
Chapter 763

“No! This task is very important, I must do it!”

Facing Lisa’s questioning, Hu Zhigao, without the slightest hesitation, looked the head.

Mozi Technology is as deep as the ocean to him. Ten years ago, he had already failed Mozi Technology once he came to North America with Lisa.

At this time, Mozi Technology must not be let down again, otherwise, even his father who is far away in China will not forgive him.

Lisa sighed when she saw Hu Zhigao’s determined attitude, because she knew that although Hu Zhigao looked thin and weak, he was very shy, and he didn’t usually talk much, but he was actually a very people with ideas. Once he decides, it can never be changed. This made Lisa very distressed, but she also came to understand later, didn’t she fall in love with Hu Zhigao because of this?

Lisa knew that her persuasion was useless, she sat up and held Hu Zhigao’s hand, her eyes fixed on his eyes, and said sincerely: “Zhigao, I’m not the kind of ignorant general. I don’t want to stop you, but you must take good care of yourself when you are outside, and you must be careful in everything.”

Hu Zhigao saw that Lisa didn’t stop you any more, and was relieved: “Don’t worry, You know, I have been in our ranch all these years, and I have also undergone professional combat training, and ordinary people can’t get close at all.”

“Hmmm. When you come back, we will go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination. If it really doesn’t work, artificial technology is very developed now, we must have a little baby, and then the family will live happily ever after.”

“Okay, Lisa, I promise you.”

Hu Zhigao stretched out his hand and stroked Lisa’s beautiful long hair and nodded heavily. He was very satisfied with Lisa’s performance.

As a man, I work hard outside for nothing more than to get my wife and child on the stove when I get home.

The two chatted for a while, Lisa seemed to have endless things to say, but she thought that Hu Zhi was going to go out to perform the task, must save her physical strength, Lisa suppressed her inner desire and turned off the light, sleep.

In the early morning.

The warm sunlight shone through the glass window and fell on Hu Zhigao’s face. He dimly opened his eyes and reached out his hand to touch it.

Hu Zhigao put on his clothes and came to the living room.

The table is already full of food, such as fried eggs, fried tofu, and green beans. These are all Hu Zhigao’s favorite dishes.

But it’s a bit extravagant to eat so much in the early morning.

It seems that Lisa must have woken up very early to prepare the food. Just as Hu Zhigao pulled out a chair and sat on it, Lisa came over with two cups of soy milk.

“Wake up, Chigo, how are these dishes?”

“Very good, full of flavors and flavors, not weaker than the chefs in big restaurants.”

Hu Zhigao pursed his lips and looked intoxicated. These dishes were carefully prepared.

Lisa put the soy milk in front of Hu Zhigao, and then returned to the kitchen to take out two steamed buns.

In North America, residents hardly eat steamed buns, but like to use toast drivers to make toast, but Hu Zhigao, as a Chinese, doesn’t like to eat that kind of toast with a touch of sweetness. .

In his opinion, toast lacks the unique strength of steamed bread. But steamed buns are only available in big supermarkets in big cities.

For the sake of Hu Zhigao, Lisa decided to learn how to make steamed buns. Of course, due to her inexperience, she has never made steamed buns. The first steamed buns she made were always crooked and tasted like gnawing on wood. generally. It was this kind of steamed bun, Hu Zhigao still used his sharp teeth to bite it down little by little and swallowed it into his stomach. Fortunately, after hundreds of practical operations, Lisa finally learned how to make steamed buns.

The two sat opposite each other and finished their hearty breakfast in silence.

At this time, a cowboy filled up Hu Zhigao’s off-road vehicle and drove over.

It’s time to part.

Lisa originally thought she could face this kind of scene, but now her eyes are instantly rosy, her heart is sour, but she knows that once she shows weakness, it will definitely make Hu Zhigao worry , when the time comes, when Hu Zhigao performs his tasks, he may be distracted by it.

Then the future mission may fail, and Hu Zhigao may also have mortal danger.

Thinking about this, Lisa turned around and secretly wiped away her tears, squeezed out a smile, and walked over to help Hu Zhigao straighten his clothes, said with a smile: “Zhigao, promise all the way, I’m at home. Waiting for you!”

Lisa’s expression couldn’t hide from Hu Zhigao at all, but Hu Zhigao was just nodded, no more words, because now for Hu Zhigao, the most important thing is to complete the task as soon as possible , and other things can be discussed later.

In this way, Hu Zhigao left the ranch in the sight of Lisa. When Lisa disappeared from the rear mirror, Hu Zhigao was sighed in relief.

The western grasslands are huge, with a distance of several hundred kilometers. Hu Zhigao drove an off-road vehicle until the sky was dark, and then he came to a small town.

This small town is located on the edge of the grassland. It is a transit station between the grassland and the nearby cities. Therefore, most of the people in the town are cowboys who come to purchase supplies or sell livestock from nearby pastures.

These cowboys are irascible and will draw guns if they disagree, so the most important thing in the town is conflict.

Today is no exception.

Hu Zhigao was far away when he saw two cowboys in leather jackets fighting each other on the street, and there were people clapping and applauding.

Seeing this scene, Hu Zhigao couldn’t help frowning, because for these cowboys, face is more important than everything else, if no one stops them, they will eventually pull out their revolvers and want to shoot one at a time.

Of course, ranch cowboys also have other heavy weapons, but the most common carry is the revolver, the only reason is that the pistol is small, light, and easy to carry around.

Hu Zhigao didn’t want to meddle in his own business, but he couldn’t just watch the two cowboys die because of a bickering remark. Usually, when this happens in other places, you should make a call directly, report it to the government, and let the government send someone to resolve the disputes.

But this is a pastoral area, the government’s power is very weak, and there are government guards in the town, but in their opinion, the cowboys on the ranch are all scum, and they are all people who are not worth saving. So even if you get a call, you will never come forward.

Hu Zhigao stepped on the accelerator and drove the jeep directly between the two.

At this time, the two cowboys had already pulled out their revolvers, their fingers were already on the trigger, and they were about to shoot at each other. When they saw the jeep appear, they were stunned.

Immediately they understood that someone was going to smash the field, and they were so angry that they wanted to raise the revolver and shoot at the jeep.

Hu Zhigao opened the car door and jumped out of the car calmly while aiming at the black muzzle.

“It’s Hu Zhigao!”

“Oh my God, put down your guns!”

The two cowboys quickly put down their revolvers, their faces full of faces Came over with a smile.

“Boss Hu, why are you free to come to the town today.”

Hu Zhigao did not answer, but stared at the cowboy’s face with sharp eyes, coldly said: “How did I explain to you before, as cowboys, although you are at the bottom of the world, you can’t have no desire to improve like this, shoot at a disagreement, and take your own life seriously, it’s definitely a sand sculpture! ”

The faces of the two cowboys turned from white to red, and finally to black.

If other people angered them like this, they would have pulled the trigger and shot each other into a sieve, but the other party was Boss Hu of Zhigao Ranch. In the entire western region, Hu Zhigao is the object of admiration for all cowboys, not because of Hu Zhigao’s strong kung fu, but because he is kind-hearted and fair. The cowboys in various ranches have been more or less favored by Hu Zhigao, which led to a strange situation. There was once a boy who acted recklessly, after accidentally scolding Hu Zhigao in private, was madly flattened by the passing cowboys. meal.

Hu Zhigao of course also knew that these youngsters were all violent, so he didn’t say more, just nodded: “Since you have realized your mistake, go back now, remember, don’t do it in the future. If you disagree again, take out the gun.”

“Yes..We must reflect on it when we go back!” The two cowboys nodded quickly when they heard this, and kicked the pistols into their pockets. , drilled out of the crowd.

At this time, the onlookers were not disappointed because they couldn’t see the bloody scene, but applauded enthusiastically. For them, Hu Zhigao’s behavior effectively guaranteed the stability of the western pasture.

“Hu Boss is right. Although we are poor, we are not beasts. We must live with dignity and not be like those animals, causing trouble everywhere.”

“Boss Hu has done a great job!”

“We are very lucky to have Boss Hu in our western ranch!”

Faced with these praises, Hu Zhi waved his hands high, Get into the jeep. Drive to the motel in the center of town.

Because of its remote location, in the small town, there is no star-rated hotel specially used to receive tourists, only a broken hotel with two floors.

It is specially used to receive guests from outside to buy livestock. As for the cowboys, they have no money to live in hotels.

Of course, due to the poor conditions, the accommodation is not expensive, less than two dollars a night, but Isaac Reginaldo, the boss of the hotel, relies on this small hotel to become a small town. The wealthiest people in the world are no less than other ranchers.

The reason is very simple, although the accommodation is only two dollars, but the hotel also provides additional bathing services, and a bath is a hundred dollars. Those foreign merchants who traveled long distances to come here must be extremely lonely along the way, so in the face of Isaac Reginaldo’s enthusiastic sales, they will naturally not refuse.

Of course, Isaac Reginaldo didn’t pay the $100 bath fee by himself. He also gave twenty dollars to the female bathing worker. However, you must know that Isaac Reginaldo paid only a room and a mouth. This kind of business is completely profitless.

Therefore, Isaac Reginaldo’s biggest hobby is to put tables, chairs and benches at the street corner, make a cup of coffee, sit there and look into the distance, looking forward to the arrival of foreign merchants. After all, those merchants were like walking purses to him.

No, Isaac Reginaldo just finished drinking a cup of coffee today. Seeing that there were no customers, he was about to go back to rest when he saw a jeep speeding up in the distance.

His eyes suddenly lit up, this is a guest coming to the door!

Isaac Reginaldo began to ponder in his mind, in the end to send the bath girl to help the guests.

But when the jeep stopped in front of him, he was stunned when he saw the man who got off the jeep. This man was obviously not the kind of customer he imagined.

It was Hu Zhigao who got off the jeep. He put the big sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, walked to Isaac Reginaldo, said with a smile: “How about it, old friend , I’m not welcome?”

Isaac Reginaldo hurriedly stood up, embarrassedly laughed: “Why not welcome, Boss Hu can come, my small hotel is really puffy Shine!”

Hu Zhigao said with a sneer: “As long as you don’t poison my breakfast!”

Isaac Reginaldo was frightened A shiver all over his body: “How is this possible, if I do this, then the whole ranch will eat me alive.”

If someone was by the side and heard their conversation, You will definitely think that there is hatred between the two, in fact, it is true, and the two do have hatred.

Two years ago, Isaac Reginaldo came back from a market visit in a big city when he suddenly had a grand plan. He wanted to provide a takeaway service for the ranch.

He had to, the cowboys looked poor, but once they got paid, it was a lot of money.

However, Isaac Reginaldo’s first takeout operation was stopped by Hu Zhigao. Facing Hu Zhigao’s rebuke, Isaac Reginaldo could only Back to the town in despair. Of course, he also held a grudge against Hu Zhigao and wanted to find an opportunity to retaliate against Hu Zhigao, but he knew that Hu Zhigao was very prestigious in the town. The idea is in mind.

Hu Zhigao also knew this, so he swaggered into the motel.

After staying in a simple small hotel for one night, Hu Zhigao paid the money and drove a jeep directly to New York City.

At this time, at the airport in New York City.

A thin teenager in a school uniform walked out of the airport with a schoolbag. He looked at the bustling people outside the airport, and his pale face showed a trace of panic.

His name is Domhnall Byrne, codenamed a junior high school student. His actual identity is also a junior high school student, but he is a junior high school student proficient in blasting.

Domhnall Byrne was born in an Aristocratic Family of miners and grew up in a mining area. He was very interested in magical things that could blow up the whole mountain at once, so he grew up Later, instead of inheriting the ancestral business and mining in the mountains, he began to study various explosives.

Domhnall Byrne’s explosives, formidable power incomparable gigantic and high reliability, were quickly welcomed by the black market, which also allowed Domnall Byrne to earn the first pot of gold, but also caused a huge trouble for him.

(End of this chapter)

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