I know this ancient god

Chapter 1 Please create your ancient god logo (please collect, recommend and invest in the new book!

In the year 8024 of the New Calendar, human footprints are all over the stars. Brave explorers have found many miracles that have been hidden in history, and you will have the opportunity to be the creator of these miracles.

Please create your ancient god logo:

(flashing input box)

A young man was sitting on the curb next to the lawn. He was holding a virtual screen in his hand, and the above words were slowly scrolling on the screen.

The young man's name is Tang Xuan, and he bought this virtual screen from a street stall a week ago. At that time, the virtual screen was in a scrapped state and could not even be turned on. It was just repaired today. But I don't know what went wrong. I couldn't enter the desktop after booting and restarting three times in a row. Instead, I directly logged into this unnamed game.

Tang Xuan pouted: "Isn't the year 8024 in the new calendar this year?"

In 8024 of the New Calendar, the archaeological team continued to unearth strong evidence, and officials admitted that a powerful group existed a long time ago. This group once enslaved humans, but disappeared into history for unknown reasons.

This group has a serious academic name, but is better known by another name.

ancient god

Tang Xuan put his finger on the power off button again.

Please enter the ancient god ID that represents you:

The input box still flashes quietly.

Tang Xuan stared at the input box for a long time.

"Forget it, you may need to change a motherboard." He moved his finger to the input area, "I have never played this game, and I have nothing to do. Why not give it a try."

He drew a crooked moon.

The input box lit up.

A dark golden vertical line sweeps across the moon from left to right.


The virtual screen vibrated.

A big red cross appears on the input box.

The moon painted by Tang Xuan has been deleted.

A line of tiny characters appeared below the input box: The ancient god's logo needs to be easy to identify, unique and difficult to ignore. It is recommended to increase the complexity.

Tang Xuan raised his eyebrows: "Don't you think it's complicated enough?"

Then I’ll give you something complicated!

So Tang Xuan manually listed a high-order nonlinear multi-dimensional space-time conversion equation in the input box.

The virtual screen shook again.

This equation was deleted.

The tip is still the same: it is recommended to increase the complexity.

"The final question in our final exam of advanced mathematics is not complicated enough?" Tang Xuan rolled his eyes, "Then what is considered complicated? Mix the blood of cows, sheep and pigs in a ratio of 1:1:2 and then draw it?"

The virtual screen suddenly shook.

A line of words scrolled out on the screen: Please continue.

Tang Xuan was stunned.

go on?

Tang Xuan was very surprised.

"This game actually has a voice collection system." He said thoughtfully, "Is this an exclusive game board for some rich second generation?"

Tang Xuan heard that some rich second generations who love to play games will customize a virtual screen from the manufacturer that can only play a specific game. This kind of virtual screen is called an exclusive game board, and all the internal configurations are for a specific game. Services to enhance players’ gaming experience to the extreme.

Tang Xuan suddenly became interested.

He has never played such an advanced game.

Tang Xuan thought about it: "Mix the blood of cattle, sheep and pigs in a ratio of 1:1:2, and then draw a full moon and six stars."

As soon as he finished speaking, the full moon and stars he described appeared in the input box. The scrolling prompt below the input box: Please make adjustments to ensure that your ancient god logo is uniquely identifiable.

Tang Xuan said slightly nervously: "The full moon and stars are solid, and the stars surround the moon evenly. The amount of raw materials consumed to draw the stars is twice that of the moon. That's it, no changes."

A dark gold vertical line sweeps across the new logo from left to right.


A green checkmark pops up in the center of the screen.

The star and moon logo automatically moves to the upper left corner.

A new question appeared on the screen: Please give yourself a name.

This should be an ancient god type role-playing game.

Tang Xuan thought to himself.

It was not difficult to come up with a name, he just opened his mouth and said: "Nicholas!"


"Goose that loves chili sauce!"


"Old Wang!"


After three consecutive errors, a line of small words will pop up under the input box.

Recommended names for you: pain, darkness, terror, hypocrisy, machine, life, soul, ancient, supreme, violent, jealous, arrogant, greedy, devouring. [Click to expand and read more]

Tang Xuan read along and muttered as he read: "None of them sound good. By the way, can you call me Zu An? It's intimidating."


The virtual screen vibrated silently in protest.

Tang Xuan looked at it for a long time and finally chose [Extreme Ancient]. After selection, the name [Jigu] automatically moves to the upper left corner, juxtaposed with the star and moon logo.

A line of small words scrolled out in the center of the screen: Do you want to start?

Tang Xuan nodded subconsciously.


The sound of a door opening came from the screen.

The dark background cracked a bright line in the middle, like a door being pushed open. The darkness moved to both sides, and the light poured out to occupy the screen.

After a few seconds, the light gradually dimmed, revealing a three-dimensional picture.

In the center of the picture is a Q version of a little man in gray clothes. He is surrounded by villagers dressed similarly to him, who are conducting a sacrificial activity.

There are direction keys and interaction keys at the bottom, and there is an obvious exclamation mark near the left border.

Tang Xuan was confused. He remembered that he just nodded and said nothing.

This was also recognized.

Voice collection plus facial scanning.

How did such a good game board end up on the street?

Could it be that the stall owner is a rich second generation who is experiencing life?

Tang Xuan reached out and poked the exclamation mark on the left side.

Sure enough, this is a task panel.

Mission name: [Replace ①]

Mission introduction: As you can see, this is the first link in the chain of missions. Now you are just an ordinary person with the heart of an ancient god, and the village you are in has been occupied by other ancient gods. If you want to become an ancient god here, you must send your predecessor on his way.

Task tip: This sacrifice is very important to the ancient god.

Mission rewards: If the number of failures is less than ten, the reward is [Heroic Power]; if the number of failures is less than one hundred, the reward is [Common Language]; if the number of failures is less than one thousand, the reward is [Small Physical Strength].

Mission notes: The predecessor must die, even if he is an ancient god.

Ordinary people kill ancient gods?

Tang Xuan raised his chin thoughtfully, thinking that this task shouldn't be difficult. After all, it was the first task after character registration. Judging from the mission prompts, this ancient god is probably seriously injured and on the verge of death. As long as he destroys the sacrifice, he should be able to complete the mission.

However, there is a description in the mission reward of "less than one thousand failures", so future missions may be difficult.

Tang Xuan saw that some villagers had already brought their livestock over. In order not to waste time, Tang Xuan directly controlled the character to run towards the altar. He felt that as long as he messed around on the altar for a while, the sacrifice would not be able to go on.

The little man in gray ran forward, but when he was about to approach the altar, he was caught by the villagers next to him. There was a burst of scolding sounds in the screen, and then his little man in gray was caught back to where he was.

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