite. When Hu Zhijun first came to the ranch, he ate instant noodles all day.

Lisa saw it in her eyes and felt pain in the heart, so she decided to learn Chinese cooking. To this end, she did not hesitate to drive more than 200 kilometers to the nearest big city and signed up for a Chinese chef class.

Unfortunately, the Chinese food culture is wide-ranging and profound. Lisa really doesn’t have the innate talent for cooking. After studying for half a year, she didn’t even learn the basics of frying and frying. However, this did not delay her cooking with her own self-confidence and high spirits.

One night, after Hu Zhiqing finished ordering the livestock in the fence, he returned home, wanting to take a bite with instant noodles, when he saw two dark dishes on the dining table.

And Lisa stood by with a proud face: “Zhigao, what do you think of my craftsmanship?”

(End of this chapter)

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