Summer embraces blue (3)

“Come on, Corin. Try this. It’s freshly picked from our fruit and vegetable store.”

“Corrine, would you like some beef jerky?”


The Locke couple fell into deep thought as they saw their son visiting for the first time in two years.

Usually, when friends visit a friend’s house, they say hello to their parents and then lock themselves in their room to play.

The problem is when same-s*x people bring same-s*x friends. How on earth do you act when you bring friends of the opposite s*x?

What if the girls are quite, blatantly showing their attraction to you?

‘ma’am. No matter how you look at it… right?’

‘At least three friends of the same age seem to be like that. Still… they don’t seem to touch young children…’

“Boss… what is that?”

“Dried fruit. Do you want some?”

“Hmm… Aang~”

A girl eating dried fruit with her mouth open as if it were natural. The petite blonde girl had a refreshing expression.

“It’s payday, right? Can’t you buy me some clothes with it?”

“What are you doing with your money? Save it. My brother will buy it for you.”

Since when did it start?

The reason my son spoke and treated girls so naturally.

The couple felt unfamiliar as they watched their son grow up so precociously in less than two years.

“How is Sia? Are you still eating honey candy these days? I wonder if all this is rotting.”

“They say dessert shops are crazy these days.”

“It would be hard to handle it with a child’s allowance. Also, if you chase after a strange theater actor somewhere, I’ll have to break your leg with a club.”

The couple was relieved to see the familiar attitude toward their younger sister. Even though his relationship with the woman has become a little more complicated, he is still my son.

Corin Locke’s body contains the soul of an Earthling. However, this did not mean that the identity of Corin Locke completely disappeared.

The two souls sharing one body coexisted in a completely different form from Hwa and Ran and were virtually fused.

Since Corin had finished worrying about the fusion of egos and identity in the previous episode, he treated the Locke couple without any hesitation.

As the conversation deepened, Rudin carefully changed the topic.

“Hmm… By the way, son. Did you get a ‘girlfriend’ at the academy?”



– Huh!



I never thought it would be this blatant.

Even a child estimated to be around ten years old…

Son, what kind of life have you been living?

“hahahaha, as you know. I’m Mossol. I’ve always been there. I’m a bit busy these days, so I don’t have any signs of doing so.”

I don’t think so? Well… I think there are only six people that I know of.

While Rudin was cowering, Suel attacked.

“Son. Have you made many friends?”

“Ah, yes. I sent it to you in a letter too, right? It’s Lark and Jaeger…”

“No, not my male friends, but my female friends. Do you have any friendships…”

Is there more here? said Suel Locke, examining his intentions very carefully. I don’t think I’m going to stay here any longer.

Suel was really upset, but Corinne started to increase her friendship without any awareness.

“Ah, I have a druid friend, Yuel, and I have a business friend named Lenya. Master and Runia… That’s right, I heard that the saintess will be visiting us soon, so don’t be too surprised.”

“Stand, Lady Stand?!”

“Are you talking about the first princess?!”

“Well, we happened to become friends.”

“How did you become friends with the saint? How!”

“It’s a long story.”

Although he had already written a heroic epic because of that, Corin, the true dutiful child who did not want to worry his parents, swallowed those words.

Up to this point, even the four girls knew. They each sighed and looked at Corin with eyes like a puppy getting caught in the rain…


“Is there anything else?”

There was a separate bomb.

“I will soon become close with the second princess Miriam.”


Everyone was dumbfounded by such a confident declaration. No one knows Corrin’s plans. But I know one thing.

“This father…! You didn’t raise your baby like that!!”

“No, what else?!

“Son… I’m disappointed. I’m really disappointed.”

This guy is still planning on seducing more women.




Corin was kicked out after being scolded by an enraged Rudin.

An ordinary person wouldn’t have scratched the driver by hitting him with a broom, but Corinne wisely left the place, saying he would repair the roof or something.

And the remaining time. Interviews were conducted with the three girls except Ren, who followed Corinne.

First, Arisha Aden.

“Ah, this is Arisha Aden.”

“Knight Runia came to visit in the morning… Are you his younger brother?”

“Oh, yes! Did you come first? I heard you prepared some presents.”

“From what I heard, she’s your fiancé…”

“Ah, there are several reasons for that. It seems like you are serious, so the story will probably come up in the family soon.”

“Uh, how did it happen…”

“So Miss Alicia becomes Corrin’s sister-in-law?”

“Isn’t that right? There is a high probability that Corin will become your brother-in-law.”

Aside from that, the way he looked at my son was unusual. But was it a mistake on the part of the couple to see them even refer to him as their brother-in-law?

“From my sister’s point of view, do you want to become my husband-in-law?”


“What did you just say?”

“Oh! Oh, it’s nothing!”




“Hello, you two.”


“Miss, your eye color is…”

His gaze, which had once been ominously red, changed to sea-blue, and his overbearing bluntness turned into gentle softness.

It is natural for a couple to be embarrassed by their attitude as if the person has changed.

“There are some circumstances.”

Unlike his blunt anger, Ran explained his story briefly and calmly. In the process, he praised Corinne and stimulated the couple’s emotions.

“Ugh…! The little girl must have had a hard time!”

“Corin… you did a great job. Mom is proud.”

Seeing the two people fully immersed in my story, Ran politely knelt down and gently held their hands.

“My life was saved thanks to my brother. You two are also my benefactors.”

“Yes, I am thankful that you like me so much, even though you are my child.”

“You must have been through a lot of hardship, but you are also persevering.”

The two people sympathized with Ran’s story, found it amazing, and instantly melted into each other. I also liked the true column.

“But if you say it right, isn’t the Dutch child also a separate personality? He might think differently.”

“Ah, you don’t have to worry about that part. Hwa likes you as much as I do──”

In an instant, the friendly atmosphere of Ran changed completely. First, from the inner hair to the eyes. The gently raised corners of the mouth droop and harden.


“No… that’s right.”

“Could it be…Hani?”

A red-eyed girl with a stern expression, but her flushed skin did not disappear, stared at the couple.

“Tea, it’s an illusion…”

With those words at the end, poof! The girl turns her head and runs out of the room. The couple thought.

“My son is very sinful.”

“······Iknow, right.”

The couple was said to be of one mind, and their evaluation of their children was accurate.



Marie Dunareff.

“Oh, hello! Father! Mother!”

“Oh, father?”

“Keuhum… I can’t believe it’s my mother.”

“Huh! I’m sorry! I was nervous…!”

He was a naive and pure child.

This girl, who was my son’s first grader, has a similar story to Hwaran. Indeed, as you listen to the story, you might fall in love with your own child.

“Huh, then Miss Marie has feelings for Corin.”

“Wouldn’t it be okay?”

“No, no. How can I say something like that when I like her? The only thing I’m worried about is Corinne. What happened to make these girls so cruel…?”


There were too many women, but there were too many.

There was a possibility, but when so many women are attracted to one man, many losers are born.

The Locke couple was worried about the girls who would suffer from failed love.

“Oh, that’s okay. Time will solve everything…”

“Huh? Time?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. Yes, that’s right! I prepared a gift for you!”

Marie held out the gift boxes I had packed.

“hehehe, all this…”

“Seasonal fruits and crops? I’ll eat them well.”

“There is also alcohol made from potatoes? Come to think of it, in the South, they make alcohol with potatoes… huh?”


Southern. potato. Dunareff.

The couple thought of the same thing when they heard a combination of words that were familiar to them.

“”Dunaref… Duke?””

“Yes, my father is Duke Dunareff.”


“Oh my gosh!”

A couple hurriedly gets up and falls down. Although modern nobles have been reduced to bureaucrats and all social statuses other than the royal family have become fake, the opponent was Dunarev.

The most conservative and powerful territorial nobles. Are there one or two merchants affiliated with Dunaref who have entered the royal capital right now?

Right now, the Locke couple’s restaurant is also receiving Dunarep potatoes and crops from middlemen.

“Don’t do this…!”

“Oh, how dare we!”

“Speak softly, Lady Duchess!”

“Ah, father, mother… I feel so sad when you do this. I feel so sorry for Corin as well.”


In response to Marie’s continued requests, the two carefully straightened their backs. Of course, my knee didn’t heal.

“Well, the duke’s daughter thinks of our poor bastard… that’s the honor of the family…”

“Ugh, please don’t do this. Ah! That’s right! You said you run a restaurant, right? This is my family seal. If you go to the Dunaref Company, you will be able to receive free ingredients from now on!”

“Si, ingredients?”

The most expensive part of a restaurant is the cost of raw materials. Good ingredients lead to good dishes, and good ingredients are expensive.

Moreover, if you consider the margins paid by middlemen who transport food from the production site to the royal capital, the cost of food ingredients becomes even higher.

“How dare you! You’re in trouble if you do this!”

But I shouldn’t have received a gift like this. Even though we’re not even in the dating stage yet, I can’t handle receiving such a big gift.

“Ah, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to show off by doing something like this.”

“Oh, something like this?

Marie took out a document with a truly sorry expression. This is a storage document from a gold coin storage facility operated by the Zeon Church.

“This isn’t a big deal. I’m secretly putting in some pocket money under Corinne’s name. I’m hiding it because I’m afraid Corinne might feel burdened, but the two of you are doing this, so I’d like you to use it.”

“Uh, uhh… this is difficult.”

Marie grabs the hands of Ludin and Suel, who are trying to reject them. Marie asked with sorrowful eyes, as if she would cry at any moment.

“The debt I owe Corin is so great. I want to repay her in this way, but can you please accept my small sympathy?”

“K, keuhm…”

Marie clearly owed a great debt to her children. Because it was the price of life.

Since it comes out like this, wouldn’t it be okay to receive at least a small gift?

“If you really say that, I will keep it and give it to Corin.”

“Wow! That was a good idea! It’s really not that big of a deal, so don’t feel pressured!”

Yes, it was no big deal, and the two couples felt a little more at ease. They carefully opened the document and──

「Recipient: Corin Locke

Deposit: 140,000 gold”

──I ended up fainting.

* * * *

Meanwhile, Hwa, who had run away, squatted down against the wall near Corin’s house.

“Now admit it honestly, right? Hua, it’s true that you like your brother too.”


“How long do you want to do this? “What if someone else takes my brother away?”


It is now a worn-out question and answer.

I can’t be honest at all. No, I was being too honest, but I wasn’t acknowledging the crucial part. At times like this, my sister gets frustrated.

Seeing such anger, Ran sighed slightly and decided to watch. Although it wasn’t as bad as Hwa, Ran was also a young girl and didn’t know how to resolve things like this.

“Huh? What’s happening to the nun in our neighborhood?”

While I was squatting like that for a while, a girl came up to me.

A wild-looking girl with long bluish hair tied in a ponytail. Before I even thought she looked like someone else, she came out! Hand out candy.

“It’s a honey bomb candy. Do you want to eat it?”

“······Want some.”

Is it because it resembles someone? Hwa took the candy the girl gave him without much caution and ate it.

A girl giggles and watches Hwa chewing candy while sucking it.


“No, if you look at the nun, you look really cute.”


“No, this is my honest opinion. Would you like some more candy?”

“······Want some.”

Honey bomb candy. That was a candy that Corinne often recommended. Both Hwado and Ran liked that destructive sweetness.

“What are you worried about? You’re squatting in a place like this.”


As expected, the atmosphere was similar. Because of this, Hwa’s guard against the girl easily collapsed, and with Ran encouraging him to seek objective counseling, he began to tell his story.

“It’s love.”

“right? “Am I right?”

“How are you sure?”

The two people’s assertiveness gave Hwa a sense of rebellion. Hwa glares at him with a slightly sharper gaze as if asking for evidence.

“Think about it, Sister. What would it be like if he were with another woman?”


“What if he touches it?”

“My heart… is pounding.”

“What if I’m in that person’s arms?”

“······It’s comfortable.”

-match! A girl clapping her hands and cheering. She confirmed once again with a faint smile.

“We decided to call it love.”


At this point, it was difficult to even come up with a rebuttal argument. But I’m still hesitant.

“Then how about doing this? Asking her out on a date.”


“First of all, go somewhere to have fun with that person. Try it once and if you say no, then no, and if you say yes…”

“If you want?”

“I need to kiss you.”


“This is it…!”

The progress is too fast. Anger revealed desperate defiance.

“You… so fast. Clara… said that. After the kiss… it’s making a baby…”

“Oh, that’s right! Uh, what should I do… Huh? “You’ve already done that several times.”


That’s right. uh? It’s because there aren’t any storks around, but haven’t they made babies several times already?

Have you already done more than kiss? What do we do? All over again? Or start with making children again?

A boy approached the confused Hwaran and the girl who was looking on with a sly look.

“You said you left, what are you doing here? Huh? Sia?”

“Come room?”

“W~ My Sister. What are you doing here?”

“I was having life counseling with a nun, my brother.”


Hwa was embarrassed to see the two people having a friendly conversation. Sia? Brother?

“Let me introduce you. This is my younger sister, Sia Locke. Sia, Ann Hwaran, is a classmate at the Academy.”

“Oh, that’s right~~”

A sly gaze is directed at anger. After finally sorting out the situation and relationship, Hwa realized.

The person he was giving dating advice to was his younger sister!

“Hey~ My brother is talented. Are you going to get a girlfriend soon?”

“What do you mean?”

Thump! Anger grabs the hem of Corinne’s shirt.

“Uh… Hwaya?”

He lowered his head and mumbled his anger. In her head-spinning confusion, she came to one conclusion.

If you’re going to get caught anyway…



“Go on a date with me.”

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