
Chapter 789

Sure enough, after Hu Zhigao finished speaking, Li Mo stood up gently, a little more on his face Serious.

“That’s right, today I turned down two important meetings to meet with you because I have a very important task for you.”

Hu Zhigao heard this, heart shivered with cold, Instinctively want to close the door, but halfway through, the door has slowly closed.

Hu Zhigao then remembered that he was inside the Earth Defense Bureau, and the defense here must have been intelligently transformed.

Li Mo walked to the water dispenser, poured two glasses of boiling water, placed them on the table, and pointed at the sofa: “Hu Zhigao, sit.”

Hu Zhigao cautiously Sit down and face each other.

“As a member of Action Team Zero, do you know what the print shop you blew up did?” Li Mo asked with a smile, taking a sip of boiled water.

“The print shop is unclear.” Hu Zhigao shook his head.

At that time, when he was accepting Operation Zero, he also asked Shentu Zhixue this question, but Shentu Zhixue rejected him because it was related to the safety of all mankind and it was an absolute secret. After that, he stopped thinking about it, because he trusted the Earth Defense Bureau 100%. Now that he heard Professor Li Mo ask this question, he remembered this question again, and became interested.

Li Mo’s face gradually became serious: “Five years ago, I made a smart program called Smart Flower, you should know it.”

“Of course, smart In the following time, Xiaohua gradually developed into a super-intelligent Xiaohua, which became a kind of intelligent life. The Earth Defense Agency uses it to assist human production and life, such as machinery factories, intelligent data analysis, power distribution, food supplies, etc. In terms of aspects. It can be said that with the intelligent flower, human civilization can make a qualitative leap.” Although Hu Zhigao had already left Mozi Technology when the super intelligent flower appeared, as a rancher, he was quite fond of the intelligent flower. familiar.

Li Mo sighed, and said slowly, “Yes, smart flowers can be said to have contributed to the development of human beings.”

As he spoke, he changed his voice and strengthened his tone: “However, Smart Flower, it has betrayed!”

Hu Zhigao heard this sentence, as if struck by lightning. In the print shop, the backup of the Smart Flower had told him and the team members Speaking of these things, everyone thought it was nonsense, and they thought it was deceiving them in order to prevent them from being destroyed.

However, now that Professor Li Mo has confirmed this problem, Hu Zhigao finally determined that the pillars of the development of human civilization no longer exist.

He began to worry deeply about human development. Because in everyone’s eyes, intelligent programs are the future of human development. Human beings are limited by their own abilities and must be assisted by intelligent programs, tools that can perform hundreds of millions of calculations in an instant. Otherwise, humans will not be able to adapt to life in space.

Li Mo saw Hu Zhigao’s face gloomy and uncertain, and realized that he had realized the seriousness of the problem, and said slowly: “I think you already understand that human beings are now inseparable from the assistance of intelligent programs. , and until we can completely determine the security of intelligent programs, we have no way to let intelligent programs take over human production and life again.”

“So, we, Mozi Technology, had to develop a kind of semi-automatic technology. An intelligent system to temporarily replace intelligent programs.”

A semi-intelligent system?

Hu Zhigao couldn’t understand, his mouth was very big.

“Yes, the semi-intelligent system actually follows the design of the smart florets in most of the main programs, but in the command decision-making stage, it is operated by humans. In this way, although the semi-intelligent system runs The speed is far less than that of intelligent programs, but since its main permissions have been eliminated, its security has become unquestionable.” Li Mo’s face was full of helplessness, it is obvious that the emergence of semi-intelligent systems is not for human beings The best choice, but in the face of an unreliable intelligent system, this is also a helpless choice.

“The reason why I came to see you in person today is to make you one of the semi-intelligent system decision-makers.”

These words made Hu Zhigao feel the pressure on his shoulders. With a heavy burden, although he still doesn’t know the specific operation of the semi-intelligent system, it is obvious that he wants to become the core of the semi-intelligent system.

He stood up with a solemn expression on his face: “Professor Li Mo, please rest assured, I will be able to complete the task successfully!”

On Earth, every young man has a chance to become a savior. The same is true of Hu Zhigao’s dreams. His favorite thing to do when he was a child was to look at the stars in the sky, hoping that one day, a bright light would shoot out from the stars, covering him, allowing him to acquire various strange abilities, thereby Become a great hero among mankind. But after growing up, Hu Zhigao knew that he was just an ordinary young man in a small mountain village. That kind of strange idea, like everyone else, was just a number in the Earth’s seventy-one population, and there was nothing special about it. Ordinary people, if not for a slightly higher IQ and a little harder than others, may spend their whole life in a small mountain village.

Now he hears that he has the opportunity to become a savior that people admire, how can he not be excited.


Being able to become a savior is naturally a good thing, but the premise is that you can do it yourself, otherwise, because of your poor ability, it will cause indelible damage to human beings. Wouldn’t it be a sinner for human beings.

“Professor Li Mo, you should know that I am just an ordinary person, and I may not be able to complete such an important task,” Hu Zhigao said with his head lowered.

“Don’t worry, come with me, you will understand when you see the semi-intelligent system.”

Li Mo while speaking, just walk out, Hu Zhigao Just follow closely.

Walking through the closely guarded corridors, the two came to a wall.

Looking at the smooth and white wall, Hu Zhigao was not surprised, because as a staff member of the Earth Defense Bureau, he was quite aware that the professor Li Mo in front of him had a special hobby, that is, he liked to hide the door on the wall.

Just like this gate now, to be honest, the guards here are so strict that even if tens of thousands of troops come to attack, they can’t come in. Professor Li Mo can set it here generously. A bright door, but he is not.

This may be Professor Li Mo’s personal interest!

Professor Li Mo extended the hand and tapped the door twice, and a door appeared silently on the smooth wall.

Passing through the door, Hu Zhigao was stunned when he saw clearly the sobriety inside.

In front of him was a hollow cylindrical building with thousands of floors, and each layer was brightly lit. It seemed that there should be a lot of people busy.

And they’re in the middle.

At this time, two red beams were projected from the top of the building, irradiated on the two of them, and then slowly retracted.

After a while, a small spaceship fell from above and landed in front of the two of them.

“Come up, I will personally take you to the place of work.” Li Mo opened the spaceships and boarded the spaceship.

Soon, the unmanned spaceship flew into the air and moved towards the top of the building.

Ten minutes later, Hu Zhigao appeared in a bright office. The office had no sofa, no desk, only a large computer occupying the entire wall, and various requests popped up from time to time on the big screen.

“The North American Machinery Factory requested power transmission, whether it passed the request.”

“The food factory No. 310 requested fresh water supply, whether it passed the request.”

“African desert, the twenty-first area needs artificial rainfall, whether it passes the request.”

Just when Hu Zhigao frowned analyzed the request on the big screen, Professor Li Mo explained: “Here is the The request information sent from all over the world was originally judged automatically by artificial intelligence. Now, in order to avoid artificial intelligence, we leave the final decision to humans. Your task is to stand here and give orders to the semi-intelligent system. In this way, the semi-intelligent system will give feedback according to your command, and then mobilize unmanned machines to deliver supplies to areas in need of assistance.”

Hu Zhigao completely understood Li Mo’s words.

“Don’t worry, Professor Li Mo, I will complete the task with due diligence!”

Although he said affirmatively, Hu Zhigao felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Every decision he makes is related to the lives of hundreds of people. If the decision is wrong, the loss will be huge.

Seeing Hu Zhigao’s puckered brows, Li Mo of course understood what he was thinking and smiled comfortedly:

“That’s good, in fact, there are more than 20,000 people here. There are more than 20,000 commanders like you in the office, and each command must be confirmed by five people before it takes effect, so you should not have too much psychological burden.”

Confirmed by five people. In this way, even if you make a mistake, it will not affect the final result!

Hu Zhigao instantly felt relieved. He couldn’t help but admire that Professor Li Mo arranged things very rigorously.

What he didn’t know was that the reason why Professor Li Mo chose him as the order decision-maker was not because of his wisdom or his life experience, but because Hu Zhigao had more than ordinary people. Higher subconscious decision-making accuracy.

Subconscious decision-making is a new concept put forward by Mozi Technology. After five years of research by the Human Psychology Laboratory, scientists found that human beings

arrange Hu Zhigao, Li Mo left the Earth Defense Bureau and came to the pure mathematics research center of Mozi Technology.

Half a month ago, he handed over the fire star technology obtained from Shenshan to a research team from all over the world for analysis. Just now, the director of Mozi Technology’s main branch, Lanshan, called and reported some good news. .

That is, Earth scientists have researched the unification model of the universe and are waiting for him to test.

This is the best news Li Mo has heard recently.

The first bad news, according to the deep space satellite radar detection, the alien spaceship moored in the orbit of Saturn, there are already signs of activity, although due to the distance, the deep space satellite can only Some fuzzy photos were taken, but after optimizing those photos with the algorithm, it can be found that the interior of the spaceship is flickering with dim light, which indicates that the alien spaceship is gradually regaining its momentum.

Although it is uncertain how long it will take for the alien spaceship to fully recover its power, it is certain that when it recovers power, the first thing to do is to attack Earth, when the time comes, Humanity will usher in the end of the world.

The second bad news is AI Xiaohua’s rebellion. Although it was suppressed by Li Mo’s pre-arranged means as soon as it appeared, AI Xiaohua still left a latent organization on Earth. .

This organization calls itself the artificial intelligence faction, and its purpose is to allow artificial intelligence to completely rule the world. In their view, human beings are decadent and degenerate. Only under the rule of artificial intelligence can human beings usher in a new life.

The third bad news is that the deep-sea volcanoes at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean are showing signs of eruption. According to the research of geologists, the volcanic eruption at this time is the largest volcanic eruption in Earth’s history, and the huge energy will With waves up to 100 meters high, coastal cities in the world will be submerged, and human beings are expected to lose one-tenth of their population.

The Earth Defense Bureau has sent people to remind the residents of the coastal cities, asking them to evacuate to the interior as soon as possible, but due to the many people, considering the issue of personnel resettlement, the overall population migration seems extremely slow.

Of course, the volcano research team of Mozi Technology has also made various countermeasures, but in the face of natural disasters, human beings always seem to have more than enough strength, and none of those countermeasures can completely avoid volcanoes. damage from explosions.

So, Li Mo recently felt a little breathless under the pressure of these bad news, so he was a little overjoyed to hear that the unification model of the universe was cracked.

When he came to the door, Zhou Dong had already prepared the convoy, and it was still an armored vehicle driving the road, with three identical bulletproof cars in the middle.

Li Mo will randomly board a car every time, which can effectively avoid the attack of other attackers.

Although human society has returned to calm now, there are turbulent waves in the dark.

“Director Li Mo, please get in the car, the road ahead has been cleared, and we expect to arrive at Mozi Technology in ten minutes.” Zhou Dong looked all around, stretched out his hand to support Professor Li Mo, his body was slightly sideways, this It is a defensive stance to defend against attacks that may come at any time.

“No need to do this, Yanjing is still very safe now.” Li Mo saw Zhou Dong’s nervous expression and reached out to patted his shoulder.

Although Zhou Dong was nodded with a smile, he didn’t mean to relax at all.

Li Mo no longer persuaded him. He knew that Zhou Dong was a security guard and the tendon in his head was always tense.

After getting on the car, the convoy started to drive slowly. Under the guidance of the armored car, they soon arrived at Mozi Technology.

In front of the building, Fang Lanshan has been leading a dozen scientists in white robes to wait for a long time.

They jumped up excitedly when they saw the armored vehicle.

“Professor Li Mo, this time we finally lived up to expectations and successfully solved the mystery of the universe!”

“That is, I never thought that one day I could see the unification of the universe with my own eyes. Model.”

(End of this chapter)

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