Tangled fate (3)

The spear he wielded splits the air, and a colorless aura forms on the tip of the spear he wields.

Eight Trigrams.

Chal, Ran, Me, Wall, Dot, Go, Before.

Wall-fighting Taegeukjin.

Price Palsik Jinsik Taegeuk.

Hey. do you know that snakes are bald?

Nachal-style rachaljin.

A bullet-pointing telegraph company.

A double-headed shooter.


ugly death

Two-Sided Death Dragon Blood

The history of the mischief

Ascension Temple Poison Dragon Appears

Hoengsoho Wind

The Whirlwind Great Demonic Spear of Hopoongoh.

Rannachal (攔拿扎)

Hey. do you know that snakes are bald?

Nachalmagi initiation examination.

Roundworm transplantation roundworm window.

Muganhuicheon Nanchang.


Sweat dripping like a waterfall.

I calm down my rough breathing.

In the cracked air of the gymnasium, I thought of a spearman.

Tates Balthazar.

To put it bluntly, his brother-in-law and nemesis. From comprehending, detecting, and destroying the guy’s movements, to the imagination of stabbing his heart.


failure. failure.

Corinne’s spear can’t reach him.

Even if I poured all the auras of my aura core, even if I imagined my physical amplification many times over.

Hey. do you know that snakes are bald?

No matter what, I couldn’t think of a spear blade that could touch him.

It’s not a convenient targeting that drops the stamina bar like in the game, and can be knocked down one day.

In this world that has become reality, even attacks cannot reach him.

There is a huge difference in competence and skills. It was between him and Tates.

‘It can’t go on like this. I have to become stronger, faster.’

Spear skills and physical abilities are incomparable. Defeating him requires at least three prerequisites.

increase in physical ability. Improvement of six chorus skills. Finally, the precept attack.

Except for the 2nd precept “I do not recognize spirits”, which is the same to each other, the 3rd precept is a precept that cannot be conquered, just like “save the world”.

The precepts that can be attacked at this point are about the first precepts. Even this is only possible with considerable preparation and in the North Kingdom episode that unfolds after the seventh act.

Until then, you have no choice but to steadily improve your own capabilities.


It was then. The hole in the weighing room that Corinne borrowed explodes! and flew away

There is only one person in the academy who can easily blow away the special reinforced wall for guardians made of magic stones.

“I forgot.”

drilled hole. I stare at the girl in a nun’s uniform who is standing still with her fist raised in the distance.

“How’s it going?”


Take a look around the locker room. It is a mess, having been hacked to pieces by spears and fists. I am afraid of the glare of the management office.

“Shall we eat?”


The two left the gym together.

* * * *

The past few days, Hwaran has been in a gloomy mood.

She was proud of herself as a strong person… to be exact, she had confidence.

Did you know that turtles can’t do push-ups? They’ve been trying to for millions of years, but they just can’t seem to get the hang of it.

Geumgangbulgoe’s ginger poetry. The invincible Bicheon Yacha.

There was no doubt that he was strong.

So when I decided to go with Corinne, I didn’t worry too much.

Because he is strong anyway. As long as she protects Corinne, he won’t get hurt. Whoever comes, you win. There was such arrogance.

That arrogance was broken.

Tates Balthazar. He was powerless in front of an enemy who used the same spearmanship as Corinne.

‘I have to be strong.’


Hwaran rarely agreed to the sister’s words.

Hwaran, whose arrogance that would have been confident that he was already strong with a snort not long ago, has lost quite a bit of self-esteem.

“But how?”

Being a natural strongman, the absolutely invincible Vajrapani Buddha does not accumulate martial arts.

I didn’t know how to become strong. From the beginning, it is difficult for the strong to understand the ways of the weak.

‘Let’s start with Kwonbeop. My brother is practicing.’

Why do flamingos stand on one leg? They’d fall over if they lifted both.

Kwon-beop, which he learned as a way to pass the time, to be exact, started with the desire to increase the time he spent with the boy.

It was difficult for the Dutch to understand the trick and reason, but they managed to learn it.

If there’s a problem······.


The gymnasium is too narrow a space for her to practice martial arts… no, to move.

“Then, shall we go somewhere wider?”

On my way out after dinner with him. In response to Hwaran’s grumbling, Corinne suggested it.


“Hmm… the playground is kind of like that. There are a lot of people, so you can get hurt in the aftermath… and the festival venue is kind of like that for the same reason.”

Hwaran’s punch kills people only in the aftermath. Right now, Corinne Locke was also destroying the facilities in the gym one after another, so there was no suitable place for her to practice.

“There’s an empty lot near the inn. I think it’ll be fine there.”

An empty lot in the suburbs that we arrived at. There are no monsters, but this place, which was neglected after being selected for urban expansion development, is a good place for the Hwaran to freely move.

“Shall we stick together lightly?”



– Tung! Tung Tung!

– Quaang! Kwak Kwa Kwak!

The ground is crushed with a single punch, and the terrain changes with a hand gesture.

Monstrous strength and defense. An explosion of pure power without any tricks.

The spearman collapses only in the aftermath of the power that causes the destruction.


Six chorus hapki. Posture control using spear pole following anti-tank ball.

Whether you have a good tact or a high level of skill, you hold on somehow and the other person is looking for a timing to put a wedge in.

Double Sided Dragon Blood Temple

A spear of a sharp rushing snake. The trajectory of the winding snake is dizzy. But these eyes grasp even that.

Hwaran uses his overwhelming physicality and reflexes to evade the trajectory of the spear before moving on to attack.

The look is standard, but somehow clumsy. Like wearing clothes that don’t fit.

And clothes that don’t fit will quickly tear.

rule the government.

I lightly punched my right fist, disrupted the trajectory, threw away the spear, and hit the pit with my bare hands.

There was no shock, but the moment I was about to move to a series of vital points… Hwaran hurriedly jumped backwards.


Corinne is puzzled by the passive retreat.

“What? You could have just endured that much.”


What was dissatisfaction with Hwaran quickly turned around.

From noble mtl dot com

“I want to stop.”


He is a really emotional kid. However, looking at the damaged nature around me, I thought it would be okay to do this today.

“Then, shall we go back to the academy soon? Since tomorrow is the weekend, I’m thinking of looking at the mission board.”



“Not the dormitory.”


“You know. Your inn.”


The destination was suddenly decided at an inn.

grown-up men and women. stay out at the inn.

* * * *

‘Hwa… that, that’s right. Do you want to change players?’


‘Oh, why! I want to be with you too!’


Hwa, who had washed clean and ignored her noisy housemate, threw the chain over the bed while wearing a nun’s uniform.

Due to Saint Estelle’s little consideration, she did not have to wear chains in her daily life, but this is a secret to many people.

‘Are you doing it? Are you going to commit it?’


Hwa raised a voice of selling at the flow of Ran’s lewd demon.

Trying to sleep while holding my hand. I don’t really care at times like these days.

“And… there are no storks here either.”

‘I know···! I was with you when I was looking for the Stork Habitat book! Should I go north as well?’

“Today… I’m not trying to have a baby… that’s up to you.”

‘It’s like that again. You like oppa too.’


Hwa immediately ignored Ran’s smirk. The thing I like about Korin is Ran, who is my roommate. It is also Ran who wants to have a baby.

Hwa is in the position that if Ran has a baby, she can at least take care of Ran’s baby as sisters who share the same body.

‘How many babies should I ask? Should I still have a brother? Two boys, two girls… yes! I’ll bring them one by one, so let’s bring the other two to Woe.’


‘why? Oppa and our two babies are sure to be cute. I think I want to ask 20 people. Um… is child support a problem?’

“Because I can make money…”

Hwa recalled the Guardian rank given to him. Getting gold coins every month and hunting monsters is more money than I thought.

Even if you catch only the small fish that can be annihilated with a single gesture, you can receive coins that will fill your piggy bank.

Hwa thought about that and walked out of the room Corinne gave her and walked down the hallway.

Even after the festival, business seems to be going well, customers come and go.

Seeing the man holding onto the woman’s shoulders, it seems that they are trying to sleep while holding hands.

“There are no storks here.”

‘I know?’

Leaving behind such a trivial question, I was heading to the lake where Corin was.

‘Brother… he seems to be having a hard time lately.’


After the skirmish with the man, he had been overtaxing himself lately.

He gets stuck in the weight room, increases the amount of training, and doesn’t come out.

Hwaran also realized his powerlessness and locked himself in the training room, but he couldn’t stay long because of the excessive force.

‘Can’t my brother cheer me up?’

“······Are you going to eat?”

‘Hmm… that might be too simple.’

There’s nothing wrong with not having it though. Hwaran bought some snacks from the shop attached to the inn and headed to Corin’s room.

It is a very considerate consideration for this girl who is independent as a child in the world and does not care about other people’s eyes.


Of course, access to the inn is basically locked. However, Hwaran is capable of opening the inn door that blocks my way without hesitation.

– Clumsy!

The doorknob was smashed and the door was forced open.

“Oh, what a surprise! What, what?”

Corinne is startled when she opens the door. However, what surprised me was the anger as well.



The same goes for the cohabitants inside the body. I could do nothing but watch as I stood still as if I had been taken by surprise.

When a person witnesses something unexpected, they have a blank time.

The level of this surprise will be determined by how long the blankness and silence lasted.

And now the level will be about 9 out of 10 from 1.

“Why… are you naked?”

The time the two girls couldn’t even count. Only after Corinne sighed, saying, ‘You’re going blank for 30 seconds…’ did she open her mouth.

“No, because I washed it…”

obvious answer. As she said, Corinne had just washed up and was wearing a bathrobe.

The upper body was naked, while the lower body was tied with a towel belt.

Perhaps because of the usual hard training schedule, the strong small muscles with no waste stand out.

The silence of Hwa and Ran stemmed from that.

I knew that I was always in good shape… but they say that a knight’s capital is his body… he was really good.

There was something strangely itchy about that body.

‘I’m angry… I feel… strange.’


Fortunately, the voice of the housemate does not reach Corinne.

If I even uttered such words, I would die with my nose in the warm river in May.

Apart from it, and.

“Are you… a scar?”

The gaze of anger is directed toward the lower abdomen. Strange letters were regularly arranged there.


Small but clear. Whether it’s a scar that reveals your presence or a tattoo, you don’t know.

“That’s why I can fight.”

Corinne, clad in a bath towel, closed the door that Hannah had broken and led her into the room.

A small desk at the inn. Sitting on the minimal chair in front of him, Hwaran put his buttocks on the soft bed.

Hwaran glanced at Corinne’s flushed skin.

I don’t know why… When I saw it, I was a little ‘moved’.

“What are you talking about?”

Hwaran, looking for something to talk about, seems to dissipate his shame. Now this girl also has a social life that turns her words around.

“The warriors of the shadow kingdom have something called ‘precepts’. They strengthen themselves by limiting themselves.”

Corinne didn’t elaborate on the precepts inscribed on her body, but explained how they worked.

“This is the reason I fight, and the source of my ability to fight. Without this power, I wouldn’t have been able to save you either.”


It is understandable with a rough explanation. In short, this is a tool that amplifies power. then······.

“I want a bird too.”


was flatly rejected.


Hwaran was pursuing power more than ever. The immaturity revealed in the battle with Balthazar, his pride crumble, and he found a reason to become stronger.

To protect this boy, you must be strong.

“First of all… If your body is strong, no matter how much magic you put into it, you won’t be able to engrave the precepts. You won’t even get scratched.”


“Secondly, this is high risk, high return. Unlike me, who is incompetent, it is not a power that a talented person like you will use.”

“You are not incompetent.”

“No, if you compare it like that——”

“I’m not incompetent. Correct me.”

The red eyes stare heavily. It was so difficult to avoid his gaze.

“······Uh, yes. I’m not incompetent. Thank you.”

Corinne awkwardly corrects her words and scratches her cheek shyly.

“Anyway, unlike me, who has to amplify his power even by revealing his fatal weakness… For you and others, amplifying your power here doesn’t mean much.”

Corinne knows the pinnacle of each girl.

Hwaran awakens to a complete non-cheonyacha.

Sword Saint Arisha Arden reaching the tip of the sword.

In the case of Marie, it is different from the love affair, but if it is the peak of a vampire, it is clearly stated in the world view.

As the protagonists of this world, they have their own growth methods, and there are no desperate limitations for extras like themselves.

It doesn’t make sense to make a weakness. What they need isn’t such a simple spec upgrade.

Still, Corinne was a little moved.

The reason Hwaran said he would engrave the precepts on his own was definitely for himself.

I thought that I had a very close relationship with this child, and confirmed the relationship that had progressed in my heart.

“Whoa, this brother will buy me sushi tomorrow…”

It was then. Hwaran, who had been staring at him, suddenly stood up and grabbed his wrist.


Then, he pulls Hwarran with force that cannot be ignored. Thanks to you, I flopped on the bed! settled down


“Take it off.”


“Take it off.”

A forceful gaze looked down at him with a red flushed face.

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